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***OFFICIAL*** Survivor S32 - Brains Brawn Beauty Part Deux (1 Viewer)

Wow....very cool move by the weird lady with no face. Weirdest #### I've ever seen but I'm glad Tai got some love. 

She's not the worst Survivor winner ever, but ... she's pretty high on the list.

Aubry definitely should have won.

Perhaps it's fitting that a show that has featured probably the greatest editing teams in the history of television does such an incredibly poor job with the live show.  They used to talk to all of the cast, at least a thanks for playing tip of the cap.  But now, if you're not in the top 5, half-crazy, or some flamboyant personality...you likely won't get in a word at the finale.

Overheard tonight "they had a black guy this season?"

So.. guess I forgot what Michelle did to Neal to make him be so nasty on his way out.  :confused:
Purely voting him off the jury.  I don't recall any other exchanges between the two.

I'm actually fine with Michele winning it.  I thought Aubry was more deserving, but Michele was not far behind.  She played a great social game then came through with the immunity wins when needed.  Absolutely made the right call in canning Neal.

I did not like Tai, as much as he was being praised for his outlook, his gameplay didn't show it.  He had the audacity to say at the end "we don't need to backstab people, just love them" or something like that.  Very easy to say after he backstabbed multiple times to get there.

I really enjoyed this season after having low expectations coming in.  They are going to have to do a better job scouting locations though as I think the water parasites played a big role this season.

Perhaps it's fitting that a show that has featured probably the greatest editing teams in the history of television does such an incredibly poor job with the live show.  They used to talk to all of the cast, at least a thanks for playing tip of the cap.  But now, if you're not in the top 5, half-crazy, or some flamboyant personality...you likely won't get in a word at the finale.

Overheard tonight "they had a black guy this season?"
It seems like a few times they did a after show on the website, I wish they would do that again.  I wanted to hear from Peter to see if he ever realized how arrogant he came off.  I remember the first guy who got voted off, where they showed him pooping in the water.  There was one girl on the top row who I think was a beauty (but didn't look so good on the reunion show) who got voted off on the first tribe shake up, but I don't really recall her very well.

I think they should let the viewers vote on pairs of contestants who will make love to each other live during the reunion show. CBS will never do it though imo.

I actually have no problem with Michelle winning this season. She came on very strong in the end in my opinion.

I knew after the jury got done talking Michelle was going to win this thing. I thought for sure Aubry had this but you could feel the momentum shifting during the jury part of the show.

Gonna be hilarious next season when the millennials all go to their first tribal council and write down Bernie ;)


How is Aubry on a tropical island for five weeks and still has a flabby pale white belly hanging over her jorts? 

I still think she's half hamster. Too bad she got stuck next to cydney and Michelle, two of the hottest ever. 
Aubry looked like a native of Goon Island.  Same posture.

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Its not like Aubrey played a great game, but Michelle basically did nothing but be pretty.  She's one on the worst winners ever.  Plus, I hated the vote off a jury member twist.  Final threes are generally inferior to final twos as it is, but to bait them into foreseeing a final two and then introduce this was just horse####.

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One question, one comment:

Does anyone have the prize breakdown?  I'm curious if the bottom gets anything.

I loathe cross promotion.  I understand both shows are on CBS, and there is zero chance I was going to watch anyway, but that was painful.  I was oddly annoyed by that. 

What a joke. What a freaking joke. And you guys laughed but Aubry was looking good tonight. Laugh it up fuzz ball, it's true.  

Sia shouldn't be on this show. She ruined it although the ####### vote ruined it too. 

What a joke. 

So they're not going to own up to putting one out of place character in each group?

I still can't get over Sea Hag being a brain.

Terrible victory...just awful.

But out of this group...I guess it works.

Tai screwed up every special power he had and flailed every week...but dude deserves credit for having a fairly large target on himself early on and lasting this long.

Aubrey deserves votes...for sure...if I had to vote, I guess it would be her...then Tai...and I'd just refuse to vote for Michelle...that's just dumb, I'd vote the chicken at that point.

