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Otis fad diet thread — yoga, fasting, and kevzilla walking on🚶‍♂️ (1 Viewer)

I'm settling in on a routine at the gym.  1/2 hr cardio warm up, then some combination of chest press, flies, low row, mid row, lat pull down, shoulder press and bicep curls.  I think i need to add something for triceps in there and also figure out a leg day.  Any thoughts on how to break this out?  Push pull legs would be 

Day 1 Chest press, flies, shoulder press

Day 2 low row, mid row,  lat pull down, bicep curls, some kind of triceps 

Is there anything i should add to my push day?  Core maybe?   Or are there other push exercises I'm totally missing out on? 

I'm settling in on a routine at the gym.  1/2 hr cardio warm up, then some combination of chest press, flies, low row, mid row, lat pull down, shoulder press and bicep curls.  I think i need to add something for triceps in there and also figure out a leg day.  Any thoughts on how to break this out?  Push pull legs would be 

Day 1 Chest press, flies, shoulder press

Day 2 low row, mid row,  lat pull down, bicep curls, some kind of triceps 

Is there anything i should add to my push day?  Core maybe?   Or are there other push exercises I'm totally missing out on? 

My thoughts (consider the source):

Triceps --  I liked the dumbell overhead tricep extensions, but my favorite was the cable push downs.  You can get a crazy good burn at the end of a workout.  Also, for what it's worth, I would usually do triceps on my chest day, as they're connected, so I would move this to the end of Day 1, and keep Day 2 primarily focused on back and bis

Back -- not sure what you are using for your rows (machines can be good for this), but I very much liked bent over rows with a heavy dumbell.  One side, then the other. 

Lower body -- Otis is NOT a leg guy and never was, but the last time I was going to the gym regularly, I felt great doing squats, leg press, and deadlift.  Strengthens your legs and back, works your largest muscles, which actually helps your body to build upper body muscle too.  Just really good exercises for us as we get older.  Consider working this in two days a week.  Upper body two days, this lower body routine two days.

Your routine otherwise looks great to me

My thoughts (consider the source):

Triceps --  I liked the dumbell overhead tricep extensions, but my favorite was the cable push downs.  You can get a crazy good burn at the end of a workout.  Also, for what it's worth, I would usually do triceps on my chest day, as they're connected, so I would move this to the end of Day 1, and keep Day 2 primarily focused on back and bis

Back -- not sure what you are using for your rows (machines can be good for this), but I very much liked bent over rows with a heavy dumbell.  One side, then the other. 

Lower body -- Otis is NOT a leg guy and never was, but the last time I was going to the gym regularly, I felt great doing squats, leg press, and deadlift.  Strengthens your legs and back, works your largest muscles, which actually helps your body to build upper body muscle too.  Just really good exercises for us as we get older.  Consider working this in two days a week.  Upper body two days, this lower body routine two days.

Your routine otherwise looks great to me
That's what i was looking for - a push exercise for triceps. 

I was doing dumbell bent over rows during the pandemic but was mostly just doing pushups for chest. I'm doing machines at the gym for both now, and will probably stick to this routine for a few months at least.  

Leg day was always lower on my list because I use them so much during cardio but now that I've been injured I'm definitely re motivated.  I don't know which machines they have and will definitely stick to machines for now until I'm comfortable enough to branch out but I'm thinking some kind of hamstring, some kind of calf and some kind of quad?

I don't know if I can do 6 days a week at the gym but i can alternate between the 3 days out of every 4-5 until my kid gets tired of going there.  I probably have an hour to 75 min to get everything done if I bring my kid to their kids academy and let him do a class a couple times a week. He's been talking to a storm with me because he's excited about all the fun stuff we can do together, and that's really the main reason I'm doing this, but I'm trying to get as much out of it for myself as i can too

I'm settling in on a routine at the gym.  1/2 hr cardio warm up, then some combination of chest press, flies, low row, mid row, lat pull down, shoulder press and bicep curls.  I think i need to add something for triceps in there and also figure out a leg day.  Any thoughts on how to break this out?  Push pull legs would be 

Day 1 Chest press, flies, shoulder press

Day 2 low row, mid row,  lat pull down, bicep curls, some kind of triceps 

Is there anything i should add to my push day?  Core maybe?   Or are there other push exercises I'm totally missing out on? 
One I love is a shoulder press/squat with 1 dumb bell.   Start light.   Dumb bell is in one hand, at your shoulder. Palm out. Press it up. And then in one motion, bring back down to your shoulder, spin the dumbbell 180 degrees and squat. Extending your arm downwards. When the weight touches the ground, head back up. Repeat. Don’t bend at the waist. All squat, head up.  Switch arms. 
3 sets on each arm gives you 60 light weight squats, core work. And a nice shoulder press. 

