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INSANITY (3 Viewers)

Can you put on muscle with this thing? My primary goal is to lose about 20lbs, but not far behind that goal is my secondary goal of putting some muscle back on.

Intended to start this today but for some reason my 360 errored out about a minute into the first vid saying something about the format possibly not being supported.Need to burn them to DVD I guess.
The ones that I found were mp4's and played on my PC with the QuickTime player.
Yep, me too. Don't know why the 360 crapped out with it. Especially since it played fine for a minute or two.
Intended to start this today but for some reason my 360 errored out about a minute into the first vid saying something about the format possibly not being supported.Need to burn them to DVD I guess.
just plug a vga cable directly to your TV from your laptop if you have one and ur tv has a vga input
I could do that but I'd rather not have to hook up the laptop to do it.
Cardio Resistance this morning....much more jumping around and armwork (pushups, tricep dips) than the Plyometric Cardio from yesterday. Definitely crapped out a few times on the third sets. Good news is that I wasn't very sore this morning from yesterday to have to put it off. Feel pretty good right now.

Are there any requirements for this at all (bench, space needed, etc)?

Also, I had knee surgery about a year ago...will that pose a problem?

Are there any requirements for this at all (bench, space needed, etc)?Also, I had knee surgery about a year ago...will that pose a problem?
I do this in my family room, you don't need a ton of space but you will jump around alot. It may be a little stressful on the knees...I don't have the best knees in the world myself but I never had surgery. They do get a little sore after the workout but nothing that doesn't prevent me from moving on. My hams hurt more than anything.
hmm. Looks interesting.

Was P90x effective in adding muscle at all?

I'm a 6'2" 155 lb basketball player, so weight loss perhaps isn't quite what I need. Looking for definition and some strength, increased vertical.

Instinctive said:
hmm. Looks interesting.Was P90x effective in adding muscle at all?I'm a 6'2" 155 lb basketball player, so weight loss perhaps isn't quite what I need. Looking for definition and some strength, increased vertical.
This is for getting cut and you need to be gaining. You should be eating a ton of protein and doing low # of reps of heavy weight.
Otis said:
Can you put on muscle with this thing? My primary goal is to lose about 20lbs, but not far behind that goal is my secondary goal of putting some muscle back on.
P90x will put on more muscle than InsanityInsanity will lose more weight/inches than P90xKeeping a proper healthy diet is a must for maximum results.
I think I may fire this up next week. Started a liquid diet today, so I'll wait until I'm done with it. But it looks interesting. I like that it's shorter than P90X, requires no equipment, and only runs 60 days.

Looking forward to the Cardio Recovery tomorrow. Only a 33 minute workout and I'm assuming more of a break compared to the first two.

I think I may fire this up next week. Started a liquid diet today, so I'll wait until I'm done with it. But it looks interesting. I like that it's shorter than P90X, requires no equipment, and only runs 60 days.
Otis > Bucking Marriage Trends™ in two-thousand-ten.
I'm intrigued. I have a brutal schedule right now; how flexible is this workout schedule? If it's 3 or 4 days per week I could probably swing it, anything more and I'll have to wait a few months when time opens up.

I'm intrigued. I have a brutal schedule right now; how flexible is this workout schedule? If it's 3 or 4 days per week I could probably swing it, anything more and I'll have to wait a few months when time opens up.
Intrigued as well based on time. Need to keep flexibility as entering golf season. Any issue with this, or will I be too sore to even practice? Golf/beach body - tough choice.
The schedule is 6 days per week with the 7th day off. One day is set for Cardio Recovery (just did it this morning for the first time) which is only 30 minutes long and mostly yoga.

hmm. Looks interesting.Was P90x effective in adding muscle at all?I'm a 6'2" 155 lb basketball player, so weight loss perhaps isn't quite what I need. Looking for definition and some strength, increased vertical.
Look up 5/3/1 by Jim Wendler... stick with it for 6 months and you will be blown away when you look back at your starting numbers.
Pure Cardio (38m) this morning. Only one small 30 second break in the middle of it all. Not a ton of stressful cardio but the non-stop action had me taking alot of rests toward the end. I almost feel as though this was the toughest one, even though it didn't have the hardest exercises.

