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Killing the Golden Goose - Congrats NFL (2 Viewers)

Charles Manson or OJ could be elected NFL commish and record profits would still pour in. I honestly don't see how even the most incompetent (which are in place now) of people could screw this up. This cash cow won't die off in this century. Social media only adds to the exposure and hype.

Lol at crying about the refs.

Those guys are amazing at their jobs, filled with dozens of judgement calls at crazy fast speed while trying to apply a rulebook the size of a college textbook. Gaffs, errors in judgement and misapplication of rules are inevitable. None of you internet toolboxes have ever done anything that difficult under that level of scrutiny.

Lol at crying about the refs.

Those guys are amazing at their jobs, filled with dozens of judgement calls at crazy fast speed while trying to apply a rulebook the size of a college textbook. Gaffs, errors in judgement and misapplication of rules are inevitable. None of you internet toolboxes have ever done anything that difficult under that level of scrutiny.
For the most part they are great.

It seems that the part of their jobs they might be the worst at is instant replay. They get a lot of those wrong, which is kinda baffling.

Lol at crying about the refs.

Those guys are amazing at their jobs, filled with dozens of judgement calls at crazy fast speed while trying to apply a rulebook the size of a college textbook. Gaffs, errors in judgement and misapplication of rules are inevitable. None of you internet toolboxes have ever done anything that difficult under that level of scrutiny.

Another :lol: at people complaining about how the game has gotten soft. Bunch of guys with little concept of the forces at play casually telling others that their chosen line of work is too easy.

Lol at crying about the refs.

Those guys are amazing at their jobs, filled with dozens of judgement calls at crazy fast speed while trying to apply a rulebook the size of a college textbook. Gaffs, errors in judgement and misapplication of rules are inevitable. None of you internet toolboxes have ever done anything that difficult under that level of scrutiny.
Between that an internet guys calling those running the NFL incompetent as if they know better how to run the league....lots of laughs with threads like these.

Lol at crying about the refs.

Those guys are amazing at their jobs, filled with dozens of judgement calls at crazy fast speed while trying to apply a rulebook the size of a college textbook. Gaffs, errors in judgement and misapplication of rules are inevitable. None of you internet toolboxes have ever done anything that difficult under that level of scrutiny.
for the most part, you're right. My only complaint isn't so much with the refs as it is the number of rules and how it's gotten to the point where it seems the smart players aim to draw a penalty as much as to make a play. The refs do a great job, keeping in mind these guys make close to $200k for maybe the equivalent of a month's worth of work.

Lol at crying about the refs.

Those guys are amazing at their jobs, filled with dozens of judgement calls at crazy fast speed while trying to apply a rulebook the size of a college textbook. Gaffs, errors in judgement and misapplication of rules are inevitable. None of you internet toolboxes have ever done anything that difficult under that level of scrutiny.
for the most part, you're right. My only complaint isn't so much with the refs as it is the number of rules and how it's gotten to the point where it seems the smart players aim to draw a penalty as much as to make a play. The refs do a great job, keeping in mind these guys make close to $200k for maybe the equivalent of a month's worth of work.
This happens in almost all of the major sports.

Biggest problem that the NFL faces is at the younger levels.

There have been SEVEN high school football players who have died nationally.

Another :lol: at people complaining about how the game has gotten soft. Bunch of guys with little concept of the forces at play casually telling others that their chosen line of work is too easy.
The game hasn't gotten soft, but some aspects of it are just totally wussified and stupid.

On 3rd and 9 an edge rusher comes in and puts his hand up in the air to try and knock down the pass, the blocker happens to bump his arm in such a way that the rusher's hand gives a very slight slap to the top of the QB's helmet. Result? 15 yard drive extending penalty on a play where the QB didn't even realize anyone touched him.

Maybe some remember a couple years ago when the Packers played the Browns. Jermichael Finley caught a pass over the middle and the defender was literally standing still, braced himself, and Finley ran head first right into him injuring his neck. Result? 15 yard penalty on the defender for unnecessary roughness. THE DEFENDER WAS NOT EVEN MOVING!! It sucked FInley got hurt, but the defender just stood there like a wall and had nothing to do with it other than just being in the way.

There are countless examples of these that makes games very difficult to enjoy at times. The refs aren't exactly to blame for that since they are just doing what they are told to do, but that doesn't make it any more acceptable as a viewer.

