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Goodell's Tenure as Commissioner (2 Viewers)

How long will Roger Goodell remain as Commissioner in the wake of the Ray Rice situation?

  • Goodell will step down or be removed by owners before the end of the 2014 season as a result of publ

    Votes: 63 21.5%
  • Goodell will step down or be removed by owners between the end of the 2014 season and the start of t

    Votes: 29 9.9%
  • The Rice situation will mostly blow over but cumulative effect of events/decisions on Goodell's

    Votes: 55 18.8%
  • The Rice incident will blow over and Goodell will continue as Commissioner indefinitely. Business a

    Votes: 146 49.8%

  • Total voters

Bruce Hammond

I've read stories about how much Roger Goodell is disliked by NFL players, dating back to the last CBA process and before, because of his 'law and order' and 'protect the shield' philosophies and perceived inconsistent application of punishment.

Since then we had the Saints' Bountygate scandal in which Goodell dished out some of the biggest penalties in league history to players and coaches, after which (quoting Wikipedia) "However on July 26, 2012, Vilma and seven witnesses from the Saints testified in front of a federal judge in New Orleans that Goodell got his facts wrong, and there was no bounty scheme. At least one legal expert agreed that Goodell had overstepped his authority. On December 11, 2012, former NFL commissioner Paul Tagliabue, appointed to hear the appeals, vacated all of the players' suspensions, saying that the coaches were primarily responsible for the scheme."

And now the Ray Rice mess, where Goodell has admitted Rice's two game joke of a suspension was a mistake and has taken steps to beef up punishments for players going forward but left Rice's two games intact until yesterday's video surfaced publicly. There are a lot of people calling for Goodell's head now, arguing that A) he had seen the video before then and is lying about having not seen it, B) if he hadn't seen it he should have found a way to do so since TMZ was able to get a copy (it's a bit unclear, but it appears Ray Rice had a copy and the prosecutor had a copy, or at least the hotel had made a copy available), and/or C) in any case, yesterday's indefinite suspension was reaction to public reaction and outrage, not proactive leadership based on what was already known before yesterday.

There are many who would argue that Goodell has presided over an unprecedented boom in the popularity of the NFL and deserves much of the credit, that his policies are a big part of that, and that owners would never oust him as long as the money keeps rolling in. Others would counter-argue that the Internet and fantasy football are instead largely responsible for this increased popularity in the 2000s and that Goodell just happened to be in the right place at the right time. They would argue further that Goodell's judge and jury mentality and inconsistent application of punishments have boxed him into a corner that he can no longer escape from; that he has lost credibility, as a result of the initial Rice punishment and the subsequent too-little-too-late reactive steps, with the customers of the NFL -- an ever growing segment of which are women; that a fair-sized percentage of players already hated him; that owners are paying attention to all of this; and that if it is proven the NFL has previously seen yesterday's video and is lying to save face, look out.

Thus, a poll. How long will Roger Goodell remain as Commissioner in the wake of the Ray Rice situation?

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If it can somehow be proven that he saw the tape, he's done imo. If not, he'll be fine. Ravens cutting Rice did him a huge favor. Goodell strikes me as a fake tough guy.

Only reason he lost credibility is because it was caught on video. All other similar incidents where players have been convicted of DV, as a first time offender, in the court system have resulted in a 1-2 game suspension. So it's not as if he pulled 2 games out of his a**.

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So the NFL apparently didnt lie yesterday...that's nice. Now Goodell's team looks incredibly stupid, incompetent and...perhaps most damning....lacking of concern to get to the bottom of this.

*If this was quarantined to the sports media*, then Goodell would have nothing at all to worry about.

But the non-sports media, which will control how much heat the NFL gets, has something to grab onto here if they feel like it (the sports media has too many that wont rock the boat). Amazingly, this is what these stories come down to: does a new, bigger story in the world knock this off the stage with the non-sports media? If not, the chance of the commissioner surviving might actually be barely 50%.

Goodell's fate is now beyond logical thoughts, etc. It's up to how hard the non-sports media wants to press.

Goodell makes sht up as he goes along.

s/ Saints Fans Everywhere

He is making the shield look bad; he was hired to do the opposite.

