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Mass shooting in Brooklyn (3 Viewers)

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Tucker shouldn’t use the term replacement.  But in fairness, Tucker deplores violence, and he says so all the time on his show.
I'm not singling out Carlson.  He's merely one of many cogs in the flywheel of the machine that is the MSM of this country.  There's nothing all that special about anything he says.  He's on one of the many divisive channels and is one of many primetime "hosts" who's job it is to get eyeballs and farm attention.  He isn't unique at all IMO from that perspective.

That said, we should NOT be giving passes because he throws occasional lip service to not liking something or that we shouldn't X.  In the years I watched him, he was very firmly in the Chris Rock mold of "You shouldn't ever hit a woman, but I understand" approach.  When well over 90% of your actions/words are designed specifically to get people worked up, to draw attention, to be outlandish, to whip people up to the point of action, you don't get to wipe that away with a small mention here/there that you don't condone when they act.  All that's doing is trying to put toothpaste back in the tube.

I'm not singling out Carlson.  He's merely one of many cogs in the flywheel of the machine that is the MSM of this country.  There's nothing all that special about anything he says.  He's on one of the many divisive channels and is one of many primetime "hosts" who's job it is to get eyeballs and farm attention.  He isn't unique at all IMO from that perspective.

That said, we should NOT be giving passes because he throws occasional lip service to not liking something or that we shouldn't X.  In the years I watched him, he was very firmly in the Chris Rock mold of "You shouldn't ever hit a woman, but I understand" approach.  When well over 90% of your actions/words are designed specifically to get people worked up, to draw attention, to be outlandish, to whip people up to the point of action, you don't get to wipe that away with a small mention here/there that you don't condone when they act.  All that's doing is trying to put toothpaste back in the tube.
I think this sums it up nicely and circles back to whoever said that Tucker isn't responsible, but that doesn't mean we can't think he talks irresponsibly.   Going back to the Scott example - you hit the nail on the head here.  Scott is an outlier example, and one  I would guess/hope would not do that anymore.   Tucker is one piece of the machine who's job it is to do this, and I doubt will stop because this is what generates the $.  

Very good question, and here are some answers:

1. There aren't many issues more important in a country than immigration, and the citizens of that country have an absolute right to set the policy.

2. A lot of Americans have realized they've had no voice on the issue. 

3. Demographic changes lead to political changes. 

4. The recent wave of immigrants from south of the border lean heavily Democrat.

5. On his first day in office, Biden nullified the well-working "Remain in Mexico" program.  He's also enacted other rules that have served to open the southern border to historic numbers of illegal immigrants.

6. Republicans are pissed off at #5.

Let me ask you this.  If it was the Republicans who were opening the border to millions of people who leaned Republican, can you honestly tell me that Democrats wouldn't be up in arms about it? 

Could you walk me through this bit? What are the Biden-enacted rules that have served to open the southern border to "millions of people"? FYI the "Remain in Mexico" rule is currently in place, thanks to an activist conservative judiciary.

Tucker shouldn’t use the term replacement.  But in fairness, Tucker deplores violence, and he says so all the time on his show.

Come on, man. 

Debate the extent to which the media, and Tucker in particular, is responsible for this all you like. But you don't get a pass from broadcasting hours and hours of hateful xenophobia and lies to millions just because you say "btw violence is bad, of course." That's the weakest defense I've ever seen. 

Could you walk me through this bit? What are the Biden-enacted rules that have served to open the southern border to "millions of people"? FYI the "Remain in Mexico" rule is currently in place, thanks to an activist conservative judiciary.
Is this one of those technicalities for a gotcha moment?  

Is this one of those technicalities for a gotcha moment?  

No, I'm trying to understand the excuse you all are offering for conservative media going full white nationalist. @ekbeats said that it's a product of Democrats "opening the border to millions of people" (as if Carlson, Ingraham and friends didn't embrace white nationalism until 2021, which is totally absurd but one thing at a time), but names only one policy change, and that policy change is no longer in place.

