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I need a viable UTIL player (2 Viewers)


So i went through the first half of the season killing all 7 of my offensive categories. My pitching categories have faultered due to inconsistency.

So i decided I needed to make a move or two and I have a vlad for Delmon young and Cole Hamels deal in the works(i brought vlad in three weeks ago).

I then got an offer of Felix Hernandez for holiday.

This will leave me with byres, pence and cabrera as my OF'ers. Delmon young also but i am hesitant about him.

I need to fill an UTIL spot and some names that are popping up are


shannon stewart

jack cust

willie harris

mark loretta

louis castilla


I know I am taking a big hit here but i need someone to fill in and keep the avg and obp up, maybe the runs category as well. pence, byrnes, mauer, roberts, renteria, braun should be able to keep me a float till the season while blanton, lincecum felix and cole should raise my pitching.

any help is appreciated. thank you

Out of that group, Cust seems like the obvious choice. He could very well end up with a 30 HR, 100 RBI season. If your league counts OBP, he'll help with a .393 OBP%.

Luis Castillo helps with AVG, but has no power or speed.

Scott Hatteberg is somewhere between Cust and Castillo.

Don't buy into Stewart's resurgence. His power and speed have been eroding away the past couple years and even with his "resurgence", he's still a mediocre producer in fantasy baseball.

Willie Harris and Mark Loretta also aren't worth considering.

The obvious choice here is Jack Cust.

I would probably keep Holliday. Dude is a stud, and I don't think you're getting fair return in Felix Hernandez. Isn't he near the top of the league in average, an OBP near 400, 15 hr's, 69 rbi's, 56 runs, hell even 4 steals. You better hope Hernandez is nearly unhittable the second half...although his first start out, albeit against a very good Tigers team, he was quite hittable, letting up 10 in just over 6 innings.

Thanks for the feedback and I didnt know quite if i was selling holliday too low, but my pitching is piss poor. Mussina, kazmir arent getting the job done. Lincecum is inconsistent and blanton, although real hot right now, is bound to run into trouble. I need help pitching, or else I probably will not contend at the end(4th out of 14 right now). What kind of pitcher would holliday yield?

Thanks for the feedback and I didnt know quite if i was selling holliday too low, but my pitching is piss poor. Mussina, kazmir arent getting the job done. Lincecum is inconsistent and blanton, although real hot right now, is bound to run into trouble. I need help pitching, or else I probably will not contend at the end(4th out of 14 right now). What kind of pitcher would holliday yield?
For Holliday, first I'd want an NL pitcher, as they tend to score lower ERAs and WHIPs....I'd want Peavy, Webb, or Hammels. AL pitchers, I'd want Santana or maybe Haren (pitches in a pitchers park), maybe Beckett. I'm holding Holliday though unless someone overwhelms me to be honest. Summers in Coors are usually hitter friendly.
Thanks for the feedback and I didnt know quite if i was selling holliday too low, but my pitching is piss poor. Mussina, kazmir arent getting the job done. Lincecum is inconsistent and blanton, although real hot right now, is bound to run into trouble. I need help pitching, or else I probably will not contend at the end(4th out of 14 right now). What kind of pitcher would holliday yield?
For Holliday, first I'd want an NL pitcher, as they tend to score lower ERAs and WHIPs....I'd want Peavy, Webb, or Hammels. AL pitchers, I'd want Santana or maybe Haren (pitches in a pitchers park), maybe Beckett. I'm holding Holliday though unless someone overwhelms me to be honest. Summers in Coors are usually hitter friendly.
ok, he said webb could be viable in the deal as well, instead of felix. Is webb that much MORE dominant? The more I hear you, the more I am not wanting to get rid of holliday. The hamels deal just went through. The thought of hamels and webb make me happy, but watching holliday blow up the remainder of the season would make me mad. Is a Webb -> Holliday Trade a good one for my club? If pence does what he did the first half, I would do this in a second.....
Thanks for the feedback and I didnt know quite if i was selling holliday too low, but my pitching is piss poor. Mussina, kazmir arent getting the job done. Lincecum is inconsistent and blanton, although real hot right now, is bound to run into trouble. I need help pitching, or else I probably will not contend at the end(4th out of 14 right now). What kind of pitcher would holliday yield?
For Holliday, first I'd want an NL pitcher, as they tend to score lower ERAs and WHIPs....I'd want Peavy, Webb, or Hammels. AL pitchers, I'd want Santana or maybe Haren (pitches in a pitchers park), maybe Beckett. I'm holding Holliday though unless someone overwhelms me to be honest. Summers in Coors are usually hitter friendly.
ok, he said webb could be viable in the deal as well, instead of felix. Is webb that much MORE dominant? The more I hear you, the more I am not wanting to get rid of holliday. The hamels deal just went through. The thought of hamels and webb make me happy, but watching holliday blow up the remainder of the season would make me mad. Is a Webb -> Holliday Trade a good one for my club? If pence does what he did the first half, I would do this in a second.....
I would rather have Webb than Hernandez. He has proven he can be dominant for an entire year, obviously, other than one off year, has always had strong WHIP & ERA numbers and his K's are always decent. His ERA is consistently around a run lower than the league average, he is a very good pitcher.That being said, you would have to strongly evaluate what will happen to your offense after losing Vlad & Holliday. Can your team make due with just Hamels, hoping that Mussina and Lincecum have strong second halves? Or do you definitely need another stud pitcher. You got to give to get in this world. When's your trading deadline, that should also factor into this, as you need to see what other teams will do to react. g'luck
Why do people seem to be low on Holliday? He is a stud and unless you got a TOP pitcher back there is no way you trade him.

If you really, really want to get rid of him I suggest you wait a while to see how your team does without Vlad.


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