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Game Thread W6 - San Francisco V Detroit (1 Viewer)

Harbaugh with a tremendous upset in Detroit has every right to be totally pumped about that win. Schwartz lost and has sour grapes because he got his ### beat at home by an inferior team.
Harbaugh, as a 'professional', needs to compose himself as one.
:confused: WOW...can't believe all the anti-Harbaugh stuff. He was excited after a huge road win against an unbeaten team. Yeah...he should have calmed down long enough to say something nice to Schwartz, but this one's easy. The fine from the NFL will go to SChwartz, and it should. No reason to chase down the Niners coach there.Schwartz was 98% at fault there.
I agree that it's Schwartz' "fault", but Harbaugh still comes across as a childish ####### after what happened.
can't understand why coaches of NFL franchises can't have a little more class . . . why can't Harbaugh compose himself for a few seconds and be graceful in the win ???
You mean like Schwartz, dropping F-bombs on the ref with his mic on and taunting Dez?
All coaches drop F-bombs (besides Tony Dungy), and even Bill Belichek taunts opposing players.
What Schwartz did was different and over the top in both scenarios. He was on the field after a game winning FG and told the ref to 'learn the ####### rules, defensive penalty, game over' when all the ref was doing was explaining the flag. I have never seen BB taunt the way Schwartz did Dez.
Harbaugh with a tremendous upset in Detroit has every right to be totally pumped about that win. Schwartz lost and has sour grapes because he got his ### beat at home by an inferior team.
Harbaugh, as a 'professional', needs to compose himself as one.
:confused: WOW...can't believe all the anti-Harbaugh stuff. He was excited after a huge road win against an unbeaten team. Yeah...he should have calmed down long enough to say something nice to Schwartz, but this one's easy. The fine from the NFL will go to SChwartz, and it should. No reason to chase down the Niners coach there.Schwartz was 98% at fault there.
I agree that it's Schwartz' "fault", but Harbaugh still comes across as a childish ####### after what happened.
can't understand why coaches of NFL franchises can't have a little more class . . . why can't Harbaugh compose himself for a few seconds and be graceful in the win ???
You mean like Schwartz, dropping F-bombs on the ref with his mic on and taunting Dez?
All coaches drop F-bombs (besides Tony Dungy), and even Bill Belichek taunts opposing players.
What Schwartz did was different and over the top in both scenarios. He was on the field after a game winning FG and told the ref to 'learn the ####### rules, defensive penalty, game over' when all the ref was doing was explaining the flag. I have never seen BB taunt the way Schwartz did Dez.
no...he said "learn the rules" because one of the refs apparently thought the game wasn't over because Detroit had the ball first and kicked a fg in OT - which would be the case in the PLAYOFFS starting this year, but for regular season the rules are the same. That is why they huddled after the FG make...and that is why Schwartz rightfully told them - the freaking REFEREES - to learn the rules.
They showed another angle on Fox just now and it's pretty clear that Schwartz says "wtf?" after the weird shove and Harbaugh turns back a little and gives him an "f off" and tries to run away - THAT is what set schwartz off. Harbaugh has always been a d bag...nothing new for him.
With exception of the last sentence above, this is what I saw as well. When Schwartz got pissed at the back slap and said "wtf" Harbaugh said something that set schwartz off. Neither one said anything to the other until Schwartz's "wtf".Harbaugh was being a ##### during the handshake and in his presser. Schwartz didn't handle properly and will come of looking much worse in the end.Great thing is that they are on a collision course for a wild card game in SF if they keep the same pace. Should be a heck of a game.
harbaugh quickly developing a reputation as a tool......last week he throws on 4th down up 41-3 late in the 4th quarter, today he dances across the field showing off his stomach and was pretty disresptful to Schwartz IMO. coaches coach, dont act like you really did something.
Whats the problem being up 38 points and having your backup QB have some reps at NFL level ? This is football, not a girls game where feelings get hurt. I guess if I'm coaching a basketball team and I'm up by 30 I tell my bench scrubs to not shoot three pointers ? What's with all the sensitivity, if you can't stop a rookie backup on the 4th down...why should my team care that you gave up like a bunch of losers ? Oh no we didnt let the poor Bucs finish the game by kneeling down at the midfield...You're paid millions to do this, do your job. If you can't stop a rookie backup on a 4th down, maybe you're not doing your job right and have quit. And quitting<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<playing to the end.As far as today goes, Harbaugh was celebrating his win no more than Schwartz has in the past games. Schwartz just got salty, forgetting that he was yellin stuff at Harbs earlier for that challenge. Then he went at the press conference and blatantly lied that he didn't run up on Harbs, which he definitely did.
