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Colin Kaepernick Thread and related anthem kneeling issues/news (1 Viewer)

Personally I believe the socks aint so great considering the verbal attack against the SF PD.. 

However in a normal circumstance, Id say its fine   Its like wearing a pink shirt   Some will do it  Some can get away it  Some dont get it 

While in the Navy I picked up a nice suit that was shown using a pink shirt and a black tie   Thought I looked pretty good

I dont think I could do the socks though   I know cops can get killed for such things as dragging a man off a woman etc. (donut joke is cool though)

I think it's pretty clear now.  He is just a weak minded kid being told what to do and trying to fit in. I expect he'll cry racism after he's cut as well before fading off into bankruptcy 
Its been pretty clear from the start ..... 

People listen to Lebron because of his actions

People hate Kap because of his actions.

Different actions, different results. Kap knew what he was doing, he's not dumb. His fiance probably loves spewing the hatred and stoking the fires of racism, being a BLM muslim and all. Say, i didn't see BLM in Louisiana helping flood victims did you ?

like this - this man is genuine


Different actions, different results. Kap knew what he was doing, he's not dumb. His fiance probably loves spewing the hatred and stoking the fires of racism, being a BLM muslim and all. Say, i didn't see BLM in Louisiana helping flood victims did you?
No, but they are not exactly The Red Cross. And I don't recall seeing political or activist groups of any stripe helping the flood victims.

Look I don't care what side of the fence you're on with this. You can't think him doing this was a good ####### idea. 
People have not really been defending what he did, just his right to do it. If you go back to when this was first discussed I said something to the effect that I understood his point of view but if he wanted to call attention to racism in this country, the way he went about it was wrong.

Funny thing is that I considered specifically mentioning you as someone who probably would have a problem with baseball cap wearing and the like, but I held off because the post wasn't directed at any specific poster.  So please don't take it personally.  Calling it a false accusation does not make sense either.  Clearly many people (I would contend "most people" but you probably disagree) never give a second thought to why they stand for the ovation and do it purely out of rote memorization and pack mentality.  Do you consider them to be honoring and respectful?
Unfortunately, you're probably right.

Chaka said:
If you really want to be nice to those who risk their lives to protect this country I think a good starting place would be to stop risking their lives invading, or threatening to invade, every country that looks at us crosswise.

Maybe elect some people who don't march us off to never-ending wars against countries that didn't attack us in the first place?  Or oust those politicians who created the power vacuum that allowed new enemies to flourish?

Those would be good places to start.  But lets keep with the invading and inciting and instead choose to be angry at the guy who didn't stand for the anthem.  YAY TROOPS!
Is this the part where I mention this is one of about 420 reasons I'm not voting for trump or does that constitute thread hijacking? :)

Kaepernick is just a misunderstood kid.  He wants to make a stand against what he perceives is a slight against people of color.  History will look back on this and applaud him just like it has done with other athletes who have taken a stand against oppression.  Not really a big deal other than getting a lot of white folk's panties in a bunch at the moment.  Give it some time to breath and a lot of people are going to be on the wrong side of this uprising.  my 2 cents

NFL: Flag decal on helmet can’t be removed

Patriotic or disrespectful?  You make the call.

(i) The flag should never be used for advertising purposes in any manner whatsoever. It should not be embroidered on such articles as cushions or handkerchiefs and the like, printed or otherwise impressed on paper napkins or boxes or anything that is designed for temporary use and discard. Advertising signs should not be fastened to a staff or halyard from which the flag is flown.

(j) No part of the flag should ever be used as a costume or athletic uniform. However, a flag patch may be affixed to the uniform of military personnel, firemen, policemen, and members of patriotic organizations. The flag represents a living country and is itself considered a living thing. Therefore, the lapel flag pin being a replica, should be worn on the left lapel near the heart.

I think it's a gray area as the Code refers to actual flags, although the temporary use guideline seems to apply here.  I'm going with "sort of okay" but YMMV.

Kap is pretty slick ... now, in his eyes, when he gets cut it will be because "the man" is keeping him down ... and not because he sucks.

At least hardcore football fans will know the truth.

Kaep's last NFL football game is tonight.

What is everyone doing to celebrate this champion of civil rights?
I'll be sitting down eating nachos with salsa that screams San Diego Ca. That is until the National Anthem starts...At that time I will stand and hold my hand over my heart. After the game I really think I will never give him another thought... Unless he SHOWS me that he's really doing something that has impact and helps the cause he so believes in. Maybe Santa Claus will take pity and give him new socks... :unsure:  Mostly he takes pity...mostly [newt].

Kaep's last NFL football game is tonight.

What is everyone doing to celebrate this champion of civil rights?
Oh, C K can't see,
That Steve Young is right,
What Jaworskie proudly hailed,
After Alex Smith's last reaming?
Who's broad did he swipe, is aldon at the bars,
Threw balls with  perilous flight,
Over the open receivers we watched,
We're so gallantly steaming.
And the pocket's not there,
His bombs intercepted in air,
Gave proof through the night,
To start Gabbert because he was still here.
Oh say does that star spangled banner yet wave,
For the land of the free, and the home of the brave.