And please stop saying Aubrey is pretty...she's a'ight at best...she reminds me of that nasty thing that created that "Girls" show.

One question, one comment:

Does anyone have the prize breakdown?  I'm curious if the bottom gets anything.

I loathe cross promotion.  I understand both shows are on CBS, and there is zero chance I was going to watch anyway, but that was painful.  I was oddly annoyed by that. 
Its out there if you look.  Second place gets 100k is all I remember and there's a sliding scale after that.

What a joke. What a freaking joke. And you guys laughed but Aubry was looking good tonight. Laugh it up fuzz ball, it's true.  

Sia shouldn't be on this show. She ruined it although the ####### vote ruined it too. 

What a joke. 
Very glad Michelle won and not Aubry.

I can't believe Mark didn't even get one vote.  He was obviously the ultimate survivor. Some may say he was carried to the end by Tai, but I think it was clear he manipulated the situation when he had such a big target on his back. And breast. And legs. And wings. 

If I were on the jury, I'd at least have written his name down first and then crossed it out before writing Aubry. 

Surprised like everyone else that Aubry didn't win, but the Michelle hate seems unfounded to me.  Had Aubry not made the final 3, Michelle would've been my bet to win against Tai/Cyd.

The twist was kind of cool, but I also don't like just how powerful it was.  That's gotta be the biggest advantage given in the game ever, no?

Julia sitting behind Michelle at the reunion show was perfect - all you saw were her huge ###ties. :wub:  

That whole chick in the wig thing was so friggin' bizarre.  Is she some PETA nut?

I don't get all the Michelle hate, either.  Neal was dead wrong when he went off on her about being a coat tail rider and all.  When he watched the season back I bet he saw it differently.  Michelle played great when she needed to.  

Aubrey did look pretty last night.  And she deserved to win, but I don't mind Michelle winning.  Aubrey shouldn't have choked all over that puzzle.  That ultimately cost her the game, imo.  I knew Tai had no chance.  

Cyd looked better on the island, imo.  Less is more for some people with regards to makeup.  

The after show was weak as usual.  Cyd finishes top 4 and didn't get one question.  

Not sure what the deal was with cousin IT, but at least Tai and his favorite animal charity got $50k.  

Somewhere Keith was watching last night and did a PBR spit-take when she said she wanted to do it for Keith last season but chickened out.  

I liked the twist of voting off a jury member.  Getting rid of Neal was perfect in hindsight.  He was going to let her have it in front of the other jury members and may have convinced them to not vote for her.  Joe was obvious but he would not have blasted her like that.  Great call.  

I'm curious as to who Aubrey would have voted off if she had won.  

I thought Aubry was more deserving, but Michele was not far behind.  She played a great social game then came through with the immunity wins when needed.  Absolutely made the right call in canning Neal.
Agree with all of this.  Aubry was way ahead in the final immunity challenge and just couldn't figure out the puzzle, even though she was the only "brain" in the challenge.  That's where she lost the game.  Michelle did what was needed throughout.  

I don't get all the Michelle hate, either.  Neal was dead wrong when he went off on her about being a coat tail rider and all.  When he watched the season back I bet he saw it differently.  Michelle played great when she needed to.  

Aubrey did look pretty last night.  And she deserved to win, but I don't mind Michelle winning.  Aubrey shouldn't have choked all over that puzzle.  That ultimately cost her the game, imo.  I knew Tai had no chance.  

Cyd looked better on the island, imo.  Less is more for some people with regards to makeup.  

The after show was weak as usual.  Cyd finishes top 4 and didn't get one question.  

Not sure what the deal was with cousin IT, but at least Tai and his favorite animal charity got $50k.  

Somewhere Keith was watching last night and did a PBR spit-take when she said she wanted to do it for Keith last season but chickened out.  

