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FFA Official Horror Movie Thread (2 Viewers)

Goodnight Mommy is now on Amazon Prime. Will likely revisit it in October
They have the original one (subtitled) and then I didn't know it got remade with Naomi Watts just recently

The first one is pretty messed up and shocking. We haven't seen the new one, but the reviews look pretty brutal on it.
Goodnight Mommy is now on Amazon Prime. Will likely revisit it in October
They have the original one (subtitled) and then I didn't know it got remade with Naomi Watts just recently

The first one is pretty messed up and shocking. We haven't seen the new one, but the reviews look pretty brutal on it.
Loved the original. Will skip the remake.
Didn't know this was a remake, just saw the listing. I'm with you, I'll just revisit the original
Speak no Evil on Shudder is VERY disturbing. Even when you see where it is going it's shocking. A top five disturbing kill scene for sure.
Anybody have plans for a 31 in October ?

I posted in the other thread that Criterion has an 80s horror collection that I am excited about and has a bunch I haven't seen. As usual, I am going to attempt to do that many, and I am going to try to do mostly ones I haven't seen or at least only seen once and a long time ago.
Anybody have plans for a 31 in October ?

I posted in the other thread that Criterion has an 80s horror collection that I am excited about and has a bunch I haven't seen. As usual, I am going to attempt to do that many, and I am going to try to do mostly ones I haven't seen or at least only seen once and a long time ago.
I love this time of year. I watched "They Live in the Grey" on Shudder last night. Not great but not horrible. A social worker can see dead people, there are a few twists. Some cool practical effects.
Anybody have plans for a 31 in October ?

I posted in the other thread that Criterion has an 80s horror collection that I am excited about and has a bunch I haven't seen. As usual, I am going to attempt to do that many, and I am going to try to do mostly ones I haven't seen or at least only seen once and a long time ago.
I love this time of year. I watched "They Live in the Grey" on Shudder last night. Not great but not horrible. A social worker can see dead people, there are a few twists. Some cool practical effects.
Not sure if you saw my post in the other thread - I tried My Best Friend's Exorcism and didn't think it was worth it. Working on my list now and trying to find at least 20 I haven't seen.
One of the better podcasts I've listened to in awhile, and I got a ton of ideas from it for this month. Pure Cinema Podcast - it's sounds stuffier than it is, but one episode was Horror Triple Features. What makes the podcast great is how deep they get and how creative they are. One was already a double feature that I had lined up, but I thought I would share a few others that seem to be easily accessed on some services. TUBI is one that is free, has annoying ad breaks, but also seems to have a ton of odd stuff too. Anyway, here were some of the 18 lists:

Movie Theater horror: Popcorn, Fade to Black, Demons this was my idea as well last night before listening to the pod when I saw 2 on streaming
Mass Hysteria: Society, The Stuff, Invasion of the Body Snatchers (70s style)
Tone Shifting Sequels: Halloween 3, Silent Night Deadly Night 2, TCM 2
Something's Not Right: The Incubus, Strange Behavior, Dead & Buried
One of the better podcasts I've listened to in awhile, and I got a ton of ideas from it for this month. Pure Cinema Podcast - it's sounds stuffier than it is, but one episode was Horror Triple Features. What makes the podcast great is how deep they get and how creative they are.

Movie Theater horror: Popcorn, Fade to Black, Demons this was my idea as well last night before listening to the pod when I saw 2 on streaming
That sounds like a great podcast. For the Movie Theater horror theme I'd add Midnight Movie, which probably isn't streaming anywhere for free but I was one of the writers on it. Was changed a lot from my draft which is usually the case. You win some, lose most.

Double feature today for me was Invasion of the Body Snatchers ('78) and Carpenter's The Thing. Wanted sci-fi horror with a massive dose of paranoia and these are my two favorites, think I watch The Thing twice a year, usually doubled up with with Alien. Now watching the '22 Scream, which is about what I expected.
One of the better podcasts I've listened to in awhile, and I got a ton of ideas from it for this month. Pure Cinema Podcast - it's sounds stuffier than it is, but one episode was Horror Triple Features. What makes the podcast great is how deep they get and how creative they are.

Movie Theater horror: Popcorn, Fade to Black, Demons this was my idea as well last night before listening to the pod when I saw 2 on streaming
That sounds like a great podcast. For the Movie Theater horror theme I'd add Midnight Movie, which probably isn't streaming anywhere for free but I was one of the writers on it. Was changed a lot from my draft which is usually the case. You win some, lose most.