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Are the owners making more money? Guess what, that's Goodell's only real job.
This is literally the only thing that matters at all. Rice will be forgotten by the end of September. Goddell came off looking pretty slimy over this whole deal, but at the end of the day, he's no worse than any of the other owners / past commissioners / coaches -- I'd bet that every single team in every professional sport has a handful of players equal to or worse than Ray Rice on the "POS" scale. In the long run, the product on the field staying strong so that the $$$ rolls in is the only thing that matters.

Does it matter whether he saw the video or not? We all read the reports that she was knocked unconscious and dragged out of the elevator. We also knew that video existed. Rice never denied that it happened.

For anyone to actually be shocked by seeing the video just doesn't make any sense to me. Exactly how did anyone picture in their mind how a knockout punch and being dragged out of the elevator to look like?

The only difference is you can't un see the video.

Are the owners making more money? Guess what, that's Goodell's only real job.
Eh, not exactly. He builds and protects the brand. Brand value is more important than year-to-year profit. They are certainly connected, but he could make moves to increase the short-term profitability of the league but damage the brand and reduce value for the owners.
Are the owners making more money? Guess what, that's Goodell's only real job.
Eh, not exactly. He builds and protects the brand. Brand value is more important than year-to-year profit. They are certainly connected, but he could make moves to increase the short-term profitability of the league but damage the brand and reduce value for the owners.
And at this point...despite the opinion of some...he makes the owners money and has done well to protect the brand value when he can.


Does it matter whether he saw the video or not? We all read the reports that she was knocked unconscious and dragged out of the elevator. We also knew that video existed. Rice never denied that it happened.

For anyone to actually be shocked by seeing the video just doesn't make any sense to me. Exactly how did anyone picture in their mind how a knockout punch and being dragged out of the elevator to look like?

The only difference is you can't un see the video.
Seeing the video clearly mattered to the Ravens and the league office though. They and a lot of others would tell you there was at least some doubt -- in part because of the way Rice and his wife described it as her coming at him -- as to the details. She could have been going nuts on him and he took a wild swing. He could have barely tapped her causing her to lose balance and the rail in the elevator knocked her out. A lot of possibilities. We now have no doubt as to his actions because we've seen them, and his story in Goodell's office which was designed I'm sure to minimize those actions has become irrelevant.

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And still not sure why this bigger scumbag, Greg Hardy, is going to likely play all season with no punishment whatsoever... Good job Goodell.

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And still not sure why this bigger scumbag, Greg Hardy, is going to likely play all season with no punishment whatsoever... Good job Goodell.
Case ongoing on appeal and no video evidence that everyone has seen.

Do you want him to suspend before all facts are known for every arrest? There are times he has and needs to based on what we already know (like seeing the Rice video now).

Does it matter whether he saw the video or not? We all read the reports that she was knocked unconscious and dragged out of the elevator. We also knew that video existed. Rice never denied that it happened.

For anyone to actually be shocked by seeing the video just doesn't make any sense to me. Exactly how did anyone picture in their mind how a knockout punch and being dragged out of the elevator to look like?

The only difference is you can't un see the video.
Seeing the video clearly mattered to the Ravens and the league office though. They and a lot of others would tell you there was at least some doubt -- in part because of the way Rice and his wife described it as her coming at him -- as to the details. She could have been going nuts on him and he took a wild swing. He could have barely tapped her causing her to lose balance and the rail in the elevator knocked her out. A lot of possibilities. We now have no doubt as to his actions because we've seen them, and his story in Goodell's office which were designed I'm sure to minimize those actions have become irrelevant.
This wasn't a "stand your ground" situation. Even if she was going nuts just restrain her. There were no reports that his life was being threatened. She lunged and slapped him. She didn't go after him with a knife.

Again, I'm still not sure what people thought a argument that lead to a KO punch would look like...but for future reference, now you know.

Does it matter whether he saw the video or not? We all read the reports that she was knocked unconscious and dragged out of the elevator. We also knew that video existed. Rice never denied that it happened.

For anyone to actually be shocked by seeing the video just doesn't make any sense to me. Exactly how did anyone picture in their mind how a knockout punch and being dragged out of the elevator to look like?

