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I LOVE Elizabeth Warren: All aboard - WOO WOO!!! (2 Viewers)

Had to reach back to Page 5 for this one.  The headline probably explains why. 

Elizabeth Warren reports sharp decrease in fund-raising ahead of FEC deadline

Senator Elizabeth Warren’s presidential campaign disclosed on Friday that she’s facing a sharp drop in fund-raising ahead of a fourth-quarter deadline and is launching a last-minute appeal to supporters to close some of the gap.

Warren has raised $17 million so far in the fourth quarter, the campaign told supporters in an e-mail Friday. That’s down from $24.6 million in the third quarter, a roughly 31 percent drop.

“If the numbers don’t pick up, we run the risk of having to pull back plans to organize for Elizabeth Warren in all 50 states during the primary,” her campaign said in the e-mail, which asked for donations before Dec. 31.

Warren’s campaign acknowledged that announcing the fund-raising total ahead of the reporting deadline is unusual . Candidates often bombard their supporters with fund-raising e-mails toward the end of each quarter and often say they are running behind their goal — former vice president Joe Biden did just that on Thursday — but they rarely give specific figures and usually wait until after the quarter ends to announce their totals.

In going public ahead of time, the Warren campaign signaled it was highly concerned about the drop-off. The email said the campaign was unlikely to match the 3rd quarter total and set a goal of $20 million in contributions by the end of the quarter. If met, that would be a 23 percent drop from the third quarter.



Liz Warren’s Lack Of Honesty Off-Putting

On Dec 27, 2019

Here’s a suggested New Year’s resolution for Sen. Elizabeth Warren.

Stop the lying, fake Indian!

Just say no. One day at a time … try to tell the truth.

Speaking with forked tongue for many moons not good look for paleface who wish to become Great White Father.

The fake Indian’s entire political career has been built on duplicity, disingenuousness and just plain lying, but the 70-year-old solon seems to have set an all-time record in 2019. I’m not just talking about her recent wine-cave hypocrisy, and then trying to justify it by claiming she was peddling her vintages for “only” $49 a bottle — how many Americans ever spend $49 on a bottle of wine?

Where to begin?

Earlier this year, she was saying on the campaign trail that she’d only practiced law for “about 45 minutes.” Then she put out a list of 56 corporate clients, which was up from 13 when she first ran for the Senate in 2012.

Now the fake Indian admits she made $1.9 million representing Big Bad Corporate America. If she did indeed practice law for only 45 minutes, that must mean she must have been billing $2.5 million an hour!

Then there was the lie during a debate about her son going to public school (OK, it was only five years — the first five). Earlier, she claimed she got fired from her only public-school teaching job because she was pregnant (minutes of the 1971 school board meeting proved that statement … inoperative, as they used to say).

Last month she tweeted out, “I got my degree thanks to a quality public college where tuition was just $50 a semester.”

But earlier this week, she was tweeting, “By the time I graduated high school, my family couldn’t even afford a college application — much less four years of college.”

But … but … didn’t she get a scholarship to George Washington University, which she dropped out of after a couple of years to get married? You see how she twists facts around?

There’s a difference between having no money for college and giving up your scholarship, just like there’s a difference between quitting your job teaching because you got bored and getting fired because you were pregnant.

Now it turns out that her own family is not happy about her endless lies. I learned this in the Boston Globe’s weekly puff piece about the fake Indian. Usually they’re gushing about her golden retriever Bailey — how he replaced her equally beloved late golden Otis, how Bailey loves frolicking in the pajama-boy-friendly campaign headquarters in Charlestown, how her husband What’s-his-name’s job is taking Bailey out for walks …

So this week’s Warren slobber-fest is about her three older brothers, who apparently refuse to speak to reporters (lest they be asked, if not by the Globe, but by honest media outlets, if they ever checked the box for fame and fortune as fake Indians).

But the Globe’s crack scribe did catch up with someone who knew David, and this woman said he was “furious” when the erstwhile squaw began calling their father a janitor.

“He said, ‘My dad was never a janitor.’”

And his sister was never an Indian — but I digress. David Herring, by the way, seems like a real live wire. In 2011, the Globe reported, he “told the Daily Beast, apparently without prompting, that he did not think Warren was a lesbian.”

But the most shocking part of the Globe’s in-kind contribution to the campaign this week was that Bailey the golden retriever did not make at least a cameo appearance. Is Bailey in the Globe’s dog house?

