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Liberal Intolerance (1 Viewer)

Anybody whining about the results in terms of the results should be changed needs to just stop. But now that we've had not one, but two occasions in the last five elections where the winner of the popular vote did not win the election, it is worth reconsidering the issue for the future. There is something a bit off about that.
If there was something off about that, there wouldn't be an electoral college. 

WTF else should I say? If the EC is just supposed to represent the popular vote they wouldn't go through the freaking dance of the EC. Your post was pointless. 
I didn't say the EC should represent the popular vote, I said it's a bit off that the winner of the popular vote doesn't become president. Jfc.

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Bill Maher said "The democratic party has become a party of fake outrage and failed social engineering..political correctness has failed them"   I thought he leaned far left?

Bill Maher said "The democratic party has become a party of fake outrage and failed social engineering..political correctness has failed them"   I thought he leaned far left?
Sometimes he thinks he's a libertarian. Regardless, you can be far left and not be clueless. It can happen. Bear in mind a previous incarnation of his show was called "Politically Incorrect." He has no problem pointing out when people are being ridiculous and counter productive - liberal or conservative.

Bill Maher said "The democratic party has become a party of fake outrage and failed social engineering..political correctness has failed them"   I thought he leaned far left?

Sometimes he thinks he's a libertarian. Regardless, you can be far left and not be clueless. It can happen. Bear in mind a previous incarnation of his show was called "Politically Incorrect." He has no problem pointing out when people are being ridiculous and counter productive - liberal or conservative.
I like his show, but think he's more effective when he remembers he's an entertainer first.  He's actually one of the first libs to acknowledge they stepped in their own poo. 

Speaking to panelist David Frum, a conservative writer, Maher hearkened back to past elections, saying that his fellow progressives had exaggerated the faults of previous Republican presidential candidates:

I know liberals made a big mistake because we attacked your boy Bush like he was the end of the world. And he wasn’t. And Mitt Romney we attacked that way. I gave Obama a million dollars because I was so afraid of Mitt Romney. Mitt Romney wouldn’t have changed my life that much or yours. Or John McCain. The current GOP nominee is wholly different from his predecessors, the comedian argued: “They were honorable men who we disagreed with, and we should have kept it that way. So we cried wolf and that was wrong. But this is real. This is going to be way different.”

Perhaps others will follow his lead.  Quote is from this article~


I didn't say the EC should represent the popular vote, I said it's a bit off that the winner of the popular vote doesn't become president. Jfc.
You either agree with the electoral college or you don't. The results of the last 5 elections are irrelevant to that viewpoint. 

After months of you're rubber/you're glue arguments between the candidates, did the media think it was wise to continually refer to the uneducated conservative voters (whether or not it was true)?  To me that almost sounded like a dare - I dare you to go vote you uneducated hillbillies.  What did the media think the reaction to that dare would be?  They'd just witnessed the candidates themselves acting like children in the debates and thought the voters would behave any differently?

All this complaining from the right about the media and it turns out they might have benefited from it.

After months of you're rubber/you're glue arguments between the candidates, did the media think it was wise to continually refer to the uneducated conservative voters (whether or not it was true)?  To me that almost sounded like a dare - I dare you to go vote you uneducated hillbillies.  What did the media think the reaction to that dare would be?  They'd just witnessed the candidates themselves acting like children in the debates and thought the voters would behave any differently?

All this complaining from the right about the media and it turns out they might have benefited from it.
There's truth to this, and obviously, this election was part of a growing cultural divide in this country. I'm not sure what can be done about that though. When conservatives do and say stupid things, ridicule will follow. Just like when liberals do and say stupid things, ridicule will follow (hell, Kaepernick seems like an idiot, and probably played a not insignificant role in putting Trump in the White House).

For the Democratic politicians though, I'm not sure this is a terribly large factor. As much as it seems like Trump's win can be attributed to working class folks in middle America wanting their voices heard, Trump still largely won because Democrats just didn't turn out the vote. 

They've really just got reconnect with these voters, even if it requires lying to them or making impossible promises, as Trump just did. Just tell them something.  Trump just showed that you don't need to give policy or any sort of plan. Just tell them you care. I really don't mean that to sound as condescending as it might. As with anything in life, there's truth in the saying that don't people care how much you know until they know how much you care.

And of course, the Democrats need to find a candidate that's likable which will go hand-in-hand with someone that can connect with a wide variety of voters, including working class people in middle America.

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The More they riot the more it helps Trump. 

It is also amazing that neither Clinton or Obama have said nothing. 

You still wonder how Trump won???
Hillary already said she will do everything in her power to make life hell for Trump if he wins.  Unfortunate for all of us the Democratic Party thinks it helps them to keep the country divided.

I said whoever wants to win this election should study Lincoln.  Little did I expect the similarities to be assassination threats before the inauguration and states wanting to succeed from the Union.

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Something has been bothering me about the semantics of this situation. 

So when you don't like someone and what his culture and ideas stand for, a bunch of people go to Trumps front lawn and burn him in effigy and it is a "protest". 

If a bunch of people in Alabama don't like someone, his culture and ideas and burn him in effigy on his front lawn is that a "protest" also? 

I am having a hard time telling the hate crimes from protests apart. 

GrandpaRox said:
The More they riot the more it helps Trump. 

It is also amazing that neither Clinton or Obama have said nothing. 

You still wonder how Trump won???