The only difference is you can't un see the video.
Seeing the video clearly mattered to the Ravens and the league office though. They and a lot of others would tell you there was at least some doubt -- in part because of the way Rice and his wife described it as her coming at him -- as to the details. She could have been going nuts on him and he took a wild swing. He could have barely tapped her causing her to lose balance and the rail in the elevator knocked her out. A lot of possibilities. We now have no doubt as to his actions because we've seen them, and his story in Goodell's office which were designed I'm sure to minimize those actions have become irrelevant.
No it didnt, it matters because of the oversensitive society was not smart enough to understand what a punch looks like.

The fact that people are angry over something they knew happened months ago just because they saw the video is basically saying, "I'm naive and love drama"

Are the owners making more money? Guess what, that's Goodell's only real job.

He destroyed the NFLPA in the last labor talks.

Hes got the players quaking in their cleats with his absolute power.

Hes making the NFL into a global dominating sport and at the rate its going it will challenge FIFA if it doesn't already.

And most importantly he and his team are squeezing everything they can for money; the fans, the networks, the players.... if there is an extra cent out there they want it; the owners are fat pigs thanks to him so Roger isn't going anywhere. The only way Goodell would be removed is if the fans revolt and the NFL begins to lose money.

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Does it matter whether he saw the video or not? We all read the reports that she was knocked unconscious and dragged out of the elevator. We also knew that video existed. Rice never denied that it happened.

For anyone to actually be shocked by seeing the video just doesn't make any sense to me. Exactly how did anyone picture in their mind how a knockout punch and being dragged out of the elevator to look like?

The only difference is you can't un see the video.
Seeing the video clearly mattered to the Ravens and the league office though. They and a lot of others would tell you there was at least some doubt -- in part because of the way Rice and his wife described it as her coming at him -- as to the details. She could have been going nuts on him and he took a wild swing. He could have barely tapped her causing her to lose balance and the rail in the elevator knocked her out. A lot of possibilities. We now have no doubt as to his actions because we've seen them, and his story in Goodell's office which were designed I'm sure to minimize those actions have become irrelevant.
This wasn't a "stand your ground" situation. Even if she was going nuts just restrain her. There were no reports that his life was being threatened. She lunged and slapped him. She didn't go after him with a knife.

Again, I'm still not sure what people thought a argument that lead to a KO punch would look like...but for future reference, now you know.
Careful, people will get on you for defending Ray even though some of us smart people clearly know that's now what anyone who is saying what you are saying is doing.

Being punished for the same crime twice is illegal in states, but in the NFL its allowed. Marijuana is legal is some states, and is not in the NFL. Awesome.

Those are the types of things that happen when you lean on society outrage and opinion to make rules/laws for you, it gets screwed up.

If it can somehow be proven that he saw the tape, he's done imo. If not, he'll be fine. Ravens cutting Rice did him a huge favor. Goodell strikes me as a fake tough guy.
Seeing the tape has nothing to do with Goodells future. Then owners do not care about Ray Rice beating his wife. If they did Ray could have been released immediately . And if that happened another RB starved owner would have picked Rice up the next day. The owners only care about the bottom line $$$$$. They are not about to kill the Golden Goose.

I don`t like the things that Goodell has done to the game. IMO what happened is that Goodell never saw the second vid and Rice's wife during their meeting probably said she was intoxicated and was attacking Ray in the elevator and that Ray accidently shoved her down or something like that. Goodell did say that Rice's wife was the key in the low suspension..but she did not want the gravy train to stop.

Are the owners making more money? Guess what, that's Goodell's only real job.

He destroyed the NFLPA in the last labor talks.

Hes got the players quaking in their cleats with his absolute power.

Hes making the NFL into a global dominating sport and at the rate its going it will challenge FIFA if it doesn't already.

And most importantly he and his team are squeezing everything they can for money; the fans, the networks, the players.... if there is an extra cent out there they want it; the owners are fat pigs thanks to him so Roger isn't going anywhere. The only way Goodell would be removed is if the fans revolt and the NFL begins to lose money.

Are the owners making more money? Guess what, that's Goodell's only real job.

He destroyed the NFLPA in the last labor talks.

Hes got the players quaking in their cleats with his absolute power.

Hes making the NFL into a global dominating sport and at the rate its going it will challenge FIFA if it doesn't already.

