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Justified (1 Viewer)

Nobody mentioned Amy Smart????
Hot as hell in Road Trip. Barely average now. She hit the wall in a big way. Heavy drug use, I suspect.
Perhaps memories are always going to color my opinion, but she looks pretty darn good to me.

Out of her prime for sure, but still easy on the eyes, IMO.
Agreed. Plus she's almost 38. Road Trip 13 years ago. Yikes.

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That foreign broad makes my pants tight.
Oh god yes.
This just in.... she's not foreign!

Aubrey Wood

Also, she was briefly topless in episode 1.04 of Ray Donovan when Jon Voight was banging her. YWIA.
Wrong chick. Karolina Wydra
Holy crap, is she wonderful. Love the Polski.
She looked crazy hot tonight. She was naked in True Blood, BTW. Pretty damn good scene. The clip is easy to find.

In "Get Drew", Johnny calls Duffy to tell him that they have identified Shelby Parlow as Drew Thompson, but they don't know where he is at. Duffy orders Johnny to find Drew, or else the deal to kill Boyd is off. Raylan and Rachel Brooks visit Johnny at Audrey's, where he tips them off about the meeting place where the Tonin family will pick up Shelby.

In "Decoy", Johnny is present at the bar when Nick Augustine and his henchman Yolo, Picker, and Mort come. Johnny, Ava, and Boyd soon realize that Raylan has taken Drew to the old high school where an astronaut landed on the baseball field when they were teenagers. Later, Nick, Ava, and Johnny remain at the bar where Nick outs Johnny's change in allegiance, and his conspiring with Duffy. Johnny stops Ava from setting Nick's face on fire and shooting him. Johnny tells Ava that he loves her as she backs out the door to leave.

In "Peace of Mind", Johnny calls Limehouse to help deliver Ellen May to Augustine's crew. Limehouse refuses to cooperate and hangs up, causing Johnny to believe Limehouse already has a deal set with Boyd. Augustine calls Boyd and offers to give him the $300,000 to buy Ellen May and in return, he will hand Johnny over to Boyd. When Raylan and Rachel Brooks arrive at the bar looking for Boyd, Johnny begs them to help, to no avail.

did she place his hand on her vag?
Yep. And asked him about warmth in the process. :lol:
That was amazing.

Both Raylan and Boyd smitten by unknown women. At least one of them is going to get burned.
Ukranian is sinking her meathooks deep into Boyd. My guess is she charbroils Boyd at some point.
I bet Boyd catches her before she does him in. Boyd is too slippery and devious to let her bite him. He also knows what a snake she is going in. The Russian mob will come for her for something she did back home, hence the 300k.

Raylan doesn't know jack about this new girl and they dumbed him down this season. Up until this season, he was 6 steps ahead of everybody. Past experience tells us he's a train wreck at choosing women.

Familiar script. The victim digs his own grave. Things go haywire. Victim escapes. Would-be killer gets lost in the woods.

I was waiting for Tony and Bobby to show up to rescue Dewey.

Maybe this season is still finding it's feet - but the writing doesn't feel as sharp as in previous years
Yeah, I'm not feeling this season just yet, but most of the seasons have started a bit slow, I think. Of course, it might be that the loss of Elmore Leonard is too much to overcome.

Hopefully, we're about to get a whole lot of Art and Wynn Duffy, and I assume, some time with both of them together.

A couple things I was confused on, both involving Ava:

-Did Ava have an affair with Johnny Crowder that I missed? What was going on there?

-Was there something more going on with the lady guard that beat the hell out of the tiny rapey man? Is she on Boyd's payroll or something? Or just a good smaritan?

Maybe this season is still finding it's feet - but the writing doesn't feel as sharp as in previous years
Yeah, I'm not feeling this season just yet, but most of the seasons have started a bit slow, I think. Of course, it might be that the loss of Elmore Leonard is too much to overcome.

Hopefully, we're about to get a whole lot of Art and Wynn Duffy, and I assume, some time with both of them together.

A couple things I was confused on, both involving Ava:

-Did Ava have an affair with Johnny Crowder that I missed? What was going on there?

-Was there something more going on with the lady guard that beat the hell out of the tiny rapey man? Is she on Boyd's payroll or something? Or just a good smaritan?
I thought Johnny had a thing for Ava when he was still part of Boyd's crew. Think he was trying to say she picked wrong, Boyd's left her in prison but he would be able to get her out.

Could be either on the lady guard, she could also be protecting Ava for somebody else.

Toward the end of last season, Johnny declared his love for Ava and asked her to come with him but she declined. The lady guard is definitely protecting Ava for someone, who is unknown. Boyd is the top candidate, but could be Johnny or Raylan.

Art is the man. "you can suck the can when I'm done." :lmao:

That was a pretty fun table setter for the rest of the year. Have to say they got me at the end. I wasn't expecting that reveal. Danny Crowe is about as creepy as they come and clearly some kind of pedophile or sadist, right?

Kind of glad they shot Haitan Jack. Trying to understand him when he spoke was starting to be an issue. Although I'd pay money to watch him, Chibs and Mushmouth debate physics or something. Could be moderated by the teacher from Charlie Brown.

Art is the man. "you can suck the can when I'm done." :lmao:

That was a pretty fun table setter for the rest of the year. Have to say they got me at the end. I wasn't expecting that reveal. Danny Crowe is about as creepy as they come and clearly some kind of pedophile or sadist, right?