Bfred. You can also grab a trainer and ask him to show you an exercise or two. 

and make sure you used your free onboarding session with a trainer. It’s a free  30 minute session. 

One I love is a shoulder press/squat with 1 dumb bell.   Start light.   Dumb bell is in one hand, at your shoulder. Palm out. Press it up. And then in one motion, bring back down to your shoulder, spin the dumbbell 180 degrees and squat. Extending your arm downwards. When the weight touches the ground, head back up. Repeat. Don’t bend at the waist. All squat, head up.  Switch arms. 
3 sets on each arm gives you 60 light weight squats, core work. And a nice shoulder press. 
Ok i tried to find a video of this and all the videos have you hold two dumbbells with your palms facing your ears at shoulder height, squat without moving them, then when you return to standing, press the dumbbells up and turn your palms forward at the top.  

You're saying just one dumbbell, and on your way down, drop your palm from shoulder height, to straight out, to knuckles down/ palm facing back at the bottom of the squat, then return to standing with the dumbbell at shoulder height, then press it up at the top. 

Am i understanding that right?  And would you do that in lieu of doing shoulders on push day?  Or incorporate it into push day? 

Ok i tried to find a video of this and all the videos have you hold two dumbbells with your palms facing your ears at shoulder height, squat without moving them, then when you return to standing, press the dumbbells up and turn your palms forward at the top.  

You're saying just one dumbbell, and on your way down, drop your palm from shoulder height, to straight out, to knuckles down/ palm facing back at the bottom of the squat, then return to standing with the dumbbell at shoulder height, then press it up at the top. 

Am i understanding that right?  And would you do that in lieu of doing shoulders on push day?  Or incorporate it into push day? 
Yea. I wasn’t sure that would come across right.  😂

dumbell is always up against your body.  You’re doing a normal shoulder press.  At the down point of the press you’re switching the dumbell around so that you can press/lower it to the ground.  As soon as it touches the ground. Right back up to your shoulder and then press it up again.  Never bending at the waist squats only. 

I started with pull yesterday and added the triceps cable pulldowns (thanks @Otis). I did biceps last and did barbell curls.  Felt awesome grabbing a light weight in front of all the gym bros. 🏋️

I realized I was using too much weight on my back/lat exercises, and was leaning my body weight to get more leverage.  When i lowered the weight on the lat pull down it was really noticeable. I've got pretty decent form on the dumbell rows i was doing at home but I'm still figuring out the machines. 

30-40 minutes of treadmill, 30-40 minutes of weights for 3 sets each of 5 exercises with ~2 min rest between sets.  This won't work forever but I'll keep it up as long as i can.  

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Oh hey there...  well I've been crazy busy but haven't been actually exercising.  We had an offer on a house accepted Monday night and I've spent the last few days doing a few minor things and cleaning our existing house so it could be listed today.  Gotten over 10k steps several days in a row just from activity.  I also haven't really been eating due to stress.  Win/win.  

Keep up the good work!

I started with pull yesterday and added the triceps cable pulldowns
Tonight i discovered why "PPL" stands for  "Push Pull Legs" and not "Pull Push Legs".  My triceps are still sore from yesterday and when I got to my third set of chest press i could barely lower the weight. If i were using free weights it would actually have been dangerous. Will wait and do a Push day later. 

Had a good run though, and could have gone longer if i wasn't still playing it safe getting my legs back. 

The scale says I gained two pounds this week. There was an unauthorized burger and chips and drinks associated with the Obi-Wan finale. If I'm a little off on diet and a little off on my medication, I can gain two pounds of water that won't come off in 36 hours. On a positive note, I got my walk in every morning this week, despite living in a convection microwave.

This thing on? <tap, tap>

I probably wasn't the only one for whom this was a lost week. And with the long weekend, next week may experience turbulence. Yet the scale says I lost 1.7 pounds this week, so let's hear it for the stress of doing two people's jobs at month-end!

Jumping back in here.  Been off the rails for a bit, ok a long while.  Lol

Need to work on some stuff: weight, blood sugar, diet, etc.  Not specifically going on a “diet” but going to try a focus on altering my ways and eat a little better and less.  Hopped on the exercise bike last night.

Figure the above will help with both blood sugars and blood pressure (BP isn’t bad but could be better).  Not trying to make huge changes, or a lot of changes, all at once.  Initially just working on amending some bad habits to start and then work from there.