5 days in now and I feel pretty good. I can already feel that my core is tighter and that my body is getting used to the cardio since the soreness seems to be lesser and lesser in the mornings.

Started this today (even though the first day on the calendar is supposed to be a Monday -- maybe I will go back on Monday to day 1, just didn't want to wait any more).

The fit test itself is freaking hard. Lots of breaks for big fat O. On my walk to work my calves and quads feeling pretty sore.

60 days doesn't seem too bad...

Cardio Resistance this morning....much more jumping around and armwork (pushups, tricep dips) than the Plyometric Cardio from yesterday. Definitely crapped out a few times on the third sets. Good news is that I wasn't very sore this morning from yesterday to have to put it off. Feel pretty good right now.
I just started the program Tuesday. The legs felt fine yesterday after Tuesday's fit test, but today is a different story. The Plyometric Cardio did me in big time - I can't imaging being able to do the Resistance today. I think I'm going to take today off, do the resistance training tomorrow, and then start from the beginning next week. Sitting on my ### over the long Wisconsin winter has really turned me into a turd.
Are there a ton of push ups in this? I'm rehabbing from a partial shoulder replacement but can do pretty much anything else but heavy weight pressing exercises (I'm 6'5", 285 lbs).

Just started this, day 3 yesterday. These workouts are destroying my calves. Much more than the P90x plyo workout.

I can see eventually doing a hybrid Insanity/P90x schedule to try and keep/build upper body muscle. If you just want to shed pounds, Insanity is the ticket though.

Are there a ton of push ups in this? I'm rehabbing from a partial shoulder replacement but can do pretty much anything else but heavy weight pressing exercises (I'm 6'5", 285 lbs).
There's a decent bit. If I recall there's Level 1 (sets of 4) and Level 2 (sets of 8) as well as walking pushups and jumping jack pushups. There's probably a couple other modified versions that I can't remember the name of right now. And this is just in the 5 days I've been at it. I can't imagine what the max interval workouts in month 2 can be like.
Also, how much room do you need to do these workouts? I live in a 1BR condo with not a ton of open space.

Got my DVDs over the weekend (thank GB :thumbup: ). Plan on starting tonight, but normally will workout in the AM.

Starting point is 6', 180. I'm setting a goal as 165 by the end of the 60 days. We'll see how it goes.

I had to take day 8 off thanks to what I believe is a strained LCL or ITBFS. What ticks me off even more though is that it's not even from doing INSANITY, it was from flag football yesterday. Hope it feels a little better tomorrow, if not, I may be taking off a week to make sure it's ok.

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I'm loving this. The shorter, more intense workouts are perfect.
I think week 3 they start to get longer when they add abs to the end.You basically do a 20 minute ab routine after the insanity workout but they have a bunch of warmup which I don't get if you just worked out for 40 minutes why do the ab routineI think the program calendar was posted earlier
I had to take day 8 off thanks to what I believe is a strained LCL or ITBFS. What ticks me off even more though is that it's not even from doing INSANITY, it was from flag football yesterday. Hope it feels a little better tomorrow, if not, I may be taking off a week to make sure it's ok.
Same thing happened to me when I was doing P90X. I sprained my ankle playing basketball, and threw out my back lifting something wrong. It's quite the bummer.
Started today with Day 1, the fitness test again. I tended to spend the second half of each exercise laying face down on the floor in a puddle of my own sweat. This thing ain't easy, but something tells me if I follow through for 60 days it will actually work.

Day 2 tomorrow...

