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***OFFICIAL 'The Walking Dead' TV Series Thread*** (1 Viewer)

It's not even believable that this is the same show that produced the barn scene (just watched that again last night, never gets old).
So what now, 2 more episodes? Well, Time to F Snit Up!!!!!!!
The amount of travel on foot that takes place on this show is astounding.
the barn scene and the "look at the flowers" scene... some seriously great TV along the way in this series.

and a lot of not.

I honestly forgot all about the show... glad to see you guys are riding it out and that it'll end soon. I will probably do a binge at some point. I was always more interested in how they get society going again then rinse-repeat ninja zombies and rinse-repeat saturday morning cartoon bad guys.
Ummmmmm, if all those characters are in a spinoff..,........is it really a spinoff??
different spinoffs.
Daryl & Carol were supposed to join in one spinoff.. But due to Conflicting schedules, it sounds like just a Carol spinoff
Ezekiel and Negan were highlighted in a spinoff next year.
Then of course there were the long talked about, but never materialized, Rick movies.

Daryl and Carol spinoff is now just Daryl (in France). Melissa McBride apparently didn't want to shoot the series in Europe so she withdrew.
Negan and Maggie will be hitting NYC together in a spinoff
Rick movies have morphed into a 6-episode Rick and Michonne spinoff

No interest in actually watching any of them, or the finale of the main show, which is a testament to how badly Gimple mishandled this franchise.
(y) although one preview last week had Negan and Ezekiel fighting together in some tunnel, didn't realize Maggie was also part of that one.
Any spinoff is one to many. No way I am getting sucked in to more of this dreck. I am going to finish this because, well, I'm an idiot. But no way I am starting another.


Good riddance

I guess I’d probably get suckered in for something with Rick but likely out on anything else
Not one post in 24 hours since the series finale aired. Oh how the mighty have fallen.

I saved my time and read a recap, felt no compulsion to actually watch it. Curious what those who still were watching the show thought of the "end".
Out of the blue, my 11yo daughter asked about the show.

Just watched S1, ep1 tonight with her. There were lots of questions (who's mowing the lawns, dad? And how can gas stay good?!!!).
I just got done. Ughh. It wasn't good. Predictably, it came down to one grand final scene, which was over in like 2 minutes with over the top CGI.

Of course, before the final fight there were a few speeches, the typical imminent danger, yada yada yada. And then, like 30 minutes of knowing glances, hugs, and flashbacks with voiceovers.

Happy do be done. I may pick it up in 5 years or so and binge watch the spinoffs but no interest in any of that right now.
I didn't dislike the Final season as much as the past few,
But knowing it was ending might have helped me enjoy it more.

The spinoffs look pretty silly.
It was ok, not as good as advertised. Climax was mediocre but there were a few nice exchanges. The Negan/Maggie talk was decent. They basically ruined Mercer imo. He didn't really do anything in the finale.

I thought more of the group should have died. Rosita pulling a Glenn under the dumpster was silly but at least one bit her and it was nice how they closed that out with Eugene with her.

The Luke dying scene should have been someone else. I mean, that group came along way late in the series and, frankly, I just didn't care much about them. It should have been Carol with our group at her side... or Aaron. Feel like that would have packed a bigger punch than the guy that left 14 episodes ago then magically showed up late in the final season. meh. Maybe if it was Connie.