Finally, if Schwartz actually squared off with Harbaugh, I feel pretty confident Harbaugh would kick his ###.
Not a chance.
Pretty clear Schwartz wanted no part of him. When there was only a suit between them he veers off course, but as soon as some guys with some pads get between them he goes bat #### crazy again. The guy is a hothead and his lack of poise will limit Detroit's potential this season.
Harbaugh was being a ##### during the handshake and in his presser. Schwartz didn't handle properly and will come of looking much worse in the end.Great thing is that they are on a collision course for a wild card game in SF if they keep the same pace. Should be a heck of a game.
what did Harbaugh say that made him a '#####' in a presser ? He didnt apologize for his celebration but did take blame for the hard handshake.Me, I don't have any problem with either Harbaugh stripping or Schwartz's guido fistpumps...I just find it funny Schwartz kinda looks like a hypocrite.edit: why settle for the wild card ? Niners could have a shot at a first round bye...
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what did Harbaugh say that made him a '#####' in a presser ? He didnt apologize for his celebration but did take blame for the hard handshake.
He was acting pretty smug in the press conference. It was obvious his explanation was BS and he was just poking fun at Schwartz.
Finally, if Schwartz actually squared off with Harbaugh, I feel pretty confident Harbaugh would kick his ###.
Not a chance.
Pretty clear Schwartz wanted no part of him. When there was only a suit between them he veers off course, but as soon as some guys with some pads get between them he goes bat #### crazy again. The guy is a hothead and his lack of poise will limit Detroit's potential this season.
:lmao:He ran up behind Harbaugh and Harbaugh was hoping one of his players would step in, which happened. Pretty clear you haven't seen the tape, Schwartz was about to put a beatdown on Captain QB.
Harbaugh with a tremendous upset in Detroit has every right to be totally pumped about that win. Schwartz lost and has sour grapes because he got his ### beat at home by an inferior team.
Harbaugh, as a 'professional', needs to compose himself as one.
:confused: WOW...can't believe all the anti-Harbaugh stuff. He was excited after a huge road win against an unbeaten team. Yeah...he should have calmed down long enough to say something nice to Schwartz, but this one's easy. The fine from the NFL will go to SChwartz, and it should. No reason to chase down the Niners coach there.Schwartz was 98% at fault there.
I agree that it's Schwartz' "fault", but Harbaugh still comes across as a childish ####### after what happened.
can't understand why coaches of NFL franchises can't have a little more class . . . why can't Harbaugh compose himself for a few seconds and be graceful in the win ???
You mean like Schwartz, dropping F-bombs on the ref with his mic on and taunting Dez?
All coaches drop F-bombs (besides Tony Dungy), and even Bill Belichek taunts opposing players.
What Schwartz did was different and over the top in both scenarios. He was on the field after a game winning FG and told the ref to 'learn the ####### rules, defensive penalty, game over' when all the ref was doing was explaining the flag. I have never seen BB taunt the way Schwartz did Dez.
no...he said "learn the rules" because one of the refs apparently thought the game wasn't over because Detroit had the ball first and kicked a fg in OT - which would be the case in the PLAYOFFS starting this year, but for regular season the rules are the same. That is why they huddled after the FG make...and that is why Schwartz rightfully told them - the freaking REFEREES - to learn the rules.
This is false. He even admitted to the fact. It doesn't matter what the officials are huddling for. there is really no reason for him to yell that. All they are doing is making sure they are getting it right. It's crap like that that costs you down the road with the officiating.
You guys are crazy, Harbaugh was the guy that started that whole thing. You don't come up to a NFL coach jumping up and down, slap the guy hard on the back and grab his hand and then go running off. This isn't Stanford anymore, give me a freaken break. Did Schwartz then overreact, yes but big deal. I wish he would have taken him down, he looked like a little pit bull about ready to get some lunch. Screw Harbaugh, his time will be coming soon.