No, I'm trying to understand the excuse you all are offering for conservative media going full white nationalist. @ekbeats said that it's a product of Democrats "opening the border to millions of people" (as if Carlson, Ingraham and friends didn't embrace white nationalism until 2021, which is totally absurd but one thing at a time), but names only one policy change, and that policy change is no longer in place.
IDk about a policy change nearly as much as lax enforcement.  What is the deterrent here, besides plane trips in the middle of the night.  They should just do it  during the day since they don’t care what the people affected think.  

mcintyre1 said:
Hmm, let's see if I can come up with some notable differences off the top of my head:

  • An explicit, self-described fascist, white supremacist manifesto was posted prior to the shooting
  • The shooter traveled 200 miles from his home to target a grocery store in majority black neighborhood
  • The shooter livestreamed the act
  • The shooter planned the act in detail with others online in a White supremacist discord server
  • The shooter explicitly targeted black people
  • The shooter wore body armor (he was shot by the security guard, but was unharmed due to the armor)
  • The shooter used a high capacity AR platform rifle (and laid out the equipment and choices he made to do maximum damage in his manifesto)
  • The shooter said he was doing it to prevent the "great [White] replacement" - a conspiracy theory espoused by folks such as Tucker Carlson, and reportedly believed (to some degree) by about a third of all Republicans
  • The shooter had very explicit, accelerationist political goals for committing the act.

    I find it curious that you ignored all of those while talking about this shooting.

and why is that so much more horrific than a black man shooting and killing another black man in a drug deal, an argument or a gang retaliation ?

yes - that small % of extremists like this Buffalo guy is absolutely something we all want to see go away ......... but how many black people are killed every year by that white racist manifesto type shooter and how many black people are killed by other black people?

From the FBI's Universal Crime Report in 2014; 90% of Black people killed were killed by other Black people and 14.8% of white people killed were killed by Black people.

and why is that so much more horrific than a black man shooting and killing another black man in a drug deal, an argument or a gang retaliation ?

yes - that small % of extremists like this Buffalo guy is absolutely something we all want to see go away ......... but how many black people are killed every year by that white racist manifesto type shooter and how many black people are killed by other black people?

From the FBI's Universal Crime Report in 2014; 90% of Black people killed were killed by other Black people and 14.8% of white people killed were killed by Black people.

Do you believe the president has time to fly to the scene of every mass shooting in this country?

Jen Psaki said he couldn't visit Waukesha because doing so required "a lot of assets" whatever that means.  She didn't say he didn't have the time to do so.  He may not have time to visit EVERY mass shooting, like the one in Houston yesterday that was just people arguing with each other, but I'd like to think he could visit ones of significant national interest where hate crimes are involved.  We don't have THAT many of those.  And Waukesha is certainly on par with Buffalo as far as the hate crime element and exceeds Buffalo in terms of life lost/injuries.  So, what was the difference between the two?  Hmmmm........

Jen Psaki said he couldn't visit Waukesha because doing so required "a lot of assets" whatever that means.  She didn't say he didn't have the time to do so.  He may not have time to visit EVERY mass shooting, like the one in Houston yesterday that was just people arguing with each other, but I'd like to think he could visit ones of significant national interest where hate crimes are involved.  We don't have THAT many of those.  And Waukesha is certainly on par with Buffalo as far as the hate crime element and exceeds Buffalo in terms of life lost/injuries.  So, what was the difference between the two?  Hmmmm........
Is it that Biden hates White people? Is that the difference?


same problem with white people and brown people with guns - we live in a free country where personal responsibility exists

if white people stopped shooting black people tomorrow .... what % of black people would still be killed the rest of this year ?

its an important question

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I guess I wasn't paying attention when a devout Baptist state senator from central Florida (The Villages) brought up the Replacement Theory on my local public radio  station in 2019. Mainline Protestants are largely in favor of a path to citizenship for undocumented, a good percentage of whom are evangelical. I don't get the fear of loss of identity from religious folk like Baxley based on the scripture I know.

>>When you get a birth rate less than two percent, that society is disappearing," Baxley said on Miami's WLRN. "And it's being replaced by folks that come behind them and immigrate, don't wish to assimilate into that society and they do believe in having children. So you see that there are long-range impacts to your society when the answer is to exterminate," he added.<<

Florida Senator's 'Racist' Replacement Theory Stance Against Abortion Slammed by Reproductive Rights Supporters

I guess I wasn't paying attention when a devout Baptist state senator from central Florida (The Villages) brought up the Replacement Theory on my local public radio  station in 2019. Mainline Protestants are largely in favor of a path to citizenship for undocumented, a good percentage of whom are evangelical. I don't get the fear of loss of identity from religious folk like Baxley based on the scripture I know.