Lol  Pigs. I hope Kaepernick is getting mugged and beaten one night and calls out for a nearby police officer and they laugh and walk away. What a f##### scumbag.
I really don't get this wish for either a season ending injury or for some violence to be inflicted upon him that I keep hearing from a small segment of posters here.

squistion            it comes because of Kap being such a punk thug that is showing hatred for whites, police and anyone not muslim or black

Kap is a racist, he's anti-police, he supports the terror group BLM ..... easy to wish bad things on guys like that. 

Meanwhile, Tomi Lahren is attacked violently and nobody says a dang word about it ? What the heck has this country come to? She used her 1st rights to tear Kap apart ... she never threatened him, asked harm of him - nothing and Kap's people ask for her to kill herself, they want her fired ...   and you wonder why the thug mentality exist? 

good job Kaepernick, you've proved the stereotype EXACTLY right 


squistion            it comes because of Kap being such a punk thug that is showing hatred for whites, police and anyone not muslim or black

Kap is a racist, he's anti-police, he supports the terror group BLM ..... easy to wish bad things on guys like that. 
BLM is a terrorist group. :lol:

Most of us have to give up football after high school.

Kaep was very fortunate to be able to play all the way up until today.

Nice season, errr.. career you had, Kaep. :thumbup:

JimmyJabroni said:
There are many videos out there of their supporters chanting and advocating killing of police as well as advocating rioting and targeting whites for violence. I think hate group is more appropriate but either way, nothing funny about a group and supporters that are for violence.
They aren't for violence and they don't advocate violence.

Check out their website: http://blacklivesmatter.com/

Yes, there are video clips of protestors chanting that stuff, but those are literally 30-45 seconds out of what are marches that last 2-4 hours, certainly not representative of the participants at those events.

Lol  Pigs. I hope Kaepernick is getting mugged and beaten one night and calls out for a nearby police officer and they laugh and walk away. What a f##### scumbag.
Never question authority.  Authority is beyond reproach.  It doesn't matter if a few minorities get murdered by sociopaths wearing badges; respect the flag or we will lynch you.

Was the outrage and vitriolic criticism that people have shown towards Kaepernick present when other athletes have done the same thing or worse? Examples:  Jackie Robinson, Michael Phelps, Greg Hardy, Ray Rice, and Ray Lewis off the top of my head.

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JimmyJabroni said:
That was pretty much the entirety of the "protests" in Milwaukee, not 30 - 45 seconds. Videos of supporters burning down their neighborhoods, advocating going to the white neighborhoods to destroy their stuff instead,  chasing down vehicles with whites in them, randomly assaulting whites for being in the "wrong hood". The videos are all out there on Youtube and other sites. Plenty of videos in other "protests" of chants for killing police. I don't hear any strong official message putting these "protestors" on the right track. So I disagree that it is not representative BLM or what they stand for.
Has it been documented that the people in Milwaukee who did this were members of BLM and this was orchestrated and approved of by the BLM organization?

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JimmyJabroni said:
That was pretty much the entirety of the "protests" in Milwaukee, not 30 - 45 seconds. Videos of supporters burning down their neighborhoods, advocating going to the white neighborhoods to destroy their stuff instead,  chasing down vehicles with whites in them, randomly assaulting whites for being in the "wrong hood". The videos are all out there on Youtube and other sites. Plenty of videos in other "protests" of chants for killing police. I don't hear any strong official message putting these "protestors" on the right track. So I disagree that it is not representative BLM or what they stand for.

Link to videos?  This is complete rubbish.  Below is the official BLM response to the police shooting in Dallas.

The Black Lives Matter Network advocates for dignity, justice, and respect.

In the last few days, this country witnessed the recorded murders of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile at the hands of police, the latest victims in this country’s failed policing system. As we have done for decades, we marched and protested to highlight the urgent need to transform policing in America, to call for justice, transparency and accountability, and to demand that Black Lives Matter.

In Dallas, many gathered to do the same, joining in a day of action with friends, family, and co-workers. Their efforts were cut short when a lone gunman targeted and attacked 11 police officers, killing five. This is a tragedy–both for those who have been impacted by yesterday’s attack and for our democracy. There are some who would use these events to stifle a movement for change and quicken the demise of a vibrant discourse on the human rights of Black Americans. We should reject all of this.

Black activists have raised the call for an end to violence, not an escalation of it. Yesterday’s attack was the result of the actions of a lone gunman. To assign the actions of one person to an entire movement is dangerous and irresponsible. We continue our efforts to bring about a better world for all of us.




  1. the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.

Google " BLM Ferguson" .... "BLM Minneapolis" etc .... you'll see what BLM does and their demands are all about getting everything for nothing 

JimmyJabroni said:
To me It doesn't matter if it was orchestrated and approved by some official BLM person...if people are holding BLM signs and doing BLM chants and then doing this, then the movement is out of control and no longer peaceful protesting.
Obviously. You don't care about facts.

