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OG Members Check In (1 Viewer)

didn't expect this thread to turn into this thread... nice surprise. and amazing to see the comic book origin stories and some old faces I ahven't seen in a long time- ahrn and drifter in particular.

I was at Fanball for a long time, on a similar version of the FFA where there weren't as many posters (wikkid was a friend there too). I came over here regularly for actual FF info, but only registered and stumbled into the FFA to have a place to talk about the 2006 WC.

I'm a regular in the soccer threads, music and culcha (tv/movies) and NYC threads... plus the physics astronomy thread. probably others. part timer with the 10k boys. got my first internet trolling experience in the early days of the 10k thread by scupper. and that 2006 WC thread about pablo maestroeni's red card vs italy (of course it was deserved!).

I've had my kids while here (now 15 & 11 and amazing me every day). and had way too many different jobs since then. and a fire.

have had the honor of meeting: cos and hawks (my first cornhole where they ravaged me, saying it was standard 1st time cornhole protocol), RC94, bobbylayne, gianmarco (also ravaged me.. vigorously), and nick vermeil.

you guys and gals have all literally (and I hate using that word) been my family and friends through every episode, up and down, of my life these last 2 decades- I am so thankful for you all. the constant humor, selfless support and openness through good and bad times... just an inspiration. I want to point out Nick in particular, who got me employed after the 2007/8 crash wrecked my industry (architecture). every job I've had since, I can point to a direct link with nick's involvement (still involved helping with opportunities!). thank you nick!

love you all.

except furley. and sebowski. and... well... you know who you are.
Has their job gotten easier since the closure of the PSF? I sure hope so.

It's definitely been easier for the moderators after the political forum closed. But it seems we'll be living with the sentiment forever that the moderators and how they try to do things is "nonsense" or that people hate their "machinations". I think it's likely just part of how it is. It's an odd feeling to read posts where they're glowingly positive for the most part but still make sure to get in the shot on the moderators or how the forum is not good like it used to be. I've accepted that's just how it will be.
Has their job gotten easier since the closure of the PSF? I sure hope so.

It's definitely been easier for the moderators after the political forum closed. But it seems we'll be living with the sentiment forever that the moderators and how they try to do things is "nonsense" or that people hate their "machinations". I think it's likely just part of how it is. It's an odd feeling to read posts where they're glowingly positive for the most part but still make sure to get in the shot on the moderators or how the forum is not good like it used to be. I've accepted that's just how it will be.
Honestly it was way better when it was more wild west imo. Other than protecting the shark pool people from us, I really don't get it. But hey, it's your show and legacy.
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Not OG but been around 15.5 officially, and go back to 2005 as a lurker. FBGs has been a pretty sizeable chunk of my life. 50K POSTS sheesh what kind of life is that? lol

Was a work hard, play hard New Yorker, grinding through the ranks as an accounting executive in tech. Moved here in late 1999 and the first 15 years were good to me.

Now a nonprofit executive. It's a supportive, caring environment, I work with genuine friends and not anything like the ruthless environments I survived earlier. It's satisfying work but by no means defines who I am. Personally, have maybe never been more content. Got remarried last summer and my wife is an amazing life partner. Kids are doing great. Oldest is off to a good start in his career as an engineer, has two girls who are adorable. Youngest is finishing her first year of high school and tracking toward a career in performing arts. Health is good. Wife is super health conscious and I've developed good diet and exercise routines.

I went through some awful things 2018-2020.

<blows out>

I've had a lot of turmoil in my personal life, struggled with mental health issues. I'm a combat vet with PTSD, major depression, anxiety, et al. Those comorbidities went undiagnosed for three decades.

Was always open to treatment and saw counselors for single-issue stuff: grieving, divorce, anger management. Never knew I had a mental illness bc....well, I guess that wasn't what we were looking for? I'm pretty good at masking, just never really got to the root of it. My darkness was hiding in plain site sight, so to speak.