And most importantly he and his team are squeezing everything they can for money; the fans, the networks, the players.... if there is an extra cent out there they want it; the owners are fat pigs thanks to him so Roger isn't going anywhere. The only way Goodell would be removed is if the fans revolt and the NFL begins to lose money.
Yes, but he's in trouble here. If this stays in the mass media's news cycle for a week....then he is in serious jeopardy.

If this goes on for a week with cable panels with womens rights activists coming after the NFL hard because of Goodell's action/inaction then at that point....he will be on the chopping block. And TMZ is not done here either.

What Goodell needs is a new news story big enough to take this off the front burner. If not, then he's in a very uncomfortable position that could cost him his job.

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If it can somehow be proven that he saw the tape, he's done imo. If not, he'll be fine. Ravens cutting Rice did him a huge favor. Goodell strikes me as a fake tough guy.
Seeing the tape has nothing to do with Goodells future. Then owners do not care about Ray Rice beating his wife. If they did Ray could have been released immediately . And if that happened another RB starved owner would have picked Rice up the next day. The owners only care about the bottom line $$$$$. They are not about to kill the Golden Goose.

I don`t like the things that Goodell has done to the game. IMO what happened is that Goodell never saw the second vid and Rice's wife during their meeting probably said she was intoxicated and was attacking Ray in the elevator and that Ray accidently shoved her down or something like that. Goodell did say that Rice's wife was the key in the low suspension..but she did not want the gravy train to stop.
That's almost impossible to prove he saw it... if any proof comes out that NFL officials saw this tape prior to announcing the 1st suspension there will be a fall guy below Goodell's level to be given to the people.

And still not sure why this bigger scumbag, Greg Hardy, is going to likely play all season with no punishment whatsoever... Good job Goodell.
Case ongoing on appeal and no video evidence that everyone has seen.

Do you want him to suspend before all facts are known for every arrest? There are times he has and needs to based on what we already know (like seeing the Rice video now).
He was convicted, and currently appealing. But it is still action detrimental to the NFL. It is well within Goodell's right. All I see is hypocrisy.

Does it matter whether he saw the video or not? We all read the reports that she was knocked unconscious and dragged out of the elevator. We also knew that video existed. Rice never denied that it happened.

For anyone to actually be shocked by seeing the video just doesn't make any sense to me. Exactly how did anyone picture in their mind how a knockout punch and being dragged out of the elevator to look like?

The only difference is you can't un see the video.
Seeing the video clearly mattered to the Ravens and the league office though. They and a lot of others would tell you there was at least some doubt -- in part because of the way Rice and his wife described it as her coming at him -- as to the details. She could have been going nuts on him and he took a wild swing. He could have barely tapped her causing her to lose balance and the rail in the elevator knocked her out. A lot of possibilities. We now have no doubt as to his actions because we've seen them, and his story in Goodell's office which were designed I'm sure to minimize those actions have become irrelevant.
This wasn't a "stand your ground" situation. Even if she was going nuts just restrain her. There were no reports that his life was being threatened. She lunged and slapped him. She didn't go after him with a knife.

Again, I'm still not sure what people thought a argument that lead to a KO punch would look like...but for future reference, now you know.
Careful, people will get on you for defending Ray even though some of us smart people clearly know that's now what anyone who is saying what you are saying is doing.

Being punished for the same crime twice is illegal in states, but in the NFL its allowed. Marijuana is legal is some states, and is not in the NFL. Awesome.

Those are the types of things that happen when you lean on society outrage and opinion to make rules/laws for you, it gets screwed up.
The NFL is a private business...double jeopardy laws don't apply.

As a business they are also allowed to set rules like not allowing for the use of marijuana if they see fit...just as your company could.

And still not sure why this bigger scumbag, Greg Hardy, is going to likely play all season with no punishment whatsoever... Good job Goodell.
Case ongoing on appeal and no video evidence that everyone has seen.

Do you want him to suspend before all facts are known for every arrest? There are times he has and needs to based on what we already know (like seeing the Rice video now).
He was convicted, and currently appealing. But it is still action detrimental to the NFL. It is well within Goodell's right. All I see is hypocrisy.
Hypocrisy would mean both situations are the same.

They aren't.

In one, you had the "case" closed by authorities and a video leading to a 2 game suspension. Now you have the rest of the video making it appear worse in the public eye or bringing more into light...the team reacting and now the NFL as well.

