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*** Official Barack Obama FBG campaign headquarters *** (3 Viewers)

March 23, 2008

Poll of polls: Obama's lead narrows after tough week

The Wright controversy had an impact on Obama's poll numbers last week.

WASHINGTON (CNN) — After tapes of inflammatory statements made by Sen. Barack Obama's pastor came out last weekend, it appears to have had some negative impact on the Illinois senator.

Nationally, Obama's lead over Sen. Hillary Clinton narrowed in a poll of polls — which included CBS News, USA Today and Gallup.

The polls, taken between March 14-18, show Obama with 49 percent to Clinton's 43 percent.

"I don't think there is any doubt that the [Rev.] Jeremiah Wright controversy played a role in the 10-point drop in his favorable ratings," said pollster Terry Madonna.
Well, i dont think anyone expected it to help. And unless HRC has about 2 or 3 more bombshell's above and beyond the wright controversy, its nothing to really worry about. Also, i find it humorous that the campaign which thought they had the nomination on lock down as of 4 months ago, is now taking comfort in the fact that they are only 6 pts behind in the polls. Don't worry HRC supporters, reality is waiting for you when you're ready
The witch will be officially laid to rest in just a few short weeks. Amazing given the head start she was working with in November.
I agree Hillary i.e. the "witch" will be put to rest. However, will the hate between these two camps be able to be put to rest.?, or will the Hillary supporters go to McCain?Obama is going to need every Hillary supporter to win in November.

I don't seen Obama getting many of the following voters come November:

Pro-life--This is a big time growing poltical group

NRA--Obama's stand on gun control will not help him in key states like Texas, where gun control is not very popular

Baby Boomers--these are the imo the richest class of Americans ever, who want no new taxes

Traditional 50+ year old dem's, their are a lot of vets in this class, who don't like Obama's approach to have the Cuba's, Iran coming to American without first showing signs of change, i.e. human rights etc.

On the other hand, Obama will do well with the younger crowd, minorities, but will it be enough?

If their is as much hate on the Hillary side as their are by some of the posters here towards her, I don't see Obama getting the Hillary supporters.

All I saying is Obama needs Hillary support come November, if the Dem party is split it's over.

March 23, 2008

Poll of polls: Obama's lead narrows after tough week

The Wright controversy had an impact on Obama's poll numbers last week.

WASHINGTON (CNN) — After tapes of inflammatory statements made by Sen. Barack Obama's pastor came out last weekend, it appears to have had some negative impact on the Illinois senator.

Nationally, Obama's lead over Sen. Hillary Clinton narrowed in a poll of polls — which included CBS News, USA Today and Gallup.

The polls, taken between March 14-18, show Obama with 49 percent to Clinton's 43 percent.

"I don't think there is any doubt that the [Rev.] Jeremiah Wright controversy played a role in the 10-point drop in his favorable ratings," said pollster Terry Madonna.
Well, i dont think anyone expected it to help. And unless HRC has about 2 or 3 more bombshell's above and beyond the wright controversy, its nothing to really worry about. Also, i find it humorous that the campaign which thought they had the nomination on lock down as of 4 months ago, is now taking comfort in the fact that they are only 6 pts behind in the polls. Don't worry HRC supporters, reality is waiting for you when you're ready
The witch will be officially laid to rest in just a few short weeks. Amazing given the head start she was working with in November.
I agree Hillary i.e. the "witch" will be put to rest. However, will the hate between these two camps be able to be put to rest.?, or will the Hillary supporters go to McCain?Obama is going to need every Hillary supporter to win in November.

I don't seen Obama getting many of the following voters come November:

Pro-life--This is a big time growing poltical group

NRA--Obama's stand on gun control will not help him in key states like Texas, where gun control is not very popular

Baby Boomers--these are the imo the richest class of Americans ever, who want no new taxes

Traditional 50+ year old dem's, their are a lot of vets in this class, who don't like Obama's approach to have the Cuba's, Iran coming to American without first showing signs of change, i.e. human rights etc.

On the other hand, Obama will do well with the younger crowd, minorities, but will it be enough?

If their is as much hate on the Hillary side as their are by some of the posters here towards her, I don't see Obama getting the Hillary supporters.

All I saying is Obama needs Hillary support come November, if the Dem party is split it's over.
90%+ of Democrats are going to vote for Obama. 90%+ of Republicans are going to vote for McCain.They are fighting for the independents. Just like in 2004, and in 2000, and in nearly every election for th past 30 years.