Also, how much room do you need to do these workouts? I live in a 1BR condo with not a ton of open space.
If Day 1 is any indication, you don't need a ton of space. a 10x10 open space seems like it should be sufficient. But again, that's only for Day 1, no idea what the other days have in store...
Got my DVDs over the weekend (thank GB :goodposting: ). Plan on starting tonight, but normally will workout in the AM.Starting point is 6', 180. I'm setting a goal as 165 by the end of the 60 days. We'll see how it goes.
GL guy. Is losing 15 lbs a realistic goal here? Seems like it could well be. That's my target too. I'm just around 215 right now and would like to get down to a solid 200. If I could be there by June 1, that would be pretty sweet...
Started today with Day 1, the fitness test again. I tended to spend the second half of each exercise laying face down on the floor in a puddle of my own sweat. This thing ain't easy, but something tells me if I follow through for 60 days it will actually work.

Day 2 tomorrow...
Jerky Boys reference?? :thumbup: if so.Just boarded the Insanity train. Day 1 today. Good luck to everyone doing it.

Got my DVDs over the weekend (thank GB :thumbup: ). Plan on starting tonight, but normally will workout in the AM.Starting point is 6', 180. I'm setting a goal as 165 by the end of the 60 days. We'll see how it goes.
GL guy. Is losing 15 lbs a realistic goal here? Seems like it could well be. That's my target too. I'm just around 215 right now and would like to get down to a solid 200. If I could be there by June 1, that would be pretty sweet...
I think it is, but I'm sure it varies by the individual. I started P90X as my new years resolution and went from 190 to 180 in the first month, before I got derailed. My main goal now is to shed as much weight as possible for the summer. Since this is more designed to lose weight, I think 15 in two months is definitely possible for someone focused.
Got my DVDs over the weekend (thank GB :thumbup: ). Plan on starting tonight, but normally will workout in the AM.Starting point is 6', 180. I'm setting a goal as 165 by the end of the 60 days. We'll see how it goes.
GL guy. Is losing 15 lbs a realistic goal here? Seems like it could well be. That's my target too. I'm just around 215 right now and would like to get down to a solid 200. If I could be there by June 1, that would be pretty sweet...
15 pounds in 60 days is a lot for a drug free weight loss for someone in decent shape. But it's doable. Something more like 1.5 pounds a week is probably a little more realistic if you're already in decent shape. And probably better for you. I forget the numbers, but there are some real sustainability issues with super fast weight loss. Basically, the slower it's lost, the better your chances for keeping it off.J
Got my DVDs over the weekend (thank GB :thumbup: ). Plan on starting tonight, but normally will workout in the AM.Starting point is 6', 180. I'm setting a goal as 165 by the end of the 60 days. We'll see how it goes.
GL guy. Is losing 15 lbs a realistic goal here? Seems like it could well be. That's my target too. I'm just around 215 right now and would like to get down to a solid 200. If I could be there by June 1, that would be pretty sweet...
If you diet properly you could do that easily. If this hasn't been asked, how does this new video compare to the first p90x? I still do the plyo workout quite often.
Got my DVDs over the weekend (thank GB :goodposting: ). Plan on starting tonight, but normally will workout in the AM.Starting point is 6', 180. I'm setting a goal as 165 by the end of the 60 days. We'll see how it goes.
GL guy. Is losing 15 lbs a realistic goal here? Seems like it could well be. That's my target too. I'm just around 215 right now and would like to get down to a solid 200. If I could be there by June 1, that would be pretty sweet...
15 pounds in 60 days is a lot for a drug free weight loss for someone in decent shape. But it's doable. Something more like 1.5 pounds a week is probably a little more realistic if you're already in decent shape. And probably better for you. I forget the numbers, but there are some real sustainability issues with super fast weight loss. Basically, the slower it's lost, the better your chances for keeping it off.J
Makes sense. That translates to 12 lbs in 60 days, which would also be fine by me and put me on pretty solid footing. My lowest weight ever was 190ish after I was a year out of college, working out like a madman to shed my college fat, barely eating, and not drinking alcohol. I was in good shape, but I don't think that is viable for me as a 34 year old guy who enjoys booze and has a lot more responsibility in life. I also probably have a little more upper body muscle now than I did then. If I could sniff 200 I would be silly pleased. But yeah, dropping 12 lbs before the summer would be a tremendous start...
Got my DVDs over the weekend (thank GB :goodposting: ). Plan on starting tonight, but normally will workout in the AM.