If there were video of anything Hardy did...he wouldn't be playing right now either.

Does it matter whether he saw the video or not? We all read the reports that she was knocked unconscious and dragged out of the elevator. We also knew that video existed. Rice never denied that it happened.

For anyone to actually be shocked by seeing the video just doesn't make any sense to me. Exactly how did anyone picture in their mind how a knockout punch and being dragged out of the elevator to look like?

The only difference is you can't un see the video.
Seeing the video clearly mattered to the Ravens and the league office though. They and a lot of others would tell you there was at least some doubt -- in part because of the way Rice and his wife described it as her coming at him -- as to the details. She could have been going nuts on him and he took a wild swing. He could have barely tapped her causing her to lose balance and the rail in the elevator knocked her out. A lot of possibilities. We now have no doubt as to his actions because we've seen them, and his story in Goodell's office which were designed I'm sure to minimize those actions have become irrelevant.
This wasn't a "stand your ground" situation. Even if she was going nuts just restrain her. There were no reports that his life was being threatened. She lunged and slapped him. She didn't go after him with a knife.

Again, I'm still not sure what people thought a argument that lead to a KO punch would look like...but for future reference, now you know.
Careful, people will get on you for defending Ray even though some of us smart people clearly know that's now what anyone who is saying what you are saying is doing.

Being punished for the same crime twice is illegal in states, but in the NFL its allowed. Marijuana is legal is some states, and is not in the NFL. Awesome.

Those are the types of things that happen when you lean on society outrage and opinion to make rules/laws for you, it gets screwed up.
The NFL is a private business...double jeopardy laws don't apply.

As a business they are also allowed to set rules like not allowing for the use of marijuana if they see fit...just as your company could.
Wow, thanks for telling me that if I did not know. The fact you had to ecxplain that to me means you missed my point completely.

I'm glad to finally find out company rules are different from a state/federal laws. Whew.

Are the owners making more money? Guess what, that's Goodell's only real job.

He destroyed the NFLPA in the last labor talks.

Hes got the players quaking in their cleats with his absolute power.

Hes making the NFL into a global dominating sport and at the rate its going it will challenge FIFA if it doesn't already.

And most importantly he and his team are squeezing everything they can for money; the fans, the networks, the players.... if there is an extra cent out there they want it; the owners are fat pigs thanks to him so Roger isn't going anywhere. The only way Goodell would be removed is if the fans revolt and the NFL begins to lose money.
...and that will NEVER happen.

Bob Kraft went on CBS and defended Goodell publicly.

SPORTS MEDIA: Points to this as proof that Goodell is safe b/c Bob Kraft carries so much weight within NFL ownership

NON-SPORTS MEDIA: Does not have such reverence for Kraft and they think Kraft sounds like an ignorant baffoon to defend the indefensible actions of Goodell.

Goodell is in trouble here. The NFL doesnt seem to realize Peter King is not the one covering them this time. The real media will not bend over the way that the sports media does.

Does it matter whether he saw the video or not? We all read the reports that she was knocked unconscious and dragged out of the elevator. We also knew that video existed. Rice never denied that it happened.

For anyone to actually be shocked by seeing the video just doesn't make any sense to me. Exactly how did anyone picture in their mind how a knockout punch and being dragged out of the elevator to look like?

The only difference is you can't un see the video.
Yes, and I'm surprised that this has become a topic of discussion. Having video and watching humans treat each other with brutality always drives the point home more so than abstract understandings. Hence Resnais's Night and Fog about WWII being shown in high schools everywhere (or at least mine) to drive the point home.

It's visceral. It personalizes both aggressor and victim. It's concretizing.

Bob Kraft went on CBS and defended Goodell publicly.

SPORTS MEDIA: Points to this as proof that Goodell is safe b/c Bob Kraft carries so much weight within NFL ownership

NON-SPORTS MEDIA: Does not have such reverence for Kraft and they think Kraft sounds like an ignorant baffoon to defend the indefensible actions of Goodell.

Goodell is in trouble here. The NFL doesnt seem to realize Peter King is not the one covering them this time. The real media will not bend over the way that the sports media does.
You mean the outrage machine? They are going to be good covering this story, that's for sure. If there's one thing modern media can do, it's whip up a story, make the story about the story, force everyone to publicly apologize, and move onto the next outrage.