The scenes with Michonne and Rick afterwards were ok. I don't care much about the spinoffs or how/why Negan and Maggie end up in NY city. Or Daryl going to Europe. I'll record Rick's spinoff and watch it someday but right now I'm not that interested.
I know it isn't saying much, but I thought the finale was the best in the last 3 years.. There was yet another "Glenn under a dumpster survive moment :rolleyes: , but thought there were some good wrap-up's with Negan/Maggie, as well as Daryl/Carol.
Glad it is over..
Don't see any interest in Daryl's spinoff, nor the Negan, Maggie , Ezekiel spinoff..
Might tune in to the Rick/Michonne one, but have no urge to go all in..
I know it isn't saying much, but I thought the finale was the best in the last 3 years.. There was yet another "Glenn under a dumpster survive moment :rolleyes: , but thought there were some good wrap-up's with Negan/Maggie, as well as Daryl/Carol.
Glad it is over..
Don't see any interest in Daryl's spinoff, nor the Negan, Maggie , Ezekiel spinoff..
Might tune in to the Rick/Michonne one, but have no urge to go all in..
The fact that they had Gabriel walk to open the gate to let people into the estates was a nice touch since it was originally him that locked people out of his church when they begged to come in back in his first appearance. Sort of a circle of closure for him.
The finale was a really good episode, but just a totally disorganized ending for the series in general. They certainly bit off more than they could chew. Just too much going on.
Still wondering how gas works. What were they start to finish, like 13 years since the start of the apocalypse? Maybe they MADE more somehow who knows.
Things look better if you just view Ricks last episode as the series finale, and cut out of your memory right when things jump ahead a couple years while entering Balls of Fury guy.
Still wondering how gas works. What were they start to finish, like 13 years since the start of the apocalypse? Maybe they MADE more somehow who knows.
They actually covered that. Maggie & Hornsby had a discussion about ethanol conversion - something that can be done from gasoline engines. Ethanol canbe produced relatively easily - any hillbilly can do it.
Out of the blue, my 11yo daughter asked about the show.

Just watched S1, ep1 tonight with her. There were lots of questions (who's mowing the lawns, dad? And how can gas stay good?!!!).
we're about 4 in.

I forgot/ignored/didn't realize... but the goofiness starts pretty early with the writers having **** happen out of convenience (eg: CDC timing). and floppinha has already picked up on the fact that one minute the zombies can barely function walking in a straight line, and the next they're running at a sprint, climbing fences, walking up stairs and opening doors. one of them was using a rock as a tool to break glass in EP 2. we may not make it out of S1 tbh.
Out of the blue, my 11yo daughter asked about the show.

Just watched S1, ep1 tonight with her. There were lots of questions (who's mowing the lawns, dad? And how can gas stay good?!!!).
we're about 4 in.

I forgot/ignored/didn't realize... but the goofiness starts pretty early with the writers having **** happen out of convenience (eg: CDC timing). and floppinha has already picked up on the fact that one minute the zombies can barely function walking in a straight line, and the next they're running at a sprint, climbing fences, walking up stairs and opening doors. one of them was using a rock as a tool to break glass in EP 2. we may not make it out of S1 tbh.
Funny, but most of the way through this final season they had an episode called "variant" that showed some of the zombies climbing, and then in the last couple episodes showed more of that along with a zombie using a brick on a window.

But yeah, I remember way back at the beginning some of the same
Out of the blue, my 11yo daughter asked about the show.

Just watched S1, ep1 tonight with her. There were lots of questions (who's mowing the lawns, dad? And how can gas stay good?!!!).
we're about 4 in.

I forgot/ignored/didn't realize... but the goofiness starts pretty early with the writers having **** happen out of convenience (eg: CDC timing). and floppinha has already picked up on the fact that one minute the zombies can barely function walking in a straight line, and the next they're running at a sprint, climbing fences, walking up stairs and opening doors. one of them was using a rock as a tool to break glass in EP 2. we may not make it out of S1 tbh.
Funny, but most of the way through this final season they had an episode called "variant" that showed some of the zombies climbing, and then in the last couple episodes showed more of that along with a zombie using a brick on a window.

But yeah, I remember way back at the beginning some of the same
Pretty sure they said that the opening episodes had some incorrect zombie movements. I have no clue on the variants, which may be true, but the show folks did say the zombies that ran/climbed/used tools in the first couple episodes were mistakes.
Out of the blue, my 11yo daughter asked about the show.

Just watched S1, ep1 tonight with her. There were lots of questions (who's mowing the lawns, dad? And how can gas stay good?!!!).
we're about 4 in.

I forgot/ignored/didn't realize... but the goofiness starts pretty early with the writers having **** happen out of convenience (eg: CDC timing). and floppinha has already picked up on the fact that one minute the zombies can barely function walking in a straight line, and the next they're running at a sprint, climbing fences, walking up stairs and opening doors. one of them was using a rock as a tool to break glass in EP 2. we may not make it out of S1 tbh.
Funny, but most of the way through this final season they had an episode called "variant" that showed some of the zombies climbing, and then in the last couple episodes showed more of that along with a zombie using a brick on a window.