Starting numbers (6/30-7/1):

Weight: 330 (6/30 & 7/1)

Glucose: 153 (7/1)

BP: 139/66 (6/30)

HR: 60 (6/30)

O2: 95 (7/2)

Usually take my BP in the evening, blood sugar readings in the am before I eat, weight in the morning.  Heart rate shows on the BP machine.  I have a finger tip O2 sensor.

Did 30 minutes on the exercise bike last night (7/1).

Guess I’ll try to post weekly to keep track and establish some accountability to somebody other than myself.  Lol

Wish me luck.  

Many miles. Many beers.

gotta shoot the lock off the wallet and rejoin the gym. I desperately need my yoga and my sauna. 

someone call me out if I don’t post within a week saying I’m back in the gym. It’s soooooo good for me, and yet, here I am.  🧐

Oh hi there. 

Been getting s few workouts in but drinking too much and eating all the food. 

We are in the middle of packing as we bought and sold houses in the last couple of weeks. Dealing with all that stuff has been kicking up my stress, which has kicked up my drinking also. 

Keep up the good work!

Many miles. Many beers.

gotta shoot the lock off the wallet and rejoin the gym. I desperately need my yoga and my sauna. 

someone call me out if I don’t post within a week saying I’m back in the gym. It’s soooooo good for me, and yet, here I am.  🧐
I have been going so much and i feel great.  Did a yoga class this morning, running and weights yesterday, added some leg exercises to my push/pull/ legs routine, my skin feels great and i think the steam room helps, and my kid is getting my money's worth.  Oh and being around so many fit women wearing next to nothing makes me think holy #### i need to get back in shape. 

I'm dusting off the yoga mat at home so i can do better in my classes because my yoga teacher has taken an interest in me as a project and I kind of want to be her success story.  I've done a couple of her hot yoga classes and they're a lot tougher than Adriene. She suggested i try one of those alpha weights classes so i may try that this week to see if I'm missing anything. 

I'm not saying it's worth it for everyone but now that I'm paying for it I'm determined to get the most out of it that i can.

Tuesday rest day.  Ran a couple good miles yesterday, no lifting. Ran one better mile today and did push (chest press/pec fly/ shoulder press/bicep curls).  Will do Pull Friday or this weekend,  and hopefully do 2 miles running non stop.  Will try to do a yoga class too. Eating better but not perfect and not really tracking. Will need to get back to that but I'm doing one thing at a time

First week:

Date:        Weight:          BP:                Glucose:     

7/1            330                133/65          153  

7/8            329.8             134/65          138   

2 hours exercise (Four 30-minute sessions on the recumbent bike) on the week.

The scale says I lost another 1.3 pounds this week. My goal of a new low before my birthday is still possible, but unlikely. I am also moving my "official" weigh-in to Friday next week, due to an 8 AM doctor appointment. Then next Saturday is my birthday and all bets are off  ;)

kevzilla said:
Then next Saturday is my birthday and all bets are off  ;)

That's pretty standard.  Celebrate your birthday and don't worry about the scale or diet or anything.  When the celebration ends, even if it takes a week (like me), get back on the horse... although you might want to delay getting back on the scale for a bit  :lol:  

I have been going so much and i feel great.  Did a yoga class this morning, running and weights yesterday, added some leg exercises to my push/pull/ legs routine, my skin feels great and i think the steam room helps, and my kid is getting my money's worth.  Oh and being around so many fit women wearing next to nothing makes me think holy #### i need to get back in shape. 

I'm dusting off the yoga mat at home so i can do better in my classes because my yoga teacher has taken an interest in me as a project and I kind of want to be her success story.  I've done a couple of her hot yoga classes and they're a lot tougher than Adriene. She suggested i try one of those alpha weights classes so i may try that this week to see if I'm missing anything. 

I'm not saying it's worth it for everyone but now that I'm paying for it I'm determined to get the most out of it that i can.
i never tried any of the alpha classes.  they seemed a bit too, well, alpha.  and i'm a moron.  i felt i would hurt myself, so i abstained.  going the personal trainer route was safer and much more expensive :lmao:  

Tuesday rest day.  Ran a couple good miles yesterday, no lifting. Ran one better mile today and did push (chest press/pec fly/ shoulder press/bicep curls).  Will do Pull Friday or this weekend,  and hopefully do 2 miles running non stop.  Will try to do a yoga class too. Eating better but not perfect and not really tracking. Will need to get back to that but I'm doing one thing at a time
I took a rest day Friday.  Legs felt burnt. Yesterday was about 4 hours of bringing my kid on a play date with a couple friends who are also on the autism spectrum. They've done stuff together before but this was the first time we've gotten a group play date like this and it was a total success but I had nothing left in the tank for the gym. 

