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***Official Super Bowl XLV Game Thread*** (1 Viewer)

I haven't looked through this thread, but any discussion on whether Pittsburgh should have called their last time out with about 2:45 to go in the game before the Packers 3rd down and goal? The way I saw it, that play only backfires if GB runs the ball, is sacked or completes the ball short of the goalline, but the most likely outcome was a TD or incomplete pass. I'm not sure if it would have made a huge difference, but that was about :45 seconds that they could have gotten back.

As a Viking fan I watched this game like all the rest since 1977 ..

:shrug: just hope for a good game. :lol:

and we got it!! :thumbup:

Great FLAWLESS game by the Packers!! Sure there were some badly dropped balls, but overall...

No turnovers, very few "shoot yourself in the foot" penalties, good coaching, GREAT Defensive play!

Throw in the refs didn't cause anyone to win or lose this game and you got one hell of a game!!! :excited:

Congrats to Rodgers for getting the Favre Monkey off his back! :thumbup:

Congrats to Woodson for getting the "Tuck" Monkey off his back! :thumbup:

Enjoy the Championship Packer fans, your team deserved it!! :suds:

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Pittsburgh got ### raped.
Ironic insomuch as their starting QB is expert in this sort of activity, assuming enough alcohol's involved.
For someone who wants Lhucks perma banned for trolling, you sure are doing a nice impression. Numerous posts of yours have nothing to do with the discussions in these threads. Go back to your i forum and whine how Lhucks is so terrible and take your smelly shtick with you.
still can't get enough of this game. Although I don't think I would want to re-watch it, because a lot of the game was really not that good. But the finish - magic.

fred_1_15301 said:
. Great game packer fans. Well deserved win and I think you have the best qb in football.
I wouldn't say that, but he's cerrtain;y getting there. Perhaps the biggest play in the entire game was the 31 yard reception on 3rd and 10 on Green Bay's final drive. Time and again Green Bay faced 3rd and long situations and converted. Rodgers was extremely clutch.
fred_1_15301 said:
. Great game packer fans. Well deserved win and I think you have the best qb in football.
I wouldn't say that, but he's cerrtain;y getting there. Perhaps the biggest play in the entire game was the 31 yard reception on 3rd and 10 on Green Bay's final drive. Time and again Green Bay faced 3rd and long situations and converted. Rodgers was extremely clutch.
I thought before the game that Rodgers would be considered the best qb in football in a couple years. I now think it may be as soon as next season. He'll be better than both Brady and manning. Steelers fans can wonder what would have been if not for the turnovers. I also wonder what kind of numbers Rodgers puts up if not for the dropped passes.
Great game. Hats off to the Pack and congrats to their fans. Not going to lose the turnover battle 3-0 and beat a team that good. Steelers were second-best yesterday and the Pack deserved the trophy.

I will now retire from the Shark Pool until FF draft prep starts in July. :goodposting:

The fact that the Packers won this game while relying heavily on Bush is just crazy. Heck even on his pick, he screwed up and Ben just made the wrong decision.

Play of the game was Collins INT TD.
Several good ones to chose from.That one...the forced fumble was HUGE.The 3rd down pass to Jennings.
This. Third down and 10, the Steeler fans are going crazy. All the momentum was with Pittsburgh. If that pass goes incomplete, Big Ben gets the ball back with about 5 minutes left and decent field position, and I would have been feeling pretty good. That pass was a perfect strike. Jennings caught it in stride and made the most of YAC. Just a great play, a game-saving play. It broke my heart.
congrats to the packers. great team and other than yesterday of course, i really like the team. you guys overcame tons this year and deserve it.

poopdawg said:
I realize this is late to the party, but I just wanted to say how much of a horse#### call that holding was with Miller on Matthews.
:) You mean like the phantom facemask call on Crabtree? Easily the worst call of the game.
CrossEyed said:
NajehHejan said:
FreeBaGeL said:
Is anyone on Green Bay playing well besides Rodgers at this point? He's gonna have to take this game over.
How about the guy with the pick six
Meh, that was a gift. Ben threw up a duck.
So the pressure by the Packer D, notably Howard Greens rush and hitting of Ben's arm, had nothing to do with it.Gotcha....... Love a fan with homer blinders on. ;) :lmao:
CrossEyed said:
NajehHejan said:
FreeBaGeL said:
Is anyone on Green Bay playing well besides Rodgers at this point? He's gonna have to take this game over.
How about the guy with the pick six
Meh, that was a gift. Ben threw up a duck.
So the pressure by the Packer D, notably Howard Greens rush and hitting of Ben's arm, had nothing to do with it.Gotcha....... Love a fan with homer blinders on. ;) :lmao:
OK, allow me to explain since a couple of you are having some difficulty understanding my post. I'm saying it was a gift for the DB. Of course it was a forced turnover and a good play by the dlineman. That had everything to do with it. But it was a "can of corn", as they say, for Collins.
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CrossEyed said:
NajehHejan said:
FreeBaGeL said:
Is anyone on Green Bay playing well besides Rodgers at this point? He's gonna have to take this game over.
How about the guy with the pick six
Meh, that was a gift. Ben threw up a duck.
So the pressure by the Packer D, notably Howard Greens rush and hitting of Ben's arm, had nothing to do with it.Gotcha....... Love a fan with homer blinders on. :lmao: :lmao:
;) It was not a gift. The Packers earned that interception. Also, the run back for the TD was a great effort (though I was disappointed by the Steelers not making a greater effort in tackling.)The Packers earned this victory in every way, Mr. Pack. No luck involved.
Ghost Rider said:
Bad idea to attempt that FG. Now the GB offense has great field position to get the momentum back.
I thought the same thing at the time.Also, I think Pitt gave up on the run too early. They were shredding the Green Bay D.
onionsack said:
Pipes said:
On cloud 9 right now.Props to the Steelers and their fans. Classy organization and classy fans.
:confused: My respect for Pittsburgh fans borders on reverence. Delighted with the result but losing to the Steelers wouldn't have been a calamity.
Wait 'til your sitting in a bar near a couple of 'em and the Steelers take out your QBs knee in a playoff game.-QG
smackdaddies said:
t williams = STUPID
I wasn't around last night, but I know exactly what you're talking about here.The stupidity of a lot of these players never ceases to amaze me, especially in the SB. Same with the clown from Pitt in the 4th Qrtr.

