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Issue with forward massage therapist (1 Viewer)

Ironically my wife asked me today if I would think less of her, if she arranged for me to have a massage with a happy ending as a birthday present.

Perhaps you should speak to your wife about the possibility of getting one with your

My wife has allowed this. Its not unheard of imo.

ETA: We were on vacation in a foriegn land. I got pretty hyped up for an hour of relaxation w/ the ultimate ending. Ended up being 5 minutes of a chica slathering purell over my back (really?!?!? yes really :mellow: ) followed by a list of 4 options with various price points. Despite the fact that I was completely thrown with the difference between my imagination and reality, I went forward with the wife approved option. Which was fine. But overall, underwhelming. I still dream of a fabulous massage where 55 minutes are spent working my muscles and the last five are spent working the muscle. I'm pretty sure I could sleep for 12 straight hours after something like that.

ETA2: This was over a year ago and our marriage has not suffered at all as a result. Its been joked about maybe 3 times between then and now. Thats it. And honestly, I feel like we're a better couple today than we were when we left for that trip. Thats probably unrelated, but fwiw.

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I'd lose the underwear too, maybe you're inviting this response by showing your self-consciousness and that's what's at the bottom of all this. Just relax, get your massage, keep the small talk to a minimum, leave, and don't worry yourself or your wife unnecessarily.
Good post. Agree on the underwear. She see Woz as a challenge. Once she sticks her finger up his *** and pops his chocolate covered cherry, she'll move on. Woz will just be another conquest. Another notch in her brown belt.

You know what's going to happen. Wozwife will weigh him before he goes to massages from now on, and afterwards too, and if he's just 2 ozs. lighter when he gets home... :pokey:

I'm hoping you keep us entertained, but you know what the right answer is here.

Your wife is also now aware of the issue and, regardless of what she's telling you, she's watching to see how you handle this and will (of course, as women always do) use this as a gauge for the status of your relationship with her.

seriously, underwear? do you wear them into the shower at the gym too?
I still don't get this. The analogies laid out are terrible too since for the massage there's no reason for her to be touching the area covered

by underwear whereas in a shower obviously you're washing that area and you aren't doing so in front of members of the opposite sex.

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I'm hoping you keep us entertained, but you know what the right answer is here.

Your wife is also now aware of the issue and, regardless of what she's telling you, she's watching to see how you handle this and will (of

course, as women always do) use this as a gauge for the status of your relationship with her.
Eh, she made no mention of any worry last night. When I went she made me promise to leave if the massage room was in her actual house so I I just texted her when I got there to let her know that it looked legit. She seemed good with that.
I'm hoping you keep us entertained, but you know what the right answer is here.

Your wife is also now aware of the issue and, regardless of what she's telling you, she's watching to see how you handle this and will (of

course, as women always do) use this as a gauge for the status of your relationship with her.
Eh, she made no mention of any worry last night. When I went she made me promise to leave if the massage room was in her actual house so I I just texted her when I got there to let her know that it looked legit. She seemed good with that.
"Oh, you don't have to get me anything for my birthday..." :mellow:

Admiral Akbar thinks you're oblivious.

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I've always been fairly inflexible and when I let my diet go a few years ago I've developed a problem where I'd routinely develop painful knots in my muscles. My wife had me try getting massages on several different occasions, but they've always seemed expensive and my pain threshold is so weak that they weren't worth it and I could never get comfortable enough with a therapist. However, a few months ago I finally started going to a local therapist. I had known her before through work so I was able to be more comfortable (by comfortable I mean not being embarrassed to whine like a little #####). I've noticed it's definitely begun to help my flexibility and reduce muscle soreness. I got my wife to start going too and I'll usually book her appointments and pre-pay for her, which scores me points. We've been going 1x-2x/month for the past few month. So far, it's been totally worth it and my wife is all for it because she knows how bad my back can get. And, for me personally, there is absolutely nothing erotic about the whole experience - I'm basically in writhing pain the entire time.

However, the therapist is pretty open and forward. She's always very complimentary (which is funny because I'm kinda fat now) and has increasingly made some questionable statements. For example, in my first few visits she commented several times that it's too bad I'm married and that my wife is lucky. She'll then ask for dating advice, want to swap dating stories, etc. She's also very open about her past marriage and isn't shy to admit that she cheated (and has indicated the same to my wife). She's also gotten a bit more "feely" with each session. Now, initially, I chalked these statements up to nothing and just assumed I was being a typical married dude who thinks he could get any girl now that he's married. But, after my wife's last session my wife came home and said that the therapist was a bit cold and wanted to talk only about me. Also, the therapist has recently closed her office and is now working out of a casita on her personal property - a fact which has my wife very skeptical. Today, the therapist commented on my underwear (I always wear them for massages) and, giggling, indicated that she thinks it is "funny" that I wear them and said I didn't need to. She also kept me 30 minutes over time for free. Again, I'm freely willing to admit these things could all be nothing and I'm just the average client, but since my wife independently drew the same conclusions whether I'm right or wrong here is probably irrelevant.

