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Otis fad diet thread — yoga, fasting, and kevzilla walking on🚶‍♂️ (2 Viewers)

I am fantastic about eating/drinking 21 hours a day.  And somehow between 5-6 to 8-9 pm I just blow it these days.

I'm not looking for advice.  I know what to do.  Just venting, and posting since there were thoughts we hadn't had enough posts.  :)  

Are you thinking full spud thing like Otis did or just whether you could work them into the regular diet?  No reason you couldn't do the latter.  bfred will be by with more.
Don't think I could ever do the full spud thing and Otis has evolved.  For the most part I'm not eating starches and carbs.  But I did enjoy the baked potato and salsa.  

I am fantastic about eating/drinking 21 hours a day.  And somehow between 5-6 to 8-9 pm I just blow it these days.

I'm not looking for advice.  I know what to do.  Just venting, and posting since there were thoughts we hadn't had enough posts.  :)  
Mine is after 8.  Trying to limit myself to a healthy choice fudge bar, water and if I get any more urges I'll chew gum.  At the start I'd get a scoop of peanut butter or something but controlling those cravings now.  

Don't think I could ever do the full spud thing and Otis has evolved.  For the most part I'm not eating starches and carbs.  But I did enjoy the baked potato and salsa.  
When I lost quite a bit I was doing WW, and nothing was off limits.  A medium baked potato counted for about 1/6 of my daily points, so definitely doable if I kept other stuff low.

I am fantastic about eating/drinking 21 hours a day.  And somehow between 5-6 to 8-9 pm I just blow it these days.

I'm not looking for advice.  I know what to do.  Just venting, and posting since there were thoughts we hadn't had enough posts.  :)  
Well you're not alone.  Since I stopped drinking during the weekdays, I don't think there has been a single day where I refrained from snacking at night (for me it's usually after 10 pm).  It's usually a piece of chocolate (or 3).  Sometimes ice cream.  We have apple crisp right now so occasionally I'll throw that in with the ice cream.  MFP says that I have the calories to do it but it still feels wrong.  But it's also not something I'm ready to give up.  

I am fantastic about eating/drinking 21 hours a day.  And somehow between 5-6 to 8-9 pm I just blow it these days.

I'm not looking for advice.  I know what to do.  Just venting, and posting since there were thoughts we hadn't had enough posts.  :)  
This is not advice, but this is why I just give up booze when I'm dieting. It sucks but Sober Fred knows how to not drink, Sober Fred knows how to not eat, Buzzed Fred knows how to not eat, Buzzed Fred does not want to stop drinking, and Drunk Fred knows to stop drinking, but Drunk Fred does not want to stop eating. It's pretty clear where this is going the moment my cheeks get rosy, and it is not to some mythical leftover apple crisp from yesterday. 

I am fantastic about eating/drinking 21 hours a day.  And somehow between 5-6 to 8-9 pm I just blow it these days.

I'm not looking for advice.  I know what to do.  Just venting, and posting since there were thoughts we hadn't had enough posts.  :)  
I place a fruit bowl on the middle of the large island in our kitchen.  If after dinner I feel like I just have to have something I will drink some water and grab an apple.  I don’t even go to the pantry.

But I guess it’s all about balancing.  If I can quit drinking during the week and stay within my daily sodium input, I can justify compensating with a little extra sweets (especially since I don’t currently have a high glucose issue).  Small changes at a time.

Just cooked myself 2 servings of some wild caught salmon seasoned with freshly squeezed lemon juice, italian seasoning, chili powder and paprika and dipped it in some HGS hot sauce (which in hindsight I didn't even need).  So damn delicious and only 280 calories and 260 mg of sodium.  I was never that into fish (other than shellfish) but I think I'm going to start getting into it.  My turn to cook dinner tonight so I can control what goes in it.  I'm also planning a 45 minute body combat tonight.  Ice cream and apple crisp are in my future tonight!