Bob Kraft went on CBS and defended Goodell publicly.

SPORTS MEDIA: Points to this as proof that Goodell is safe b/c Bob Kraft carries so much weight within NFL ownership

NON-SPORTS MEDIA: Does not have such reverence for Kraft and they think Kraft sounds like an ignorant baffoon to defend the indefensible actions of Goodell.

Goodell is in trouble here. The NFL doesnt seem to realize Peter King is not the one covering them this time. The real media will not bend over the way that the sports media does.
You mean the outrage machine? They are going to be good covering this story, that's for sure. If there's one thing modern media can do, it's whip up a story, make the story about the story, force everyone to publicly apologize, and move onto the next outrage.
Yes, the outrage machine.

  • The media machne full of "expert panels" every 6 minutes with credible womens rights activists, lawyers, and former players that seem to have an axe to grind.
  • The media machine where TMZ is at the lead(!) who will kill for more and more scoops over the coming week.
  • The media machine that has led Roger Goodell around like a dog for the better part of a decade chasing his tail on the politically correct issue du jour .
  • The media machine that offers no thank yous to Goodell for following their politically correct ways; they just ask him for more and more until he is killed off.

And unfortunately THAT MEDIA is real and has the capability to rise far above the supposed weight of Bob Kraft....and actually create enough of a fury to lead to Goodell's ousting. It's not likely, but it's very much possible right now.

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Thread is ridiculous. Goodell has presided over the largest net increase in value within a sport (value of the sports teams) of any commissioner ever. Each team is now worth $1B+. He's proactive with almost every issue and resolves the ones that linger in a decisive manner. There's nothing to hate about this guy. You're just hating because you want to hate something. Grow up.

Bob Kraft went on CBS and defended Goodell publicly.

SPORTS MEDIA: Points to this as proof that Goodell is safe b/c Bob Kraft carries so much weight within NFL ownership

NON-SPORTS MEDIA: Does not have such reverence for Kraft and they think Kraft sounds like an ignorant baffoon to defend the indefensible actions of Goodell.

Goodell is in trouble here. The NFL doesnt seem to realize Peter King is not the one covering them this time. The real media will not bend over the way that the sports media does.
You mean the outrage machine? They are going to be good covering this story, that's for sure. If there's one thing modern media can do, it's whip up a story, make the story about the story, force everyone to publicly apologize, and move onto the next outrage.
Yes, the outrage machine.

  • The media machne full of "expert panels" every 6 minutes with credible womens rights activists, lawyers, and former players that seem to have an axe to grind.
  • The media machine where TMZ is at the lead(!) who will kill for more and more scoops over the coming week.
  • The media machine that has led Roger Goodell around like a dog for the better part of a decade chasing his tail on the politically correct issue du jour .
  • The media machine that offers no thank yous to Goodell for following their politically correct ways; they just ask him for more and more until he is killed off.

And unfortunately THAT MEDIA is real and has the capability to rise far above the supposed weight of Bob Kraft....and actually create enough of a fury to lead to Goodell's ousting. It's not likely, but it's very much possible right now.
I wasn't snarking at your point about their efficacy and power, I was snarking at the media. Your point is taken on my end.

Goodell is in trouble here. The NFL doesnt seem to realize Peter King is not the one covering them this time. The real media will not bend over the way that the sports media does.
And they'll be happy to pepper Roger Goodell and the NFL until kingdom come just for the sake of being a nuisance. Goodell, personally, cannot be worth the hassle to the 32 NFL owners, when other qualified folks could step in with a fresh slate and serve ably as comomisioner.

Bob Kraft went on CBS and defended Goodell publicly.

SPORTS MEDIA: Points to this as proof that Goodell is safe b/c Bob Kraft carries so much weight within NFL ownership

NON-SPORTS MEDIA: Does not have such reverence for Kraft and they think Kraft sounds like an ignorant baffoon to defend the indefensible actions of Goodell.

Goodell is in trouble here. The NFL doesnt seem to realize Peter King is not the one covering them this time. The real media will not bend over the way that the sports media does.
You mean the outrage machine? They are going to be good covering this story, that's for sure. If there's one thing modern media can do, it's whip up a story, make the story about the story, force everyone to publicly apologize, and move onto the next outrage.
Yes, the outrage machine.