Latest rumor in the Middle East is that Obama is actually jewish, because his first name Barack is hebrew.So that means Obama is Christian, Muslim, AND Jewish. Wow, he really is a uniter. Next thing you know, he'll be meeting with the Dalai Lama.
Actually, you can add Irish Catholic to that mix too because rumor is his real last name is O'Bama.
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Douglas W. Kmiec is the Caruso Family Chair and Professor of Constitutional Law at Pepperdine University's School of Law. He served as head of the Office of Legal Counsel (U.S. Assistant Attorney General) for Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush, a position previously held by U.S. Chief Justice William Rehnquist and Justice Antonin Scalia in the Nixon and Ford administrations. He has been a White House Fellow, a Distinguished Fulbright Scholar on the Constitution (in Asia), and the inaugural Visiting Distinguished Scholar at the National Constitution Center (with Yale's Akhil Amar). On March 23, 2008, Kmiec endorsed Barack Obama for President.

Today I endorse Barack Obama for president of the United States. I believe him to be a person of integrity, intelligence and genuine good will. I take him at his word that he wants to move the nation beyond its religious and racial divides and to return United States to that company of nations committed to human rights ....

No doubt some of my friends will see this as a matter of party or intellectual treachery. I regret that and I respect their disagreement. But they will readily agree that as Republicans, we are first Americans. As Americans, we must voice our concerns for the well-being of our nation without partisanship when decisions that have been made endanger the body politic. Our president has involved our nation in a military engagement without sufficient justification or clear objective. In so doing, he has incurred both tragic loss of life and extraordinary debt jeopardizing the economy and the well-being of the average American citizen. In pursuit of these fatally flawed purposes, the office of the presidency, which it was once my privilege to defend in public office formally, has been distorted beyond its constitutional assignment. Today, I do no more than raise the defense of that important office anew, but as private citizen.
Douglas W. Kmiec is the Caruso Family Chair and Professor of Constitutional Law at Pepperdine University's School of Law. He served as head of the Office of Legal Counsel (U.S. Assistant Attorney General) for Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush, a position previously held by U.S. Chief Justice William Rehnquist and Justice Antonin Scalia in the Nixon and Ford administrations. He has been a White House Fellow, a Distinguished Fulbright Scholar on the Constitution (in Asia), and the inaugural Visiting Distinguished Scholar at the National Constitution Center (with Yale's Akhil Amar). On March 23, 2008, Kmiec endorsed Barack Obama for President.

Today I endorse Barack Obama for president of the United States. I believe him to be a person of integrity, intelligence and genuine good will. I take him at his word that he wants to move the nation beyond its religious and racial divides and to return United States to that company of nations committed to human rights ....

No doubt some of my friends will see this as a matter of party or intellectual treachery. I regret that and I respect their disagreement. But they will readily agree that as Republicans, we are first Americans. As Americans, we must voice our concerns for the well-being of our nation without partisanship when decisions that have been made endanger the body politic. Our president has involved our nation in a military engagement without sufficient justification or clear objective. In so doing, he has incurred both tragic loss of life and extraordinary debt jeopardizing the economy and the well-being of the average American citizen. In pursuit of these fatally flawed purposes, the office of the presidency, which it was once my privilege to defend in public office formally, has been distorted beyond its constitutional assignment. Today, I do no more than raise the defense of that important office anew, but as private citizen.
Nice. :thumbup:
Obama: 'This is not a crackpot church'

Carrie Budoff Brown sends over the transcript from Obama's appearance, airing tomorrow, on the Michael Smerconish Show on 1210 AM WPHT in Philadelphia, from audio the show provided.

In the interview, Obama says he's talked to Wright in the past about "some of his views," and defends Trinity, saying "This is not a crackpot church."

Smerconish is a conservative talker who's been defending Obama's race speech.

OBAMA: I will be honest with you that I didn’t have that many conversations with him over the last year just because I have been so busy. I haven't been going to church. I wasn’t hearing a lot of these comments. The ones that are most offensive are ones that I never knew about until they were reported on. I had had conversations with him in the past – in fact from the day I first met him -- about some of his views. Understand this, something else that has not been reported on enough is despite these very offensive views, this guy has built one of the finest churches in Chicago. This is not a crackpot church. Witness the fact that Bill Clinton invited him to the White House when he was having his personal crises. This is a pillar of the community and if you go there on Easter on this Easter Sunday and you sat down there in the pew you would think this is just like any other church. ... So I don’t want to suggest that somehow, the loops you have been seeing typifies the services all the time. That is the danger of the YouTube era. It doesn't excuse what he said. But it gives it some perspective.

Q: Would the speech have come as a surprise to Wright?

