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***OFFICIAL 'Fear The Walking Dead' Thread*** (2 Viewers)

There was a two minute preview/commercial for this season that DVR recorded. That looked great, but :lol: at the comments in here.. looks like I'll keep staying away
Last night was just so slow and unnecessary. I hope this season gets going or it's going to be back to the shelf for both shows. I've already given up on TWD. I will let the DVR keep recording and unless I see the threads in here recommending the season, there's no point.

Whomever is in this house this is your one chance before I kill you!  Unless you're just a kid and I let you get the upper hand by knocking myself out opening a car door!


Writers room:  "Hey have you seen those sharknado movies?  Maybe we could do something like that!" 

Please god, tell me someone gets eaten by a flying zombienado in episode #2. 

They might as well just embrace the absurdity at this point.  Have Strand fly into the mouth of an Andre the Giant zombie with a chainsaw.  Have Tara Reid and Cassie Scerbo show up to fight off the zobmies with their cleavage hanging out.  They could really turn this series around if they wanted to.

Watched the first season and disliked it enough to skip Seasons 2 & 3.. People in this thread said "3 got much better and 4 is looking to ramp it up" so I returned to watch it and well.. :wall:

I'll leave it on the DVR and finish out the season but at this point, unless something dramatically changes, I'm out for next season.


was thinking about this show and twd the other day... what they should do, aside from tony's ideas above, is just take morgan and have him walk the earth, like caine from kung fu. just walk from town to town, meet people, get in adventures. I'd watch that show. 

I'm starting to like this show more than Walking Dead.  There is so much they can do do with these characters.   I haven't always felt this way, but one thing I do know is that both shows have to introduce new characters that appeal to the audience if they are going to be successful for the long haul.   I won't announce any spoilers to Walking Dead, but this season is probably the most critical season ever.  It will either make or break the show.  As far as Fear goes, I believe they have a lot more to tell in the short term.

Don't watch it, it's bad. No way it makes another season. 

:lmao:  The lady changing the mile markers. How dumb do you have to be?  Mile 19, mile 20, mile 27... we're here!

There is a CGI alligator, sort of. 

Don't watch it, it's bad. No way it makes another season. 

:lmao:  The lady changing the mile markers. How dumb do you have to be?  Mile 19, mile 20, mile 27... we're here!

There is a CGI alligator, sort of. 
That alligator side story has to be one of the worst ever.. Thing's stomach would have exploded by now with all the dead it ate in just that one episode..

but nope, here comes lunch number 50!!! :excited:  

Don't watch it, it's bad. No way it makes another season. 

:lmao:  The lady changing the mile markers. How dumb do you have to be?  Mile 19, mile 20, mile 27... we're here!

There is a CGI alligator, sort of. 
The last two have been terrible. I never liked the old lady bad person, but her back story was just so bad. They tried to explain why she was like that.

The best part was her husband being skewered by large pieces or metal or wood on a highway where there was nothing else around. I don’t even want to know if they are trying to make it seem like storm debris but then it brings up the fact that it didn’t looks like any storm aside from their car and WTF would they be out in it?

Just so bad, especially the way she killed people. Our folks can kill 100 zombies but two strong looking guys can’t push a zombie on a stick away and beat up an old school teacher? I wonder when she got her stick training to be able to stab someone through the back of their neck. Did they not even notice the lady winding up and thrusting?

Of course throw in the fact that she took a shotgun shell to the chest and hopped right up and took the truck again while everyone just stood there and watched the herd a mile away. I rewound because it almost looked like Morgan was going to turn around at her getting into the truck but forced himself to not look as it would have been more stupid. Shannon’s almost killed herself to get her truck yet she didn’t seem to care that she had it and let the old lady slip away again. SMH. I like the characters better and was more interested in this show than the one that’s back on soon, but those damn idiot writers are just killing the show. We didn’t need a bad guy and they made the dumbest one we’ve ever seen. 

Meh, I think the show is alright.  Something to watch during a boring summer season, and it's over next week or the next.  Tuesday night TV has been horrific this summer, so we DVR Fear and usually watch on Tuesday.  If it weren't for Master Chef and maybe AGT, there'd be nothing on all summer except for reruns of Impractical Jokers.  