I don’t read that thread but saw Otis as the last poster in it earlier this morning.  Has even Otis abandoned his own thread?
Maybe this is the workout thread and the other is the calorie counting thread. I actually think that other thread should be for a series of 4-6 week weight loss challenges for those like me who need a short term tangible goal.  this is more the long-term working out thread but not necessarily saying I want to lose 10 pounds by x. 

Anyone ever hear of/use Levels? It's a glucose monitor app that helps you understand what you eat does to your body in real time. My sis got me a giftcard for Christmas. Excited to use it.

My sister and her friends have been using it a while at it gamifies your food choices. She's hooked and feels it is an accountability tool that influences what she chooses to eat.

Waiting for my health screen to get started. 

Would enjoy hearing more after you try it out

Been using Levels for a bit and I think it's really cool product!  I've tried a bunch of wearable technology from Fitbits, to Garmin watches, to the thing you clipped to your shirt that would buzz if you slouched in your seat (it sucked), and this is the coolest thing I've used yet.  You have the glucose monitor pod on your arm and you scan it with your phone.  Instant feedback on your blood glucose and how it reacts to your food choices.

A lot of it is very obvious -- glucose spiked when I ate a bunch of mini reeses the other night, but I have also learned some neat stuff about how my body reacts -- bananas makes glucose spike, Cliff Bar = no bueno but RxBar or PerfectBar no glucose spike.  Pizza will screw your blood glucose up with it going up/down for a while, however if you exercise a little bit after it will go down and stabilize.

The app gives you a daily "metabolic score." The higher the score the better job you've done preventing big spikes outside of the optimal zone.  The scoring thing is cool because it makes me think twice about my food choices (most of the time).  I was the kid that got all A's if my mom was on top of me making sure I did homework and studied.  If someone wasn't checking up, I wouldn't do the work and would get C's.  Eventually I figured it out, but those habits are similar with my food choices.  This is a way of doing a self check rather than my wife nagging me about what I eat.

It doesn't do anything with calories.  I ate a plate of bacon and my glucose didn't move.  But I think it's a good way to test what works for you and get instant feedback.

Been using Levels for a bit and I think it's really cool product!  I've tried a bunch of wearable technology from Fitbits, to Garmin watches, to the thing you clipped to your shirt that would buzz if you slouched in your seat (it sucked), and this is the coolest thing I've used yet.  You have the glucose monitor pod on your arm and you scan it with your phone.  Instant feedback on your blood glucose and how it reacts to your food choices.

A lot of it is very obvious -- glucose spiked when I ate a bunch of mini reeses the other night, but I have also learned some neat stuff about how my body reacts -- bananas makes glucose spike, Cliff Bar = no bueno but RxBar or PerfectBar no glucose spike.  Pizza will screw your blood glucose up with it going up/down for a while, however if you exercise a little bit after it will go down and stabilize.

The app gives you a daily "metabolic score." The higher the score the better job you've done preventing big spikes outside of the optimal zone.  The scoring thing is cool because it makes me think twice about my food choices (most of the time).  I was the kid that got all A's if my mom was on top of me making sure I did homework and studied.  If someone wasn't checking up, I wouldn't do the work and would get C's.  Eventually I figured it out, but those habits are similar with my food choices.  This is a way of doing a self check rather than my wife nagging me about what I eat.

It doesn't do anything with calories.  I ate a plate of bacon and my glucose didn't move.  But I think it's a good way to test what works for you and get instant feedback.
This sounds super-interesting.  Thanks for the report.

I didn't understand the exercising "after" pizza part, though.  With pizza, there is no "after" for me...there's just more pizza.  :)

Been walking my ### off this week, literally.  Over 11k steps everyday.  Staying under my calories on MFP (eating my exercise calories) and still off the booze.  

Today I weighed in at 199.6.  Less than one pound from my pre-holiday lowest weight.  

Staying off the booze is getting to be routine now.  Even weekends haven't been too hard.  

Adriene "Breath" series continues to be a slog sometimes.  Today was a 16-minute practice with one downward-dog and a bunch of self-massage (HEY-O) and breathing.
I don't think I could handle this. You are stronger than me. I love yoga and love a good long Savasana, but the core concepts need to have strength and flexibility or I lose focus and motivation. 