The fantastic outcome of becoming homeless (not a euphemism) is eventually I found my way to an amazing VA medical center. There I discovered some very specific treatment that helped me get a handle on things. I spent two full years in a 5 day, 30 hours per week intensive group program which unlocked a lot of things for me. Formed great friendships and acquired a plethora of tools. Off meds and therapy now, though I would say managing my mental illness remains a daily maintenance thing and always will be.

I've had a lot of pain and mental anguish in my life. Concurrently my life has been blessed by so many caring, gracious and loving people. We had a small wedding last year (little over 100 guests) and I was overwhelmed by how many great friends were there who have stuck by me through it all. I've done some pretty janky things and in now way am deserving of the friendships and loved ones who fill up my life. We host a weekly small group and it's not unusual for a typical week to have 3-4 dinners here or at a restaurant with different friends. My wife is my ride or die, but we both love being in community with other believers.

FBGs has not been a deep, personal community for me in the same way it has for many. It really is a great place and @Joe Bryant should be proud of what he has fostered. It's been a welcome respite for me, a (mostly) safe place for me to retreat to at any hour of the day. Like when I was sleeping on trains and stumbling around NYC trying to figure out how to get my life back, this was a place I could come to and feel normal for a few moments.

These days I'm mostly back in TSP, where I started back in 2005-07 before TimDrafts sucked me into the FFA. Over the last 7-8 years my relationship with my Creator has become my everything. I find it difficult to find FBGs who are like minded, so I avoid a lot of topics. But I do appreciate that this place is full of funny, knowledgeable, incredibly talented, and most importantly, uncommonly kind people.
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Been here since 02 ish - the 1st handle SLBD harassed me into changing in the gambling thread... LOL!
Don't post a lot outside of there but enjoy the insights
54, resident of NE Ohio, divorced, only child is a son living his best life at Ohio State and climbing the amateur boxing rankings.. still waiting for the lottery thread to pay off..........
and can say Legendary Chili and Lazy Man's Pulled Pork along with a few others from the cooking and crock pot threads I still make multiple times a year, often at the request of others!
Can't remember the first time I got on this board. Age and senility. I remember Ole Yeller but I was a lurker at first. Then subscribed, then resubscribed and it shows a 2007 date now but I know I was here long before that. Started FF in 1992. Went from book guy (Charpentier) to magazine guy (FF Index nee just Fantasy Football) to internet guy (here and the Huddle). Came over here full time when the Huddle went to pay.

I've met a few FBG playing golf IRL. Met Tipsey a few times in all of his stops (luv his BBQ). Met Cecil at an Old Chicago's.

I'm semi-retired now. Still in Colorado. Happily married with two kids out of college. Love travel, golf, yoga, movies, chess, reading. Love the Amazing Race for the travel angle. And of course FF. My wife still calls it Magic Football.
Hi, cos here. Longtime reader, formerly long-winded poster.

I'm retired now at 67. So is my wife. We've been in Austin for over 15 years. I joined this site when I was in Colorado, right around 9/11.

From UHEM, I was able to make enough cash to get into a house. I'm now on my fifth house here and it is up for sale. I've done really well in real estate and it enabled me to retire early. I'm sick of the unrelenting HEAT andthe Texas politics (please don't ban me Joe, its just a reference).

I lost my sister and both parents in the last few years, so I'm the only one left in my family, except for my brother who has chosen to live out the rest of his life in Cambodia. wtf? He has a son of avg FBG age who lives in CT. Because of that, we have chosen to move to CT. I just found and am in the process of purchasing a modest home on Secret Lake in Avon/Canton CT, a block and a half from the private Lake. We love the location. Its 10 miles from my nephew. So much to do in the area and all of New England. We are considering a travel trailer and doing a lot of camping in the region. And some kind of fishing boat. We also have a in-laws in Boston and Joyce has a sister in NYC (each is 2-3 hours away.

My health is amazingly good. A1C almost normal but triglycerides are an issue. I got a new left knee 5 weeks ago and had the right on replaced 9 mos ago. Its been several decades since I've been limping around on bone on bone. Rehab has gone great and I hope to begin hiking and cycling before long, rather than daily swims. Ozempic has really been helping with my weight, but good lord its expensive.