JimmyJabroni said:
Now you are just being silly, highlighting the 1st 5 words without the rest. :lmao:

End of discussion sir :rolleyes:
Run away when you can't provide one link to back your accusations that BLM was responsible for the violence in Milwaukee.

You literally said "It doesn't matter if it was orchestrated and approved by some official BLM person" In your mind they are 100% responsible because that is what you want to believe. And the fact that you can not provide one link to support your accusation is pretty telling.




  1. the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.

Google " BLM Ferguson" .... "BLM Minneapolis" etc .... you'll see what BLM does and their demands are all about getting everything for nothing 
How about you all just provide links that show BLM "members" engaging in hate and terrorist activity. And what does "getting everything for nothing" even mean?

And thanks but I know what BLM does.  I don't need bigots on an FF site mischaracterizing what they do by referencing vauge BS.

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JimmyJabroni said:
My post is there but apparently 2 sentences is too much for you to mentally handle. Should I repeat it, because now we are almost on 2 sentences already. It doesn't matter if it can't be kept peaceful and under control, which it is showing itself not to be. This is my last post to you for your silly highlighting and discussion style. Buh Bye

ahhh here comes the name calling - sweet !!

black is a color of skin, and there are so many shades of skin in this country right now , its racist to even HAVE such an organization. It defies logic to demand racism end when the very thing that racism is (focusing on skin color only) is the core of an organizations platform !

Kap has acted like a thug - his on field action, racial slurs, anti-police socks, Fidel Castro shirts, BLM ties, not standing for the anthem .... he's living the thug life and projecting it

Russel Wilson - 1/2 white, 1/2 black just like Kap would demand EVERYONES attention and respect if he spoke out on any political issue. Why? The man is honorable, respectful, people see him as a leader and would respond. Lots of guys people would follow - Kap they will never follow now. 

ahhh here comes the name calling - sweet !!

black is a color of skin, and there are so many shades of skin in this country right now , its racist to even HAVE such an organization. It defies logic to demand racism end when the very thing that racism is (focusing on skin color only) is the core of an organizations platform !

Kap has acted like a thug - his on field action, racial slurs, anti-police socks, Fidel Castro shirts, BLM ties, not standing for the anthem .... he's living the thug life and projecting it

Russel Wilson - 1/2 white, 1/2 black just like Kap would demand EVERYONES attention and respect if he spoke out on any political issue. Why? The man is honorable, respectful, people see him as a leader and would respond. Lots of guys people would follow - Kap they will never follow now. 
Indeed. Who in their wildest dreams could ever think of you as a bigot?

It is racist to have a Black Lives Matter organization. :lol:  

Guess you have never been a big fan of the NAACP either.

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Kap has acted like a thug - his on field action, racial slurs, anti-police socks, Fidel Castro shirts, BLM ties, not standing for the anthem .... he's living the thug life and projecting it
Yes a non violent action in support of a position he believes in.  WTF does he think this is the land of the free or something?

Russel Wilson - 1/2 white, 1/2 black just like Kap would demand EVERYONES attention and respect if he spoke out on any political issue. Why? The man is honorable, respectful, people see him as a leader and would respond. Lots of guys people would follow - Kap they will never follow now. 
So, if Wilson sat during the anthem you would be ok with it?

ahhh here comes the name calling - sweet !!

black is a color of skin, and there are so many shades of skin in this country right now , its racist to even HAVE such an organization. It defies logic to demand racism end when the very thing that racism is (focusing on skin color only) is the core of an organizations platform !

Kap has acted like a thug - his on field action, racial slurs, anti-police socks, Fidel Castro shirts, BLM ties, not standing for the anthem .... he's living the thug life and projecting it

Russel Wilson - 1/2 white, 1/2 black just like Kap would demand EVERYONES attention and respect if he spoke out on any political issue. Why? The man is honorable, respectful, people see him as a leader and would respond. Lots of guys people would follow - Kap they will never follow now. 
Yes, things I'm sure of as I sit here this moment.  You are a bigot (thanks for the little msg you left me), you have no idea what racism means, you have no idea what a thug is.

Yes, things I'm sure of as I sit here this moment.  You are a bigot (thanks for the little msg you left me), you have no idea what racism means, you have no idea what a thug is.
Wow what kind of message did he leave?  He definitely does not know the definition of a thug.  My only question is does he realize he is bigot a la David Duke or is he just clueless about it.

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Back to the messenger for a second.

Intersting that Kapaernick kneeled during the anthem tonight in San Diego and was joined by Eric Reid.  Afterwards he was hugged by several teamates.  He also shook hands immediately after the anthem with former Green Beret Nate Boyer, who wrote a very thouhtful letter that was linked to in a post here but largely ignored.  Kap invited Boyer to San Diego, spoke with him for 90 minutes about his protest and what he was doing.

He also stood with his teamates and cheered during the celebration/tribute to the military in the 2nd quarter.


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