Starting point is 6', 180. I'm setting a goal as 165 by the end of the 60 days. We'll see how it goes.
GL guy. Is losing 15 lbs a realistic goal here? Seems like it could well be. That's my target too. I'm just around 215 right now and would like to get down to a solid 200. If I could be there by June 1, that would be pretty sweet...
15 pounds in 60 days is a lot for a drug free weight loss for someone in decent shape. But it's doable. Something more like 1.5 pounds a week is probably a little more realistic if you're already in decent shape. And probably better for you. I forget the numbers, but there are some real sustainability issues with super fast weight loss. Basically, the slower it's lost, the better your chances for keeping it off.J
Makes sense. That translates to 12 lbs in 60 days, which would also be fine by me and put me on pretty solid footing. My lowest weight ever was 190ish after I was a year out of college, working out like a madman to shed my college fat, barely eating, and not drinking alcohol. I was in good shape, but I don't think that is viable for me as a 34 year old guy who enjoys booze and has a lot more responsibility in life. I also probably have a little more upper body muscle now than I did then. If I could sniff 200 I would be silly pleased.But yeah, dropping 12 lbs before the summer would be a tremendous start...
Cool. Along those lines, here is a fantastic site I came across recommended by a friend. http://www.myfitnesspal.com It's way better than any other of the food trackers I've found as it's easy to use and it remembers what you eat. Including meals. Tons of food in their database. And it has good data for entering what kind of exercise you're doing. I like it a lot.


Got my DVDs over the weekend (thank GB :goodposting: ). Plan on starting tonight, but normally will workout in the AM.Starting point is 6', 180. I'm setting a goal as 165 by the end of the 60 days. We'll see how it goes.
GL guy. Is losing 15 lbs a realistic goal here? Seems like it could well be. That's my target too. I'm just around 215 right now and would like to get down to a solid 200. If I could be there by June 1, that would be pretty sweet...
15 pounds in 60 days is a lot for a drug free weight loss for someone in decent shape. But it's doable. Something more like 1.5 pounds a week is probably a little more realistic if you're already in decent shape. And probably better for you. I forget the numbers, but there are some real sustainability issues with super fast weight loss. Basically, the slower it's lost, the better your chances for keeping it off.J
Makes sense. That translates to 12 lbs in 60 days, which would also be fine by me and put me on pretty solid footing. My lowest weight ever was 190ish after I was a year out of college, working out like a madman to shed my college fat, barely eating, and not drinking alcohol. I was in good shape, but I don't think that is viable for me as a 34 year old guy who enjoys booze and has a lot more responsibility in life. I also probably have a little more upper body muscle now than I did then. If I could sniff 200 I would be silly pleased. But yeah, dropping 12 lbs before the summer would be a tremendous start...
i've got 2 weeks to go (this week and next). i've dropped about 12lbs so far. my goal was bout 15. so i should get there. the funny thing is that i've actually have been eating more food the past 2 months then i have in a long time. in the program there is a calculation to do that will give you how many calories to be taking in, though i've reduced my fat intake and sat. fat intake. my core is stronger then it has been which is something else i was focused on for golf season. the 2nd phase the workouts are around 50-60 mins. today is a the 2nd time i've had the fit test and another routine. so it's gonna be about 90 mins total. (1/2 hour fit test, then a 1 hour work-out). good luck to everyone!
Got my DVDs over the weekend (thank GB :confused: ). Plan on starting tonight, but normally will workout in the AM.