But yeah, I remember way back at the beginning some of the same
Pretty sure they said that the opening episodes had some incorrect zombie movements. I have no clue on the variants, which may be true, but the show folks did say the zombies that ran/climbed/used tools in the first couple episodes were mistakes.
Yeah I remember. Those were definitely mistakes. They put that cat back in the bag pretty fast though. Well, untill the end of the final season that is.
Could another long term zombie show work?? I am skeptical. There are tons of cop/lawyer dramas, but I'm not sure another serious zombie show spanning multiple seasons would work. I think too much of the audience would have a "been there done that" approach and not be invested in it.
Fear, ha, I only watched the first season and bits of other episodes. They royally screwed that up. Had they focused on several seasons of what happened from day 1 till basically the moment Rick woke up could have been a fantastic show, including small family stuff like they did but also how government/society fell. They advertised that is what the show was going to be, but they burned through that so fast and then bang, it was month later already after a few episodes. Totally missed the mark.
Z Nation was good, but obviously in a different way.
I am wondering if a new zombie drama wouldn't be as successful because of how crappy The Walking Dead became, and then stayed bad for a few years straight.
Could another long term zombie show work?? I am skeptical. There are tons of cop/lawyer dramas, but I'm not sure another serious zombie show spanning multiple seasons would work. I think too much of the audience would have a "been there done that" approach and not be invested in it.
Fear, ha, I only watched the first season and bits of other episodes. They royally screwed that up. Had they focused on several seasons of what happened from day 1 till basically the moment Rick woke up could have been a fantastic show, including small family stuff like they did but also how government/society fell. They advertised that is what the show was going to be, but they burned through that so fast and then bang, it was month later already after a few episodes. Totally missed the mark.
Z Nation was good, but obviously in a different way.
I am wondering if a new zombie drama wouldn't be as successful because of how crappy The Walking Dead became, and then stayed bad for a few years straight.
Honestly, it would just be whether or not the show was good. I’ve watched multiple zombie movies. There’s definitely an audience so the only thing that really matters if if it’s a good show.
I've never re-watched any of this series other than one or two episodes (barn scene).
So I decided to watch again, at least until it starts to take the huge downturn.
Anyway, just finished end of season 3 when the Governor went nuts and shot all his people, and Rick brought all the Woodberry people back to the prison.
So like......um.......why not just take his own people to Woodberry rather than bring those people back to the prison? Waste of a good small town.
What season was the van flip??
That said, three seasons in, and yeah, this show is excellent just like I remember. Man Jon Bernthal knocked that character out of the park. Michael Rooker as well.
I've never re-watched any of this series other than one or two episodes (barn scene).
So I decided to watch again, at least until it starts to take the huge downturn.
Anyway, just finished end of season 3 when the Governor went nuts and shot all his people, and Rick brought all the Woodberry people back to the prison.
So like......um.......why not just take his own people to Woodberry rather than bring those people back to the prison? Waste of a good small town.
What season was the van flip??
That said, three seasons in, and yeah, this show is excellent just like I remember. Man Jon Bernthal knocked that character out of the park. Michael Rooker as well.
I seem to recall the first half of that 3rd season being really awesome and the back half pretty uneven. IIRC, AMC fired the 2nd show runner who took over after Darabont towards the end of the season and refilmed parts and re-edited the 3rd season finale pretty heavily. So maybe there was a better explanation for abandoning the town for a blown up prison outside of them wanting to recreate some iconic scenes at the prison from the graphic novel in season 4. That finale episode was a disjointed mess. Edit: In the Governor episodes in season 4 he burns down the town, but that may have just been them responding to the criticisms and closing that plot point.