  • The media machne full of "expert panels" every 6 minutes with credible womens rights activists, lawyers, and former players that seem to have an axe to grind.
  • The media machine where TMZ is at the lead(!) who will kill for more and more scoops over the coming week.
  • The media machine that has led Roger Goodell around like a dog for the better part of a decade chasing his tail on the politically correct issue du jour .
  • The media machine that offers no thank yous to Goodell for following their politically correct ways; they just ask him for more and more until he is killed off.

And unfortunately THAT MEDIA is real and has the capability to rise far above the supposed weight of Bob Kraft....and actually create enough of a fury to lead to Goodell's ousting. It's not likely, but it's very much possible right now.
I wasn't snarking at your point about their efficacy and power, I was snarking at the media. Your point is taken on my end.
Yes, got it. We're pretty much in agreement here I think.

Pure logic says he is wounded...but stays, but logic is irrelevant right now. If this stays at the top of the news cycle then at some point he may be asked to go.

Thread is ridiculous. Goodell has presided over the largest net increase in value within a sport (value of the sports teams) of any commissioner ever. Each team is now worth $1B+. He's proactive with almost every issue and resolves the ones that linger in a decisive manner. There's nothing to hate about this guy. You're just hating because you want to hate something. Grow up.
disagree on that, but agree on the rest. He screwed up. Nobody cared until it's literally in our face. It's amazing how easy it is to turn a blind eye to violence yet when we actually see it, we react. Give this a couple weeks. It will blow over unless the vocal minority keeps it an issue. Maybe instead of saving the ta-tas the NFL could do something for battered women.

Does it matter whether he saw the video or not? We all read the reports that she was knocked unconscious and dragged out of the elevator. We also knew that video existed. Rice never denied that it happened.

For anyone to actually be shocked by seeing the video just doesn't make any sense to me. Exactly how did anyone picture in their mind how a knockout punch and being dragged out of the elevator to look like?

The only difference is you can't un see the video.
Seeing the video clearly mattered to the Ravens and the league office though. They and a lot of others would tell you there was at least some doubt -- in part because of the way Rice and his wife described it as her coming at him -- as to the details. She could have been going nuts on him and he took a wild swing. He could have barely tapped her causing her to lose balance and the rail in the elevator knocked her out. A lot of possibilities. We now have no doubt as to his actions because we've seen them, and his story in Goodell's office which were designed I'm sure to minimize those actions have become irrelevant.
This wasn't a "stand your ground" situation. Even if she was going nuts just restrain her. There were no reports that his life was being threatened. She lunged and slapped him. She didn't go after him with a knife.

Again, I'm still not sure what people thought a argument that lead to a KO punch would look like...but for future reference, now you know.
Careful, people will get on you for defending Ray even though some of us smart people clearly know that's now what anyone who is saying what you are saying is doing.

Being punished for the same crime twice is illegal in states, but in the NFL its allowed. Marijuana is legal is some states, and is not in the NFL. Awesome.

Those are the types of things that happen when you lean on society outrage and opinion to make rules/laws for you, it gets screwed up.
The NFL is a private business...double jeopardy laws don't apply.

As a business they are also allowed to set rules like not allowing for the use of marijuana if they see fit...just as your company could.
Wow, thanks for telling me that if I did not know. The fact you had to ecxplain that to me means you missed my point completely.

I'm glad to finally find out company rules are different from a state/federal laws. Whew.
You had a point?

Why even bring up pot laws and double jeopardy?

Thread is ridiculous. Goodell has presided over the largest net increase in value within a sport (value of the sports teams) of any commissioner ever. Each team is now worth $1B+. He's proactive with almost every issue and resolves the ones that linger in a decisive manner. There's nothing to hate about this guy. You're just hating because you want to hate something. Grow up.
disagree on that, but agree on the rest. He screwed up. Nobody cared until it's literally in our face. It's amazing how easy it is to turn a blind eye to violence yet when we actually see it, we react. Give this a couple weeks. It will blow over unless the vocal minority keeps it an issue. Maybe instead of saving the ta-tas the NFL could do something for battered women.