THis place has always been very important to me and I have made numerous good friends here that I treasure. A couple of questionable bannings really made me hate the machinations of management here and I've had a really hard time returning to my former self, with the sword of Damocles seemingly always dangling above. Several times I've vowed to resume here, but they have been empty threats.
Movers are here. Gotta run. Send me a message if any of you are between NYC and Maine (and maybe Philly) itching for a cornhole.

Hope you’ll stay an Astros fan brother! Sorry to hear about the losses in your life, but really glad to hear you’re doing well and feeling well. Wish you all the best on the relocation.
Astros fans are really bad people. Not sure why you would enable this type of fandom.
Honestly it was way better when it was more wild west imo. Other than protecting the shark pool people from us, I really don't get it. But hey, it's your show and legacy.

I'm sure there are others who agree with you.

A couple of points.

1. Times change. It's not about being "woke" or PC. But the reality is the standard for what's ok changes. And that's a good thing, I think.
2. This isn't anonymous for me and the Footballguys staff. Unfair or not, many of us operate with our real names here and on the Footballguys website. It might not be fair, but the content on the forums is connected to my real life and identity. So there are limits there.

There are tons of places on the internet where folks can post anonymously just about whatever they want. For us, in our tiny little sliver of the online world, we're going to try and do it a little differently. I'm sure we've not been perfectly consistent over the years, but we've tried to do things a little differently from the very beginning.
Honestly it was way better when it was more wild west imo. Other than protecting the shark pool people from us, I really don't get it. But hey, it's your show and legacy.

I'm sure there are others who agree with you.

A couple of points.

1. Times change. It's not about being "woke" or PC. But the reality is the standard for what's ok changes. And that's a good thing, I think.
2. This isn't anonymous for me and the Footballguys staff. Unfair or not, many of us operate with our real names here and on the Footballguys website. It might not be fair, but the content on the forums is connected to my real life and identity. So there are limits there.

There are tons of places on the internet where folks can post anonymously just about whatever they want. For us, in our tiny little sliver of the online world, we're going to try and do it a little differently. I'm sure we've not been perfectly consistent over the years, but we've tried to do things a little differently from the very beginning.
That was a cheap shot by @PIK95 and I don't blame you for getting your back up because of it.

Your last statement isn't exactly true, though. The way this forum is moderated is way different than it used to be. I like the way it is now - but let's not pretend it's run the same as it was 20 years ago.
I was around for Old Yeller but have never been a prolific poster. My claim to fame on the boards is running a live scoring app for the FBG Member Content for several years.

IRL, I'm mid 50's happily married with two daughters. One has autism and will continue to live with us until both my wife and I are gone. Other daughter just graduated college and is doing well living on her own with a roommate who she's known since 1st grade. All in all, can't complain.
Your last statement isn't exactly true, though. The way this forum is moderated is way different than it used to be. I like the way it is now - but let's not pretend it's run the same as it was 20 years ago.

I don't think anyone is pretending. As I said, what is acceptable in 2023 in society is different than than what was acceptable in 2003. So the bar is different. But it's run pretty much the same way.

And to be clear, I don't see what pik95 said as a cheap shot. I think a nontrivial number of people feel the same way.
Honestly it was way better when it was more wild west imo. Other than protecting the shark pool people from us, I really don't get it. But hey, it's your show and legacy.

I'm sure there are others who agree with you.

A couple of points.

1. Times change. It's not about being "woke" or PC. But the reality is the standard for what's ok changes. And that's a good thing, I think.
2. This isn't anonymous for me and the Footballguys staff. Unfair or not, many of us operate with our real names here and on the Footballguys website. It might not be fair, but the content on the forums is connected to my real life and identity. So there are limits there.

There are tons of places on the internet where folks can post anonymously just about whatever they want. For us, in our tiny little sliver of the online world, we're going to try and do it a little differently. I'm sure we've not been perfectly consistent over the years, but we've tried to do things a little differently from the very beginning.
That was a cheap shot by @PIK95 and I don't blame you for getting your back up because of it.