However, the boring broadsheet’s trip to David Herring’s home in the Sooner State produced a no-comment at the front door “as his golden retriever bounded about in the yard.”

It’s Globe style: every puff piece about the fake Indian has to include the words “golden retriever.”

Meanwhile, she may be fading in the polls, but Sen. Warren, D-Dow Chemical, continues to set the pace in hypocrisy. Overlooked in the wine-cave sanctimony was her recent demand that Michael Bloomberg release all the women who’ve sued his company for sexual harassment from their nondisclosure agreements.

Not so they can put the blast on the billionaire, you understand, but just in the interest of “transparency.”

Which raises the question: Speaking of transparency, when are Harvard and UPenn law schools going to release the fake Indian’s employment applications, so we can confirm once and for all that she did not “check the box” and lie about being an Indian to get a job she had no business stealing from a real Native American?
The act of desperation:

"I will start to use existing laws on day one of my presidency to implement my student loan debt cancellation plan that offers relief to 42 million Americans.” 

What a massive lie in the attempt to climb out of the bottom and steal votes. No one is falling for that BS.

Can someone who supports Warren explain why student debt cancellation is a good thing?  Does everyone without debt get a check too?

The act of desperation:

"I will start to use existing laws on day one of my presidency to implement my student loan debt cancellation plan that offers relief to 42 million Americans.” 

What a massive lie in the attempt to climb out of the bottom and steal votes. No one is falling for that BS.
I have zero desire to vote for someone who will cancel student loan debt.

Can someone who supports Warren explain why student debt cancellation is a good thing?  Does everyone without debt get a check too?
I'm not a fan of cancelling student debt and I'm not even THAT well versed on it, but I'll tell you what I can.

  • No, people without debt get nothing, but in the end I'm betting our taxes end up helping to pay that bill.
  • Not all people with debt get it cancelled. I think there's something about how much debt you've got and how much you're currently making, so it's prorated. 
  • While I am absolutely opposed to this idea of hers, I can reconcile it a lot easier than giving tax cuts to the rich or war mongering. In the end, I'd rather put money in the pockets of students than give tax cuts to the ultra rich.
  • Further mental reconciling: when thinking about the effects on the economy, which do you think will actually impact consumerism? Tax cuts for people already hording wealth or increased expendable income for recent graduates?
  • I'd rather cancel student debt (a limited scope with a defined end and defined total amount) than provide free college indefinitely. 
I have zero desire to vote for someone who will cancel student loan debt.
I have a strong desire to vote for anyone who isn't:

  • a draft dodger
  • someone who has bankrupted six businesses
  • someone who has been accused of sexual assault by over twenty women
  • someone who speaks at a 4th grade level
  • successfully impeached for abuse of power
  • successfully impeached for obstruction of Congress
  • spending 10x as much tax payer money on golf than Obama after relentlessly b****ing about Obama spending taxpayer money on golf
  • illegally killing people for political gain, then lying about the reasons for it
I'm not a fan of cancelling student debt and I'm not even THAT well versed on it, but I'll tell you what I can.

  • No, people without debt get nothing, but in the end I'm betting our taxes end up helping to pay that bill.
  • Not all people with debt get it cancelled. I think there's something about how much debt you've got and how much you're currently making, so it's prorated. 
  • While I am absolutely opposed to this idea of hers, I can reconcile it a lot easier than giving tax cuts to the rich or war mongering. In the end, I'd rather put money in the pockets of students than give tax cuts to the ultra rich.
  • Further mental reconciling: when thinking about the effects on the economy, which do you think will actually impact consumerism? Tax cuts for people already hording wealth or increased expendable income for recent graduates?
  • I'd rather cancel student debt (a limited scope with a defined end and defined total amount) than provide free college indefinitely. 
Thanks, that helps.  I agree with most of this, however, this feels a lot like a bailout to me and not just for the former students.  Colleges have been spending money like they are printing it because basically they are.  Tuition is nuts and any forgiveness of the outrageous sums feels too much like validation of their behavior.  I don't know the answer but maybe making the debt HARDER to get in the first place will balance out the supply/demand we have right now where every middle class kid feels like they HAVE to get a college degree, taking out monopoly money loans to do so, thus enabling all the colleges to make up whatever price tag they want that supports their efforts in constantly building new upgrades.

If we're going to have public secondary education, make it affordable (should be easier than ever with online course options) and stop soaking everyone who comes through to build another new science hall.