Ran a couple miles and did my pull day today. Feel good and expect to be back at the gym tomorrow.  

I was feeling lazy taking back to back rest days.  But I'm making good progress and my activity level is about what i can handle right now. Doing good stuff with my kid, with my job and with my health.  It's easy to lose perspective. 

Oh, hi there.

I've been keeping up somewhat regular exercise, and packing/cleaning on weekend days has me easily getting 10k steps.  However I've been basically eating whatever I want and drinking all the booze.  Probably even gained a few lbs.  I will say starting this adventure being in decent shape has made all the work easier, so that's a positive.  

Sometime in late August after we're settled at the new house maybe I'll make a good effort again to limit calories and booze.

Keep up the good work!

I never thought I would say this but... i started watching a bunch of videos by an influencer named Thomas DeLauer on YouTube.  His main subjects are eating clean Keto and intermittent fasting.  I have been getting into Keto recently and have been giving it a shot.  So far I like it.

He has this version of Keto he calls Mediterranean Keto and that's pretty much what I have been attempting.  I'm even doing the whole Apple Cider Vinegar thing.

I had pretty much been stuck in a diet / exercise rut for about 5 years and just wasn't making any progress.  This is the fisrt time I have noticed any legit movement in my weight.  It's only about 5-10 lbs. but that seems like a lot to me when I have been stuck at the same weight for years.

I've learned a lot about what types of meats to buy.  What eggs are best.  How to read food labels.  It has been interesting.  Like any plan, not sure if I will be able to stick with it but so far it has been going pretty well for 3-4 weeks.  I even stopped drinking beer and wine... and whenever I drink now I always go for vodka and seltzer of some kind.  No carbs, no sugar... but still alcohol so it is still troublesome as with any diet plan, but seems like i can get back on track faster after.

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I took a rest day Friday.  Legs felt burnt. Yesterday was about 4 hours of bringing my kid on a play date with a couple friends who are also on the autism spectrum. They've done stuff together before but this was the first time we've gotten a group play date like this and it was a total success but I had nothing left in the tank for the gym. 

Ran a couple miles and did my pull day today. Feel good and expect to be back at the gym tomorrow.  

I was feeling lazy taking back to back rest days.  But I'm making good progress and my activity level is about what i can handle right now. Doing good stuff with my kid, with my job and with my health.  It's easy to lose perspective. 
Since this- six days of running, and I'm back to 25 minutes as my long run and 15+ for my shorter runs.  Should be back to daily 5ks soon... will try 27:30 and 30:00 as my long runs and then start adding back speed work. 

Four good days of lifting (two push, two pull).  I'm not doing an explicit leg day but I've started adding in calves and hamstrings and will continue to add legs and core.  

I'd brag about my kid but nobody really cares. Could complain about the things that aren't going as well but I'm making the best of it. I know it's quiet in here and people are probably back in the post covid world eating too much and not exercising as much but let's post our accomplishments and see if we can build off each other's successes.  

Since this- six days of running, and I'm back to 25 minutes as my long run and 15+ for my shorter runs.  Should be back to daily 5ks soon... will try 27:30 and 30:00 as my long runs and then start adding back speed work. 

Four good days of lifting (two push, two pull).  I'm not doing an explicit leg day but I've started adding in calves and hamstrings and will continue to add legs and core.  

I'd brag about my kid but nobody really cares. Could complain about the things that aren't going as well but I'm making the best of it. I know it's quiet in here and people are probably back in the post covid world eating too much and not exercising as much but let's post our accomplishments and see if we can build off each other's successes.  
On the contrary... brag away.

Forgot to post this weekend. The scale said I gained 2.4 pounds, but I gave myself a one-week exemption from giving a #### because of my birthday. Friday's lab work is back and my doc is happy. Back to my routine.

Got a couple of weeks of the metabolic training under my belt. Did my first four workout week and first back to back days workout last week. 

I’m not the worst in any class, though I’m probably the worst male about half the time. But everyone is encouraging, and I’m not sure what more I could expect as a fifty year old fat guy.

The workouts aren’t blasting fat as much as I like, but they are shredding my shoulders and upper back. Can also see a bit of difference in my arms and quads. And the man boobs are slowly looking more pec-like. 