Van flip I believe is season 5, start of the 3 episode arc that explains what happened to Beth. Season 6 has the episode where Glenn takes a dumpster dive. 7 is the we are all scared of Negan season which was very disappointing IMO. 8 is “the war” where it really goes off the rails IMO. I gave up in season 7, but caught up on Netflix but when it came out that Rick was leaving in season 9 never tuned back in.
Last edited:
I've never re-watched any of this series other than one or two episodes (barn scene).
So I decided to watch again, at least until it starts to take the huge downturn.
Anyway, just finished end of season 3 when the Governor went nuts and shot all his people, and Rick brought all the Woodberry people back to the prison.
So like......um.......why not just take his own people to Woodberry rather than bring those people back to the prison? Waste of a good small town.
What season was the van flip??
That said, three seasons in, and yeah, this show is excellent just like I remember. Man Jon Bernthal knocked that character out of the park. Michael Rooker as well.
I seem to recall the first half of that 3rd season being really awesome and the back half pretty uneven. IIRC, AMC fired the 2nd show runner who took over after Darabont towards the end of the season and refilmed parts and re-edited the 3rd season finale pretty heavily. So maybe there was a better explanation for abandoning the town for a blown up prison outside of them wanting to recreate some iconic scenes at the prison from the graphic novel in season 4. That finale episode was a disjointed mess. Edit: In the Governor episodes in season 4 he burns down the town, but that may have just been them responding to the criticisms and closing that plot point.

Van flip I believe is season 5, start of the 3 episode arc that explains what happened to Beth. Season 6 has the episode where Glenn takes a dumpster dive. 7 is the we are all scared of Negan season which was very disappointing IMO. 8 is “the war” where it really goes off the rails IMO. I gave up in season 7, but caught up on Netflix but when it came out that Rick was leaving in season 9 never tuned back in.
I think pre-Negan was the best of the show. Heck, Beth and Daryl was solid and her arc at the end was fantastic. Honestly, when she got shot, Daryl responded and carried her out might have been a top 2 or 3 moment. There was some goofiness and bad scenes but it still felt like a must watch.
Hold up. Rick survived? Just got done with the Netflix stuff but I have a strong memory of him being dead like six seasons ago. Overall the last season didn't really go anywhere new. I think I missed two or three seasons here and there. Never focused enough to really understand more than the surface elements here.
I've never re-watched any of this series other than one or two episodes (barn scene).
So I decided to watch again, at least until it starts to take the huge downturn.
Anyway, just finished end of season 3 when the Governor went nuts and shot all his people, and Rick brought all the Woodberry people back to the prison.
So like......um.......why not just take his own people to Woodberry rather than bring those people back to the prison? Waste of a good small town.
What season was the van flip??
That said, three seasons in, and yeah, this show is excellent just like I remember. Man Jon Bernthal knocked that character out of the park. Michael Rooker as well.
I seem to recall the first half of that 3rd season being really awesome and the back half pretty uneven. IIRC, AMC fired the 2nd show runner who took over after Darabont towards the end of the season and refilmed parts and re-edited the 3rd season finale pretty heavily. So maybe there was a better explanation for abandoning the town for a blown up prison outside of them wanting to recreate some iconic scenes at the prison from the graphic novel in season 4. That finale episode was a disjointed mess. Edit: In the Governor episodes in season 4 he burns down the town, but that may have just been them responding to the criticisms and closing that plot point.

Van flip I believe is season 5, start of the 3 episode arc that explains what happened to Beth. Season 6 has the episode where Glenn takes a dumpster dive. 7 is the we are all scared of Negan season which was very disappointing IMO. 8 is “the war” where it really goes off the rails IMO. I gave up in season 7, but caught up on Netflix but when it came out that Rick was leaving in season 9 never tuned back in.
I think pre-Negan was the best of the show. Heck, Beth and Daryl was solid and her arc at the end was fantastic. Honestly, when she got shot, Daryl responded and carried her out might have been a top 2 or 3 moment. There was some goofiness and bad scenes but it still felt like a must watch.
Would agree, when Scott Gimple took over for season 4 the ratio of cool scenes and plot vs goofiness and logic leaps was pretty high and could be ignored. That ratio got progressively worse over time but didn’t outshine the great parts of the show until about the time Negan showed up (Glenn’s dumpster dive a few episodes prior to that being the jump the shark moment for me.)

