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Mr. Robot (1 Viewer)

The show is phenomenal. Trying to convince my wife to watch with me when I rewatch it.

Hoping next season has more Joanna, she is crazy sexy.

I'm starting to convince myself Tyrrell is imaginary too but i have no explanation for Eliot working for both allsafe and evil Corp at the same time.

I'm starting to convince myself Tyrrell is imaginary too but i have no explanation for Eliot working for both allsafe and evil Corp at the same time.
It would make the scene where Gideon goes in to see Tyrell kind of awkward...

I'm starting to convince myself Tyrrell is imaginary too but i have no explanation for Eliot working for both allsafe and evil Corp at the same time.
It would make the scene where Gideon goes in to see Tyrell kind of awkward...
Some people have already touched on a similar thought, but Im starting to think the show may be just as much Total Recall as it is Fight Club. After the second episode when Elliot was on the Ferris Wheel with Mr Robot, and Elliot asks "what about Tyrell?", because hes worried about him catching them, and Mr. Robot forcefully answered back something to the effect of "He will believe whatever we tell him to believe" Ive assumed Elliot, Tyrell, and Mr. Robot are all different personalities of the same schizophrenic person. Based on the last episodes though, that scenario only makes sense if Tyrell's wife and secretary are playing along.

Tackling Dummies said:
OK, White Rose was meeting w/ E Corp's CEO at the castle-ish home.


Please unpack. Thanks in advance.
I was wondering if that was the same person.
A few possibilities,

1. White Rose works for the Chinese government who have an interest in a worldwide economic meltdown for whatever reason.

2. White Rose has always been part of the oligarchy, and saw he stood to gain personally from E Corps loss.

3. This is all a fantasy of Tyrell's imagination. Elliot is the one that doesnt actually exist because hes a character that was loaded into Tyrells mind, like in Total Recall. In this case instead of being a secret agent that has to save the day, hes the hacker that has to save the day.

... I may be going too deep

Finally saw the finale last night. I'm still not sure WTF happened.
Not to go all OPM in here on you guys, but this is my major issue with the show.

Can't tell what's real and just imagined stuff. So watching it as if the entire season is just one big dream sequence kind of brings it down a bit.


Decent show, loved the music and the acting for the most part. Some of the story was kinda cool but with, what, 75% of it being fake, not sure what I should care about and what I shouldn't.

So in the scene with Slater in the middle of Times Square, did you actually hear him say "I'm no less real than the f—ing meat patty in your Big Mac"? I rewatched it a couple of times and it appears they cut off the dialogue mentioning the Big Mac on purpose. :tinfoilhat:

What? You are? Is any of it real? I mean look at this.

Look at it: A world built on fantasy. Synthetic emotions in the form of pills. Pyschological warfare in the form of advertising. Mind altering chemicals in the form of food. Brain washing seminars in the form of media. Controlled, isolated bubbles in the form of social networks. Real? You want to talk about reality? We haven't lived in anything remotely close to it since the turn of the century. We turned it off. Took out the batteries, snacked on a bag of GMOs while we tossed the remnants in the ever expanding dumpster of the human condition. We live in branded houses, trademarked by corporations, built on biopolar numbers jumping up and down on digital displays, hypnotizing us into the biggest slumber mankind has ever seen. You have to dig pretty deep, kiddo, before you can find anything real. We live in a kingdom of bull####. A kingdom you've lived in for far too long. So don't tell me about not being real. I'm no less real than the ####### beef patty in your Big Mac. As far as you're concerned Elliot, we are all together now, whether you like it or not.
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Just finished it. The camera work and music were amazing. There was a run of consecutive episodes in mid to late season that were phenomenal. The only issues I could come up with for the finale were that it wasn't quite as good as the ones it immediately followed (not a fair expectation) and that it didn't provide a bold plot conclusion that is typically expected from season finales.

Still easily one of the best first seasons I've seen.

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Just finished it. The camera work and music were amazing. There was a run of consecutive episodes in mid to late season that were phenomenal. The only issues I could come up with for the finale were that it wasn't quite as good as the ones it immediately followed (not a fair expectation) and that it didn't provide a bold plot conclusion that is typically expected from season finales.

Still easily one of the best first seasons I've seen.
I agree. I think I said earlier that the first episode was for me the best first episode of any new show I've ever watched.

Just watched all 10 episodes in the 3 days. I'm a completionest... Started great. Way too Fight Club-y though. They should have revealed the dad as fake in episode 3. It was obvious in episode 2. Some of this stuff was soon heavy handed. I almost quit on principle when the blonde ended her jog at a fork in the road and paused. No that I typed that I am ashamed of myself for not quitting there. At there were other scenes along those lines too. That first CTO guy was absolutely terrible. Bad writing and acting. If the sister is afraid of her brother forgetting she's his sister, how about calling him big brother every single time they see each other. That might help, actually, you crazy #####. She sucked too, btw. Worst thing that happened to this show is getting picked up early. Too much cliff hanger power trip on the finale. Twist and cliff hangers don't make something good. Sorry, M. Knight Shamalon and everyone else in this thread, they just don't. OMG you can't have your sister's phone number in your cell phone! What will the cops think!!!!!!!!! Best part of the show was Angela's ######## BF. That dude killed it. Ha. Elliot used his name as an alias to the Swedish chick, didn't he? Ok, maybe this show has potential...