The gator story was stupid.  Unless the gator was protecting babies, I don't know why it would be so aggressive that it can survey and cover that whole area where it can attack the first thing that hits the water from any point on the lake.  

I liked the old truck driver and Luciana story.  That was okay.  She found him a beer, from one of the boxes that he started placing on the highway.  

The crazy lady story is meh, but it's fine.  So Alicia wanted to take the little girl to the beach.  Okay.  We're used to dumb stories in these WD series.  Nothing new there.  

I'll watch the remaining episodes and I'm sure we'll tune into Rick Grimes' last episodes coming in October.  

so it sounds like you guys are saying I should come back and watch...

alligators? as scary as that deer?

and old lady killers? does she have an eyepatch or other distinguishing cartoony features? :popcorn:  

so it sounds like you guys are saying I should come back and watch...

alligators? as scary as that deer?

and old lady killers? does she have an eyepatch or other distinguishing cartoony features? :popcorn:  
A super cheap version of Lake Placid.   And now you mention it, she looks like a fat Captain Jack.

I was ok with the show most the season. As someone else said, not much else on. Definitely don't rush to see it. Just watched last week's episode, so that shows just how motivated I am. But this week I almost didn't make it. When the old lady was wiping out all the truckers with zombie on a stick, I almost gave up. That was just so bad. Ok, lady has a zombie on a stick. Maybe I'll take five steps back and get out of reach? Then use the sidearm I certainly have on me to blast them to kingdom come? But nope, we're in a zombie-infested wasteland, yet not paying any attention whatsoever so this lady with the snarling zombie can easily sneak up on me and catch me totally off guard. So... dumb. But I pressed on and at least the hospital stuff was ok, even a little old school. But man, it is getting SO hard to persevere.

I just watched season three (hated season 1, dropped season 2, was hoing Morgan could be good in season 4, but didn't want to go in cold, so watched season 3).

What is it with this show that just keeps choosing stupid over anything else?

Writer: "Well, in this situation there are several options, leading to several exciting story arcs..."

Producer: "Just choose the stupidest already, we're on a schedule here"

Watched the first season and disliked it enough to skip Seasons 2 & 3.. People in this thread said "3 got much better and 4 is looking to ramp it up" so I returned to watch it and well.. :wall:

I'll leave it on the DVR and finish out the season but at this point, unless something dramatically changes, I'm out for next season.
i'm pretty sure between seasons 3 and 4 they brought over Gimple and some of TWD writers. this storyline with this old lady is so horrible it is grating. Last season was enjoyable, but this season really is just a stall of time.

really seems like the plan is to have all these characters go with Morgan back to TWD, and to hopefully keep TWD alive once Rick and Maggie are gone by having these characters join that group

also read something the other day with Gimple who said he is not worried about the ratings with TWD. Him and AMC are planning a few more spin-off shows and multiple movies. I literally threw up in my mouth and couldn't have got more depressed thinking the people who are driving TWD into the ground are going to keep doing it and suck every bone of the zombie  genre dry

last season focused on the good guys shooting the good guys because of confusion and the pain of their mom dying had them not trusting strangers. Tonight they pick up a lady who shot at their freinds are now carrying her in the car with them. Not sure how that makes any sense

Haven't read any of this thread for a bit and I'm sure it's an unpopular opinion but I'm kind of liking this show now. I hope they make it to VA and sunset this show. Bring some new blood to that one. By the way, totally dumb to reveal they are going to kill Rick ahead of time.

Haven't read any of this thread for a bit and I'm sure it's an unpopular opinion but I'm kind of liking this show now. I hope they make it to VA and sunset this show. Bring some new blood to that one. By the way, totally dumb to reveal they are going to kill Rick ahead of time.
This season has been really good, better than TWD. The stories make sense, the characters are developed and it's been interesting throughout. The crazy lady adds to it all, she's believable, great acting.

