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Recently viewed movie thread - Rental Edition (3 Viewers)

Speaking of great movies, it was about a week and a half too late, but I got around to my summer viewing of Jaws last night.   That movie gets better and better each year and climbs higher and higher on my all-time chart each time I watch it.    Don't think it's ever going to overtake Back to the Future ( Hi, @wikkidpissah ), but it's getting closer.  

Speaking of great movies, it was about a week and a half too late, but I got around to my summer viewing of Jaws last night.   That movie gets better and better each year and climbs higher and higher on my all-time chart each time I watch it.    Don't think it's ever going to overtake Back to the Future ( Hi, @wikkidpissah ), but it's getting closer.  
Jaws is the best example of a film being much better than the book. 

The music at the end when the dorsal fins descends into the underwater blood cloud is epic.

Speaking of great movies, it was about a week and a half too late, but I got around to my summer viewing of Jaws last night.   That movie gets better and better each year and climbs higher and higher on my all-time chart each time I watch it.    
And i'm going to agree with you every summer...best thriller ever.  Thanks for the reminder to rewatch.

Uruk-Hai said:
I read the book in jail. I had already seen the movie. 

I agree that the film is miles better, but the book was kind of a lifeline for me. I'll never read it again, though. Even then, I knew it wasn't good.
Jail is a great place to catch up on your reading.


Just saw this today - it probably won't be in any theaters much longer except the discount dives.  While I'm not a huge fan of the "Horror" genre, I was persuaded to see this by the high critic score on Rotten Tomatoes and the good rating on imdb.  Let me help you avoid making the same mistake; DO NOT SEE THIS MOVIE!  It was slow paced, but seemed to be building up to something.  The last 15 minutes were the most ridiculous I've ever seen, even worse than Mother!  When I got home, I looked a little deeper at the imdb user reviews. While there were a number of pretentious Kool-Aid drinkers giving it 9 or 10 stars, the most frequent rating (from the normal people) was 1 star.  Believe them, because these are 2+ hours you can't get back...

Uruk-Hai said:
I read the book in jail. I had already seen the movie. 

I agree that the film is miles better, but the book was kind of a lifeline for me. I'll never read it again, though. Even then, I knew it wasn't good.

Please tell the story.  

Killed a guy in a bar fight?  Third time DUI?  Multiple public sex violations?

Being John Malkovich was on cable today.

I never understood the high praise for this piece of crap. Not funny, tries too hard to be odd, unlikable characters and the ending just can't come soon enough. One of my least favorite films.
I'm pretty sure we consistently like and dislike the opposite movies. This one fo sho. Loved it.

I, Tonya was pretty good. Maybe a little better than expected. We were into the whole drama while it happened but I didn't know a lot of the behind the scenes things that went on. Margot Robbie was really good in it although they probably should have had someone else play Tonya at 15. I didn't like the guy that played Gillooly's fat friend. Worth checking out. I'll give it a generous 3/5

"Won't You Be My Neighbor"

The documentary on Fred Rogers and the development of "Mr. Rodgers Neighborhood" was very well produced.  He really expressed an angry temperament when discussing the evolution of children's programming, but other than that he came across as being the exact man he was on that program.  Very kind, loving man. The movie touches on a couple of current hot political topics that will likely make people on both sides of the aisle bristle a little bit, but the story didn't focus on any of that.  It was interesting to me that they even danced around touching on the subject as to whether he was a homosexual. It was handled with tact and also not a focus.
Great movie, saw it last night. As an educator, a father of a 3-year old, and as a Pittsburgher, it really connected with me. Must see especially given the current state of our union.

Blockers was hilarious.  Probably better than Game Night, but both were good.  John Cena is following in the footsteps of The Rock.  I liked him in this and Trainwreck a lot.  Good funny.
Watched Blockers yesterday and really enjoyed it. 