I don't think I could handle this. You are stronger than me. I love yoga and love a good long Savasana, but the core concepts need to have strength and flexibility or I lose focus and motivation. 
It’s been tough for me.  The quiet, still parts are always my nemesis.  Today’s was a bit better with a fast flow in the middle, but it started with four minutes of breathing.  It’s a struggle not to fast forward!

I've walked the same route four times, and the app shows 2.83, 2.8, 2.71 and 2.73 miles. Don't know where I lost a tenth yesterday and today, that's 176 yards. Ripped along at a 19:02 pace today.

Tried to slow down today, still went around at a 19:19 pace. I am 9% short of my exercise goal for the week. Since I was rained out Tuesday, I consider that good work. The scale says I lost 0.9 pounds this week. The migas are calling my name.

My wife found this and wanted to do it together, we started Jan 4. Hardest thing so far is actually eating enough, it's a combo of whole foods only, IIFYM, and IF. I've lost 19.2 pounds in 19 days. Took a couple weeks before I actually wanted to exercise, but the rowing machine + audio books has been a phenomenal combination. Between the rowing machine and a bike I'm covered for indoor/outdoor cardio, and I have this ordered, it's supposed to show up next week for the gainz. 

I'm optimistic about this sticking for the first time in a while. 

home.  no more skiing.   :cry:   for now.   :pickle:

gonna have to exercise, on purpose, again.   :sadbanana:

definitely going to eat super clean and quasi vegetarian.  lots an lots of fresh, local meat was consumed in WY.  so good!  

we brought some blue cheese, black pepper, bison sausages home.   :bag:  

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If you're enjoying the power poses, you find plenty of those in today's Breath practice, called "Explore."  Various warriors, lunges, chair pose, etc.  Nothing new, but good for some of those bits.

I’m still here!  Just nothing interesting going on.  Doing the yoga and 4+ miles daily.  Today’s yoga is “Strength” so should be a good one.
Going to try both of these this weekend.

I've been doing a lot of her core routines during the week and didn't realize how many she has. Some day I'd like to have a post where we could each update the routines we've done and which ones were good and why but for now I'm just going from memory or doing a YouTube search for yoga adriene core or yoga adriene day 6 or whatever 

Going to try both of these this weekend.

I've been doing a lot of her core routines during the week and didn't realize how many she has. Some day I'd like to have a post where we could each update the routines we've done and which ones were good and why but for now I'm just going from memory or doing a YouTube search for yoga adriene core or yoga adriene day 6 or whatever 
I'd like this, too.  I've done a terrible job of noting which ones I want to come back to.

home.  no more skiing.   :cry:   for now.   :pickle:

gonna have to exercise, on purpose, again.   :sadbanana:

definitely going to eat super clean and quasi vegetarian.  lots an lots of fresh, local meat was consumed in WY.  so good!  

we brought some blue cheese, black pepper, bison sausages home.   :bag:  
You still doing pushups?  I’m 300 behind :lol:  but plan to catch up today.  

krista4 said:
I'd like this, too.  I've done a terrible job of noting which ones I want to come back to.
Yoga Breath - Day 17 Explore - 33 minutes, but a lot of it is focused on breathing and getting the most out of poses.  Starting with cat cow and then doing those alternate leg/arm points... but switch it to fire hydrants. Move to lunges and warriors, but getting the most out of your thighs. Doing twists, focus on getting the fingers higher. Some sun salutations and planks to chatarangas and down dogs and a little core with a long shivasana at the end. Or whatever you call it when you just lie down and breathe. 

Yoga Breath - Day 19 Strength - 22 minutes, some squats and one leg balance posts. Most of the arm exercises are just holding your arms out behind you for an extended time but there are some press ups as well. Finish with a core exercise that's a situp/twist. Good quick strengthener. 