OBAMA: No, I think he recognizes. When some these remarks first came to light were a year ago, and I actually called him and it created some tensions that were reported in the newspapers. He understood that his perspective on some of these issues were very different from mine and hopefully we could agree to disagree on some of these issues. I wasn’t familiar with some of the most offensive remarks that had come up otherwise we probably would have a more intense conversation.

I just watched a piece on CNN where they put the GD America speech in context. While it's still inflammatory, it doesn't seem as out of place given a bit of context and explanation from someone from the church.

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March 23, 2008

Poll of polls: Obama's lead narrows after tough week

The Wright controversy had an impact on Obama's poll numbers last week.

WASHINGTON (CNN) — After tapes of inflammatory statements made by Sen. Barack Obama's pastor came out last weekend, it appears to have had some negative impact on the Illinois senator.

Nationally, Obama's lead over Sen. Hillary Clinton narrowed in a poll of polls — which included CBS News, USA Today and Gallup.

The polls, taken between March 14-18, show Obama with 49 percent to Clinton's 43 percent.

"I don't think there is any doubt that the [Rev.] Jeremiah Wright controversy played a role in the 10-point drop in his favorable ratings," said pollster Terry Madonna.
Well, i dont think anyone expected it to help. And unless HRC has about 2 or 3 more bombshell's above and beyond the wright controversy, its nothing to really worry about. Also, i find it humorous that the campaign which thought they had the nomination on lock down as of 4 months ago, is now taking comfort in the fact that they are only 6 pts behind in the polls. Don't worry HRC supporters, reality is waiting for you when you're ready
The witch will be officially laid to rest in just a few short weeks. Amazing given the head start she was working with in November.
I agree Hillary i.e. the "witch" will be put to rest. However, will the hate between these two camps be able to be put to rest.?, or will the Hillary supporters go to McCain?Obama is going to need every Hillary supporter to win in November.

I don't seen Obama getting many of the following voters come November:

Pro-life--This is a big time growing poltical group

NRA--Obama's stand on gun control will not help him in key states like Texas, where gun control is not very popular

Baby Boomers--these are the imo the richest class of Americans ever, who want no new taxes

Traditional 50+ year old dem's, their are a lot of vets in this class, who don't like Obama's approach to have the Cuba's, Iran coming to American without first showing signs of change, i.e. human rights etc.

On the other hand, Obama will do well with the younger crowd, minorities, but will it be enough?

If their is as much hate on the Hillary side as their are by some of the posters here towards her, I don't see Obama getting the Hillary supporters.

All I saying is Obama needs Hillary support come November, if the Dem party is split it's over.
I have no idea what planet you're living on when you think Hillary will have an easier time wooing Obama supporters than vice versa.
In today's Rasmussen general election poll, John McCain has again widened his lead over Barack Obama. He has cracked the 50% mark for the first time, leading 50%-41%. The current 9-point spread is his largest to-date.
I have no doubt that's true. Sucks for Obama supporters, who now have to hope that he can pull himself out of this hole by November.
General election polls in March don't mean too much.
In today's Rasmussen general election poll, John McCain has again widened his lead over Barack Obama. He has cracked the 50% mark for the first time, leading 50%-41%. The current 9-point spread is his largest to-date.
I have no doubt that's true. Sucks for Obama supporters, who now have to hope that he can pull himself out of this hole by November.
General election polls in March don't mean too much.
Yeah, I know. But Hillary's attacks have certainly softened Obama for his run against McCain. It's a shame.
In today's Rasmussen general election poll, John McCain has again widened his lead over Barack Obama. He has cracked the 50% mark for the first time, leading 50%-41%. The current 9-point spread is his largest to-date.
I have no doubt that's true. Sucks for Obama supporters, who now have to hope that he can pull himself out of this hole by November.
General election polls in March don't mean too much.
Actually this process is intensely interesting. Just how far will Obama fall? I don't know. The damage is severe and he keeps losing popularity. He is definitely unelectable, but will the democratic party realize it and nominate Hillary instead?
In today's Rasmussen general election poll, John McCain has again widened his lead over Barack Obama. He has cracked the 50% mark for the first time, leading 50%-41%. The current 9-point spread is his largest to-date.
I have no doubt that's true. Sucks for Obama supporters, who now have to hope that he can pull himself out of this hole by November.
General election polls in March don't mean too much.
Actually this process is intensely interesting. Just how far will Obama fall? I don't know. The damage is severe and he keeps losing popularity. He is definitely unelectable, but will the democratic party realize it and nominate Hillary instead?
In today's Rasmussen general election poll, John McCain has again widened his lead over Barack Obama. He has cracked the 50% mark for the first time, leading 50%-41%. The current 9-point spread is his largest to-date.
I have no doubt that's true. Sucks for Obama supporters, who now have to hope that he can pull himself out of this hole by November.
General election polls in March don't mean too much.
Yeah, I know. But Hillary's attacks have certainly softened Obama for his run against McCain. It's a shame.
First, realize this is a BGPaiMei post we're looking at. That should eliminate the need for any further thoughts. But, in case you find yourself pondering it, realize that Rasmussen has McCain ahead of HRC by 7% in the general. With a margin of error of 3-4%, its the same result. in the poll average, its still a basic tie between any of the possible match ups in November.Finally, its March...the election is in November...HRC lost 20+ pts to Obama in less than 7 months, so anything can happen between now and then