Calling for rape of woman because you hate her husband. Tell me again how our election set feminism back 50 years but that doesn't? #Melania https://t.co/jwf7YfupCz

I'm not going to read all 10 pages here because I'm sure at least half of it is party line rhetoric, but I'd pose this question - what about conservative intolerance? 

I live in Kentucky, although I live in one of the 2 counties that voted blue. I've been around the state a lot and met a lot of people who have never left a 5 county radius in nowhereville, KY. They live in their own little bubble and feel left behind - but that doesn't make their wants or needs any more important than a gay black guy living in Philadelphia or Charlotte or whatever. 

Ultimately I think this election was won because Trump made a whole lot of completely irresponsible promises about creating tens of millions of jobs that monkeys could do. Coal is NOT making a comeback. The reason manufacturing plants aren't in every hick town in America anymore isn't because some immigrant stole their jobs and they were moved to the evil cities, it's because robots can do 90% of that work now. The world needs critical thinkers, negotiators, sales people, scientists, etc - not a throng of people who know how to use a shovel and chant "Lock her up" in unison. 

I fully believe Trump will govern from the center. He is and always has been a big government liberal. The fact that he hoodwinked lower middle class white America into thinking he was somehow their white knight is laughable and telling. 

And for the record, I'm overweight and love NASCAR. 

Something has been bothering me about the semantics of this situation. 

So when you don't like someone and what his culture and ideas stand for, a bunch of people go to Trumps front lawn and burn him in effigy and it is a "protest". 

If a bunch of people in Alabama don't like someone, his culture and ideas and burn him in effigy on his front lawn is that a "protest" also? 

I am having a hard time telling the hate crimes from protests apart. 
So what's your point here?

Something has been bothering me about the semantics of this situation. 

So when you don't like someone and what his culture and ideas stand for, a bunch of people go to Trumps front lawn and burn him in effigy and it is a "protest". 

If a bunch of people in Alabama don't like someone, his culture and ideas and burn him in effigy on his front lawn is that a "protest" also? 

I am having a hard time telling the hate crimes from protests apart. 
They're both hate somethings. I don't know if either one is technically a crime (maybe tresspassing?), but definitely hateful and definitely unacceptable.

I hope I'm wrong, but think Mr. Sharks was absolving the KKK of hate crimes.
Burning someone in effigy is hateful regardless of who is doing the burning and who is getting burned in effigy. Is burning an effigy a crime though? I don't think so, but I'm not sure. That certainly does not absolve the KKK of actual crimes they have committed.

I'm not going to read all 10 pages here because I'm sure at least half of it is party line rhetoric, but I'd pose this question - what about conservative intolerance? 

I live in Kentucky, although I live in one of the 2 counties that voted blue. I've been around the state a lot and met a lot of people who have never left a 5 county radius in nowhereville, KY. They live in their own little bubble and feel left behind - but that doesn't make their wants or needs any more important than a gay black guy living in Philadelphia or Charlotte or whatever. 

Ultimately I think this election was won because Trump made a whole lot of completely irresponsible promises about creating tens of millions of jobs that monkeys could do. Coal is NOT making a comeback. The reason manufacturing plants aren't in every hick town in America anymore isn't because some immigrant stole their jobs and they were moved to the evil cities, it's because robots can do 90% of that work now. The world needs critical thinkers, negotiators, sales people, scientists, etc - not a throng of people who know how to use a shovel and chant "Lock her up" in unison. 

I fully believe Trump will govern from the center. He is and always has been a big government liberal. The fact that he hoodwinked lower middle class white America into thinking he was somehow their white knight is laughable and telling. 

And for the record, I'm overweight and love NASCAR. 
1. I don't think the people were a hoodwinked as you think. They got tired of being hoodwinked by the far left and far right and as you said wanted someone like Trump to govern from the center. 

2. It is a fallacy to attribute his victory to lower class white America, while they played a role he also won the educated white vote as well. 

So you are of the opinion that creating a mob in front of someones house and burning them in effigy is in fact a hate crime, correct. 
So you are of the opinion that a one-time presidential protest is equivalent to 150 years of KKK ethnic cleansing mantra and hatred of an entire race ?

So you are of the opinion that a one-time presidential protest is equivalent to 150 years of KKK ethnic cleansing mantra and hatred of an entire race ?
So you are saying it is not a hate crime to burn a figure of someone on their lawn. Got it. 

Just so you can clear up your position, how many times does a mob have to burn a statue of you on your lawn before it becomes a hate crime? if it is a not a function of number is it a time determination like 6 months of mobs and arson, or can it never be a hate crime?

So you are saying it is not a hate crime to burn a figure of someone on their lawn. Got it. 

Just so you can clear up your position, how many times does a mob have to burn a statue of you on your lawn before it becomes a hate crime? if it is a not a function of number is it a time determination like 6 months of mobs and arson, or can it never be a hate crime?
Yeah, I didn't think you could walk that statement back. Your position is clear.

Un ####### real.

The protesters are the kids that got participation trophies growing up.  They don't understand what it means to lose.

Not gonna defend that, but there is a difference between some random idiot and the President-elect.
It's the hypocritical view of a large majority of the hard core liberals that I'm pointing out.  Most are not remotely bothered by that.  Most are not bothered by the rioting either.  They blame it all on Trump like he asked for it.  Not all think that way.  I'm aware. 


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