How did he screw up? They didn't have the video. He didn't get arrested and there wasn't conclusive evidence for what actually happened inside the elevator. Although it looked pretty obvious there was no smoking gun - no eyewitness and neither one of them copped to what actually happened.

What's he supposed to do? Given the evidence, he did act. Two games and Rice lost $500k. Any more would have been an overreach.

Obviously the person with the full video was holding out to sell it to the highest bidder. TMZ comes in, probably offers the guy $50k, then releases it.

Those conspiracy theorists out there that think they had the video the whole time are giving the NFL too much credit. They aren't some secret NSA/CIA organiziation with access to info much beyond what we have.

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Tmz states they have info that the NFL saw the footage before the original ruling. If this turns out to be true goodell is toast

These owners are ruthless and Goodell is there flunky.

Doesnt matter what he has done for them in the past, he is the face of them getting the most negative press in some time, and if this begins to affect there current bottom lines, like sponsorships being pulled, he will be gone.

If they can weather that storm, he might survive.

But it doesnt matter what he has done, it matters if the ad money and network money begin to balk.

Public perception is reality for these owners.

Bob Kraft went on CBS and defended Goodell publicly.

SPORTS MEDIA: Points to this as proof that Goodell is safe b/c Bob Kraft carries so much weight within NFL ownership

NON-SPORTS MEDIA: Does not have such reverence for Kraft and they think Kraft sounds like an ignorant baffoon to defend the indefensible actions of Goodell.

Goodell is in trouble here. The NFL doesnt seem to realize Peter King is not the one covering them this time. The real media will not bend over the way that the sports media does.
You mean the outrage machine? They are going to be good covering this story, that's for sure. If there's one thing modern media can do, it's whip up a story, make the story about the story, force everyone to publicly apologize, and move onto the next outrage.
Yes, the outrage machine.

  • The media machne full of "expert panels" every 6 minutes with credible womens rights activists, lawyers, and former players that seem to have an axe to grind.
  • The media machine where TMZ is at the lead(!) who will kill for more and more scoops over the coming week.
  • The media machine that has led Roger Goodell around like a dog for the better part of a decade chasing his tail on the politically correct issue du jour .
  • The media machine that offers no thank yous to Goodell for following their politically correct ways; they just ask him for more and more until he is killed off.

And unfortunately THAT MEDIA is real and has the capability to rise far above the supposed weight of Bob Kraft....and actually create enough of a fury to lead to Goodell's ousting. It's not likely, but it's very much possible right now.
I wasn't snarking at your point about their efficacy and power, I was snarking at the media. Your point is taken on my end.
Yes, got it. We're pretty much in agreement here I think.

Pure logic says he is wounded...but stays, but logic is irrelevant right now. If this stays at the top of the news cycle then at some point he may be asked to go.
Ah, it's a terrible thing when my sarc sensor goes down. I read your post again. Gotcha.

For those who think this blows over, you aren't seeing clearly.

This isn't a sports story, it's the OJ scandal now. The story will get beat to death until Goodell is fired. He's been a pompous ### and there's a lot of things to use against him. Some of his suspensions have been really harsh yet he's let numerous domestic violence cases go by with barely a reaction. When they start digging and bringing up Washington, etc and then start questioning why they didn't view the tape or if they are lieing, there is no defensible response either. They 100% had to find the tape and watch it.

I realize any business is PR but Goodell put on this Mr. Goodie Goodie persona that was cleaning up the game. I think it's pretty clear to most people now that he's fake and he's going to get dragged through the mud even worse for it. People love bringing down someone off their high horse. I was going across country and listened to radio all yesterday and it isn't pretty. It's also going to get uglier. He's done.

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I was going across country and listened to radio all yesterday and it isn't pretty. It's also going to get uglier. He's done.
A lot of big papers (e.g. Chicago Sun Times, Boston Herald) are printing editorials that are indirectly calling for his resignation, as well.

Are the owners making more money? Guess what, that's Goodell's only real job.
Eh, not exactly. He builds and protects the brand. Brand value is more important than year-to-year profit. They are certainly connected, but he could make moves to increase the short-term profitability of the league but damage the brand and reduce value for the owners.
In the end he suspended Rice for the year. People can nitpick how he got there but he gave him the right punishment.

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