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Does Belichick get suspended? (2 Viewers)

Does Goodell suspend Belichick?

  • Yes

    Votes: 21 14.8%
  • No

    Votes: 30 21.1%
  • Fines him

    Votes: 91 64.1%

  • Total voters
The refs are absurd and the games are borderline unwatchable. We all get that. Players and coaches careers and reputations are being affected, it's a big deal. I think we all agree.

With that said, the way players and coaches have acted on the field towards the men who are trying to officiate these games is more embarassing than the calls. It was disgusting in nearly every game yesterday.

The refs are absurd and the games are borderline unwatchable. We all get that. Players and coaches careers and reputations are being affected, it's a big deal. I think we all agree.With that said, the way players and coaches have acted on the field towards the men who are trying to officiate these games is more embarassing than the calls. It was disgusting in nearly every game yesterday.
Not to mention that Belichick was wrong about the thing he was chasing the ref down for anyway. Per the rules it wasn't a challengable play and even if it was, the correct call was made on the field.
The refs are absurd and the games are borderline unwatchable. We all get that. Players and coaches careers and reputations are being affected, it's a big deal. I think we all agree.With that said, the way players and coaches have acted on the field towards the men who are trying to officiate these games is more embarassing than the calls. It was disgusting in nearly every game yesterday.
You are absolutely correct here. If the NFL is going to play hardball with the Ref's they locked out, then they are going to have to crackdown on the constant complaining to them. The more that is allowed the more that will be given and it undermines their authority. All the extra time between every plays allows the coaches, the crowd, and especially the commentators to pick apart every single call; they should just make the call, place the ball, and start the clock, so there is no time to #####.
I find these refs refreshing, let em play out there, its like the 70's The regular refs are not any better trust me
Sunday night game was the opposite of letting them play. 24 accepted penalties, and 13 ( IIRC ) 1st downs by penalty seems to be far from letting them play. Unless you mean let the Refs play. ;)
He should be, but Goodell has made it clear that BB only gets a slap on the wrist when he screws up/cheats. Wouldn't be surprised if he fined the ref instead.

He shouldn't be and won't be. A fine, maybe, but suspension? What are you people smoking. He tried to get the refs attention by touching his arm. This is what people do in real life, try getting out more.

He should be, but Goodell has made it clear that BB only gets a slap on the wrist when he screws up/cheats. Wouldn't be surprised if he fined the ref instead.
I wish he would suspend ALL the refs. Honestly, these guys seem to be getting worse, not better. TIA.
He shouldn't be and won't be. A fine, maybe, but suspension? What are you people smoking. He tried to get the refs attention by touching his arm. This is what people do in real life, try getting out more.
It is pretty much a zero tolerance policy in all sports. Touch an official and take a game or two off.
If the game was still going on he should have been ejected. But after the fact it'll just be a fine. Edit to add: Especially as a player who pulled a ref away from a pile this year wasn't suspended.

And I'm pretty sure Merton Hanks is the one who decides on the punishment since it was an on field incident.

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I wonder what Ed Hochuli would have done had Belichick grabbed him that way after the game was over? :rolleyes:

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I think the time has come for the players to boycott until the locked out refs are allowed to return. The games are taking far too long; the calls are all over the place. I hear some saying let them play, but you need to be consistent.

'SacramentoBob said:
He should be, but Goodell has made it clear that BB only gets a slap on the wrist when he screws up/cheats. Wouldn't be surprised if he fined the ref instead.
No, Goodell charged him a half million dollars and docked him extremely high picks in the draft. What team or coach has EVER had that kind of punishment layed on them? The broncos got docked a SINGLE 3rd round pick when they were found to be cheating the cap... don't act like the Patriots have ever "gotten away" with anything.
I think the smart play by the locked out refs is to TRIPLE their asking price.

Every week their leverage grows by a factor of 10.

By week 6, the NFL will be begging them to come back.

Oh and to the OP, Beli gets a token fine...no suspension.

Frankly I think this is getting blown a little outta proportion. It wasn't like he yanked the guy around.

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I think the time has come for the players to boycott until the locked out refs are allowed to return. The games are taking far too long; the calls are all over the place. I hear some saying let them play, but you need to be consistent.
Shut your mouth. :boxing:
I think the time has come for the players to boycott until the locked out refs are allowed to return. The games are taking far too long; the calls are all over the place. I hear some saying let them play, but you need to be consistent.
First off, no on the boycot. Secondly, the ones screaming their support the loudest for the replacment's whole "They just let us play!" idea are the DBs - and usually the dirty ones at that.When C. Finnegan is one of your loudest proponents, you know something is effed up.
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'bicycle_seat_sniffer said:
I find these refs refreshing, let em play out there, its like the 70's The regular refs are not any better trust me
I actually agree. I don't see the big issue with them.
'zandbak said:
He shouldn't be and won't be. A fine, maybe, but suspension? What are you people smoking. He tried to get the refs attention by touching his arm. This is what people do in real life, try getting out more.
Players have been suspended for touching the refs. Perhaps you should get out more instead of sitting at your computer and insulting people on a message board.
'bicycle_seat_sniffer said:
The regular refs are not any better trust me
Yeah right. The regular refs at least know the NFL rules. I watched them waste a solid 5mins last night trying to figure out if they should enforce 5yds on the end of the punt vs. re-kicking. I saw a few times where what looked like an NFL 'official' run on to the field and correct the refs. It was a joke.
'pittstownkiller said:
'SacramentoBob said:
'zandbak said:
He tried to get the refs attention by touching his arm.
I'm with you Bob, on this one. Did anyone else read into Belichick's look on his face right after he did this as "oh-oh"; it almost looked like he was trying to see who might of saw him.
Mike Wallace treated a ref like Cutler treats his line and a Denver player shoved a ref out of the way so he could get back into the pile vs Atlanta. Nothing happened to either of them. Belichick's not going to get so much as a slap on the wrist and the league's going to send out another press release telling us how great the replacement refs are doing.
I think the time has come for the players to boycott until the locked out refs are allowed to return. The games are taking far too long; the calls are all over the place. I hear some saying let them play, but you need to be consistent.
Legally, they can't. As part of the CBA they signed last year, the players agreed not to strike for the length of the CBA (10 years). If they tried to boycott (strike), the owners could sue the players' union for breach of contract.
LOL This ####### league is a total joke anymore in the direction its going & what it is turning into.

Belicheck still hasn't been fined or suspended. Yet Shanahan was fined 25k for telling the officials the correct rules, Fox was fined 30k for saying this ""In this league, you have to overcome a lot of things," Fox said, "and we don't use officiating as an excuse.""...apparently that as criticizing the refs. Del Rio got fined 25k....

This is gtting freaking ridiculous with the fining for everything. Does some stuff deserve a fine? Yes but the #### they are doing is getting out of hand.


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