>>When you get a birth rate less than two percent, that society is disappearing," Baxley said on Miami's WLRN. "And it's being replaced by folks that come behind them and immigrate, don't wish to assimilate into that society and they do believe in having children. So you see that there are long-range impacts to your society when the answer is to exterminate," he added.<<

Florida Senator's 'Racist' Replacement Theory Stance Against Abortion Slammed by Reproductive Rights Supporters
We cannot let people get abortions, we need those White votes!!

same problem with white people and brown people with guns - we live in a free country where personal responsibility exists

if white people stopped shooting black people tomorrow .... what % of black people would still be killed the rest of this year ?

its an important question
Hey, can we talk about black on black crime, instead of the terrorist attack on a black community?

Thats the important takeaway from this story about a racist terrorist who published a manifesto, then shot a bunch of black senior citizens:

That politician is doing politician stuff. 

Well done, man. 
No where near an important takeaway. I work in a supermarket where there was a shooting at one of our stores in New York. We have to do an online course every year dealing with this very topic so this one resonated a little more with me. One of the people in the story was hiding out in the dairy cooler, the dept I work in and you can't help but think what would I do. The point of my original comment was the minute the right heard about him going, they were going to bring up the fact he didn't go to Waukesha. Should he not go to Buffalo because he didn't go to Waukesha and it's going to piss the right off, ofcourse not. He should have gone to both or neither. If Trump or somebody else was in the WH, and they did this I'd say the same thing. 

All this outsized public blaming of Carlson and White Supremacism (and by obvious extension all GOP/conservatives) is just politically driven nonsense by the MSM media and liberal partisans.

Below appears to be the most comprehensive studies of mass shootings at retail locations (nearly 200 studied). Its findings show that only 13% of mass shootings are motivated by racism. In other words, 87% of shootings stem from other or unknown causes. Those are facts. And that racism is not just White on Black (e.g. Black v. Asian)

Our data points to a range of factors, including the suspect’s own economic issues (16%), confrontation with employees or shoppers (22%), or psychosis (31%). But the most common motivation among retail shooters is unknown (34%).

More mass shootings are happening at grocery stores – 13% of shooters are motivated by racial hatred, criminologists find

Hey, can we talk about black on black crime, instead of the terrorist attack on a black community?
Your appeal to others to stay on topic rings a little hollow when it comes one post after this gem:

We cannot let people get abortions, we need those White votes!!
This is not an accurate representation of the views of typical pro-life people, and frankly it's a little psychotic in the particular context of a mass shooting driven by ginned-up hatred.  

Your appeal to others to stay on topic rings a little hollow when it comes one post after this gem:

This is not an accurate representation of the views of typical pro-life people, and frankly it's a little psychotic in the particular context of a mass shooting driven by ginned-up hatred.  
I was not applying an opinion to every pro-life person out there. Why would you think I was? 

It was one Senator. 

The Replacement theory is on topic, it goes to the motivation of the inbred hick racist terrorist involved in the shooting. 

That people have found a way to nicely and openly discuss the "death of the white race" that Neo-Nazis have been warning about for 50 years is notable. 

This, to me, is like discussing QAnon when one of of the morons that subscribe to that theory do something dumb. They are personally responsible, but discussing the crackpot theory seems relevant and helpful.

IDk about a policy change nearly as much as lax enforcement.  What is the deterrent here, besides plane trips in the middle of the night.  They should just do it  during the day since they don’t care what the people affected think.  

He specifically said policy changes, so I'm asking.

Not idea what the rest of this means.

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Hey, can we talk about black on black crime, instead of the terrorist attack on a black community?

which has more of an impact on the black community ?

again - if we 100% eliminated white on black crimes ... would that solve anything much in the black community ? If the answer is no, it wouldn't ...... then ask yourself why is it given 95% of the media attention ?

All this outsized public blaming of Carlson and White Supremacism (and by obvious extension all GOP/conservatives) is just politically driven nonsense by the MSM media and liberal partisans.