Your last statement isn't exactly true, though. The way this forum is moderated is way different than it used to be. I like the way it is now - but let's not pretend it's run the same as it was 20 years ag
I am guessing it had to be. 20 years ago we were all in our 20s and 30s. Our generation was able to give each other a hard time and everyone knew it was just that and nothing more. Somewhere along the line people changed. Sarcasm and giving someone a hard time is no longer viewed as such. It is viewed as a personal attack and will be retaliated.

Are these boards different than they were 20 years ago? Yes. Are people different than they were 20 years ago? YES! Joe and FBG had no choice but to change how they were moderated otherwise these boards may no longer be here.

Sorry, back to your regularly scheduled program.
Honestly it was way better when it was more wild west imo. Other than protecting the shark pool people from us, I really don't get it. But hey, it's your show and legacy.

I'm sure there are others who agree with you.

A couple of points.

1. Times change. It's not about being "woke" or PC. But the reality is the standard for what's ok changes. And that's a good thing, I think.
2. This isn't anonymous for me and the Footballguys staff. Unfair or not, many of us operate with our real names here and on the Footballguys website. It might not be fair, but the content on the forums is connected to my real life and identity. So there are limits there.

There are tons of places on the internet where folks can post anonymously just about whatever they want. For us, in our tiny little sliver of the online world, we're going to try and do it a little differently. I'm sure we've not been perfectly consistent over the years, but we've tried to do things a little differently from the very beginning.
That was a cheap shot by @PIK95 and I don't blame you for getting your back up because of it.

Your last statement isn't exactly true, though. The way this forum is moderated is way different than it used to be. I like the way it is now - but let's not pretend it's run the same as it was 20 years ago.
It was honesty, not a cheap shot. And Joe responded with class. I see no backs up. I respect that they have their names tied to this place. I guess that explains a lot. And this place was a lot different, even like 5-7 years ago. But I get it. And I bet traffic if way down in the FFA since then. It is what it is.
Hi, cos here. Longtime reader, formerly long-winded poster.

I'm retired now at 67. So is my wife. We've been in Austin for over 15 years. I joined this site when I was in Colorado, right around 9/11.

From UHEM, I was able to make enough cash to get into a house. I'm now on my fifth house here and it is up for sale. I've done really well in real estate and it enabled me to retire early. I'm sick of the unrelenting HEAT andthe Texas politics (please don't ban me Joe, its just a reference).

I lost my sister and both parents in the last few years, so I'm the only one left in my family, except for my brother who has chosen to live out the rest of his life in Cambodia. wtf? He has a son of avg FBG age who lives in CT. Because of that, we have chosen to move to CT. I just found and am in the process of purchasing a modest home on Secret Lake in Avon/Canton CT, a block and a half from the private Lake. We love the location. Its 10 miles from my nephew. So much to do in the area and all of New England. We are considering a travel trailer and doing a lot of camping in the region. And some kind of fishing boat. We also have a in-laws in Boston and Joyce has a sister in NYC (each is 2-3 hours away.

My health is amazingly good. A1C almost normal but triglycerides are an issue. I got a new left knee 5 weeks ago and had the right on replaced 9 mos ago. Its been several decades since I've been limping around on bone on bone. Rehab has gone great and I hope to begin hiking and cycling before long, rather than daily swims. Ozempic has really been helping with my weight, but good lord its expensive.

THis place has always been very important to me and I have made numerous good friends here that I treasure. A couple of questionable bannings really made me hate the machinations of management here and I've had a really hard time returning to my former self, with the sword of Damocles seemingly always dangling above. Several times I've vowed to resume here, but they have been empty threats.
Movers are here. Gotta run. Send me a message if any of you are between NYC and Maine (and maybe Philly) itching for a cornhole.
Cos I’m sorry to hear about your family members gb.
67? I had you pegged as damn near 80 back in the Uhem days, always hilarious to answer my phone and hear “hey mexican, it’s cosjobs from the message board and i’m gonna paypal you 50 bucks to make a bet” :lmao:
I’ll be out in round rock in May, bummed as it sounds like i’ll be there after you move.
Your last statement isn't exactly true, though. The way this forum is moderated is way different than it used to be. I like the way it is now - but let's not pretend it's run the same as it was 20 years ago.