Other facts pertinent to this situation are that the therapist is the same age as my wife, the therapist is probably a 7 or 8 on the offdee scale, looks a lot like my wife, and, if I were single and didn't thoroughly love my wife, she would be a would smash.

So, the question for you married guys is what's the best way to handle this situation? Conservative play is probably to stop going, but, well, I'm not worried about myself doing anything wrong should the situation escalate and my wife isn't either, and, selfishly, I'd like to keep going because the massages are helpful and affordable and I don't think they could be replaced. Right now I'm leaning towards just telling my wife what the therapist said and letting her make the call. I just fear not being able to find a similar quality therapist with such reasonable prices.

Cliff's notes:

1. My wife and I get good and affordable massages from an attractive girl.

2. Said girl possibly wants to massage more than just my knots.

3. Wife is leery of girl.

4. I'm aware now that I'm an idiot and am not sure how to handle this.

With all do respect....Have you been neutered?...Grow your sack back and man up!..........Sorry.

Seriously, you wear underwear when you get a massage? Why even go. If you cant relax

during a massage, you are just wasting your money.
:confused: 1. I can't relax during massages because I'm in ####### pain the entire time. But that doesn't mean I'm not comfortable. I don't see why

having underwear on or not means I am comfortable or not. It's not like my boxer briefs aren't comfortable.

2. I dunno, I don't see a reason why some relative stranger should be seeing my junk when there is no reason for her to, especially now that

I'm married. It's not like the underwear gets in the way at all and I always rationalized that wearing underwear would send the message that I was there for completely innocent reasons.
Do you not have a blanket or towel on?
Well yeah a blanket but I have to turn over or onto my side a couple times during. She's seeing my junk.
Not if she is doing it right. The masseuse should be tucking the sheet/blanket in a way so that turning does not expose you.

Of course if she wants to see your junk then...

seriously, underwear? do you wear them into the shower at the gym too?
I still don't get this. The analogies laid out are terrible too since for the massage there's noreason for her to be touching the area covered

by underwear whereas in a shower obviously you're washing that area and you aren't doing so in front of members of the opposite sex.
are you wearing a thong?

otherwise, your hamstring has a habit of going up past the underwear. not to mention lower-back goes down there too. do you have a weird thing about people massaging the muscles that go through and past your butt?

woz- seriously... I've had a lot of massages- never with underwear. "strip down and get under the towel" is never prefaced with "keep your tighty-whitey's on and.."

Godsbrother said:
Zow said:
FUBAR said:
Zow said:
Gene Sackman said:
Seriously, you wear underwear when you get a massage? Why even go. If you cant relax

during a massage, you are just wasting your money.
:confused: 1. I can't relax during massages because I'm in ####### pain the entire time. But that doesn't mean I'm not comfortable. I don't see why

having underwear on or not means I am comfortable or not. It's not like my boxer briefs aren't comfortable.

2. I dunno, I don't see a reason why some relative stranger should be seeing my junk when there is no reason for her to, especially now that

I'm married. It's not like the underwear gets in the way at all and I always rationalized that wearing underwear would send the message that I was there for completely innocent reasons.
Do you not have a blanket or towel on?
Well yeah a blanket but I have to turn over or onto my side a couple times during. She's seeing my junk.
Not if she is doing it right. The masseuse should be tucking the sheet/blanket in a way so that turning does not expose you.

Of course if she wants to see your junk then...
and if she does? is that a deal breaker for getting a massage?

wait... this is woz-schtick- right? playing the naive young incredulous card in Em's absence?

The only serious answer I will provide:

Never put yourself in a position where ruining your marriage is possible. The fact that you "know" right and wrong here is evident. You are at this point either (1) looking for an excuse to keep seeing her because it gives you a little rush to know there is a hot woman out there that wants to touch you in more ways than what she is already paid for or (2) an idiot. There is a reason you have that voice in your head. And your wife's nonchalant attitude at this point is a test to see if you will do the right thing. And the right thing is to man up, end all sessions for you and the wife and find another service provider for the both of you, tell your wife why you did it and then move on and never speak about it again.

Now, the more entertaining avenue to travel is to keep going back and reporting the stories. Or telling your wife that you want her to come with you at your next appointment and sit there and watch because maybe she will join in on the fun. That would make a much better thread.

So - end it, be a man and move on. Or, entertain us.

I will now return to nothing but sarcasm and humor.

is it acceptable to stand at attention during a massage.. id assume its a compliment like burping in a restaurant

Never had a massage, so just to be clear: you non-underwear people are laying face down naked on a table where a bunch of other dudes have laid face down naked?

I've never had a massage but didn't realize most go fully Monty. Is it common for some ones little man to stand up and look around, like on the non-happy ending kinds?

Never had a massage, so just to be clear: you non-underwear people are laying face down naked on a table where a bunch of other dudes have laid face down naked?
Over a clean sheet where I like to imagine naked women have laid as well.
Never had a massage, so just to be clear: you non-underwear people are laying face down naked on a table where a bunch of other dudes have laid face down naked?
Aren't you the guy that brings his own sheets to a hotel?


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