Double feature today for me was Invasion of the Body Snatchers ('78) and Carpenter's The Thing. Wanted sci-fi horror with a massive dose of paranoia and these are my two favorites, think I watch The Thing twice a year, usually doubled up with with Alien. Now watching the '22 Scream, which is about what I expected.
It's $2 on Prime - I am totally renting that and watching it. Never heard of it and would be curious after watching what was different on your version. That must feel great seeing your name in the credits of a movie. Thanks for the recommendation.
LIttle bit of a swerve tonight. Of the options I threw at my wife tonight, we are rolling with Near Dark. :popcorn:

All it takes is to say Bill Paxton and vampires, I guess.
Love Near Dark and haven't seen it for a while,
Got through Scream '22 last night, will watch X today depending on the quality of the Giants/Bears game.
Watched "The Oak Room" on Friday. Basically "a guy walks into a bar" story wrapped inside another 2 or 3 "guy walks into a bar" stories. It was interesting, had a bit of a Twilight Zone vibe, but ultimately the ending was a bit underwhelming. I liked it okay.

2.5 / 5.0
Last night I watched a couple movies off the suggested "Duality" theme: The Dark Half and The Stepfather. That first one was a bit much. Pure Stephen King shlock and If I am remembering right, it's one of the last ones he wrote before getting sober, and it shows - in both theme and how all over the map this was with ideas. I also had forgotten it was a Romero directed movie.

The Stepfather, on the other hand, I really dug. Like most horror that elevates beyond kills and boobs, this has roots in those suburban fears that I dig showing up in movies - ie Halloween, et al. It could also be read as an allegory for 50s ideals getting pushed aside for new family dynamics. That still plays today as well. Also that opening scene, and the acting throughout from O'Quinn elevate this one even farther. I had thought I had watched this one before, but I think more likely is that I saw a scene or two maybe a crappy sequel or remake. I am glad I caught up with this one and it shoots up to the top of my "new to me" horror movie ranking for October. I think it would be The Stepfather..............................The Dark Half/My Best Friend's Exorcism.

The 3rd movie in this Triple Feature was Sleepaway Camp, which is also a great use of the theme. I've seen it a few times, and I know my wife wouln't dig it, so I will probably skip over it this month. I wrote down 10 of these themes that had all or 2 of the movies available to me streaming and will be using them a lot this month. Next up I believe was the "Something's Not Right" theme.
Butterfly Kisses

It’s a success if you want to make a convoluted found footage film with more layers than a 7-layer burrito. Meh. 2.5/5
Last night I watched a couple movies off the suggested "Duality" theme: The Dark Half and The Stepfather. That first one was a bit much. Pure Stephen King shlock and If I am remembering right, it's one of the last ones he wrote before getting sober, and it shows - in both theme and how all over the map this was with ideas. I also had forgotten it was a Romero directed movie.

The Stepfather, on the other hand, I really dug. Like most horror that elevates beyond kills and boobs, this has roots in those suburban fears that I dig showing up in movies - ie Halloween, et al. It could also be read as an allegory for 50s ideals getting pushed aside for new family dynamics. That still plays today as well. Also that opening scene, and the acting throughout from O'Quinn elevate this one even farther. I had thought I had watched this one before, but I think more likely is that I saw a scene or two maybe a crappy sequel or remake. I am glad I caught up with this one and it shoots up to the top of my "new to me" horror movie ranking for October. I think it would be The Stepfather..............................The Dark Half/My Best Friend's Exorcism.

The 3rd movie in this Triple Feature was Sleepaway Camp, which is also a great use of the theme. I've seen it a few times, and I know my wife wouln't dig it, so I will probably skip over it this month. I wrote down 10 of these themes that had all or 2 of the movies available to me streaming and will be using them a lot this month. Next up I believe was the "Something's Not Right" theme.
If you have Shudder, Joe Bob covers both The Stepfather and Sleepaway Camp. They are both worth watching.
If forgot to add, I sadly didn't like Near Dark much the other night. It's stylistic and has some cool shots, but even my love for all things Paxton couldn't get me more on board with it. These are terrible vampires that evidently in the decades they've been undead can't seem to keep track of when dawn is. ;)

That said, it's much better than Popcorn - which is what we watched last night. Not a good start to the Movie Theater themed block of movies. Easily the worst of the bunch in the short month.

So far in the 31 for October set it's:

The Stepfather
The Hunger

Near Dark
The Dark Half
My Best Friend's Exorcism
I am fascinated by the idea of an all-night horror movie marathon. Have any of you been to one, and what type of movies did they show?

If you all were in charge of programming one, what would you show? Are there certain types/genres that you think should be featured? Is there a certain order they should be shown?
I guess it's like the art of the mixed tape in that a great one would flow together, maybe have theme, etc.

ETA: For the sake of the exercise, let's assume you get 8 movies (about 90min each) and about 12 hours of movies. It goes from 6pm to 6am.
I am fascinated by the idea of an all-night horror movie marathon. Have any of you been to one, and what type of movies did they show?