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In today's Rasmussen general election poll, John McCain has again widened his lead over Barack Obama. He has cracked the 50% mark for the first time, leading 50%-41%. The current 9-point spread is his largest to-date.
I have no doubt that's true. Sucks for Obama supporters, who now have to hope that he can pull himself out of this hole by November.
General election polls in March don't mean too much.
Actually this process is intensely interesting. Just how far will Obama fall? I don't know. The damage is severe and he keeps losing popularity. He is definitely unelectable, but will the democratic party realize it and nominate Hillary instead?
I know that you so very badly want this to be true. And maybe you think that if you say it enough, you will convince people that it is, in fact, true.
In today's Rasmussen general election poll, John McCain has again widened his lead over Barack Obama. He has cracked the 50% mark for the first time, leading 50%-41%. The current 9-point spread is his largest to-date.
I have no doubt that's true. Sucks for Obama supporters, who now have to hope that he can pull himself out of this hole by November.
General election polls in March don't mean too much.
Yeah, I know. But Hillary's attacks have certainly softened Obama for his run against McCain. It's a shame.
First, realize this is a BGPaiMei post we're looking at. That should eliminate the need for any further thoughts. But, in case you find yourself pondering it, realize that Rasmussen has McCain ahead of HRC by 7% in the general. With a margin of error of 3-4%, its the same result. in the poll average, its still a basic tie between any of the possible match ups in November.Finally, its March...the election is in November...HRC lost 20+ pts to Obama in less than 7 months, so anything can happen between now and then
I agree with everything you say, especially the part about feeding the trolls. However, I do think that the battle with Hillary has hurt Obama a bit. I don't jump to the insane conclusion that this means Hillary should be the nominee, though.
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I would trust prediction markets more than polls. (Data from polls would be accounted for by the markets.)

Obama - 47%

McCain - 40%

Hillary - 13%
I would not trust the prediction markets over polls.A big advantage for the polls is that its a simple telephone poll which gives you a much better cross-section of a country. The intrade poll is more for people who are technically saavy or internet users. I don't doubt Obama polls better when you give internet users a larger voice.

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In today's Rasmussen general election poll, John McCain has again widened his lead over Barack Obama. He has cracked the 50% mark for the first time, leading 50%-41%. The current 9-point spread is his largest to-date.
I have no doubt that's true. Sucks for Obama supporters, who now have to hope that he can pull himself out of this hole by November.
General election polls in March don't mean too much.
Yeah, I know. But Hillary's attacks have certainly softened Obama for his run against McCain. It's a shame.
First, realize this is a BGPaiMei post we're looking at. That should eliminate the need for any further thoughts. But, in case you find yourself pondering it, realize that Rasmussen has McCain ahead of HRC by 7% in the general. With a margin of error of 3-4%, its the same result. in the poll average, its still a basic tie between any of the possible match ups in November.Finally, its March...the election is in November...HRC lost 20+ pts to Obama in less than 7 months, so anything can happen between now and then
It also doesn't hurt that Obama is going to have a truly massive monetary advantage.
In today's Rasmussen general election poll, John McCain has again widened his lead over Barack Obama. He has cracked the 50% mark for the first time, leading 50%-41%. The current 9-point spread is his largest to-date.
I have no doubt that's true. Sucks for Obama supporters, who now have to hope that he can pull himself out of this hole by November.
General election polls in March don't mean too much.
Yeah, I know. But Hillary's attacks have certainly softened Obama for his run against McCain. It's a shame.
First, realize this is a BGPaiMei post we're looking at. That should eliminate the need for any further thoughts. But, in case you find yourself pondering it, realize that Rasmussen has McCain ahead of HRC by 7% in the general. With a margin of error of 3-4%, its the same result. in the poll average, its still a basic tie between any of the possible match ups in November.Finally, its March...the election is in November...HRC lost 20+ pts to Obama in less than 7 months, so anything can happen between now and then
I agree with everything you say, especially the part about feeding the trolls. However, I do think that the battle with Hillary has hurt Obama a bit. I don't jump to the insane conclusion that this means Hillary should be the nominee, though.
Agreed, there is no doubt it has hurt at the moment. But, even if HRC would've bowed out after March 5th, these attacks would just come up in the general. And one could argue that its better to feel the heat in March than it is in say, October
In today's Rasmussen general election poll, John McCain has again widened his lead over Barack Obama. He has cracked the 50% mark for the first time, leading 50%-41%. The current 9-point spread is his largest to-date.
I have no doubt that's true. Sucks for Obama supporters, who now have to hope that he can pull himself out of this hole by November.
General election polls in March don't mean too much.
Yeah, I know. But Hillary's attacks have certainly softened Obama for his run against McCain. It's a shame.
First, realize this is a BGPaiMei post we're looking at. That should eliminate the need for any further thoughts. But, in case you find yourself pondering it, realize that Rasmussen has McCain ahead of HRC by 7% in the general. With a margin of error of 3-4%, its the same result. in the poll average, its still a basic tie between any of the possible match ups in November.Finally, its March...the election is in November...HRC lost 20+ pts to Obama in less than 7 months, so anything can happen between now and then
I agree with everything you say, especially the part about feeding the trolls. However, I do think that the battle with Hillary has hurt Obama a bit. I don't jump to the insane conclusion that this means Hillary should be the nominee, though.
I am not a troll, and anyone trying to smear me to make a point is pretty much worthless. Its actually a trollish act to launch a personal attack on me, you know...
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edit. Don't mean to make this a fight. BGP is certainly entitled to his opinion.