Haven't read any of this thread for a bit and I'm sure it's an unpopular opinion but I'm kind of liking this show now. I hope they make it to VA and sunset this show. Bring some new blood to that one. By the way, totally dumb to reveal they are going to kill Rick ahead of time.
This season has been really good, better than TWD. The stories make sense, the characters are developed and it's been interesting throughout. The crazy lady adds to it all, she's believable, great acting.
:sarcasm:     ... right?? :oldunsure:

also read something the other day with Gimple who said he is not worried about the ratings with TWD. Him and AMC are planning a few more spin-off shows and multiple movies. I literally threw up in my mouth and couldn't have got more depressed thinking the people who are driving TWD into the ground are going to keep doing it and suck every bone of the zombie  genre dry
This is too bad.  It's already being watered down with these two shows.  At first the walkers and narrow escapes were what made the show exciting.  Now there's no more edge to that.  It's been done and people have short attention spans.  A few more spin-off shows?   :yawn:   No thanks.  

Who didn't believe that Jimbo was going to jump off the roof?  During the previous scene when Morgan was about to climb down, my wife said "why does Jimbo need that walkie talkie?"  I said he's going to call Morgan at the last minute and sort of make things right, before he jumps off to give them a distraction.  :softball: 

They're standing on the firetruck trying to figure out how to get over to the other truck.  Uh, how about just swing the ladder you just used to get off the bldg over to the top of the truck and walk across it.  But they needed to use Jimbo and his walkie to save the day.  

also read something the other day with Gimple who said he is not worried about the ratings with TWD. Him and AMC are planning a few more spin-off shows and multiple movies. I literally threw up in my mouth and couldn't have got more depressed thinking the people who are driving TWD into the ground are going to keep doing it and suck every bone of the zombie  genre dry
Have to say, won't even been tempted by more spin-offs. It's becoming harder and harder to slog through what we already have.

Holy crap.   This show has to be the worst on TV.  The absolute worst.  I got bored last night and plowed through the latest and couldnt believe my eyes.  So many "WTF" moments.  The biggest was the Swat jeep just driving through 18 inches of water to rescue them.  Holy crap that was bad.  Plus what are the odds the she accidentally finds them?  God this the worst show but the coolest premise of an apocalypse.   How can you screw that up?  What happened to all of their guns?  Have they forgotten that you can just use blood and walk through the zombies?    And the black lady, I mean seriously how high are the writers to come up with that storyline?   It was so bad last night watching I couldnt take my eyes off.  Now I remember why I stopped watching.  The showrunners and writers are just trolling you guys now.

Remember last season when everything was looted and there was nothing left, well now they simply go to a hospital and get whatever they want and magically turn on a generator.  I mean good Lord people.  And the crazy alligator?  Wtf was that?    I could go on but you get my point

Was that the season finale?  It was only episode 15?  

At least the writers left their options open:  They are all together again (except the lesbian videographer) did she die?  And Morgan mentioned they should all return to Virginia. Honestly that's the only hope for this show is to have this band of new hapless characters merge back over to TWD. Strand and Alecia are the only ones left from the original Fear. Sure they showed the fat, shotgun wounded mentally ill villain at the end, but, no way she could find them if they just take off. Unless they are dumb enough (of course they are) to keep using the same set of radios all programmed to the same frequency giving off as much info as they can to their location like the did all season long. 

Absolute worst villain ever. Remember the ruthless human eating group at Terminus and the trough episode?  What I wouldn't give for some of that in this series (minus the bottle rocket escape). She's half Looney Tunes, fat, slow and injured with a shotgun blast to the chest that she is incapable of taking care of. Ridiculous if somehow she starts off next season as any threat to the group. 

Was that the season finale?  It was only episode 15?  

At least the writers left their options open:  They are all together again (except the lesbian videographer) did she die?  And Morgan mentioned they should all return to Virginia. Honestly that's the only hope for this show is to have this band of new hapless characters merge back over to TWD. Strand and Alecia are the only ones left from the original Fear. Sure they showed the fat, shotgun wounded mentally ill villain at the end, but, no way she could find them if they just take off. Unless they are dumb enough (of course they are) to keep using the same set of radios all programmed to the same frequency giving off as much info as they can to their location like the did all season long. 