If people want to put themselves into a lifetime of debt to go to a private institution, that's their choice, and bailing those choices out just fuels the machine.

I have a strong desire to vote for anyone who isn't:

  • a draft dodger
  • someone who has bankrupted six businesses
  • someone who has been accused of sexual assault by over twenty women
  • someone who speaks at a 4th grade level
  • successfully impeached for abuse of power
  • successfully impeached for obstruction of Congress
  • spending 10x as much tax payer money on golf than Obama after relentlessly b****ing about Obama spending taxpayer money on golf
  • illegally killing people for political gain, then lying about the reasons for it
Sure.  And i’ll vote for her over that list of traits.  But it doesn’t mean I have to support her before the general election.

Sure.  And i’ll vote for her over that list of traits.  But it doesn’t mean I have to support her before the general election.
For sure - vote for who you want to in the primaries.

I'm not keen on anyone in particular, but I like Warren's stance on lobbying and campaign finance reform and I feel like she's more likely than the rest to attempt to balance the budget... although some of her plans are pretty costly, but being "more likely than the rest" is a very, very low bar.

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Thanks, that helps.  I agree with most of this, however, this feels a lot like a bailout to me and not just for the former students.  Colleges have been spending money like they are printing it because basically they are.  Tuition is nuts and any forgiveness of the outrageous sums feels too much like validation of their behavior.  I don't know the answer but maybe making the debt HARDER to get in the first place will balance out the supply/demand we have right now where every middle class kid feels like they HAVE to get a college degree, taking out monopoly money loans to do so, thus enabling all the colleges to make up whatever price tag they want that supports their efforts in constantly building new upgrades.

If we're going to have public secondary education, make it affordable (should be easier than ever with online course options) and stop soaking everyone who comes through to build another new science hall.

If people want to put themselves into a lifetime of debt to go to a private institution, that's their choice, and bailing those choices out just fuels the machine.
Preaching to the choir, brother. But just for some more information, I looked a little bit up. It sounds like the limit is $50k, so I don't think people taking out six figure loans to go to private colleges would be out of the woods at all:

  • Cancel $50,000 in student loan debt for every person with household income under $100,000.
  • Provide substantial debt cancellation for every person with household income between $100,000 and $250,000.
  • Also make private student loan debt eligible for cancellation.
  • Streamline the student loan debt forgiveness process using data and income information already available to the federal government.
Importantly, Warren's plan offers no student loan debt cancellation to borrowers with a household income above $250,000, which she says is the Top 5% of earners. There would also be "phase-outs" based on income. The $50,000 cancellation amount would phase out by $1 for every $3 in income above $100,000. According to Warren, for example, "a person with household income of $130,000 gets $40,000 in cancellation, while a person with household income of $160,000 gets $30,000 in cancellation."
From this article.

Can someone who supports Warren explain why student debt cancellation is a good thing?  Does everyone without debt get a check too?
Tax breaks don't go to everyone. Not everyone qualifies for medicare. Child tax credits are only available to parents of children. Farm subsidies only go to farmers, etc. etc. Our tax laws and social welfare benefits and a whole host of other things pick winners and losers all the time. Seems this is just a continuation of that fight

Tax breaks don't go to everyone. Not everyone qualifies for medicare. Child tax credits are only available to parents of children. Farm subsidies only go to farmers, etc. etc. Our tax laws and social welfare benefits and a whole host of other things pick winners and losers all the time. Seems this is just a continuation of that fight
Validating the insane rate of higher education cost increases seems like a crappy winner to pick.

We won't solve healthcare costs by simply paying for everyone's care at current costs, the providers will simply see an opportunity to charge even more.  If gov't is going to step in to provide relief, it has to also include guardrails to reduce costs, as the rising costs are the source of the problem.  Same for education, paying the bill at the end won't fix anything.  If taxpayers are going to pay, we should make the system cost less.

This doesn't seem worth its own thread and I'm not sure where to put it but I'll put it here because Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley, one of the members of "The Squad" and a surrogate for Elizabeth Warren's campaign ... has just come out as bald.

I think it's pretty awesome.  The world is changing.

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This doesn't seem worth its own thread and I'm not sure where to put it but I'll put it here because Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley, one of the members of "The Squad" and a surrogate for Elizabeth Warren's campaign ... has just come out as bald.