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I am not a troll
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I guess. At least you are not boring.
Easy test. Let's say someone said "First, realize this is Sweet J we're looking at. That should eliminate the need for any further thoughts." to your face. How would you feel? Of course its a troll. The next tactic is to say "let's not turn this thread into a thread about Pai Mei" or some nonsense like that. If you don't want to turn this thread into a trainwreck, stop attacking other posters...
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I am not a troll
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I guess. At least you are not boring.
Easy test. Let's say someone said "First, realize this is Sweet J we're looking at. That should eliminate the need for any further thoughts." to your face. How would you feel?
That's a good point. I honestly can't tell when you are trying to have a "real" conversation and when you are being "intentionally over the top" (which you have admitted to in the past). I try and make the destinction, and adress your "real" posts, while I make fun comments regarding your "pretend" posts. But as I have said in the past, when you make crazy over-the-top comments just to get reactions from people, you shouldn't be so sensitive when those same people don't take you seriously later. But judging from your reaction, you disagree, and your comments are indeed "intentionally over the top" and written in earnest. So I apologize for the troll comment.
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In today's Rasmussen general election poll, John McCain has again widened his lead over Barack Obama. He has cracked the 50% mark for the first time, leading 50%-41%. The current 9-point spread is his largest to-date.
I have no doubt that's true. Sucks for Obama supporters, who now have to hope that he can pull himself out of this hole by November.
General election polls in March don't mean too much.
Yeah, I know. But Hillary's attacks have certainly softened Obama for his run against McCain. It's a shame.
A few points:1. Not only are general election polls in March very unreliable as to the mood of the country in November, they completely overlook the issue of the Electoral college, which decides our elections.

2. The Primary season is designed to vet the candidates as best we can. Would you rather have a situation where a candidate is nominated only to find the skeletons in the closet after the nomination? (Not suggesting at all that Obama has skeletons - just pointing out that it is better to get this issues out in the open now, before it is too late to change your mind).

3. Hillary has not done a very effective job of damaging Obama - most of his wounds have been self-inflicted.

4. Don't kid yourself into thinking that any attacks now would not have been raised this fall - the GOP machine will be out in full force with a whole new Swift Boat crew.