ETA: Just thought of another brilliant scene. "What did you think? We sat around smoking cigars and laughing? That's not how the world works. We were drinking scotch and eating shrimp cocktails. You were way off. And it was raining. Bet you didn't see that coming. Idiot."

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Struggling to get through the season. Started it in late July, only two episodes left. My wife gave up on it about 3 or 4 episodes back.

Is there enough of a resolution in the finale that I can stop there?

I finally caught the extra scene.


For what it's worth, and I somehow doubt it's coincidence, the song being played on the harp was the same song being played by the musicians in Titanic as it sank. "Nearer My God to Thee."
Good catch. I'm usually not very astute at picking up on things like this, but as a dude who treated Fight Club as a religion back in college, I thought the tune being played when Elliot and Tyrell go into the arcade together sounded like the end credits song from Fight Club (Where Is My Mind by The Pixies). Looked it up online, and it turned out Mr. Robot used it as an homage to the film.

Fight Club version

Mr. Robot version

There were so many people comparing this show to Fight Club, that I thought this was an awesome use of the song to embrace the similarity instead of running from it. Shows the confidence of the show's creators to be able to produce something that will stand on its own despite having REALLY similar themes at some parts.

Just finished the finale a few minutes ago, been catching up over the last few weeks. So awesome. Between this, Fargo, Better Call Saul, and Orphan Black, the state of television is in good shape.

About 2/3 through ... just laying down the ebon jot to find this thread when I finish. I'm sure the discourse has been stellar

Binge watched it over the last 2 days. Was warned that the last 2 episodes were horrible.

Not sure about that. Was a great season 1 My buddy that hated the ending was a crazy zero hedge.apocalypse coming kind of guy. I thought the ending was okay. Interested in seeing how they continue momentum in season 2.

I just powered through the season over the last 4 days, really some amazing TV.  USA Network is very underrated in terms of the original programming they crank out as Satisfaction is another great show on their network.

In this era of readily available porn via a smartphone it is rare indeed that I would choose to freeze frame a picture of a girl on TV but Tyrell's wife makes me want to.

Guess everyone's focused on the Big Bang Theory thread :shrug:

Anyway, no clue what Darryl's role will be in the plot, but like the slow introduction of the character.  Good development episode with one big bang at the end.

Mad at myself I had no idea about this show.  Watched last night and I'm hooked.  Have to find season 1 immediately. 

All of our spring shows had ended so I told my wife she should watch this. She's one that will usually only watch one episode a night and it may be days in between each episode. We did the 10 episodes of season 1 in less than a week. :) Just as good the 2nd time for me. Can't wait to watch the new one tonight.

I just powered through the season over the last 4 days, really some amazing TV.  USA Network is very underrated in terms of the original programming they crank out as Satisfaction is another great show on their network.

In this era of readily available porn via a smartphone it is rare indeed that I would choose to freeze frame a picture of a girl on TV but Tyrell's wife makes me want to.
It's an outstanding show in terms of female eye candy, with Tyrell's wife, Shayla :( , Darlene, and of course Angela.  :thumbup:   

Ok so we have no idea if his mother or his new friend Leon is in his head. What's the deal with calling fsociety 5/9 all of a sudden. I don't remember that from season 1.

It's good but Saul I'm sure has it beat.
I was reading some article about how the creator wanted everyone to feel uneasy/unnerving while watching the show so he purposely shoots characters on the edge of the screen with a lot of empty space above and to the side of them. Normally characters are focused in the center of the screen and it makes viewers feel at ease/comfortable. After I read that article its very noticable.

Nah I'm good. Spoilers really don't bother me at all. I read up on season one already so I have the outline in my head.
so you knew the two big reveals (Mr Robot is inside his head and is his father? Darlene is his sister?). The first wasnt too hard to figure out (most had it figured out right away although none of us knew he was his dad). But the Darlene one blew me away and had me rewatching the entire first season over again. You also missed the Shayla episode.

Man what a show. Just talking about it makes me want to go back to season 1 and watch it a 3rd time.

so you knew the two big reveals (Mr Robot is inside his head and is his father? Darlene is his sister?). The first wasnt too hard to figure out (most had it figured out right away although none of us knew he was his dad). But the Darlene one blew me away and had me rewatching the entire first season over again. You also missed the Shayla episode.

Man what a show. Just talking about it makes me want to go back to season 1 and watch it a 3rd time.
I binged S1 a few weeks ago on Amazon Prime, so good. My new favorite show. Did not know Slater was him until the reveal :bag: but ignorance is bliss I guess. It's no BB, but it's the first show since where I'm going "Oh, snap!" at times while watching it. Can not wait for more.

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Something about the pacing of the show makes it seem longer than an hour almost every time. In a good way. I never feel like 'Wait, that's it?' like I do often do with GoT, Better Call Saul,  and some other big shows. 


Man, those fsociety kids sure got a big set of balls
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