I think it's pretty awesome.  The world is changing.
Dude you realize it’s a disease and she is very upset about it right?  I don’t even like her but feel bad for her. I think she actually looks hot bald though. Very pretty. 

I struggle to figure how either of you, boots or metoo, found fatguys post objectionable.  He was celebrating the congresswoman for stepping out and standing tall as her true self rather than hiding under a wig.  We as a society have come a long way mg way if it's true that we will not judge the congresswoman based on appearance.  That is awesome!

I struggle to figure how either of you, boots or metoo, found fatguys post objectionable.  He was celebrating the congresswoman for stepping out and standing tall as her true self rather than hiding under a wig.  We as a society have come a long way mg way if it's true that we will not judge the congresswoman based on appearance.  That is awesome!
I agree.  I made a little joke about my own hair loss, but it's a fact of life that a guy can shave his head and it looks cool.  Bald women undoubtedly have a very different experience.

If Warren wasn't already finished.  She is now.

In a video that’s stirred up some attention online, a self-described father of a college graduate asks Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren (MA), whose platform includes “a plan to cancel student loan debt,” if he can get his money back after “working a double shift” and dutifully saving so he could pay for his daughter’s college education. Her answer inspires an exasperated response from the man.

In a video highlighted over at Twitchy, the father approaches Warren to ask her about her student loan cancellation plan.

“My daughter’s getting out of school, I saved all my money, so she doesn’t have any student debt,” the man says. “Am I going to get my money back?”

“Of course not,” the Massachusetts senator responds.

“So, we end up paying for people who didn’t save any money, then those who did the right thing get screwed,” the father says.

He goes on to describe the actions of his “buddy,” who he says makes more money than him but didn’t use his money responsibly. Meanwhile he worked a “double shift” and carefully put money away in order to make sure his daughter wasn’t burdened with debt.

“So, you’re laughing,” the man says in response to Warren’s reaction. “Yes, that’s exactly what you’re doing,” he says after the senator appears to protest. “We did the right thing — and we get screwed,” the frustrated father says before walking away.


If Warren wasn't already finished.  She is now.
That didn't seem like much of an exchange.  The guy said she was laughing but she wasn't.  And then he walked away without letting her respond.  I can see how people might disagree about the merits of the student loan cancellation plan.  But I don't see how this video changes anything.

That didn't seem like much of an exchange.  The guy said she was laughing but she wasn't.  And then he walked away without letting her respond.  I can see how people might disagree about the merits of the student loan cancellation plan.  But I don't see how this video changes anything.
She has a nervous chuckle when she gets flustered.  But what else was she going to say?  It's been an assumed opinion that people who make/made their student loan payments were going to be SOL if this "forgiveness plan" kicks in and she literally just confirmed it.  

People who made serious sacrifices don't want to support this plan as it probably puts them behind the curve financially which makes it even less appealing. 

She has a nervous chuckle when she gets flustered.  But what else was she going to say?  It's been an assumed opinion that people who make/made their student loan payments were going to be SOL if this "forgiveness plan" kicks in and she literally just confirmed it.  

People who made serious sacrifices don't want to support this plan as it probably puts them behind the curve financially which makes it even less appealing. 
It was more than "assumed," Warren's plan has been out for months for all to see.  This guy already knew the answer to his question.  So he approached her, got the expected answer, and then walked away.  I see nothing remarkable about the exchange at all.

She has a nervous chuckle when she gets flustered.  But what else was she going to say?  It's been an assumed opinion that people who make/made their student loan payments were going to be SOL if this "forgiveness plan" kicks in and she literally just confirmed it.  

People who made serious sacrifices don't want to support this plan as it probably puts them behind the curve financially which makes it even less appealing. 
She’s always very scripted and not good ad libbing.” I appreciate your comments “ at the end :rolleyes:

It was more than "assumed," Warren's plan has been out for months for all to see.  This guy already knew the answer to his question.  So he approached her, got the expected answer, and then walked away.  I see nothing remarkable about the exchange at all.
I guess he felt like he needed to make a scene because the Media sure doesn't care to hit her on this aspect. 

Do you support not reimbursing people who have recently paid off their student loan debt? 

I guess he felt like he needed to make a scene because the Media sure doesn't care to hit her on this aspect. 

Do you support not reimbursing people who have recently paid off their student loan debt? 
I would need more specifics about the scope of the plan.  But as a general matter I wouldn't support that sort of reimbursement.


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