Definitely seemed by season 4 the special effects guys started getting a heavy hand in driving the episodes coming up with newer and different ways/scenarios of zombie kills and the writers had to figure out how to shoehorn those ideas into the plot. Some pretty cool ones like the burnt zombies after Beth burns down that house in season 4 but some really logic defying like the zombies trapped on the roof of the grocery store with the crashed helicopter in the season 4 premiere.
Hold up. Rick survived? Just got done with the Netflix stuff but I have a strong memory of him being dead like six seasons ago. Overall the last season didn't really go anywhere new. I think I missed two or three seasons here and there. Never focused enough to really understand more than the surface elements here.
Garbage lady found him and flew him away in a helicopter
Hold up. Rick survived? Just got done with the Netflix stuff but I have a strong memory of him being dead like six seasons ago. Overall the last season didn't really go anywhere new. I think I missed two or three seasons here and there. Never focused enough to really understand more than the surface elements here.
Garbage lady found him and flew him away in a helicopter

What episode was this? Was there a backstory here I missed maybe skimming a season or two here and there. Is he getting a spinoff now?
Hold up. Rick survived? Just got done with the Netflix stuff but I have a strong memory of him being dead like six seasons ago. Overall the last season didn't really go anywhere new. I think I missed two or three seasons here and there. Never focused enough to really understand more than the surface elements here.
Garbage lady found him and flew him away in a helicopter

What episode was this? Was there a backstory here I missed maybe skimming a season or two here and there. Is he getting a spinoff now?
Should be season 9, end of episode 5.
I had heard of a spinoff movie. Who knows.
Hold up. Rick survived? Just got done with the Netflix stuff but I have a strong memory of him being dead like six seasons ago. Overall the last season didn't really go anywhere new. I think I missed two or three seasons here and there. Never focused enough to really understand more than the surface elements here.
Garbage lady found him and flew him away in a helicopter

What episode was this? Was there a backstory here I missed maybe skimming a season or two here and there. Is he getting a spinoff now?
Should be season 9, end of episode 5.
I had heard of a spinoff movie. Who knows.
More importantly, who cares?
Hold up. Rick survived? Just got done with the Netflix stuff but I have a strong memory of him being dead like six seasons ago. Overall the last season didn't really go anywhere new. I think I missed two or three seasons here and there. Never focused enough to really understand more than the surface elements here.
Garbage lady found him and flew him away in a helicopter

What episode was this? Was there a backstory here I missed maybe skimming a season or two here and there. Is he getting a spinoff now?
Should be season 9, end of episode 5.
I had heard of a spinoff movie. Who knows.
More importantly, who cares?
Says the man frequenting this thread :-)
Haven't posted here in years because we were always behind. And there's a reason for that.

This show became just flat out horrible. That finale was laughably bad. So glad I'm done.
Haven't posted here in years because we were always behind. And there's a reason for that.

This show became just flat out horrible. That finale was laughably bad. So glad I'm done.
Yeah, it doesn't even resemble the same show.

So, you gonna watch this Negan and Maggie thing?:love:
Just started S3.

Still in after a break born more out of disinterest than dislike. But 11yo Floppinha is far wiser than I am. She sees the primary goofy elements of the show immediately: varying zombie abilities to push action over credibility, and every human is an unnecessary antagonist.

We're in the prison, and they just found the guys who had been barricaded in the cafeteria, not knowing what had happened in the world outside. Instead of being psyched to see new people for the 1st time in 10 months AND get out of their locked in room... They want to fight. Ugh... The governator is coming up.
There are a lot of things wrong with this show but it developed at the same time the marvel movies took over, so nitpicking for realism is not really a thing anymore. It's background noise to keep on while working out for me, very rarely watch the screen.

The fact that if you die of natural causes you still turn is the worst logic leap. Once people come to that conclusion why try to extend society? Humans are at that point de facto extinct.
Disagree with both of those points.

Not about realism, per se, but consistency to a world the creators developed. Inconsistency and sloppiness takes away from that. Let alone the goofy cartoon villains they use to drive drama instead of focusing on bigger picture ideas of how society and individuals move forward.