The product they're putting out is not even very good anymore. Between the Thursday crap and the London garbage we are seeing some ugly football.

I know the ADD crowd won't agree but the baseball playoffs have owned the fall sports landscape.
Baseball is king in my home. Always has been. Always will be.

And yet the NFL is more popular than ever. Go figure.
was going to post this.

Much ado about nothing.
I'd love to know how many people can enjoy a game of football on its own. People love gambling, people love drinking, people love fantasy football, but how many people can still watch a game for the love of watching an NFL game? Is it still a stand alone product? I used to live for football, now I struggle getting through a Saints game, and rarely bother trying to watch a non-Saints game without tonnes of flipping channels. For me, watching football is no where near as enjoyable as it used to be.

Yes, football is very popular and very profitable, but is it sustainable with the current state of the NFL. I really doubt I'm the only lifelong fan who has lost 90% of my interest in the sport. The real question is, are there enough young people to replace people like me. That is where is I have serious doubts, and why I think the NFL will fall on very hard times in the not too distance future.
This question should make you guys understand why there are so many DFS commercials.

If it wasnt for betting & fantasy...pro sports wouldnt be as nearly as popular.

Ball game are about drinking, wagering, and junk food.

I know the purest dont want to hear it...but its the truth.

Notice how the guys that are complaining about the NFL are the same ones that bring up baseball...

...well, look at the baseball stands. Nobody cares about baseball like that anymore.

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I just found it interesting that a regular season football game had more viewers than the World Series. I heard some of Rich Eisen's radio show today and he made a comment that he had more callers wanting to talk football than the World Series.

I just found it interesting that a regular season football game had more viewers than the World Series. I heard some of Rich Eisen's radio show today and he made a comment that he had more callers wanting to talk football than the World Series.
State of the Union.

And baseball this season was fantastic. The quality of MLB on the field is vastly superior in so many ways. Just my opinion of course.

NFL is pure trash now IMO. The rules basically make you defenseless. It's a joke.

The product they're putting out is not even very good anymore. Between the Thursday crap and the London garbage we are seeing some ugly football.

I know the ADD crowd won't agree but the baseball playoffs have owned the fall sports landscape.
Baseball is king in my home. Always has been. Always will be.
I like to fall asleep with the tv on too.

Lol at crying about the refs.

Those guys are amazing at their jobs, filled with dozens of judgement calls at crazy fast speed while trying to apply a rulebook the size of a college textbook. Gaffs, errors in judgement and misapplication of rules are inevitable. None of you internet toolboxes have ever done anything that difficult under that level of scrutiny.
My post was harsh, but these points remain true imo:

Calls go a long way toward swaying the competitive balance in a game

It is a hard job that is often done incorrectly. It can be made easier (and thus more accurate) via simple changes

This thread occurs every year. I'm in agreeance with some of it, the violence/soft aspect I don't as the league needs to change. You have players coming out and saying if they knew what they know about concussions now they wouldn't have put themselves through it. So of course there is more injuries below the hips which are long term injuries.

I think where the NFL is shooting themselves in the foot is talent level. The NFL and NCAA are colluding to cut players earnings potential almost in half probably close to a 1/3 or 1/4 but still very significant. The NFL doesn't want to expand the active rosters or create a minor league and eventually it will have to come to fruition. As much as people don't want government involved in sports, the knowledge is expanding on how unfair it is to see players taken away from the sport while not making a cent because the NFL doesn't want to properly create a minor league/development system. Sorry, but publicly funded institutions should not be supporting a bunch of billionaires.

The NFLPA is equally if not more so to blame then Goodell. They have bent over in every contract negotiation and then when a smart, outspoken individual who brings ideas that would protect and make the players more profitable in Sean Gilbert runs for President they still take the leagues lackey. The little guy in the league is who suffers. The cap will eventually fall, in my estimation, and the league is alienating the players pretty harshly this contract. That being said things will hold steady until the contract expires or until the players find a way to opt out. I don't for the life of me know how you have a guy put in place the worst contract in professional sports and reelect him. The owners insurance of keeping rosters fluid, unstable and not gaurenteeing contracts is also aiding them in hurting the union as most guys don't last 3 years in the league. How are you supposed to have an educated work force like that? You don't and they don't have good people on top protecting them. The last contract was supposed to benefit vets but all it did was protect the Drew Brees and Peyton Mannings of the world while selling the real vets up the river for crappy rookie contracts.