"But he pushed me, I can push him back!"

GROW THE #### UP!!!!!!!!

SayWhat? said:
Alex P Keaton said:
Great penalty by Tramon. What a moron. He shouldn't have been anywhere near the ball at that point. Idiot.
Boggles my mind how these guys can get to the professional level, and still be beyond clueless. Unreal.
Btw, Tomlin (and maybe Ben on the one) did a total Marvin impression wasting those first 2 timeouts in the 2nd half. That kind of stuff is a subtle killer of chances.

What a strange game though with the Packers getting a big league and still eschewing the run pretty much, Jordy Nelson having a big game yet also having 2 or 3 big drops.

There'd be elements of stealing the win and earning the win at the same time for whichever team would've won this one.


heckmanm said:
Another hideous call. Swain had it and was starting to run.
Yep, he took 3 steps before the ball came out.
I guess I'll have to watch that replay again but I thought it was a good call. It never looked like he had complete possession of the ball. Certainly not clear enough to overturn the ruling on the field but Packers fans seem very certain that they got this wrong so I'll have to look again. The facemask call was horrendous. Other than that, I thought the calls were fine. Maybe a few minor missed calls on each team.But it's a Steelers thread so I expected a discussion on missed calls before the game even started.
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CrossEyed said:
NajehHejan said:
FreeBaGeL said:
Is anyone on Green Bay playing well besides Rodgers at this point? He's gonna have to take this game over.
How about the guy with the pick six
Meh, that was a gift. Ben threw up a duck.
So the pressure by the Packer D, notably Howard Greens rush and hitting of Ben's arm, had nothing to do with it.Gotcha....... Love a fan with homer blinders on. :shrug: :lmao:
I wouldn't call it a gift...the pass rush and hitting the arm made the play...but, the pump fake moved Collins over to that side. If, and we can't really play ifs, but if the pump fake never happened and Ben just threw the ball Green probably doesn't get to Ben in time to disrupt the throwing motion and Collins is nowhere near the ball. But, Collins made the play and made a good run on the return to score.
Congratulations to all Pack fans on the board. Tremendous team win, especially after Woodson went down. Rodgers made some big throws into tight coverage, I was really impressed with him on the big stage. Very bright future for the Pack.

Clay Matthews strip of Mendenhall was the turning point in the game. For the Steelers, I was impressed they kept battling when clearly they didn't have their A-game. Rarely does any team have a shot to win the game down 3 in the turnover battle yet they did. Also credit Doug Legursky, this was a big concern coming into the game and I see that Raji was held without a tackle.

FreeBaGeL said:
Lol at Joe Buck and Aikman calling for interference and then the replay shows that they literally didn't even touch.
Yea, I watched that play like 10 times and still don't know where the hell they came up with that.
I haven't read through the entire thread so apologies in advance if I'm repeating something already posted. But on my way to work today I heard on NFL Sirius that there have been four teams with 15 or more players placed on Injured Reserve in a season...the 2010 Super Bowl Packers and three other teams that finished with 6 or fewer wins. If that's true, it's even more impressive and a testament to this team.

Alex P Keaton said:
Wow. Can't believe the Pack actually won. Steelers are the best and most dangerous team we faced all year. The two best franchises in the NFL.
:thumbup: Congrats on a great season Steeler fans.
Sudoku_in_the_Bathtub said:
Steve Tasker said:
Mr. Ham said:
Steve Tasker said:
Worst Super Bowl champion since...?
Great game. Not many Super Bowls come down to the last minute of play... Great game. Green Bay looked like the best team throughout the playoffs and they deserved this. Congrats.
Exciting game for sure, and the Packers played great down the stretch. Still, I can't help but look at the team and think...that's really the best team in the NFL? Any given Sunday, I guess.
Best Offense in playoffs: Yes IMOBest Defense in playoffs (/w Woodson): Yes IMOTeam peaked at the right now.
He's only here to :thumbup: Sniff the bait and swim away.
Wow, that was a real nail-biter. The two teams were well-matched and obviously it came down to the Packers ability to take care of the ball and force some turnovers. The big plays that sand out emotionally for me are the fumble, and the 3rd-and-10 to Jennings. In each of those cases it felt the Steelers were taking control of the game. Huge momentum swings. Congrats to the Packers and especially Rodgers, Woodson, and Driver. Also, props to McCarthy for (correctly) putting the game in Rodgers' hands. Rodgers was throwing laser-guided precision darts all night, so glad he got to show off his accuracy and release to the whole world like that. Go Packers!I watched the game with some family friends who are Steelers fans. Nothing but respect for the Steelers and their fans. Same time same place next year? :thumbup:

No, Vikes beat GB. Quarless was not a catch and Shiancoe's was. Pack shouldnt have been in the playoffs if those calls were made correctly. Fact.
Please conduct a thorough play-by-play review of every NFL game this season, correct every single officiating error, and let us know which teams make the playoffs and which one wins the Super Bowl in this imaginary scenario.

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