And everybody having it.. doesn't really change anything, or seen illogical... If it's a consistent part of this world. When you die, you turn. So people have to take steps for that eventuality.
Hold up. Rick survived? Just got done with the Netflix stuff but I have a strong memory of him being dead like six seasons ago. Overall the last season didn't really go anywhere new. I think I missed two or three seasons here and there. Never focused enough to really understand more than the surface elements here.
Garbage lady found him and flew him away in a helicopter

What episode was this? Was there a backstory here I missed maybe skimming a season or two here and there. Is he getting a spinoff now?
Should be season 9, end of episode 5.
I had heard of a spinoff movie. Who knows.
Movie was shelved, it is now planned to be a mini-series with Rick and Michonne. AMC is such a freaking cheapskate network I can't believe they ever truly wanted to put the money needed into an actual film.

Somehow TWD franchise still has a pretty hardcore fanbase that supports crap like Fear the Walking Dead or that most recent spin-off Young Adult version show. From the sound of it, the new Tales show doesn't sound very appealing either. The planned Maggie & Negan or Darryl spinoffs sound terrible too.
Hold up. Rick survived? Just got done with the Netflix stuff but I have a strong memory of him being dead like six seasons ago. Overall the last season didn't really go anywhere new. I think I missed two or three seasons here and there. Never focused enough to really understand more than the surface elements here.
Garbage lady found him and flew him away in a helicopter

What episode was this? Was there a backstory here I missed maybe skimming a season or two here and there. Is he getting a spinoff now?
Should be season 9, end of episode 5.
I had heard of a spinoff movie. Who knows.
Movie was shelved, it is now planned to be a mini-series with Rick and Michonne. AMC is such a freaking cheapskate network I can't believe they ever truly wanted to put the money needed into an actual film.

Somehow TWD franchise still has a pretty hardcore fanbase that supports crap like Fear the Walking Dead or that most recent spin-off Young Adult version show. From the sound of it, the new Tales show doesn't sound very appealing either. The planned Maggie & Negan or Darryl spinoffs sound terrible too.
I never watched the other shows except a few episodes of Fear. It was good, but so dumb that they basically sped through to the point where they were months into apocalypse. The show woulda been much better served had they spent a few seasons covering just the first week or so of the apocalypse. Oh well.
Hold up. Rick survived? Just got done with the Netflix stuff but I have a strong memory of him being dead like six seasons ago. Overall the last season didn't really go anywhere new. I think I missed two or three seasons here and there. Never focused enough to really understand more than the surface elements here.
Garbage lady found him and flew him away in a helicopter

What episode was this? Was there a backstory here I missed maybe skimming a season or two here and there. Is he getting a spinoff now?
Should be season 9, end of episode 5.
I had heard of a spinoff movie. Who knows.
Movie was shelved, it is now planned to be a mini-series with Rick and Michonne. AMC is such a freaking cheapskate network I can't believe they ever truly wanted to put the money needed into an actual film.

Somehow TWD franchise still has a pretty hardcore fanbase that supports crap like Fear the Walking Dead or that most recent spin-off Young Adult version show. From the sound of it, the new Tales show doesn't sound very appealing either. The planned Maggie & Negan or Darryl spinoffs sound terrible too.
I never watched the other shows except a few episodes of Fear. It was good, but so dumb that they basically sped through to the point where they were months into apocalypse. The show woulda been much better served had they spent a few seasons covering just the first week or so of the apocalypse. Oh well.
Fear got much worse after that flawed first season. It's basically the same goofiness and characters making dumb decisions due to bad writing of the original show's later seasons but without the really good source material of the graphic novels to draw from. They tried to salvage the show by moving some characters over from TWD with little improvement. I am astounded it is still on, but like I said, there is still a hardcore fandom that tunes in to keep the ratings numbers just good enough to keep going.
Hold up. Rick survived? Just got done with the Netflix stuff but I have a strong memory of him being dead like six seasons ago. Overall the last season didn't really go anywhere new. I think I missed two or three seasons here and there. Never focused enough to really understand more than the surface elements here.
Garbage lady found him and flew him away in a helicopter

What episode was this? Was there a backstory here I missed maybe skimming a season or two here and there. Is he getting a spinoff now?
Should be season 9, end of episode 5.
I had heard of a spinoff movie. Who knows.
Movie was shelved, it is now planned to be a mini-series with Rick and Michonne. AMC is such a freaking cheapskate network I can't believe they ever truly wanted to put the money needed into an actual film.