Absolute worst villain ever. Remember the ruthless human eating group at Terminus and the trough episode?  What I wouldn't give for some of that in this series (minus the bottle rocket escape). She's half Looney Tunes, fat, slow and injured with a shotgun blast to the chest that she is incapable of taking care of. Ridiculous if somehow she starts off next season as any threat to the group. 
One more episode left. And the previews for next week will not make you happy.

Wow, simply awful. What happened to all of the early potential of this show? It is simply unwatchable.
it's honestly like a contest between this show and The Walking Dead to see which is worse. Or the people on the Walking Dead started to hear how bad they were doing, so they made this show worse to try and point and say "see, we aren't that bad".

i just hope if i am ever going over 25 MPH and hit a mountain head on, with no seat belt on, i can get out of the car crash just fine too. For real, this show has caused me to truly hate it

i am dead serious, a group of elementary school kids could write a better episode than that finale. How the F do these people get paid?

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I liked it. It's a zombie show not Shakespeare.

Next season they'll have to defend their new fort. That's pretty much the extent of the plot for both shows.

Set up base with good guys

Bad guys attack



Move to next place


They pissed that down the drain by skipping over the fall of society - in the first season...
They did but they got it back on track only to introduce an old school teacher who they can’t seem to kill. Even the one person who’s been pretty cut and dry won’t shoot her at point blank range.

I missed Madison and whatever her husband’s name was. At the hotel when he just got crazy was so awesome and her just killing anyone to save her kids was great as well. I don’t know WTF happened. It was like Morgan came and infected the show with the crap from TWD.

Newsflash, we don’t give a #### about the redemption of some super strong, ninja silent, chest of steel old school teacher who would have likely gotten eaten day one. I’m cool if they start helping people, but please fire the idiot that suggested the school teacher angle.

it's honestly like a contest between this show and The Walking Dead to see which is worse. Or the people on the Walking Dead started to hear how bad they were doing, so they made this show worse to try and point and say "see, we aren't that bad".

i just hope if i am ever going over 25 MPH and hit a mountain head on, with no seat belt on, i can get out of the car crash just fine too. For real, this show has caused me to truly hate it
That stupid old lady was the death of this season. So bad. She took a shotgun blast to her chest. She was able to thrust a stick through live people’s throats. She was ninja quiet even with a zombie. She survived a car crash while barely being alive and still dragged Morgan out. She was able to outmuscle large men even while holding a zombie. She went from scared school teacher to serial killer in an hour. She even was able to create gas from air to fill up the SWAT truck. 

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Was that the season finale?  It was only episode 15?  

At least the writers left their options open:  They are all together again (except the lesbian videographer) did she die?  And Morgan mentioned they should all return to Virginia. Honestly that's the only hope for this show is to have this band of new hapless characters merge back over to TWD. Strand and Alecia are the only ones left from the original Fear. Sure they showed the fat, shotgun wounded mentally ill villain at the end, but, no way she could find them if they just take off. Unless they are dumb enough (of course they are) to keep using the same set of radios all programmed to the same frequency giving off as much info as they can to their location like the did all season long. 

Absolute worst villain ever. Remember the ruthless human eating group at Terminus and the trough episode?  What I wouldn't give for some of that in this series (minus the bottle rocket escape). She's half Looney Tunes, fat, slow and injured with a shotgun blast to the chest that she is incapable of taking care of. Ridiculous if somehow she starts off next season as any threat to the group. 
Ugh. Stuff like Terminus and Rick biting a guy’s throat make you realize just how far the shows have fallen.

I even like the cast of Fear but the old lady literally ruined the entire season.


this sounds bad enough to actually check it out. any particularly bad episodes I could jump into to get a taste of the badness. killer ninja old lady school teacher sounds awesome. please tell me she does some learnin' on people while killing them- I BEFORE E muthaflunkas!