Can somebody call her out on this, or are do we only get to see the Wright vids on a loop?
The MSNBC people tried with Wolfsen (or whoever runs her campaign) this morning, but didn't show the video :wallbang: I have a feeling we'll be seeing it much more in the near future. It really is the gift that keeps on giving. The only thing its missing is Sinbad. Maybe he can do a voiceover.
Can somebody call her out on this, or are do we only get to see the Wright vids on a loop?
The MSNBC people tried with Wolfsen (or whoever runs her campaign) this morning, but didn't show the video :wallbang: I have a feeling we'll be seeing it much more in the near future. It really is the gift that keeps on giving. The only thing its missing is Sinbad. Maybe he can do a voiceover.
I dont know. That 8 year old Bosnian chick looked like she was packin.
I am not a troll
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I guess. At least you are not boring.
Easy test. Let's say someone said "First, realize this is Sweet J we're looking at. That should eliminate the need for any further thoughts." to your face. How would you feel?
That's a good point. I honestly can't tell when you are trying to have a "real" conversation and when you are being "intentionally over the top" (which you have admitted to in the past). I try and make the destinction, and adress your "real" posts, while I make fun comments regarding your "pretend" posts. But as I have said in the past, when you make crazy over-the-top comments just to get reactions from people, you shouldn't be so sensitive when those same people don't take you seriously later. But judging from your reaction, you disagree, and your comments are indeed "intentionally over the top" and written in earnest. So I apologize for the troll comment.
BGP reaps what he has sown. His history on this board enables me to feel this way with absolutely no remorse. Sorry BGPaiMei, the "poor me" schtick you're going for now doesnt work on me.
Can somebody call her out on this, or are do we only get to see the Wright vids on a loop?
The MSNBC people tried with Wolfsen (or whoever runs her campaign) this morning, but didn't show the video :wallbang: I have a feeling we'll be seeing it much more in the near future. It really is the gift that keeps on giving. The only thing its missing is Sinbad. Maybe he can do a voiceover.
I dont know. That 8 year old Bosnian chick looked like she was packin.
The girl was what was passing for a security detail in war-torn Bosnia. Talk about tough!
In today's Rasmussen general election poll, John McCain has again widened his lead over Barack Obama. He has cracked the 50% mark for the first time, leading 50%-41%. The current 9-point spread is his largest to-date.
I have no doubt that's true. Sucks for Obama supporters, who now have to hope that he can pull himself out of this hole by November.
General election polls in March don't mean too much.
Yeah, I know. But Hillary's attacks have certainly softened Obama for his run against McCain. It's a shame.
A few points:1. Not only are general election polls in March very unreliable as to the mood of the country in November, they completely overlook the issue of the Electoral college, which decides our elections.

2. The Primary season is designed to vet the candidates as best we can. Would you rather have a situation where a candidate is nominated only to find the skeletons in the closet after the nomination? (Not suggesting at all that Obama has skeletons - just pointing out that it is better to get this issues out in the open now, before it is too late to change your mind).

3. Hillary has not done a very effective job of damaging Obama - most of his wounds have been self-inflicted.

4. Don't kid yourself into thinking that any attacks now would not have been raised this fall - the GOP machine will be out in full force with a whole new Swift Boat crew.
I think when you get brand as a racist by a good chunk of the electorate, that is something that sticks with you for a long time, probably forever. I think 30 years from now, people will still remember the indindiary comments made by the pastor. 30 years from now, they will remember Obama for the phrase "typical white person". What I'm saying is, this won't just blow over in a few months. No chance. Obama is permanently damaged. He is the poster boy of hate now.
Nobody does feigned outrage over racism like people who aren't particularly outraged over racism.

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In today's Rasmussen general election poll, John McCain has again widened his lead over Barack Obama. He has cracked the 50% mark for the first time, leading 50%-41%. The current 9-point spread is his largest to-date.
I have no doubt that's true. Sucks for Obama supporters, who now have to hope that he can pull himself out of this hole by November.
General election polls in March don't mean too much.
Yeah, I know. But Hillary's attacks have certainly softened Obama for his run against McCain. It's a shame.
A few points:1. Not only are general election polls in March very unreliable as to the mood of the country in November, they completely overlook the issue of the Electoral college, which decides our elections.

2. The Primary season is designed to vet the candidates as best we can. Would you rather have a situation where a candidate is nominated only to find the skeletons in the closet after the nomination? (Not suggesting at all that Obama has skeletons - just pointing out that it is better to get this issues out in the open now, before it is too late to change your mind).

3. Hillary has not done a very effective job of damaging Obama - most of his wounds have been self-inflicted.

4. Don't kid yourself into thinking that any attacks now would not have been raised this fall - the GOP machine will be out in full force with a whole new Swift Boat crew.
I think when you get brand as a racist by a good chunk of the electorate, that is something that sticks with you for a long time, probably forever. I think 30 years from now, people will still remember the indindiary comments made by the pastor. 30 years from now, they will remember Obama for the phrase "typical white person". What I'm saying is, this won't just blow over in a few months. No chance. Obama is permanently damaged. He is the poster boy of hate now.
Huh? ;)

In today's Rasmussen general election poll, John McCain has again widened his lead over Barack Obama. He has cracked the 50% mark for the first time, leading 50%-41%. The current 9-point spread is his largest to-date.
I have no doubt that's true. Sucks for Obama supporters, who now have to hope that he can pull himself out of this hole by November.
General election polls in March don't mean too much.
Yeah, I know. But Hillary's attacks have certainly softened Obama for his run against McCain. It's a shame.
A few points:1. Not only are general election polls in March very unreliable as to the mood of the country in November, they completely overlook the issue of the Electoral college, which decides our elections.