Kind of glad they shot Haitan Jack. Trying to understand him when he spoke was starting to be an issue. Although I'd pay money to watch him, Chibs and Mushmouth debate physics or something. Could be moderated by the teacher from Charlie Brown.
Yeah, that suck the can line was beautiful.

I'm more upset than I should be about Ava. That sucks.

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Really, so many great lines last night, in addition to you can suck the can.

Wynn Duffy being brilliant Wynn Duffy: "Does anybody mind if I order?"

Dewey getting philosophical with his whores: “All right, listen, maybe you ain’t just the things you’ve done. All I’m saying is, you do a thing that you never done, one day, #### changes. And you change. And things change, and everything’s changing.” “The hell you talking about, Dewey?” “Is this because I stuck my finger up your butt last time?”

And, of course, Boyd getting his Jules Winnfield on: "Now word's 'gun burn through these hills and hollers like a wildfire. People of Harlan County, rich and poor, will marvel at your debasement and venality. They will spit venom when they speak your name. And they will take your suicide as the last pact of a coward. Now your reputation is ruined, your good word worthless, but death will not be the end of your suffering. For generations your children, and your children's children will have a mark against their name, and that will be your legacy."

Really, so many great lines last night, in addition to you can suck the can.

Wynn Duffy being brilliant Wynn Duffy: "Does anybody mind if I order?"

Dewey getting philosophical with his whores: “All right, listen, maybe you ain’t just the things you’ve done. All I’m saying is, you do a thing that you never done, one day, #### changes. And you change. And things change, and everything’s changing.” “The hell you talking about, Dewey?” “Is this because I stuck my finger up your butt last time?”

And, of course, Boyd getting his Jules Winnfield on: "Now word's 'gun burn through these hills and hollers like a wildfire. People of Harlan County, rich and poor, will marvel at your debasement and venality. They will spit venom when they speak your name. And they will take your suicide as the last pact of a coward. Now your reputation is ruined, your good word worthless, but death will not be the end of your suffering. For generations your children, and your children's children will have a mark against their name, and that will be your legacy."
"I've been accused of being a lot of things, but inarticulate ain't one of 'em."

Really, so many great lines last night, in addition to you can suck the can.

Wynn Duffy being brilliant Wynn Duffy: "Does anybody mind if I order?"

Dewey getting philosophical with his whores: “All right, listen, maybe you ain’t just the things you’ve done. All I’m saying is, you do a thing that you never done, one day, #### changes. And you change. And things change, and everything’s changing.” “The hell you talking about, Dewey?” “Is this because I stuck my finger up your butt last time?”

And, of course, Boyd getting his Jules Winnfield on: "Now word's 'gun burn through these hills and hollers like a wildfire. People of Harlan County, rich and poor, will marvel at your debasement and venality. They will spit venom when they speak your name. And they will take your suicide as the last pact of a coward. Now your reputation is ruined, your good word worthless, but death will not be the end of your suffering. For generations your children, and your children's children will have a mark against their name, and that will be your legacy."
"I've been accused of being a lot of things, but inarticulate ain't one of 'em."
So good.

You know it's an amazing episode when the Boyd-Daryl meeting almost becomes an afterthought.

Not to mention the murder of Hot Rod Dunham.

I also liked Duffy's line in the diner when Art told the hitman he was going to count to 10 and then shoot him. Duffy said something like: "I'd listen to him, they're big on that around here."

Maybe this season is still finding it's feet - but the writing doesn't feel as sharp as in previous years
Yeah, I'm not feeling this season just yet, but most of the seasons have started a bit slow, I think. Of course, it might be that the loss of Elmore Leonard is too much to overcome.

Hopefully, we're about to get a whole lot of Art and Wynn Duffy, and I assume, some time with both of them together.

A couple things I was confused on, both involving Ava:

-Did Ava have an affair with Johnny Crowder that I missed? What was going on there?

-Was there something more going on with the lady guard that beat the hell out of the tiny rapey man? Is she on Boyd's payroll or something? Or just a good smaritan?
Just got through last Tuesday's episode. Agreed. Not feeling the dialogue yet. I should escort myself over to February's first episode to see if it gets better.

Boyd has carried the show on his back this season.

And I don't think we've seen the last of Mara by a long shot. She's too cunning to not be affiliated with someone.

All the actors are still good. In fact, Goggins is the only one of the regulars who has seemed a touch off to me so far this season, in terms of acting. Even though the material hasn't exactly been the snappiest in the history of the series. At least until this most recent episode where he seemed to come to a bit. Probably more about building a new story than anything else.

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rockaction said:
Maybe this season is still finding it's feet - but the writing doesn't feel as sharp as in previous years
Yeah, I'm not feeling this season just yet, but most of the seasons have started a bit slow, I think. Of course, it might be that the loss of Elmore Leonard is too much to overcome.

Hopefully, we're about to get a whole lot of Art and Wynn Duffy, and I assume, some time with both of them together.

A couple things I was confused on, both involving Ava:

-Did Ava have an affair with Johnny Crowder that I missed? What was going on there?

-Was there something more going on with the lady guard that beat the hell out of the tiny rapey man? Is she on Boyd's payroll or something? Or just a good smaritan?
Just got through last Tuesday's episode. Agreed. Not feeling the dialogue yet. I should escort myself over to February's first episode to see if it gets better.
This episode was much better.

Help me with why they had to set the old guy up to think Boyd was dead? Everything Boyd did could have been done without the set up. Or am I missing something?


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