Finally, if Schwartz actually squared off with Harbaugh, I feel pretty confident Harbaugh would kick his ###.
Not a chance.
Pretty clear Schwartz wanted no part of him. When there was only a suit between them he veers off course, but as soon as some guys with some pads get between them he goes bat #### crazy again. The guy is a hothead and his lack of poise will limit Detroit's potential this season.
:lmao: He ran up behind Harbaugh and Harbaugh was hoping one of his players would step in, which happened. Pretty clear you haven't seen the tape, Schwartz was about to put a beatdown on Captain QB.
ORLY?Doesn't look like Schwartz is trying to hard to get thru one guy in a suit when he has Harbaugh's attention. Funny when guys heat up after they know it's not going to happen.

what did Harbaugh say that made him a '#####' in a presser ? He didnt apologize for his celebration but did take blame for the hard handshake.
He was acting pretty smug in the press conference. It was obvious his explanation was BS and he was just poking fun at Schwartz.
I would poke fun at Schwartz too, that doesn't mean Harbs didn't technically take the blame for the handshake. Everything else was Schwartz's reaction to that fact. Maybe if Schwartz didn't yell stuff to him and wasn't doing his best Donald Driver impersonation on the sidelines, Harbaugh would approach him differently. Who knows ? All I know the whole 'class' thing is overblown, both in baseball and football. I myself have had no problem with 'in your face' celebrations. If you don't want them to happen to you, there's a great cure - play harder.what I feel happened was this,schwartz after harbs dap: "wtf was that?"harbs: "gtfoh, what do you want from me? I gave you daps"schwartz then proceeds to get mad and starts runnin after harbs
:lmao: at this whole thread. Every other post is saying either Schwartz or Harbaugh are TOOLS OF THE YEAR. If anybody is whiny in this whole thing it's the posters in this thread whose sensibilities have been so egregiously offended. They were both emotional after the game and didn't like how each other came off. They both got pissy about it. They're not robots. Neither one is completely right or wrong. Give me a break with this BIGGEST TOOL OF ALL TIME crap.
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1. These teams will not be playing in the first round of the playoffs. But the second round is a good shot.

2. The funniest part is one of these two coaches will most likely win Coach of the Year.

Finally, if Schwartz actually squared off with Harbaugh, I feel pretty confident Harbaugh would kick his ###.
Not a chance.
Pretty clear Schwartz wanted no part of him. When there was only a suit between them he veers off course, but as soon as some guys with some pads get between them he goes bat #### crazy again. The guy is a hothead and his lack of poise will limit Detroit's potential this season.
:lmao:He ran up behind Harbaugh and Harbaugh was hoping one of his players would step in, which happened. Pretty clear you haven't seen the tape, Schwartz was about to put a beatdown on Captain QB.
lolI have no dog in this fight but I am loving the hometown bias. What you posted above is not even remotely close to what I watched.
Finally, if Schwartz actually squared off with Harbaugh, I feel pretty confident Harbaugh would kick his ###.
Not a chance.
Pretty clear Schwartz wanted no part of him. When there was only a suit between them he veers off course, but as soon as some guys with some pads get between them he goes bat #### crazy again. The guy is a hothead and his lack of poise will limit Detroit's potential this season.
:lmao:He ran up behind Harbaugh and Harbaugh was hoping one of his players would step in, which happened. Pretty clear you haven't seen the tape, Schwartz was about to put a beatdown on Captain QB.
lolI have no dog in this fight but I am loving the hometown bias. What you posted above is not even remotely close to what I watched.
Yes, I'm such a huge Lions fan and never have liked Harbaugh that I am definitely showing hometown bias. :thumbup:
Finally, if Schwartz actually squared off with Harbaugh, I feel pretty confident Harbaugh would kick his ###.
Not a chance.
Pretty clear Schwartz wanted no part of him. When there was only a suit between them he veers off course, but as soon as some guys with some pads get between them he goes bat #### crazy again. The guy is a hothead and his lack of poise will limit Detroit's potential this season.
:lmao:He ran up behind Harbaugh and Harbaugh was hoping one of his players would step in, which happened. Pretty clear you haven't seen the tape, Schwartz was about to put a beatdown on Captain QB.
If Schwartz wanted to hit him, he could have. If he wanted to confront him face to face, he could have. He didn't do either. He ran up and bumped him in the side and mouthed off while not looking him in the face. He wanted no part of Harbaugh until there were a number of people in between them. Weak.
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Finally, if Schwartz actually squared off with Harbaugh, I feel pretty confident Harbaugh would kick his ###.
Not a chance.
Pretty clear Schwartz wanted no part of him. When there was only a suit between them he veers off course, but as soon as some guys with some pads get between them he goes bat #### crazy again. The guy is a hothead and his lack of poise will limit Detroit's potential this season.
:lmao:He ran up behind Harbaugh and Harbaugh was hoping one of his players would step in, which happened. Pretty clear you haven't seen the tape, Schwartz was about to put a beatdown on Captain QB.
If Schwartz wanted to hit him, he could have. If he wanted to confront him face to face, he could have. He didn't do either. He ran up and bumped him in the side and mouthed off while not looking him in the face. He wanted no part of Harbaugh until there were a number of people in between them. Weak.
:goodposting: Schwartz looks like the type of tool that tries to intimidate but would turtle as soon as the 1st punches fly
:lmao: at this whole thread. Every other post is saying either Schwartz or Harbaugh are TOOLS OF THE YEAR. If anybody is whiny in this whole thing it's the posters in this thread whose sensibilities have been so egregiously offended. They were both emotional after the game and didn't like how each other came off. They both got pissy about it. They're not robots. Neither one is completely right or wrong. Give me a break with this BIGGEST TOOL OF ALL TIME crap.
:goodposting:Trying to choose which one of these guys is the biggest tool is a waste of time. Both of them were out of line.
'Doctor Detroit said:
Just lost all respect for Jim Harbaugh, what a tool.
You were unaware of this? Two years ago Stanford was playing USC and, already up by 30 points, they were still throwing bombs and going for 2 late in the game. Wanted to put up 50 and did. Harbaugh and Carroll had strong words after the game. Jim Harbaugh may be a very good coach, but a good guy he's not.
Don't use this as an example for anything. Southern Cal deserves every bad thing possible to come its way.
http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/blog/shutdown_corner/post/Harbaugh-Schwartz-and-the-first-quarter-play-th?urn=nfl-wp9711funny how Schwartz was all cocky and poking fun at Harbaugh gloating right there on the sideline, but Harbs is a villain when he does the same at the presser...Schwartz is a hypocrite, and Harbs [not so] subtly trolled him to get him a taste of his own medicine.
Have a feeling Harbaugh was ticked from when Schartz was yapping after Harbaugh made that challenge flag mistake. Pumping his fist and crap. Don't blame him for not being enthused to greet that ###.
Ya I had a feeling it had to do with that incident
:rolleyes: Team had over a hundred yards in penalities and he made two ridiculuos challenges. He is lucky to win because he was almost the goat.
According to the Lions fans in this thread, the refs were the 49ers 12th man today and The Reason the Lions lost.... :unsure: Oh yah, JH is the 2nd coming doing what he's done with Alex Smith and no preseason to install the new systems. Ninernation will cut him some slack :thumbup:
Unless something really insulting/over the top was said, it seems fans of both teams should be a bit embarrassed by how their coaches acted. From what I saw on tv they both seemed like immature idiots way too excited. I hope SF will win many more games and Harbaugh will take the time to give the other coach a full handshake that lasts only a second. But whatever. Fans of both teams should be stoked. Lions and Niners look to be rising powerhouses in the NFL. So cheers to all! :banned:
Yikes...the reason Best was out late was due to another concussion.