2. The Primary season is designed to vet the candidates as best we can. Would you rather have a situation where a candidate is nominated only to find the skeletons in the closet after the nomination? (Not suggesting at all that Obama has skeletons - just pointing out that it is better to get this issues out in the open now, before it is too late to change your mind).

3. Hillary has not done a very effective job of damaging Obama - most of his wounds have been self-inflicted.

4. Don't kid yourself into thinking that any attacks now would not have been raised this fall - the GOP machine will be out in full force with a whole new Swift Boat crew.
I think when you get brand as a racist by a good chunk of the electorate, that is something that sticks with you for a long time, probably forever. I think 30 years from now, people will still remember the indindiary comments made by the pastor. 30 years from now, they will remember Obama for the phrase "typical white person". What I'm saying is, this won't just blow over in a few months. No chance. Obama is permanently damaged. He is the poster boy of hate now.
Ok. Thanks.J

In today's Rasmussen general election poll, John McCain has again widened his lead over Barack Obama. He has cracked the 50% mark for the first time, leading 50%-41%. The current 9-point spread is his largest to-date.
I have no doubt that's true. Sucks for Obama supporters, who now have to hope that he can pull himself out of this hole by November.
General election polls in March don't mean too much.
Yeah, I know. But Hillary's attacks have certainly softened Obama for his run against McCain. It's a shame.
A few points:1. Not only are general election polls in March very unreliable as to the mood of the country in November, they completely overlook the issue of the Electoral college, which decides our elections.

2. The Primary season is designed to vet the candidates as best we can. Would you rather have a situation where a candidate is nominated only to find the skeletons in the closet after the nomination? (Not suggesting at all that Obama has skeletons - just pointing out that it is better to get this issues out in the open now, before it is too late to change your mind).

3. Hillary has not done a very effective job of damaging Obama - most of his wounds have been self-inflicted.

4. Don't kid yourself into thinking that any attacks now would not have been raised this fall - the GOP machine will be out in full force with a whole new Swift Boat crew.
I think when you get brand as a racist by a good chunk of the electorate, that is something that sticks with you for a long time, probably forever. I think 30 years from now, people will still remember the indindiary comments made by the pastor. 30 years from now, they will remember Obama for the phrase "typical white person". What I'm saying is, this won't just blow over in a few months. No chance. Obama is permanently damaged. He is the poster boy of hate now.
Right on cue, the lunacy continues. TY for proving my point BGPaiMei
Can somebody call her out on this, or are do we only get to see the Wright vids on a loop?
The MSNBC people tried with Wolfsen (or whoever runs her campaign) this morning, but didn't show the video :wallbang: I have a feeling we'll be seeing it much more in the near future. It really is the gift that keeps on giving. The only thing its missing is Sinbad. Maybe he can do a voiceover.
I dont know. That 8 year old Bosnian chick looked like she was packin.
The girl was what was passing for a security detail in war-torn Bosnia. Talk about tough!
watch out, she has a...a letter being held by her grandma!
Can somebody call her out on this, or are do we only get to see the Wright vids on a loop?
The MSNBC people tried with Wolfsen (or whoever runs her campaign) this morning, but didn't show the video :wallbang: I have a feeling we'll be seeing it much more in the near future. It really is the gift that keeps on giving. The only thing its missing is Sinbad. Maybe he can do a voiceover.
I dont know. That 8 year old Bosnian chick looked like she was packin.
The girl was what was passing for a security detail in war-torn Bosnia. Talk about tough!
watch out, she has a...a letter being held by her grandma!
I particularly like the characterization of the trip as "too dangerous for the President".Good thing Chelsea was there to protect Mom.

In today's Rasmussen general election poll, John McCain has again widened his lead over Barack Obama. He has cracked the 50% mark for the first time, leading 50%-41%. The current 9-point spread is his largest to-date.
I have no doubt that's true. Sucks for Obama supporters, who now have to hope that he can pull himself out of this hole by November.
General election polls in March don't mean too much.
Yeah, I know. But Hillary's attacks have certainly softened Obama for his run against McCain. It's a shame.
A few points:1. Not only are general election polls in March very unreliable as to the mood of the country in November, they completely overlook the issue of the Electoral college, which decides our elections.

2. The Primary season is designed to vet the candidates as best we can. Would you rather have a situation where a candidate is nominated only to find the skeletons in the closet after the nomination? (Not suggesting at all that Obama has skeletons - just pointing out that it is better to get this issues out in the open now, before it is too late to change your mind).