The owners somehow keep pushing off the problems and stuffing their wallets. Who knows when it will rear its ugly head but I see a strike when the bubble finally bursts but we're not seeing it anytime soon, I promise that.

In a recent game, a late PI call improved the home teams chance of winning from 0.27 to 0.45.

Replays show the WR dived for the ball and was untouched by the defender. The ref THOUGHT he saw something that he didnt.

This is correctable (Cdn football for instance has this play reviewable).

Sorry but giving a team an 18% swing in win probability because "being a ref is hard" is not acceptable to me.

Judgement calls are just as hard at full speed as others, you could argue they are harder....why they are not reviewable makes no sense.

The Duff Man said:
In a recent game, a late PI call improved the home teams chance of winning from 0.27 to 0.45.

Replays show the WR dived for the ball and was untouched by the defender. The ref THOUGHT he saw something that he didnt.

This is correctable (Cdn football for instance has this play reviewable).

Sorry but giving a team an 18% swing in win probability because "being a ref is hard" is not acceptable to me.

Judgement calls are just as hard at full speed as others, you could argue they are harder....why they are not reviewable makes no sense.
It's a catch-22. Adding 5-10 more 2-3 minute stoppages a game will make it even more frustrating to watch, however, it will improve the accuracy of the officiating.

I would be all for it though. Give every team one penalty challenge (yellow flag or some crap) each game and see where it goes.

Something really needs to happen in the rule book with holding calls though. It is so random when they are called or not called.

Baseball ratings and profits were never higher in the McGuire/Sosa obvious roid era.

The general public being slow on the uptake loved it for a while... and then it all fell apart.

The same will happen in the NFL too.

The NBA was also much better in the Jordan Bird Magic era before they couldn't resist obvious rigging.

The biggest problem lately has been the NFL turning itself into a soap opera. Over exposure.

It's working right NOW, so I guess that means it's all fine and dandy right?

MLB has nothing to worry about. You don't pay guys 300 million on one of your worst/lowest profiting squads and not be alright. Their money is and always has been the sheer amount of games they have in a year. NFL mistakenly believes their sport is tied to attendance when the public knows it isn't. Hell, I'd feel safe saying that close to 60/70% of fans at the Super Bowl aren't even tied to the teams participating. Rather corporate interests cover most of that game. MLB is more loyal to its fans but that is also just the nature of the game. The sidelines are right next to the dugout and season tickets don't add in 4 worthless, crappy games plus PSL's.

BusterTBronco said:
Rogi said:
Sunday Night Football had better ratings than World Series Game 5:


MLB has more to worry about than NFL.
To be fair, that was no ordinary Sunday Night Football game. That was the most watched game of the season.

MLB is doing well. Overall attendance is at an all time high.
MLB has nothing to worry about. You don't pay guys 300 million on one of your worst/lowest profiting squads and not be alright. Their money is and always has been the sheer amount of games they have in a year. NFL mistakenly believes their sport is tied to attendance when the public knows it isn't. Hell, I'd feel safe saying that close to 60/70% of fans at the Super Bowl aren't even tied to the teams participating. Rather corporate interests cover most of that game. MLB is more loyal to its fans but that is also just the nature of the game. The sidelines are right next to the dugout and season tickets don't add in 4 worthless, crappy games plus PSL's.
Exactly. MLB attendance is growing again. people are fast realizing the value for your sports dollar your getting. In most baseball cities tickets are quite reasonable (forget Boston and NY to name a few of the ridiculous ticket prices). The new ball parks are amazing, family friendly and most baseball fans are not a bunch of bone headed fat ### drunks.

It's a night and day experience from today's NFL.

The NFL is a massive bubble that will burst one day. And they are losing market share rapidly with there biggest economic social dollar in us 40 somethings. We are the generation spending the most money. My kid has zero interest in the NFL.....dislikes most of it. He loves baseball, college football, NBA and NHL. He thinks the NFL is un-watchable. A complete bore, full of TV timeouts and replays. He thinks it sucks. Red Zone is the only thing he wants on when I watch football on Sunday. I agree with him.

He is already in depression mode now that MLB is over. He loves nothing more than watching a ball game every night on extra innings with me. We look at who's playing and flip between games all the time. It's awesome.

He is 10 years old.

And soon they will find a way to **ck up Red Zone and if they do that.....I am done.

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