Somehow TWD franchise still has a pretty hardcore fanbase that supports crap like Fear the Walking Dead or that most recent spin-off Young Adult version show. From the sound of it, the new Tales show doesn't sound very appealing either. The planned Maggie & Negan or Darryl spinoffs sound terrible too.
I never watched the other shows except a few episodes of Fear. It was good, but so dumb that they basically sped through to the point where they were months into apocalypse. The show woulda been much better served had they spent a few seasons covering just the first week or so of the apocalypse. Oh well.
Fear got much worse after that flawed first season. It's basically the same goofiness and characters making dumb decisions due to bad writing of the original show's later seasons but without the really good source material of the graphic novels to draw from. They tried to salvage the show by moving some characters over from TWD with little improvement. I am astounded it is still on, but like I said, there is still a hardcore fandom that tunes in to keep the ratings numbers just good enough to keep going.
It's still on????? Oh my
Hold up. Rick survived? Just got done with the Netflix stuff but I have a strong memory of him being dead like six seasons ago. Overall the last season didn't really go anywhere new. I think I missed two or three seasons here and there. Never focused enough to really understand more than the surface elements here.
Garbage lady found him and flew him away in a helicopter

What episode was this? Was there a backstory here I missed maybe skimming a season or two here and there. Is he getting a spinoff now?
Should be season 9, end of episode 5.
I had heard of a spinoff movie. Who knows.
Movie was shelved, it is now planned to be a mini-series with Rick and Michonne. AMC is such a freaking cheapskate network I can't believe they ever truly wanted to put the money needed into an actual film.

Somehow TWD franchise still has a pretty hardcore fanbase that supports crap like Fear the Walking Dead or that most recent spin-off Young Adult version show. From the sound of it, the new Tales show doesn't sound very appealing either. The planned Maggie & Negan or Darryl spinoffs sound terrible too.
I never watched the other shows except a few episodes of Fear. It was good, but so dumb that they basically sped through to the point where they were months into apocalypse. The show woulda been much better served had they spent a few seasons covering just the first week or so of the apocalypse. Oh well.
Fear got much worse after that flawed first season. It's basically the same goofiness and characters making dumb decisions due to bad writing of the original show's later seasons but without the really good source material of the graphic novels to draw from. They tried to salvage the show by moving some characters over from TWD with little improvement. I am astounded it is still on, but like I said, there is still a hardcore fandom that tunes in to keep the ratings numbers just good enough to keep going.
It's still on????? Oh my
I had to google, apparently its final season is season 8 and will start airing this coming May.
Disagree with both of those points.

Not about realism, per se, but consistency to a world the creators developed. Inconsistency and sloppiness takes away from that. Let alone the goofy cartoon villains they use to drive drama instead of focusing on bigger picture ideas of how society and individuals move forward.

And everybody having it.. doesn't really change anything, or seen illogical... If it's a consistent part of this world. When you die, you turn. So people have to take steps for that eventuality.

I mean if the goal is altruistic then surviving this thing is killing all the walkers and repopulating. The fact that the virus is sticky then it takes motivation to be a white hat beyond what is logical as the species is already extinct. This plot element was really only used in the early seasons, and they got married to it when the team went to the CDC so there's that. It wasn't a huge matter in the late seasons.
Disagree with both of those points.

Not about realism, per se, but consistency to a world the creators developed. Inconsistency and sloppiness takes away from that. Let alone the goofy cartoon villains they use to drive drama instead of focusing on bigger picture ideas of how society and individuals move forward.

And everybody having it.. doesn't really change anything, or seen illogical... If it's a consistent part of this world. When you die, you turn. So people have to take steps for that eventuality.

I mean if the goal is altruistic then surviving this thing is killing all the walkers and repopulating. The fact that the virus is sticky then it takes motivation to be a white hat beyond what is logical as the species is already extinct. This plot element was really only used in the early seasons, and they got married to it when the team went to the CDC so there's that. It wasn't a huge matter in the late seasons.

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