I liked the twist of voting off a jury member.  Getting rid of Neal was perfect in hindsight.  He was going to let her have it in front of the other jury members and may have convinced them to not vote for her.  Joe was obvious but he would not have blasted her like that.  Great call.  

I'm curious as to who Aubrey would have voted off if she had won.  

Agree with all of this.  Aubry was way ahead in the final immunity challenge and just couldn't figure out the puzzle, even though she was the only "brain" in the challenge.  That's where she lost the game.  Michelle did what was needed throughout.  
:thumbup:   Agree with all of this.  Aubrey would have been a deserving winner, but Michelle made no enemies and had Cyd and Julia votes in the bag.  Neal was the correct choice.   :lmao:  at those saying it was a disadvantage being able to get rid of a jury member.  Thought it was a great twist and man was Neal a major ##### and was completely wrong.

Michelle being the one they all wanted to get voted out at 4 was very telling.  Immunity was huge.  They should have listened to Tai when he wanted her voted out.. 

I don't hate Michelle, just think she was a mediocre player who was rarely in control of the game in any substantial way. She was on the wrong side of so many votes. Heck, she couldn't even impose her will when she won immunity at the final four. I don't think she masterfully rode in the middle as she argued. Aubry wasn't among the best Survivor players in history, but I think she was clearly the most deserving winner this season.

Michelle being the one they all wanted to get voted out at 4 was very telling.  Immunity was huge.  They should have listened to Tai when he wanted her voted out.. 
Exactly.  They all knew she had a strong chance to win the final vote.  

Man, this live show is a #### show. Hilariously awful. 

For the true reality TV watchers out there, only ink master has a worse live finale. This is terrible. 
:goodposting:  Ink Master Finale is unwatchable, the show itself is getting there too. I fast forward through all the forced fake alliance BS and get through the show in about 20 minutes on the DVR. 

The extremely lame Drew Cary segment and the other hair lady thing were a total waste of time. Real fans want to hear from the players not all this other dumb crap. 

Its not like Aubrey played a great game, but Michelle basically did nothing but be pretty.  She's one on the worst winners ever. 
She played a good social game, and she won four challenges. Some of those won challenges came at a perfect time for her too. The longer she lasted, the better she got as a competitor. Sometimes it isn't how you start, but how you finish. She finished strong, and looked pretty while doing it.

:shrug: at that point no.. sitting on my couch though and having time to think I'd have thrown the challenge.

And WOW Neal shows he is a POS. And he still got in a :pokey: on his way out so could cost her.
It would have been perfect if she has simply replied "yet, here I sit, and there you go."  I think in that situation he shouldn't be allowed to speak.

I liked the twist of voting off a jury member.  Getting rid of Neal was perfect in hindsight.  He was going to let her have it in front of the other jury members and may have convinced them to not vote for her.  Joe was obvious but he would not have blasted her like that.  Great call.  

I'm curious as to who Aubrey would have voted off if she had won.  
Neal had been on the Jury longer and was most likely talking about her for a while.  Not having him with them when they all sit around Ponderosa and talk about their votes was a great move.

Did we ever get a final vote count?  It must have been a landslide, otherwise Jeff would have mentioned Neal's vote making a difference.

It probably wouldn't have mattered but Aubrey really needed to play up how much she controlled Tai. With his idol and advantage he had a lot of power and she was able to get him to vote the way she wanted him to. She really needed to stress how she appealed to Tai's "good side" to get him to turn on Scot and Jason. Again, that probably wouldn't have made a lot of difference, but I think it was the most impressive thing about how she played the game. She also could have mentioned that she got to the finals with two of her alliance members leaving the game due to medical reasons. Something that she had no control of and yet she overcame it.

Mjolnirs said:
Did we ever get a final vote count?  It must have been a landslide, otherwise Jeff would have mentioned Neal's vote making a difference.
IIRC it was 4-2 Michelle when Probst called it.  Was probably 5-2.  The remaining vote must've been Michelle or Probst probably would have tied it at 3-3 before reading the deciding vote.  I think Deb and Joe went Aubry.  None for Tai. 