I don't think anyone is pretending. As I said, what is acceptable in 2023 in society is different than than what was acceptable in 2003. So the bar is different. But it's run pretty much the same way.

And to be clear, I don't see what pik95 said as a cheap shot. I think a nontrivial number of people feel the same way.

I wouldn't spend too much time worrying about it, Joe. I've been suspended a few times going back 20 years. Sometimes I thought it was dumb, sometimes I absolutely knew I'd get the hammer, but I thought to joke was worth it.

But un-moderated forums are a toilet and supervision isn't an excercise in perfection. Never will be.
In something that could only happen on this board and in this city, I built a house in 2015 with my wife and kids and by pure chance recognized my next door neighbor because of meeting up with him from Fbg years earlier. We used to laugh so much in the driveway about old threads.


@derek245583 got a massive promotion at work and moved across the country a few times since then. We’re still good friends. He took me to the Bengals over Chiefs AFCCG and I got to go in his suite at Arrowhead. Just hung out with him at the Hard Rock in January. Anyway, no longer neighbors. Still a Top tier Fbg.
I wouldn't spend too much time worrying about it, Joe. I've been suspended a few times going back 20 years. Sometimes I thought it was dumb, sometimes I absolutely knew I'd get the hammer, but I thought to joke was worth it.

But un-moderated forums are a toilet and supervision isn't an excercise in perfection. Never will be.

Thank you, GB. I think you're right. And I fully admit most of this kind of thing from me is whining. I want the boards to be really good and I know I take criticism of them too personally when I shouldn't. All good.
In something that could only happen on this board and in this city, I built a house in 2015 with my wife and kids and by pure chance recognized my next door neighbor because of meeting up with him from Fbg years earlier. We used to laugh so much in the driveway about old threads.


@derek245583 got a massive promotion at work and moved across the country a few times since then. We’re still good friends. He took me to the Bengals over Chiefs AFCCG and I got to go in his suite at Arrowhead. Just hung out with him at the Hard Rock in January. Anyway, no longer neighbors. Still a Top tier Fbg.
Vote Derek numbers
Your last statement isn't exactly true, though. The way this forum is moderated is way different than it used to be. I like the way it is now - but let's not pretend it's run the same as it was 20 years ago.

I don't think anyone is pretending. As I said, what is acceptable in 2023 in society is different than than what was acceptable in 2003. So the bar is different. But it's run pretty much the same way.

I'm going to speak now as small business owner to small business owner.

What would probably be helpful was if you just ignored the criticism you get about changes you've made. There are good people on these forums. There are also toxic people who want their own personal little clubhouse for their cliques and "in group" at your expense and don't care if they drive away subscribers and thus are stealing food off your children's plates.

But what will be more effective is uplifting the posters you see who bring good value to the community.

( I am excluding myself from that part of the discussion and from any future engagement on that matter. I don't require external validation. Also it would just increase the number of personal attacks I get and the number of personal attacks you get in total. But the core issue to this is most other people won't brush it off like I do, they'll just leave. )

For example,






@Ditkaless Wonders

Are some of the guys I see who are consistently high value quality posters who add positive and thoughtful discourse to the community. ( I think someone said Ditka is very ill, which is unfortunate, I wish him well and wish him good health moving forward)

You see guys doing the "right thing" and doing right by the community, then point them out. Cite them as examples to follow. Invite them into threads. Send them a free T Shirt. PM them occasionally and tell them how much you appreciate them.

Reward your good people. Punish and massacre the toxic ones. Don't ask for civility. Enforce your will when people become unreasonable. If they hate you for it? Well, apparently, they don't care enough about being civil enough to ensure your children have food on the table, so why care about what they think about you?

I've said this before, from a small business owner perspective - You can't feel bad about firing someone if their behavior indicates that they've already quit. There are people who simply quit on being civil productive elements in this community. So if they need to be "fired", that's simply confirming how much open disdain they have that you are just trying to earn a living.