Below appears to be the most comprehensive studies of mass shootings at retail locations (nearly 200 studied). Its findings show that only 13% of mass shootings are motivated by racism. In other words, 87% of shootings stem from other or unknown causes. Those are facts. And that racism is not just White on Black (e.g. Black v. Asian)

Our data points to a range of factors, including the suspect’s own economic issues (16%), confrontation with employees or shoppers (22%), or psychosis (31%). But the most common motivation among retail shooters is unknown (34%).

More mass shootings are happening at grocery stores – 13% of shooters are motivated by racial hatred, criminologists find

Are you saying that eliminating media-driven racial animus can only stop, at most, 13% of mass shootings?

Well this changes everything. Why even bother, right?

which has more of an impact on the black community ?

again - if we 100% eliminated white on black crimes ... would that solve anything much in the black community ? If the answer is no, it wouldn't ...... then ask yourself why is it given 95% of the media attention ?
Again, can we talk about black on black crime, instead of this attack? 

The difference, as I see it:

I have no kinship with this hick loser. I don't feel attacked as a white guy, because this moron is white. He's so concerned about saving the white race because it's so great, my attitude is, 'you are the sorriest excuse for a white man I have ever seen, what are YOU so proud of?'

There are many, many black people who cannot stand black people who commit violence, they talk about black on black violence, and are angrier about it than a lot of white people, because they see the hurdles it puts up for their community, and the damage it does. Can you see any reason for this not to apply to white people. 

I have zero idea why white guys think they need to deflect or defend white people when a white guy commits a terrorist act. 

No, I'm trying to understand the excuse you all are offering for conservative media going full white nationalist. @ekbeats said that it's a product of Democrats "opening the border to millions of people" (as if Carlson, Ingraham and friends didn't embrace white nationalism until 2021, which is totally absurd but one thing at a time), but names only one policy change, and that policy change is no longer in place.
This is BS.  Conservative media talking heads are AMERICAN Nationalists.  If you don't see the difference, you are part of the problem.

This is BS.  Conservative media talking heads are AMERICAN Nationalists.  If you don't see the difference, you are part of the problem.

Please read

Also this (hard to be an "American Nationalist" when you frequently trash Americans)

And this (more of Tucker trashing Americans he supposedly loves)

And this

How about this one (Laura Ingraham pining for an America lost to "demographic changes")

And when was the last time you heard right wing media complaining about security on our northern border? 

I could go on for many hours and pages, of course. The coordinated, decades-long effort of right wing media to stoke white grievance is well documented. But anyone who doesn't see the clear and obvious truth is choosing not to IMO.

This is not a close question. America is a nation of immigrants. If you say you want America to stop taking in immigrants, wrongly blame our problems on new immigrants, and make a regular habit of trashing Americans who don't look like you or agree with you, you are not an American Nationalist. You are a white nationalist. 

Again, can we talk about black on black crime, instead of this attack? 

The difference, as I see it:

I have no kinship with this hick loser. I don't feel attacked as a white guy, because this moron is white. He's so concerned about saving the white race because it's so great, my attitude is, 'you are the sorriest excuse for a white man I have ever seen, what are YOU so proud of?'

There are many, many black people who cannot stand black people who commit violence, they talk about black on black violence, and are angrier about it than a lot of white people, because they see the hurdles it puts up for their community, and the damage it does. Can you see any reason for this not to apply to white people. 

I have zero idea why white guys think they need to deflect or defend white people when a white guy commits a terrorist act. 
Just a recommendation, but if you don't want people to feel defensive then I suggest dropping the "hick" comments. Feel free to call him a racist terrorist because those things are clearly true and obviously bad. But using the term hick is generally used as a pejorative for people from rural areas and is definitely gonna make some people defensive.

Just a recommendation, but if you don't want people to feel defensive then I suggest dropping the "hick" comments. Feel free to call him a racist terrorist because those things are clearly true and obviously bad. But using the term hick is generally used as a pejorative for people from rural areas and is definitely gonna make some people defensive.
I don't get bothered when the City folk are derisively referred to as Coastal Elites, and I haven't seen any rural people on here object to THAT term, and since we have no hypocrites here, I cannot see how referring to one person as a hick would bother anyone. 