Yeah I don't think Aubrey did enough to showcase her moves in the game. She obviously played a solid game and stayed properly under the radar (she never really became a target for being a puppet master type)  but what were her big moves? She was generally on the right side of things and demonstrated awareness but I don't think she ever slammed the door shut by really laying out case as the best player.

I still would have voted for her but I dont really think she was robbed. Should have done a harder sell job 

michelle played a good game at the end but I really don't remember her even being on the show the first half of the season

after the macho crew got the boot they started showing her

Kraft... said:
:goodposting:  Ink Master Finale is unwatchable, the show itself is getting there too. I fast forward through all the forced fake alliance BS and get through the show in about 20 minutes on the DVR. 

The extremely lame Drew Cary segment and the other hair lady thing were a total waste of time. Real fans want to hear from the players not all this other dumb crap. 
I keep expecting them to improve that ink master finale or film in a studio instead of live.  Cant believe they still have the same format and greasy ollie in his blazer with no shirt under it. 

Jayrok said:
Exactly.  They all knew she had a strong chance to win the final vote.  
You always have to be aware of BJS - and really that's the only reason to vote for her.  Her strong social game really was because she never dictated who went home.  She never once controlled the vote.  Hell, the one time that her head was on the chopping block, it was Cyd and not her that swayed Aubrey.

dhockster said:
It probably wouldn't have mattered but Aubrey really needed to play up how much she controlled Tai. With his idol and advantage he had a lot of power and she was able to get him to vote the way she wanted him to. She really needed to stress how she appealed to Tai's "good side" to get him to turn on Scot and Jason. Again, that probably wouldn't have made a lot of difference, but I think it was the most impressive thing about how she played the game. She also could have mentioned that she got to the finals with two of her alliance members leaving the game due to medical reasons. Something that she had no control of and yet she overcame it.
Can't believe she didn't bring this up. Best reason to vote for her IMO.

Walking Boot said:
In the past, juries have shown a lot of disrespect toward someone who screws the fire building challenge. That should be a race and go fast. Both women looked bad at it. Aubry won but it was pretty embarrassing. Her talking about it liked she proved something about herself with it came off as pretty tone deaf. 
Aubrey seemed to do just fine building a fire in somewhat windy conditions.

Can't believe someone considered to be a brain didn't make a better case for victory.

Aubrey lost that...Michelle didn't win it.

Joe ended up screwing Aubrey over.  At five, if Michelle doesn't win immunity, she is gone.  From there It's a final 3 of Aubrey, Joe and Tai if Cyd doesn't win immunnity at 4.

I think it would have been a clean sweep for Aubrey at that point.  Her plan was to take Joe and Tai to the final 3 and they were with her.  $1,000,000 steak kabobs.

Joe ended up screwing Aubrey over.  At five, if Michelle doesn't win immunity, she is gone.  From there It's a final 3 of Aubrey, Joe and Tai if Cyd doesn't win immunnity at 4.

I think it would have been a clean sweep for Aubrey at that point.  Her plan was to take Joe and Tai to the final 3 and they were with her.  $1,000,000 steak kabobs.
She still won 100k, so they were 900k steak kabobs

simey said:
She played a good social game, and she won four challenges. Some of those won challenges came at a perfect time for her too. The longer she lasted, the better she got as a competitor. Sometimes it isn't how you start, but how you finish. She finished strong, and looked pretty while doing it.
Totally agree. Michelle's strength was her social game. But that doesn't really make for good TV so it gets edited out. 

I think the players that competed with and against her have a better idea of how deserving she was that we viewers do.

Totally agree. Michelle's strength was her social game. But that doesn't really make for good TV so it gets edited out. 

I think the players that competed with and against her have a better idea of how deserving she was that we viewers do.
That's BS.  We see all the votes and the votes are by far the most important thing.  This is like saying the jury actually thought Natalie played better than Russell and weren't all just bitter that he controlled the damn game.


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