But again, uplift, acknowledge and reward your best contributors. Send @Faust some of those hot sauces from @Hot Sauce Guy or something like that. You'll get more mileage that way in setting effective boundaries in the kind of tone you want for this place.
THis place has always been very important to me and I have made numerous good friends here that I treasure. A couple of questionable bannings really made me hate the machinations of management here and I've had a really hard time returning to my former self, with the sword of Damocles seemingly always dangling above. Several times I've vowed to resume here, but they have been empty threats.

I have more reason to have a bone to pick here with several current and/or former members of the FBG Staff more than anyone else. Other people's beefs don't even come close. Not by a long shot.

That being said, in any community, particularly one that mostly full of males, the slack you get cut is usually proportional to the value you bring to the table.

People who post as pure value adds to the Shark Pool and do and say things that help people win their leagues are simply going to be more likely to get more rope in general. That's not so much specific to FBG but more just basic reality to 1) the overall human condition and 2) how businesses generally work

If you and/or others want more slack, then earn it.

That's not personal.

Men in general only have two forms of real social currency

A) Loyalty

B) The value they can consistently and reliably bring to the table

I'm older than you, but your age timeline comes more in the direction of my generation compared to many of the others here. So you'll understand this when I say it. People here need to talk less about what others are not giving them and/or not doing for them. If you want something, go out and take it. If you want something, go give it to yourself first and foremost.
I've been a lurker since the old board. I looked at my profile and it says I joined in '03. Guessing I was here for a couple years before that. I swear I had a three digit number in the old forum.

My posts per year count is probably lower than some OGs posts per day - I count 16.5 posts per year.

So I didn't add anything to the conversation, but I sure was entertained. I remember sending the colonblow diaries to a co-worker years ago. Evilgrin and Arizona Ron's stories were fantastic. Good times.
There have been many thready and posts I have read that I Laughed out loud to and got a confused look from my wife. I would read the post to her and would still get the :confused: look. :shrug:
My wife doesn’t even blink an eye anymore. She often says, “where’d you hear that, Fbgs?” Or..”why don’t you ask your friends on Fbgs”. 😂😂
I learned many years ago to turn "I was on this fantasy football forum and.... " into "My friend said..." when talking to others. It makes things go so much smoother sans the awkward explanation of things while they look at you like you are deformed.
I’m gonna come clean about something. I didn’t actually pay for my three digit member number. Though that was good shtick. But Dodds gave it to me for free.

Nobody has ever paid for a member number.
Yea, but do you remember the gnashing of teeth when there was a message board change and all the OG 3 digit and lower ended up with high numbers like all the plebs.
Just found this thread.

Was here in the Old Yeller days, so more than 20 years, not exactly sure how many.

I'm 54. No kids. My wife and I have been married for 31+ years. She has been disabled since 1998, so that has been my IRL focus. I've posted about it periodically here.

I have met a few FBGs in person -- Bruce Hammond, @DA RAIDERS, and @OC Zed. Those were excellent experiences. Would like to meet more if opportunity presents.

I have posted thousands of posts in this forum, nothing close anywhere else. I really appreciate this community.

I was thinking about this post and decided I should add something.

We have been through several major spinal reconstructive surgeries for my wife. She has been through severe depression. She has suffered severe chronic pain for all of this period (20+ years). She has gone through addiction to some medication. We have been through major challenges with insurance. We have been through major challenges due to the Government's misguided opioid hysteria, which affects the medication my wife can get to help her with her pain.

I say all of this because I don't know if anyone else in this forum is going through these things. If you are, and if you think it would help to talk to someone who understands and has been through it, please send me a PM. I'm ready to help.
Your last statement isn't exactly true, though. The way this forum is moderated is way different than it used to be. I like the way it is now - but let's not pretend it's run the same as it was 20 years ago.

I don't think anyone is pretending. As I said, what is acceptable in 2023 in society is different than than what was acceptable in 2003. So the bar is different. But it's run pretty much the same way.

I'm going to speak now as small business owner to small business owner.