If you all were in charge of programming one, what would you show? Are there certain types/genres that you think should be featured? Is there a certain order they should be shown?
I guess it's like the art of the mixed tape in that a great one would flow together, maybe have theme, etc.

ETA: For the sake of the exercise, let's assume you get 8 movies (about 90min each) and about 12 hours of movies. It goes from 6pm to 6am.
The guy I referenced above at my local theater is essentially doing this, just bumping the times to start and end earlier. I get the gist of what your idea is, but realistically how many people would attend it with those hours?
I am fascinated by the idea of an all-night horror movie marathon. Have any of you been to one, and what type of movies did they show?

If you all were in charge of programming one, what would you show? Are there certain types/genres that you think should be featured? Is there a certain order they should be shown?
I guess it's like the art of the mixed tape in that a great one would flow together, maybe have theme, etc.

ETA: For the sake of the exercise, let's assume you get 8 movies (about 90min each) and about 12 hours of movies. It goes from 6pm to 6am.
The guy I referenced above at my local theater is essentially doing this, just bumping the times to start and end earlier. I get the gist of what your idea is, but realistically how many people would attend it with those hours?
I think in a bigger city it could be a draw. I would probably go to one 12hrs or less. No way I could do a 24 hour one or anything.
Currently watching The Cursed...meh. 1/2 way through and its disjointed with distracting time/place jumps that belie film room cutting but overall the story ain't great anyway so who cares, it's 11:45 at night and I'm drinking beer to the finish!
I am fascinated by the idea of an all-night horror movie marathon. Have any of you been to one, and what type of movies did they show?

If you all were in charge of programming one, what would you show? Are there certain types/genres that you think should be featured? Is there a certain order they should be shown?
I guess it's like the art of the mixed tape in that a great one would flow together, maybe have theme, etc.

ETA: For the sake of the exercise, let's assume you get 8 movies (about 90min each) and about 12 hours of movies. It goes from 6pm to 6am.

1. Psycho
2. The Shining
3. The Fog
4. The Exorcist
5. Halloween
6. The Conjuring
7. The Thing
8. Midsomar
I am fascinated by the idea of an all-night horror movie marathon. Have any of you been to one, and what type of movies did they show?

If you all were in charge of programming one, what would you show? Are there certain types/genres that you think should be featured? Is there a certain order they should be shown?
I guess it's like the art of the mixed tape in that a great one would flow together, maybe have theme, etc.

ETA: For the sake of the exercise, let's assume you get 8 movies (about 90min each) and about 12 hours of movies. It goes from 6pm to 6am.

1. Psycho
2. The Shining
3. The Fog
4. The Exorcist
5. Halloween
6. The Conjuring
7. The Thing
8. Midsomar
Helluva list, pretty close to what I'd do though I'd probably replace Midsomar with Texas Chainsaw and Conjuring with Alien (yes it's horror!) Love the Fog call, I always felt it deserved more appreciation.
I am fascinated by the idea of an all-night horror movie marathon. Have any of you been to one, and what type of movies did they show?

If you all were in charge of programming one, what would you show? Are there certain types/genres that you think should be featured? Is there a certain order they should be shown?
I guess it's like the art of the mixed tape in that a great one would flow together, maybe have theme, etc.

ETA: For the sake of the exercise, let's assume you get 8 movies (about 90min each) and about 12 hours of movies. It goes from 6pm to 6am.
I went to one years ago when drive ins were still around. They showed all the Night of the living dead movies
I am fascinated by the idea of an all-night horror movie marathon. Have any of you been to one, and what type of movies did they show?

If you all were in charge of programming one, what would you show? Are there certain types/genres that you think should be featured? Is there a certain order they should be shown?
I guess it's like the art of the mixed tape in that a great one would flow together, maybe have theme, etc.

ETA: For the sake of the exercise, let's assume you get 8 movies (about 90min each) and about 12 hours of movies. It goes from 6pm to 6am.
I went to one years ago when drive ins were still around. They showed all the Night of the living dead movies
@Raging weasel :

1. I had to do some last day mlb dfs today.
2. Did you know what the movies were ahead of time? I've heard of them being a surprise when you get there which I think is great.
In the last day I've watched a few more.

Fade to Black was the next one in the movie theater themed group. Not as bad as Popcorn, but not great either. The main movie geek was outrageously into movies, so that did at least keep me entertained with all the silly references.

Then I watched a couple in the Cemetery Classics theme for a break from the movie ones. First up was:

The Body Snatcher ('45) was really damn good. Legosi and Karloff in this one about a cabbie that steals bodies for medical experiments. So far I haven't clicked with many of the old Universal type horror movies, but this one was a blast. It also had an odd sense of humor that had me actually LOLing, especially the dr. scolding the assistant for sneaking up on him, and a scene at the end I won't spoil if someone desires to watch this. This one I rented for $3.