Starting point is 6', 180. I'm setting a goal as 165 by the end of the 60 days. We'll see how it goes.
GL guy. Is losing 15 lbs a realistic goal here? Seems like it could well be. That's my target too. I'm just around 215 right now and would like to get down to a solid 200. If I could be there by June 1, that would be pretty sweet...
15 pounds in 60 days is a lot for a drug free weight loss for someone in decent shape. But it's doable. Something more like 1.5 pounds a week is probably a little more realistic if you're already in decent shape. And probably better for you. I forget the numbers, but there are some real sustainability issues with super fast weight loss. Basically, the slower it's lost, the better your chances for keeping it off.J
Makes sense. That translates to 12 lbs in 60 days, which would also be fine by me and put me on pretty solid footing. My lowest weight ever was 190ish after I was a year out of college, working out like a madman to shed my college fat, barely eating, and not drinking alcohol. I was in good shape, but I don't think that is viable for me as a 34 year old guy who enjoys booze and has a lot more responsibility in life. I also probably have a little more upper body muscle now than I did then. If I could sniff 200 I would be silly pleased.But yeah, dropping 12 lbs before the summer would be a tremendous start...
Cool. Along those lines, here is a fantastic site I came across recommended by a friend. http://www.myfitnesspal.com It's way better than any other of the food trackers I've found as it's easy to use and it remembers what you eat. Including meals. Tons of food in their database. And it has good data for entering what kind of exercise you're doing. I like it a lot.

I will check that out -- thanks :goodposting:
Cool. Along those lines, here is a fantastic site I came across recommended by a friend. http://www.myfitnesspal.com It's way better than any other of the food trackers I've found as it's easy to use and it remembers what you eat. Including meals. Tons of food in their database. And it has good data for entering what kind of exercise you're doing. I like it a lot.

I will check that out -- thanks :shrug:
Not sure if RIM has this app but there is a Calorie Counter app I have on my phone that I started using, it's very well done. Can even use barcodes to read in the food products.
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Cool. Along those lines, here is a fantastic site I came across recommended by a friend. http://www.myfitnesspal.com It's way better than any other of the food trackers I've found as it's easy to use and it remembers what you eat. Including meals. Tons of food in their database. And it has good data for entering what kind of exercise you're doing. I like it a lot.

I will check that out -- thanks :shrug:
Not sure if RIM has this app but their is a Calorie Counter app I have on my phone that I started using, it's very well done. Can even use barcodes to read in the food products.
Get the Lose-It app for IPhone/ITouch
Got my DVDs over the weekend (thank GB :confused: ). Plan on starting tonight, but normally will workout in the AM.

Starting point is 6', 180. I'm setting a goal as 165 by the end of the 60 days. We'll see how it goes.
GL guy. Is losing 15 lbs a realistic goal here? Seems like it could well be. That's my target too. I'm just around 215 right now and would like to get down to a solid 200. If I could be there by June 1, that would be pretty sweet...
15 pounds in 60 days is a lot for a drug free weight loss for someone in decent shape. But it's doable. Something more like 1.5 pounds a week is probably a little more realistic if you're already in decent shape. And probably better for you. I forget the numbers, but there are some real sustainability issues with super fast weight loss. Basically, the slower it's lost, the better your chances for keeping it off.J
Makes sense. That translates to 12 lbs in 60 days, which would also be fine by me and put me on pretty solid footing. My lowest weight ever was 190ish after I was a year out of college, working out like a madman to shed my college fat, barely eating, and not drinking alcohol. I was in good shape, but I don't think that is viable for me as a 34 year old guy who enjoys booze and has a lot more responsibility in life. I also probably have a little more upper body muscle now than I did then. If I could sniff 200 I would be silly pleased.But yeah, dropping 12 lbs before the summer would be a tremendous start...
Cool. Along those lines, here is a fantastic site I came across recommended by a friend. http://www.myfitnesspal.com It's way better than any other of the food trackers I've found as it's easy to use and it remembers what you eat. Including meals. Tons of food in their database. And it has good data for entering what kind of exercise you're doing. I like it a lot.

wow...sweet site. I'll have to use that.

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