What would probably be helpful was if you just ignored the criticism you get about changes you've made. There are good people on these forums. There are also toxic people who want their own personal little clubhouse for their cliques and "in group" at your expense and don't care if they drive away subscribers and thus are stealing food off your children's plates.

But what will be more effective is uplifting the posters you see who bring good value to the community.

( I am excluding myself from that part of the discussion and from any future engagement on that matter. I don't require external validation. Also it would just increase the number of personal attacks I get and the number of personal attacks you get in total. But the core issue to this is most other people won't brush it off like I do, they'll just leave. )

For example,






@Ditkaless Wonders

Are some of the guys I see who are consistently high value quality posters who add positive and thoughtful discourse to the community. ( I think someone said Ditka is very ill, which is unfortunate, I wish him well and wish him good health moving forward)

You see guys doing the "right thing" and doing right by the community, then point them out. Cite them as examples to follow. Invite them into threads. Send them a free T Shirt. PM them occasionally and tell them how much you appreciate them.

Reward your good people. Punish and massacre the toxic ones. Don't ask for civility. Enforce your will when people become unreasonable. If they hate you for it? Well, apparently, they don't care enough about being civil enough to ensure your children have food on the table, so why care about what they think about you?

I've said this before, from a small business owner perspective - You can't feel bad about firing someone if their behavior indicates that they've already quit. There are people who simply quit on being civil productive elements in this community. So if they need to be "fired", that's simply confirming how much open disdain they have that you are just trying to earn a living.

But again, uplift, acknowledge and reward your best contributors. Send @Faust some of those hot sauces from @Hot Sauce Guy or something like that. You'll get more mileage that way in setting effective boundaries in the kind of tone you want for this place.

Thanks @GordonGekko I'm with you that we have a bunch of excellent folks. That list plus tons more. We should have a BBQ and Wing Cornhole and I'll get @Hot Sauce Guy to handle the wing sauce!
I don't have a lot of IRL meetups... some notables include @SofaKings @DoctorDetroit @Foosball God @Al Czervik
That was a fun meetup. Wish we had a picture from back then. I still remember meeting you before the cornhole when we discovered we were both working a floor apart at the same company. Coming down to your floor to meet you and guessing who you were while awkwardly saying Keerock in a loud whisper so people didn't think I was some weirdo. Only other FBG I know is Theflyingturtle as we've been friends since like the 2nd grade.

Personally, I can remember being on Old Yeller as early as 1999 based on the job I was doing (if my memory is working properly). Now I'll be 54 this year, still married with a son and daughter turning 22 and 20 this year. Lived the travel sports life with the kids as they grew up and loved those days. Now my son will graduate college this spring and my daughter will be half way through. My wife and I like to travel and have had enough of Michigan winters but can't quite make a move yet. Beyond traveling, I took up mountain biking and football officiating in 2021 as my "empty nester hobbies".
I don't have a lot of IRL meetups... some notables include @SofaKings @DoctorDetroit @Foosball God @Al Czervik
That was a fun meetup. Wish we had a picture from back then. I still remember meeting you before the cornhole when we discovered we were both working a floor apart at the same company. Coming down to your floor to meet you and guessing who you were while awkwardly saying Keerock in a loud whisper so people didn't think I was some weirdo. Only other FBG I know is Theflyingturtle as we've been friends since like the 2nd grade.

Personally, I can remember being on Old Yeller as early as 1999 based on the job I was doing (if my memory is working properly). Now I'll be 54 this year, still married with a son and daughter turning 22 and 20 this year. Lived the travel sports life with the kids as they grew up and loved those days. Now my son will graduate college this spring and my daughter will be half way through. My wife and I like to travel and have had enough of Michigan winters but can't quite make a move yet. Beyond traveling, I took up mountain biking and football officiating in 2021 as my "empty nester hobbies".
This has been a really enjoyable thread to read with a lot of positivity. As a wise woman once spoke at a recent graduation I attended:

"Thank the people who are kind to you. Ignore the people who are rude to you".

I like that. Very simple. Not always easy to do in practice but words to live by.
some just call this the way of the brohan so that wise woman was clearly a bromigo take that to the bank brochacho

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