I Bury the Living ('58) Was another great find. This one is about a cemetery manager who finds out when he sticks a black pin into the plot of the cemetery, that person dies. This one was just as enjoyable as the other one, but the laughs puts Body Snatcher slightly ahead. Still highly recommend to anybody who hasn't seen this one. It's on Prime.
I am fascinated by the idea of an all-night horror movie marathon. Have any of you been to one, and what type of movies did they show?

If you all were in charge of programming one, what would you show? Are there certain types/genres that you think should be featured? Is there a certain order they should be shown?
I guess it's like the art of the mixed tape in that a great one would flow together, maybe have theme, etc.

ETA: For the sake of the exercise, let's assume you get 8 movies (about 90min each) and about 12 hours of movies. It goes from 6pm to 6am.
I went to one years ago when drive ins were still around. They showed all the Night of the living dead movies
I've let my life take a wrong turn somewhere apparently, cause I do not personally know another human who would have any interest in that at all.
I'd go myself though.
In fact, I can't remember any movies where a group of my friends gathered to watch. Last one was maybe The Matrix when it came out in 1999 and some college folks gathered in the rich kids room who had good surround sound.
I viewed Watcher on Shudder last night. It had Burn Gorman in it, who I find oddly interesting every time I see him. I think it's his quirky look. Movie wasn't bad but unless I missed something I felt there was a large plot hole. Maika Monroe is not hard on the eyes either.
I am pissed at Shudder.....I was watching Haunt for the 3rd time and fell asleep (it was late) and all of a sudden.....it is not available anymore. It was a Shudder exclusive.

Excellent modern day horror film.....just intense. And that could easily happen which is what makes it so diabolical. I need to own that film on Blueray. One of he better ones made recently.
So I had the "brilliant" idea that it would be interesting in the 31 for October runs to watch a franchise that I am pretty unfamiliar with besides the first movie. I was laughing last night that there were 4 of these and a remake I didn't know about, and that Sam Neil was in one of these as the lead, so last night I started The Omen franchise with the first movie. The first one is great, and I am sure the other 4 will be just as good. :lol:
I'll update more movies later, but last night was Behind the Mask: the Rise of Leslie Vernon. One I am recommending a lot to people who haven't seen it and like the Scream/Cabin in the Woods type meta horror. I am thinking today about how I would rank it or rate it, but I still have a blast with it, and I think just about anybody reading a horror movie thread would probably also like the movie and have fun with the references.
The Dark and the Wicked

Definitely a slow burn kind of suspense-horror film. Film revolves around a farming family who experiences tragedy and recurring waking nightmares. I like this one. 3.75/5
So I had the "brilliant" idea that it would be interesting in the 31 for October runs to watch a franchise that I am pretty unfamiliar with besides the first movie. I was laughing last night that there were 4 of these and a remake I didn't know about, and that Sam Neil was in one of these as the lead, so last night I started The Omen franchise with the first movie. The first one is great, and I am sure the other 4 will be just as good. :lol:
I'm sure I'm in a small minority but I like them all (haven't seen the 4th Omen but heard not terrific things, but 1, 2, 3 & the remake are all enjoyable, with the 1st obviously the best.) Mia Farrow is terrific in the remake.
Pleasantly surprised by the Omen franchise comments, maybe it won't be as laughable as I thought.
The original Omen is the first non Universal horror movie I saw in the theater. Scared the crap out of 10 year old me and it's been a fav ever since. 2 is very good but a notch below , 3 is above average,4 is terrible and the remake is solid and worth watching.
Pleasantly surprised by the Omen franchise comments, maybe it won't be as laughable as I thought.
The original Omen is the first non Universal horror movie I saw in the theater. Scared the crap out of 10 year old me and it's been a fav ever since. 2 is very good but a notch below , 3 is above average,4 is terrible and the remake is solid and worth watching.
Duuude - you are like, old and stuff! ;)

You watch anything good today?
Jeepers Creepers Reborn:

Oof, so bad. The worst green screen scenes you will ever see. The new creeper look is awful also.

Hellraiser(the new one):

Enjoyed it very much, not as much "horror" as I expected but good in a different way. Kind of a cross between the original Hellraiser and Thirteen Ghosts. Great cinematography.
Hellraiser(the new one):

Enjoyed it very much, not as much "horror" as I expected but good in a different way. Kind of a cross between the original Hellraiser and Thirteen Ghosts. Great cinematography.
I liked it, but I'm all I'm on Cenobites. The female lead was good.

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