Yoga core strength ritual - 22 minutes, all core. Crunches in regular pose, cobblers pose and twist for your obliques. Elbow to knee. Forearm planks and side planks. This is a good tough core workout. 

Deep core total body yoga - 23 minutes and it is all action. Start with bridges, static holds, yoga bicycles and end with mountain climbers, but theres some down dogs and chatarangas and planks and warrior 2s and triangles and how is this onky 23 minutes oh because there's zero rest. 

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Did @Otis get another timeout? Or we just getting fat again?

Hit the peloton tonight, think it’s time to right the ship. 

ETA: oh I see I missed the memo on the thread change. 
Everyone has migrated to Fred’s thread about not being fat, and really how many threads do we need about not being fat.  Let’s just not be fat.


220 by 2/20 

It’s on 

This thread is better. :shrug:
I believe in loyalty.

I have good and bad in my update.  Yesterday was a travel day, and I didn’t find the time for my whole four miles, but I did make up the shortage today.  Also, I did yoga today despite staying in a rental house that has only hardwood floors.  I piled a bunch of towels up, which wasn’t ideal but got it done.

On the downside, the rest of my day has been pizza and mimosas for lunch, First Snack (more pizza, more mimosa), and Second Snack (ongoing, but has involved cheese, sausages, grapes and wine).  Dinner will be some combo of the above.  Third Snack will probably be cookies and port.

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On the downside, the rest of my day has been pizza and mimosas for lunch, First Snack (more pizza, more mimosa), and Second Snack (ongoing, but has involved cheese, sausages, grapes and wine).  Dinner will be some combo of the above.  Third Snack will probably be cookies and port.
What's the downside?  ;)  

Everyone needs a good cheat day sometimes - that's how you do a cheat day :thumbup:

What's the downside?  ;)  

Everyone needs a good cheat day sometimes - that's how you do a cheat day :thumbup:
:lol:   Thanks.  This is a little mini-vacation I’m taking on the Oregon coast, and when I get back I’ll hunker down again starting Wednesday.  At least I’m keeping up on the exercise and yoga.   :)  

Yoga Breath - Day 17 Explore - 33 minutes, but a lot of it is focused on breathing and getting the most out of poses.  Starting with cat cow and then doing those alternate leg/arm points... but switch it to fire hydrants. Move to lunges and warriors, but getting the most out of your thighs. Doing twists, focus on getting the fingers higher. Some sun salutations and planks to chatarangas and down dogs and a little core with a long shivasana at the end. Or whatever you call it when you just lie down and breathe. 

Yoga Breath - Day 19 Strength - 22 minutes, some squats and one leg balance posts. Most of the arm exercises are just holding your arms out behind you for an extended time but there are some press ups as well. Finish with a core exercise that's a situp/twist. Good quick strengthener. 

Yoga core strength ritual - 22 minutes, all core. Crunches in regular pose, cobblers pose and twist for your obliques. Elbow to knee. Forearm planks and side planks. This is a good tough core workout. 

Deep core total body yoga - 23 minutes and it is all action. Start with bridges, static holds, yoga bicycles and end with mountain climbers, but theres some down dogs and chatarangas and planks and warrior 2s and triangles and how is this onky 23 minutes oh because there's zero rest. 
Did these this weekend, will update as I do more and if @krista4or anyone else wants to add anything to the list that's worth doing then I'll update the original post and occasionally quote it so people can click back to it.  

Did these this weekend, will update as I do more and if @krista4or anyone else wants to add anything to the list that's worth doing then I'll update the original post and occasionally quote it so people can click back to it.  
You're doing the lord's work with this list.  I'll try to add to it, though it will likely be next weekend at earliest before I get to it.

Still plugging along. Pushups going well (increased my reps twice already). Diet going great. Avoiding excessive alcohol going ok-ish (its Nugget Nectar season here). It sure "feels" like Ive lost more than 5 lbs since I started. One week left to meet my goal.

1/4 - 171.3 lbs

1/11 - 168.2 lbs

1/18 - 167.4 lbs

1/25 - 166,6 lbs


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