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Feeding folks in SW Louisiana (1 Viewer)

tipsy mcstagger

We are headed over tomorrow (8/29) to set up shop at their City Hall.   Not sure how many we'll feed each day or for how long.   Jambalaya and Red beans to start.... We got a really nice donation of product from zatarain's.   I know it's a little cocky of me to cook that stuff in the heart of Cajun country but I'm not afraid 😁

Deswine Intervention is the barbecue competition team I am a part of... But our main mission it's helping people.  Normally we fundraise for families dealing with pediatric brain cancer as part of the hogs for the cause organization here in New Orleans.   but this is another one of those moments where we like to step in and do what we can do.

Thanks y'all.  

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In and a bump.  While I'm glad Houston didn't get hit, it doesn't look so good over that way.  Arkansas may actually get a hurricane.  Bet they didn't see that one coming.

Thanks for cooking.  I know it helps.

Tipsy always doing the lord's work :wub:  

Donation Sent 

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Neil you took care of me after Katrina. I’ll always support you, donated!!

edit> I didn’t need taken care of, I was there helping and he hooked me and my coworkers up

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Tipsy, I am in Calcasieu Parish (in my house in the dark). Thank you for this, it means a lot to those of us affected. If you need help finding a location, I can help and make suggestions. I also promise to visit your operation as frequently as possible. I’ll bring all my work compadres too. Maybe there will be beer involved at some point!!!

Tipsy, I am in Calcasieu Parish (in my house in the dark). Thank you for this, it means a lot to those of us affected. If you need help finding a location, I can help and make suggestions. I also promise to visit your operation as frequently as possible. I’ll bring all my work compadres too. Maybe there will be beer involved at some point!!!
We are hooking up with a church that has teamed up with Rouses...sounds like we will be in a rouses parking lot if not the church.   We are still working out details and unsure when exactly we are going but it should be by Monday if we get the green light.    Look forward to meeting & feeding ya!


Just got word from Lake Charles that we won't be going in as quickly as hoped.  The water plant is destroyed so no water or sewerage plus no power or communication.

We either hold off for a bit or refocus our efforts.   It does give us more time to get our ship together over here.... I can go ahead and start cooking some of the food and vacu sealing it  here where i have power and freezer space.   

As far as feeding the evacuees here in New Orleans.... Talked with a couple different people at City Hall and we've been asked to supply coffee which is not our bag so I declined.   I don't have the ability to provide 1200 cups of coffee a day with my lil coffee pot 😁

We showed up over here about 4 today and I immediately started pulling stuff out of the truck and got a pot of jambalaya going within 20 minutes. By 6:30 we had fed 300 people having made three batches of jambalaya or about 50 gallons.  And now it is time for a nice cold beer or 12.

We have given out about 2400 meals so far plus helped distribute another 2,500 or more from red cross.   

Gueydan is fine now... We are about done distributing food to the locals here but are going to continue to stay at their civic center as it is a great base of operations.  We've got a nice kitchen and a great covered area to cook under with my jambalaya kettles.  We've been taking food on the road for the last several days to some of the other communities including Lake Arthur, Grand Lake, Jennings, and Iowa (pronounced Eye-oh-way) so far.  Heading back to Iowa today ...real close to Lake Charles.  Such a mess over there.   

 Going to hopefully go home for a few days this weekend as I am on absolute fumes at this point.  Planning on returning next week.   

We have given out about 2400 meals so far plus helped distribute another 2,500 or more from red cross.   

Gueydan is fine now... We are about done distributing food to the locals here but are going to continue to stay at their civic center as it is a great base of operations.  We've got a nice kitchen and a great covered area to cook under with my jambalaya kettles.  We've been taking food on the road for the last several days to some of the other communities including Lake Arthur, Grand Lake, Jennings, and Iowa (pronounced Eye-oh-way) so far.  Heading back to Iowa today ...real close to Lake Charles.  Such a mess over there.   

 Going to hopefully go home for a few days this weekend as I am on absolute fumes at this point.  Planning on returning next week.   
Currently typing at you from Lake Charles, on the east side.  Came in to help for a while as my work is nearby.  We're having to bring our own small grills to cook due to few if any options in town.  And the mosquitos...hellacious right now.

Thanks for what you're doing over here!  

Currently typing at you from Lake Charles, on the east side.  Came in to help for a while as my work is nearby.  We're having to bring our own small grills to cook due to few if any options in town.  And the mosquitos...hellacious right now.

Thanks for what you're doing over here!  
Oh man....the mosquitoes are intense right now.    

We are on the road back to New Orleans now after feeding about 200 people today south of Lake Charles closer to the actual landfall.   We need a couple of days to see our families and recharge the battery so to speak. Left most of our supplies in the town of Gueydan . I'm not sure what day exactly we're coming back but there is a lot more work to do over here and since I don't have a job currently I might as well keep lending a hand. I appreciate the support we've gotten from you guys and our fundraising efforts as it's made a lot of folks down here very happy with some hot meals.

So...my team continues to feed folks over here near Lake Charles.   However I am now working for another barbecue company under contract to feed electrical workers for the next 3 months for a paycheck that I have been desperate for for a little while since I had to close the restaurant.   I like feeding people with no compensation better but the fact of the matter is we were getting really behind in our bills and I had to say yes to this offer.     Its a lil weird working with/for a competitor.  But I know these guys pretty well and it's pretty awesome that they invited me.   

90 day contract.  I'll get to go home a few days at a time to see the family but I've already spent more time away from them in these last couple of weeks than I have in the last decade and it's weird.  But you got to do what you got to do right?

@tipsy mcstagger

I have no idea how often you get to see the news, so I figured you might need an update.  TD 19 has just formed off the coast by Miami.  It will croos the southern tip of Florida into the Gulf.  The cone is centered on the Louisiana/Mississippi border.  You might want to check updates once a day just to be sure.

Huge weather nerd. Right now the models seem to agree it's going towards Pensacola. While my hometown doesn't need it... This area doesn't need another setback at all.   We might get it some rain out of an unfortunately.

For the record I've never seen this much wind damage from a hurricane.   

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Huge weather nerd. Right now the models seem to agree it's going towards Pensacola. While my hometown doesn't need it... This area doesn't need another setback at all.   We might get it some rain out of an unfortunately.

For the record I've never seen this much wind damage from a hurricane.   
Weather nerd here, too.  You should be on the dry side if the track holds out.

Rockport after Harvey looked like a nuclear air burst had gone off.  Or a hundred EF-5 tornadoes.  Ugh.


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