He apparently got hurt on that last screen pass, but then went back in for 4 more carries after that.

Just like in the general elections, choosing a side between these two is like choosing between a turd sandwich and a giant doosh.

If Alex Smith can keep up the consistent (even if not stellar) performances, the Niners really have something there.

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If they are worth their salt, Spike Network will quickly sign Harbaugh, Schwartz, Todd Haley and Josh McDaniels to a pay per view event where all four coaches will square off in a post game d-bag handshake to the death cage match.

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'Iwannabeacowboybaby! said:
You guys are crazy, Harbaugh was the guy that started that whole thing. You don't come up to a NFL coach jumping up and down, slap the guy hard on the back and grab his hand and then go running off. This isn't Stanford anymore, give me a freaken break. Did Schwartz then overreact, yes but big deal. I wish he would have taken him down, he looked like a little pit bull about ready to get some lunch. Screw Harbaugh, his time will be coming soon.
After having seen the entire clip several times now, it's apparent Schwartz must think he's a somebody in the league and didn't expect to be so quickly and easily dismissed. His claims of a shove and obscenities sound like crap he made up to justify his reaction.Which is hilarious because what exactly has Schwartz done to deserve any level of "pre-ordained respect" at the NFL level? Do you think that if it was **** Vermeil or Joe Gibbs that Harbaugh would've acted in the same manner? If Schwartz himself can't act like he's "been there before", why should he be expected to be treated any different?Should Harbaugh have shown more restraint? Probably. Should it be considered "classless"? Hardly.
If they are worth their salt, Spike Network will quickly sign Harbaugh, Schwartz, Todd Haley and Josh McDaniels to a pay per view event where all four coaches will square off in a post game d-bag handshake to the death cage match.
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:Amazing.
They showed another angle on Fox just now and it's pretty clear that Schwartz says "wtf?" after the weird shove and Harbaugh turns back a little and gives him an "f off" and tries to run away - THAT is what set schwartz off.
When Schwartz got pissed at the back slap and said "wtf" Harbaugh said something that set schwartz off. Neither one said anything to the other until Schwartz's "wtf".
I would like to see that reverse angle MSU is talking about.

I think it was a bit of a misunderstanding.

After the "WTF" from Schwartz, Harbaugh has already continued celebrating and is like "FK YEA!" and running off.... Schwartz thinks he says "FK YOU" and gives chase (understandably).

I think the fact that he runs so far w/ Schwartz chasing/yelling at him without realizing and then is surprised, shows he didn't really cuss or say anything confrontational to him and he thought the exchange was over w/ the back slap. After that he just says "get out of my face, get out of my face".


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