However, in case we do have hypocrites skulking about, I shall remove the word from the old lexicon. 

and why is that so much more horrific than a black man shooting and killing another black man in a drug deal, an argument or a gang retaliation ?

yes - that small % of extremists like this Buffalo guy is absolutely something we all want to see go away ......... but how many black people are killed every year by that white racist manifesto type shooter and how many black people are killed by other black people?

From the FBI's Universal Crime Report in 2014; 90% of Black people killed were killed by other Black people and 14.8% of white people killed were killed by Black people.

What made you think that today, and this thread, is a good place to present context-free statistics demonizing black people?

I don't get bothered when the City folk are derisively referred to as Coastal Elites, and I haven't seen any rural people on here object to THAT term, and since we have no hypocrites here, I cannot see how referring to one person as a hick would bother anyone. 

However, in case we do have hypocrites skulking about, I shall remove the word from the old lexicon. 

Well put.

For the twenty billionth consecutive time, it is the left that is expected to be respectful and inclusive and reach across the aisle, while no such demands are placed on the right. 

Again, can we talk about black on black crime, instead of this attack? 

The difference, as I see it:

I have no kinship with this hick loser. I don't feel attacked as a white guy, because this moron is white. He's so concerned about saving the white race because it's so great, my attitude is, 'you are the sorriest excuse for a white man I have ever seen, what are YOU so proud of?'

There are many, many black people who cannot stand black people who commit violence, they talk about black on black violence, and are angrier about it than a lot of white people, because they see the hurdles it puts up for their community, and the damage it does. Can you see any reason for this not to apply to white people. 

I have zero idea why white guys think they need to deflect or defend white people when a white guy commits a terrorist act. 

ok let me try this another way

why is the media taking this and running with it? what is the goal ? why pick this story and not any of the other dozens of murders/stories this month ?

Toby2ElectricBugaloo said:
If that's not what you were trying to say when you railed against "outsized public blaming of Carlson and White Supremacism" for mass shootings when "only 13% of mass shootings are motivated by racism," then what exactly were you trying to say? Because it sure sounds to me like you're downplaying that 13%.
Just looking for balance. The key word is "outsized."

The MSM is currently in a cultural frenzy over the 13%, thereby hypocritically fanning the flames of the same divisiveness it ostensibly condemns.

Where is the proportionate coverage of three other non-political factors (economic, confrontation with known people, psychosis) that together outweigh the racism by nearly 5x?

And FTR I'm on record agreeing with an earlier post that stated Carlson's rhetoric is irresponsible. 

ok let me try this another way

why is the media taking this and running with it? what is the goal ? why pick this story and not any of the other dozens of murders/stories this month ?
Because he issued a manifesto, tried to livestream it, and it was racially motivated based on a theory pushed by the most outlet dude on Fox. 

Sorry guy, that's newsworthy. 

If you have a story about a black guy that did the same, and got no coverage, let me know. 

Just looking for balance. The key word is "outsized."

The MSM is currently in a cultural frenzy over the 13%, thereby hypocritically fanning the flames of the same divisiveness it ostensibly condemns.

Where is the proportionate coverage of three other non-political factors (economic, confrontation with known people, psychosis) that together outweigh the racism by nearly 5x?

And FTR I'm on record agreeing with an earlier post that stated Carlson's rhetoric is irresponsible. 
If we could have a meaningful impact on any factor, political or not, that contributes to mass shootings simply by getting a small group of people to stop acting like racist jerks, I promise you we would be doing that too.

Imagine if 13% of the mass shootings specifically targeted Commanders fans because they were Commanders fans (using my own team so to minimize the hate). And a large number of the killers were Cowboys fans who used language very similar to the language used by Dallas sports radio guys in discussing Commanders fans. Would you perhaps take a closer look at Dallas sports radio and push them to tone it down a bit? Or would you say "what about the 87% of mass shootings that don't specifically target Commanders fans"?

I don't get bothered when the City folk are derisively referred to as Coastal Elites, and I haven't seen any rural people on here object to THAT term, and since we have no hypocrites here, I cannot see how referring to one person as a hick would bother anyone. 