3. Hillary has not done a very effective job of damaging Obama - most of his wounds have been self-inflicted.

4. Don't kid yourself into thinking that any attacks now would not have been raised this fall - the GOP machine will be out in full force with a whole new Swift Boat crew.
I think when you get brand as a racist by a good chunk of the electorate, that is something that sticks with you for a long time, probably forever. I think 30 years from now, people will still remember the indindiary comments made by the pastor. 30 years from now, they will remember Obama for the phrase "typical white person". What I'm saying is, this won't just blow over in a few months. No chance. Obama is permanently damaged. He is the poster boy of hate now.
Ok. Thanks.J
Have you seen Obama's Favorable Ratings lately?McCain: 55% favorable, 42% unfavorable

Hillary: 42% favorable, 55% unfavorable

Obama: 46% favorable, 52% unfavorable

Note that this is the WORST rating Obama has gotten to-date. He was always above 50% before the racist comments started coming out.

In today's Rasmussen general election poll, John McCain has again widened his lead over Barack Obama. He has cracked the 50% mark for the first time, leading 50%-41%. The current 9-point spread is his largest to-date.
I have no doubt that's true. Sucks for Obama supporters, who now have to hope that he can pull himself out of this hole by November.
General election polls in March don't mean too much.
Actually this process is intensely interesting. Just how far will Obama fall? I don't know. The damage is severe and he keeps losing popularity. He is definitely unelectable, but will the democratic party realize it and nominate Hillary instead?
How long will the impending McCain victory postpone the Republican supermajority that this country so badly needs?
A more detailed analysis of Obama's favorable ratings shows his "very unfavorable" ratings have jumped about 10% from before the racist comments. His "very favorable" ratings have stayed constant. His "somewhat favorable" and "somewhat unfavorable" ratings have fallen.

So basically we have to say his hardcore support hasn't left him. The moderates are moving away from him, though, and we see that in the other polls as well.

Also of note, his "very unfavorable" ratings jumped significantly AFTER the speech. I think that means he permanently lost support for not divorcing himself from that church and those comments immediately and in full sincerity.

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I just don't know if the democratic party machine is going to even want to tie itself to a candidate who is prone to comments like "typical white person" when this is all said and done. Obama can deliver a great speech, but when he has to ad-lib, boy can he be dumb. The party has to wonder, even if Obama by some miracle survives this, if he won't just do this again and again. A big negative for Newt Gingrich is that he can say some dumb things when he has to ad-lib too, and that is why is struggles to garner support as a serious national candidate. There are many in the GOP that just wouldn't take the chance on Newt not stepping in it again.

I just don't know if the democratic party machine is going to even want to tie itself to a candidate who is prone to comments like "typical white person" when this is all said and done. Obama can deliver a great speech, but when he has to ad-lib, boy can he be dumb. The party has to wonder, even if Obama by some miracle survives this, if he won't just do this again and again. A big negative for Newt Gingrich is that he can say some dumb things when he has to ad-lib too, and that is why is struggles to garner support as a serious national candidate. There are many in the GOP that just wouldn't take the chance on Newt not stepping in it again.
Good. Screw the party. And parties.The political machines can die in a fire. Its time to change the process in this country. It starts with the people.
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A more detailed analysis of Obama's favorable ratings shows his "very unfavorable" ratings have jumped about 10% from before the racist comments. His "very favorable" ratings have stayed constant. His "somewhat favorable" and "somewhat unfavorable" ratings have fallen.

So basically we have to say his hardcore support hasn't left him. The moderates are moving away from him, though, and we see that in the other polls as well.

Also of note, his "very unfavorable" ratings jumped significantly AFTER the speech. I think that means he permanently lost support for not divorcing himself from that church and those comments immediately and in full sincerity.
Really...please stop....you're touting numbers that have changed a total of 6% points from before the whole Wright "fiasco". Get back to me when the general election starts and America sees McCain for the warmonger who knows nothing about the economy that he is.
In today's Rasmussen general election poll, John McCain has again widened his lead over Barack Obama. He has cracked the 50% mark for the first time, leading 50%-41%. The current 9-point spread is his largest to-date.
I have no doubt that's true. Sucks for Obama supporters, who now have to hope that he can pull himself out of this hole by November.
General election polls in March don't mean too much.
Actually this process is intensely interesting. Just how far will Obama fall? I don't know. The damage is severe and he keeps losing popularity. He is definitely unelectable, but will the democratic party realize it and nominate Hillary instead?
It's going to be sweet seeing your head literally explode when Obama wins the general.Keep pimping the losers, Beej.


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