That stupid old lady was the death of this season. So bad. She took a shotgun blast to her chest. She was able to thrust a stick through live people’s throats. She was ninja quiet even with a zombie. She survived a car crash while barely being alive and still dragged Morgan out. She was able to outmuscle large men even while holding a zombie. She went from scared school teacher to serial killer in an hour. She even was able to create gas from air to fill up the SWAT truck. 
she was the terminator, dude.    loved her,.   Hell, she even ripped off her own damn arm.   That's passion, that's giving it your full 100%, thats bringing it STRONG

That stupid old lady was the death of this season. So bad. She took a shotgun blast to her chest. She was able to thrust a stick through live people’s throats. She was ninja quiet even with a zombie. She survived a car crash while barely being alive and still dragged Morgan out. She was able to outmuscle large men even while holding a zombie. She went from scared school teacher to serial killer in an hour. She even was able to create gas from air to fill up the SWAT truck. 
good point. I think if they removed her entire story line it probably would have been a pretty good season. it would have been easier to overlook some of the dumb stuff (ethanol leaking out of the truck, and we all need it to survive, so let's not make any effort to get any)

Just caught up.  Finale went about as expected.  Agree with the comments about the super-ninja teacher.  She sure petered out meekly.  

Them not making an effort to capture some of the leaking ethanol was pretty dumb.  You need it to survive and all you've been doing out there is trying to survive... yet no one moves to get any.  But, Morgan finally has a purpose.  To seek out and help people.  That'll probably work out as intended. What could go wrong?  

Huh, who knew beer was an antidote to antifreeze poisoning?  My wife has probably been trying to kill me for decades wondering why it doesn't work.

ETA: The finale was easily the best episode in the past two seasons.  But still full of absurdities.  Stupid teacher lady with a zombie stick gets the better of the lesbian videographer with a shotgun?  Again.  How are all these radios laying around on the same frequency and fully charged after two years?  Zero gas problems for this crew and any car they hijack.  A few bullet holes in a tanker truck full of ethanol and you can't recover any?  You're dying - climb down in the truck, lick it off the puddles on the ground, Jesus.  Of course if the writers were smart enough to just have the tanker blow up.  Morgan must have a natural hitch in is step for always having a leg injury.  Goes from can't walk at all to jumping off the leg to kill zombies to jogging around.  Too poisoned to move to defeating zombies to too poisoned to move again. 

The worst part though - A fully stocked truck stop without alcohol?  It had neon beer signs and bottles of peroxide on the shelves.....no alcohol? lol

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One of the tapes Al has that keeps getting shown on camera is marked D.S.  That must be the tie for how they are going to bring Daniel back in to the story.


Writers room:  "Hey have you seen those sharknado movies?  Maybe we could do something like that!" 

Please god, tell me someone gets eaten by a flying zombienado in episode #2. 

They might as well just embrace the absurdity at this point.  Have Strand fly into the mouth of an Andre the Giant zombie with a chainsaw.  Have Tara Reid and Cassie Scerbo show up to fight off the zobmies with their cleavage hanging out.  They could really turn this series around if they wanted to.
This was done on Z Nation in a pretty funny way.

Old lady sucked, but I liked that they didn't really have a fort for the second half of the season.  Just wandering around running into whatever they found and one psycho lady was pretty cool instead of a Rick standoff with an unbeatable enemy leader with an army.

Nobody on this show is 10% as annoying as the lady at the dump on the other show who speaks like Tonto or the king with dreads, fantasy speak, and hockey pads.

Has the timeline ever really been sorted out?  Were they in the stadium for 5 years, or wandering for years between the exploding dam and the stadium?


  • Morgan - I could do without him.  He just takes redemption way too far at the expense of those around him.
  • Strand - pretty consistent, I like that he really doesn't care overall and is just looking to be comfortable.
  • Al - Interesting idea, I like that she's still trying to be detached an amoral.
  • Dharma - I like her, it's cool that she's useful and tries, but is ultimately unreliable.
  • John Dorie - Best thing about the show right now.
  • Alicia - meh, some continuity from the beginning of the show, I guess, but she was always the least interesting character.
  • Murdering little girl - I don't like how this played out.  They tried too hard to help someone they should have at a minimum abandoned because she's untrustworthy.
  • Luciana - nothing there, really.

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