However, in case we do have hypocrites skulking about, I shall remove the word from the old lexicon. 
Lmao. Yeah. Clearly the words "elite" and "hick" have exactly the same connotations. Liberal sanctimony reigns.

hick - a person who lives in the country, regarded as being unintelligent or provincial.

elite - a select group that is superior in terms of ability or qualities to the rest of a group or society

Lmao. Yeah. Clearly the words "elite" and "hick" have exactly the same connotations. Liberal sanctimony reigns.

hick - a person who lives in the country, regarded as being unintelligent or provincial.

elite - a select group that is superior in terms of ability or qualities to the rest of a group or society
You don't understand that the team was used as a negative.

That's.....a bummer

If we could have a meaningful impact on any factor, political or not, that contributes to mass shootings simply by getting a small group of people to stop acting like racist jerks, I promise you we would be doing that too.

Imagine if 13% of the mass shootings specifically targeted Commanders fans because they were Commanders fans (using my own team so to minimize the hate). And a large number of the killers were Cowboys fans who used language very similar to the language used by Dallas sports radio guys in discussing Commanders fans. Would you perhaps take a closer look at Dallas sports radio and push them to tone it down a bit? Or would you say "what about the 87% of mass shootings that don't specifically target Commanders fans"?
Thanks for the discussion. Carry on.

Because he issued a manifesto, tried to livestream it, and it was racially motivated based on a theory pushed by the most outlet dude on Fox. 

Sorry guy, that's newsworthy. 

If you have a story about a black guy that did the same, and got no coverage, let me know. 


so we agree it really won't make any difference in addressing the majority of crimes towards black people, death's/murders of black people etc

its just news worthy

ok, I can agree with that ........... I just think its sad that the real problems are ignored and nobody really cares unless the crime fits "newsworthy" criteria

ok let me try this another way

why is the media taking this and running with it? what is the goal ? why pick this story and not any of the other dozens of murders/stories this month ?
Because we can stop it.

We can't cure mental illness. We can't get hundreds of millions of guns off the streets. We can't fix poverty, at least not without an unprecedented government effort. 

But we CAN get Fox News and conservative politicians to stop pushing the racist "replacement theory." All we need to do for that is convince enough American conservatives that it is bad and dangerous and is getting their fellow Americans killed. 

Lmao. Yeah. Clearly the words "elite" and "hick" have exactly the same connotations. Liberal sanctimony reigns.

hick - a person who lives in the country, regarded as being unintelligent or provincial.

elite - a select group that is superior in terms of ability or qualities to the rest of a group or society

here's a newsflash - you don't have to live in the country to be regarded as unintelligent

hick, redneck, hillbilly ..... highly offensive to me, but I'm guessing you don't care 

You don't understand that the team was used as a negative.

That's.....a bummer
I understand the usage of coastal elite just fine. But come on, man. There's a huge difference between conveying arrogance about a small group of city dwellers and conveying stupidity about an entire rural population. 

I'm not singling out Carlson.  He's merely one of many cogs in the flywheel of the machine that is the MSM of this country.  There's nothing all that special about anything he says.  He's on one of the many divisive channels and is one of many primetime "hosts" who's job it is to get eyeballs and farm attention.  He isn't unique at all IMO from that perspective.

That said, we should NOT be giving passes because he throws occasional lip service to not liking something or that we shouldn't X.  In the years I watched him, he was very firmly in the Chris Rock mold of "You shouldn't ever hit a woman, but I understand" approach.  When well over 90% of your actions/words are designed specifically to get people worked up, to draw attention, to be outlandish, to whip people up to the point of action, you don't get to wipe that away with a small mention here/there that you don't condone when they act.  All that's doing is trying to put toothpaste back in the tube.
Fox isn’t any different than CNN or MSNBC in this regard.  All of them cater to a specific party, and all of them structure their programming to rile up the supporters of that party.  I can’t stand it, it’s terrible, and I wish there were something we could do to make it stop.

Come on, man. 

Debate the extent to which the media, and Tucker in particular, is responsible for this all you like. But you don't get a pass from broadcasting hours and hours of hateful xenophobia and lies to millions just because you say "btw violence is bad, of course." That's the weakest defense I've ever seen. 
That’s not at all what I said. What I said was that Tucker deplores violence and says so regularly on his show.  He says it almost nightly.

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