Blockers was hilarious.  Probably better than Game Night, but both were good.  John Cena is following in the footsteps of The Rock.  I liked him in this and Trainwreck a lot.  Good funny.
Watched Blockers yesterday and really enjoyed it. 
Funny.  I watched it again on TV w/ my GF and it wasn't that good a 2nd time around.  She didn't really get into it either.  I had fun in the theatre though. 

ComfortablyNumb said:

Just saw this today - it probably won't be in any theaters much longer except the discount dives.  While I'm not a huge fan of the "Horror" genre, I was persuaded to see this by the high critic score on Rotten Tomatoes and the good rating on imdb.  Let me help you avoid making the same mistake; DO NOT SEE THIS MOVIE!  It was slow paced, but seemed to be building up to something.  The last 15 minutes were the most ridiculous I've ever seen, even worse than Mother!  When I got home, I looked a little deeper at the imdb user reviews. While there were a number of pretentious Kool-Aid drinkers giving it 9 or 10 stars, the most frequent rating (from the normal people) was 1 star.  Believe them, because these are 2+ hours you can't get back...
That's how the teeny-boppers that sat in front of us felt.   My GF and I loved it though. 

jamny said:
I, Tonya was pretty good. Maybe a little better than expected. We were into the whole drama while it happened but I didn't know a lot of the behind the scenes things that went on. Margot Robbie was really good in it although they probably should have had someone else play Tonya at 15. I didn't like the guy that played Gillooly's fat friend. Worth checking out. I'll give it a generous 3/5
Loved it.

Don't even do it to satisfy your curiosity. It's a total waste of time. It makes Prometheus look like Aliens in comparison.
see, but now you've completely piqued my curiousity by telling me not to do it to satisfy my curiousity. 

and I liked Prometheus more than I disliked it.

see, but now you've completely piqued my curiousity by telling me not to do it to satisfy my curiousity. 

and I liked Prometheus more than I disliked it.
I get it. "They" told me not to drive around the NW side of Maui saying it wasn't worth it. That made me want to do it so I did. "They" were right.

I liked the intellectual parts of Prometheus. But I've had enough of face huggers.
Hmm.  I am probably on the other side of this.  What I remember driving me nuts about Prometheus is that it went down the road so many reboots/remakes/sequels just have to do now - the need to overexplain everything and provide a backstory for our monsters.   There are only so many ways to go with these movies, but where they went with how the xenomorphs came to be was dumb as #### (assuming I am remembering it correctly).   I would prefer they left these movie series alone in general, but I guess I would take just a standard update with the same feel as the original over the need to get the backstory on aliens, Jason, Freddy, whatever..   Usually it's dumb, and ends up making them less scary.  

Hmm.  I am probably on the other side of this.  What I remember driving me nuts about Prometheus is that it went down the road so many reboots/remakes/sequels just have to do now - the need to overexplain everything and provide a backstory for our monsters.   There are only so many ways to go with these movies, but where they went with how the xenomorphs came to be was dumb as #### (assuming I am remembering it correctly).   I would prefer they left these movie series alone in general, but I guess I would take just a standard update with the same feel as the original over the need to get the backstory on aliens, Jason, Freddy, whatever..   Usually it's dumb, and ends up making them less scary.  
I love Alien and Aliens. I just think it's time to send the story in a new direction or retire this universe. 

The Harder They Fall (56)- Bogart's last film. He plays a press agent for a dirty boxing promotor. The promoter is played by Rod Steiger in an Oscar worthy supporting performance.Definitely one of the best boxing films I've ever seen. Just missed this one for the 55-59 thread. 

Finally saw La La Land. Good film even though the main stars aren't much in the way of singers or dancers. I wish I had seen it on the big screen as I bet it looked gorgeous. The color pallete and the ending really screamed Umbrellas of Cherbourg- the Demy influence is obvious but well executed. My wife hated it though- she isn't much for jazz or references of old movies. 

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Apologies if this movie has been mentioned. I ran a search in this thread and nothing came back.