Yep. Should not have sat at the bar last night with my buddy, devouring chips while we got drinks and brainstormed ways to make money off our fellow boomers as we age. The intermediate step is a bit fuzzy, but I've gained six pounds the last two weeks according to the scale. May have to go full Bale Atkins.

kevzilla said:
Yep. Should not have sat at the bar last night with my buddy, devouring chips while we got drinks and brainstormed ways to make money off our fellow boomers as we age. The intermediate step is a bit fuzzy, but I've gained six pounds the last two weeks according to the scale. May have to go full Bale Atkins.
I love those conversations. My roommate and I were zooted eating Chinese food and had the epiphany that they don't make any kind of Rangoon except crab. That's pretty specific.  I don't even like crab. We decided then and there to become Rangoon tycoons, and make all different flavors of fried cream cheese fillings. That was twenty years ago.  I don't think it's going to happen at this point.  But it was a hilarious conversation. And i also gained about 6 pounds that night.

First week:

Date:        Weight:          BP:                Glucose:     

7/1            330                133/65          153  

7/8            329.8             134/65          138   

2 hours exercise (Four 30-minute sessions on the recumbent bike) on the week.
7/23 Stats:
weight: 328#

BP: 135/67

glucose 132

Average Blood sugar has dropped from a 90-day average of 142 to 138 over the last 30 days and 134 over the last 7 days.  I’m pleased with that.

Have gotten in ten 30-minute sessions on the recumbent bike this month.  I want to start stretching I’m out to 45-60 minutes.

Blood pressure has been fairly stable.  Hoping more exercise lowers it some.

Weight is dropping very slowly, 2# so far this month.  Trying not to focus on it.  Just trying to build better habits.


I've been careful with my recovery from my hamstring injury building my base back up from run/walking a mile to longer and more frequent jogs.  Just finished a 28 minute "long run" for the week at 5.1mph which would have been a little short of my normal 5k at 6mph two years ago and way short of the 7 miles i was doing a few times a week a year ago.  But I'm back to jogging about 5x per week and once i get past the 30 minute mark i should be able to mix in some speed work while i gradually increase my distance.  

Have continued lifting push/pull/legs about 3-4 times a week and my kid is making friends at the kid's academy which is the reason I started coming here in the first place. 

I need to get the diet back together for a while and cut the booze out. Might make a 3 month run here if anyone is interested in joining me?

In about three months, I've dropped twenty pounds and went from a BMI of 29.2 to 26.3...   This is still considered "overweight" by BMI standards but I probably have too muscular a frame to get under 25.  That said...  I can still lose another 3-4 pounds while improving muscle tone and flexibility.

Getting over the hump required staying clear of injury and getting my mind in the right place.  Plenty of exercise, some intense, in the summer with yard work, long hikes and cycling, with rides of 25-30 miles and sometimes 40+.  Eating clean and eating less.  Not really avoiding anything but highly processed foods; lots of fruit and vegetables; moderate meat, eggs, nuts, cheese, almond milk... an overall focus on eating for nutritional value.   Eating less is a behavioral thing.  I could eat more.  I just stop when satiated.

Eliminated beer early in favor of wine and whiskey.  However, I've actually found myself seldom drinking now and will settle for a single glass... and maybe just once a week.   I realize this isn't for everyone but, after drinking for about 45 years this is a good change.

I would say the key is getting the right frame of mind to get into a groove and stay there.  Not hard but not easy either.

I'm settling in on a routine at the gym.  1/2 hr cardio warm up, then some combination of chest press, flies, low row, mid row, lat pull down, shoulder press and bicep curls.  I think i need to add something for triceps in there and also figure out a leg day.  Any thoughts on how to break this out?  Push pull legs would be 

Day 1 Chest press, flies, shoulder press

Day 2 low row, mid row,  lat pull down, bicep curls, some kind of triceps 

Is there anything i should add to my push day?  Core maybe?   Or are there other push exercises I'm totally missing out on? 
Cable push down, but use the ropes, you can flex your triceps completely. lower weight. Burn, burn burn. 

Started 7/1/22

Date: Weight: BP: Glucose:

7/1 330 133/65 153

July Numbers:

August numbers are slightly lower so far, even after a bad weekend.
Hopefully this thread survives the migration.

I’m still kind of in neutral - been more active but my diet has been poor. I need to drop 20-25 by first week of November for my next backpacking trip.


Cleaned diet up considerably since this post. Ramped up my hiking too so finally in a good groove. Down around 8 pounds in 3 weeks. Hoping for another 10-15 before November.

- intermittent fasting daily
- low-ish carbs
- no beer save a couple of occasions; limit whiskey

- LOTS of stretching and core work
- hiking with weighted backpack
- walking
- some weights and body weight exercises

- lots of water
- lots of sleep
- I never felt like I have much stress but trying to work on what little I do have

Had a physical and blood work recently. All came back good. A1C was a little higher than I’d like (5.4), glucose 89, BP was like 117/78, total cholesterol 177, HDL 55, triglycerides 77, PSA was I think 0.66.

So, all good news for now.


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