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Is the "thank you wave" dead? (2 Viewers)


I'm an old school driver, so it's ingrained in me to give other drivers a thank you wave when warranted (another driver lets you merge in, a slow driver in the left lane gets over to let you pass, etc.).  I used to see it from other drivers all the time, but for at least the last few years I haven't seen it much at all.  Are you guys seeing a drop-off in it as well?

For a while I threw up a peace sign, but thought someone might mistakenly think I was giving them the finger

Definitely not as common anymore, which is a shame but unfortunately not surprising in today's society. 

I'm a waver myself. Sometimes I give the ol' "Jagr-salute", if I'm feeling particularly saucy.

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I am one who gives it and doesn't see it much anymore. I do live in a college town thought so I guess its hard for the kids to have one hand on the wheel, another on their phone texting and still have one free to wave thanks.

I once had a total wack job customer at a print shop I used to toil at. He would go on rants about how anyone who didn't return the "thank you" wave was a Free Mason, and therefore should have his movements monitored.  He also claimed the same about any guy who may ask a female if another guy was bothering them.   We would find "manifestos" about such that he had come in to copy on the self-service machines quite frequently.  No idea where he was distributing them.

No moral.  Guy just really hated Free Masons, I guess.

I'd say a dude is more likely to wave then a gal around these parts...they just look at you like wtf are you looking at? I apologize if that sounds sexist; spank me.

Ketamine Dreams said:
Still common here in the Midwest 
This, I see it all the time and wave all the time. I wave when I do something wrong on the road and have had it happen to me as a way to say sorry. 

Two days ago I was easing up to a red light.  I was about the 5th car in line at the light and I let this woman pull out of a shopping center lot in front of me.  No worries, she gave me hand wave thank you.  

So the light turns green and everyone moves along except for the woman.  She just sat there, probably texting/looking at her phone.  I give a quick horn to get her attention.  She just sits there.  I hit the horn again.  She speeds off and flips me the bird.  

First time I've ever went from getting a thank you hand wave to a FU hand gesture from the same person.   :angry:

Statorama said:
I'm an old school driver, so it's ingrained in me to give other drivers a thank you wave when warranted (another driver lets you merge in, a slow driver in the left lane gets over to let you pass, etc.).  I used to see it from other drivers all the time, but for at least the last few years I haven't seen it much at all.  Are you guys seeing a drop-off in it as well?

For a while I threw up a peace sign, but thought someone might mistakenly think I was giving them the finger
Love the peace sign, that's good stuff. 

Not dead. But not as prevalent.

Another thing missing to my chagrin is truckers' response to the horn signal  :sadbanana:

I prefer a quick nod or simply holding my hand up quickly with my palm open if I need to acknowledge someone.  Waving your hand just seems weird.

I'm on a bike here in NYC. Most cars make the turn and yield to pedestrians while blocking the bike lane. I wave to the ones who yield to the bike lane first. About once a week.

I'm on a bike here in NYC. Most cars make the turn and yield to pedestrians while blocking the bike lane. I wave to the ones who yield to the bike lane first. About once a week.
When you say "wave" I take that to mean "jauntily flip my Arafat scarf."

In my truck, I still see it and use it in Louisville.

On my motorcycle, I use it to the point of looking like a musical conductor on a parade float...

...only way to stay alive in the city, on a bike.

   People don't know the rules of the road, and I'm sick and tired of it.  At a 4 way intersection don't wave me through if you arrived before me.  NO WAVE 4 U!   If you are the only car going the opposite direction of me and choose to slow/stop to let me take a left. NO WAVE 4 U!  If you do anything that causes confusion and could possibly cause an accident.  NO WAVE 4 U! and as a bonus I might even flip you the bird.

Get off my lawn! 

Do it all the time and see it most of the time. When I don't see the thank you wave, I end up talking to myself like a crazy person.


"You're welcome! Don't mention it. Any time!"

I have issues. The weird looks I get from my wife when she's in the car with me at the time say it all. 

I'm on a bike here in NYC. Most cars make the turn and yield to pedestrians while blocking the bike lane. I wave to the ones who yield to the bike lane first. About once a week.
Only problem with doing this is that it also looks like I'm signaling going right to the cyclists behind me.

I tend to see it less. I still do it all the time, when someone lets me in traffic or vice versa, but the return courtesy wave is becoming more infrequent.  Manners are crumbling, 

I think the person that summed it up as "Dead in the city, not in the suburbs" was probably dead on. City dwellers are just miserable, self-absorbed a-holes who figure you OWE it to them to let them in. Therefore, no need to thank you for it. A-holeism hasn't spread to the suburbs as much.


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