Singularity 2017

This movie is available for streaming on Netflix and has John Cusack in it. Since I'm a sucker for post-apocalyptic scenarios, I gave it a shot. It might possibly be the worst movie I've ever seen in my life. And I've seen both The Happening and Last Jedi ( ;) ).

The writing, direction, cinematography, acting, dialogue... all unimaginably dreadful. It is absolutely astonishing this film ever got released in this state. George Lucas could have crapped out a trilogy with nothing but Jar Jar Binks that would be better than this.

Final rating: If I could give this thing negative points, I would. Do yourself a favor and Do Not See This Movie. Trust me, please. I'd rather watch 20 seasons of "Disney Presents: The Not-Quite Star Wars Misadventures of Finn and Rose" before ever viewing this abomination again.
Pretty sure this was made in Bulgaria. Maybe. Complete wreck. I wish I had read your post back in time so I didn't have to see it. Completely unredeemable.

Speaking of.... How it Ends.

Finished From Russia With Love. This Bond flick has one of my favorite moments from the series which is the intense  nip and tuck physical battle between Bond and the Robert Shaw character in the railroad compartment. Actually to me that fight is the climax of the movie though it continues for another half hour or so. 

That type of nitty gritty fighting is mostly missing from the other Bond movies. One major reason I liked the Jason Bourne movies (excluding the last one which may have killed the franchise) was that each contained a major intense and entertaining hand to hand combat scene.

Daniel Craig in Casino Royale brought some of that physicality to Bond which I think was influenced by the Bourne movies. I view Casino Royale as the Best of the Craig/Bond films perhaps for that reason. 

Pretty sure this was made in Bulgaria. Maybe. Complete wreck. I wish I had read your post back in time so I didn't have to see it. Completely unredeemable.

Speaking of.... How it Ends.
How it Ends is freaking terrible. I wanted to turn it off halfway through it was so stupid, but I foolishly thought it might get better, or at least explain a few things at the end. 

Baby Driver - I really liked this movie but I feel like it missed a little but not 100% sure why.

It felt like a bunch of little stuff added up to annoy me.

The girlfriend, to me the music was good but a little over bearing, baby, even Jamie Foxx.

Don't get me wrong I really liked it probably a 3.5-4 out of 5.   Just felt like it could have been even a little better...

Finished From Russia With Love. This Bond flick has one of my favorite moments from the series which is the intense  nip and tuck physical battle between Bond and the Robert Shaw character in the railroad compartment. Actually to me that fight is the climax of the movie though it continues for another half hour or so. 

That type of nitty gritty fighting is mostly missing from the other Bond movies. One major reason I liked the Jason Bourne movies (excluding the last one which may have killed the franchise) was that each contained a major intense and entertaining hand to hand combat scene.

Daniel Craig in Casino Royale brought some of that physicality to Bond which I think was influenced by the Bourne movies. I view Casino Royale as the Best of the Craig/Bond films perhaps for that reason. 
I think those are my 2 favorite Bond films followed by OHMSS and Thunderball

Pretty sure this was made in Bulgaria. Maybe. Complete wreck. I wish I had read your post back in time so I didn't have to see it. Completely unredeemable.

Speaking of.... How it Ends.
Another victim, dang. I was really hoping to get the word out to others. For anyone who missed my post, Do NOT See Singularity!!!! Save yourself the pain.

Regarding How it Ends, I'm lucky I've dodged a bullet there. Was excited to see it but was busy that weekend, then started hearing nothing but bad things by Monday. Phew!!!

Another victim, dang. I was really hoping to get the word out to others. For anyone who missed my post, Do NOT See Singularity!!!! Save yourself the pain.

Regarding How it Ends, I'm lucky I've dodged a bullet there. Was excited to see it but was busy that weekend, then started hearing nothing but bad things by Monday. Phew!!!
Fwiw, we watched singularity long before your post. I wish I could go back in time and unwatch it. Or punch myself in the face instead.

How it ends is truly terrible. I got the impression it was written by a pre pubescent moron. Just awful and stupid, but an interesting premise. Still better than singularity.


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