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Share your great housekeeping tips here (1 Viewer)

If the oil does mix with the pasta (which I am not convinced that it does for the reason wilked pointed out), that's not a good thing. That means your pasta will be oily and sauce will not adhere to it as well. You should salt the water (not the pasta afterwards) and don't ever rinse the pasta. You want it starchy for maximum sauce adhesion.If you want to keep your pasta from sticking, just stir it ocassionally.
:confused: If the oil doesn't mix with the pasta, how is it that the pasta is too oily for sauce to stick to it?
guess you missed the "If" and "I'm not convinced it does" parts.
If the oil does mix with the pasta (which I am not convinced that it does for the reason wilked pointed out), that's not a good thing. That means your pasta will be oily and sauce will not adhere to it as well. You should salt the water (not the pasta afterwards) and don't ever rinse the pasta. You want it starchy for maximum sauce adhesion.If you want to keep your pasta from sticking, just stir it ocassionally.
:lmao: If the oil doesn't mix with the pasta, how is it that the pasta is too oily for sauce to stick to it?
If the oil does mix with the pasta (which I am not convinced that it does for the reason wilked pointed out), that's not a good thing. That means your pasta will be oily and sauce will not adhere to it as well. You should salt the water (not the pasta afterwards) and don't ever rinse the pasta. You want it starchy for maximum sauce adhesion.If you want to keep your pasta from sticking, just stir it ocassionally.
:cry: If the oil doesn't mix with the pasta, how is it that the pasta is too oily for sauce to stick to it?
guess you missed the "If" and "I'm not convinced it does" parts.
Put the garbage can bags in the bottom of the garbage can. When you empty the garbage, you have the box or rolls of bags right there.


Empty out your water heater annually. Scale builds up over time and reduces the tank capacity resulting in less hot water available and corrodes the tank even more.
I probably need to do this. How do you do it?
Turn the breaker off. Turn water off.Attach hose to spigot at bottom of water heater. Turn the screw, valve, etc... On the spigot to get it flowing.Make sure the hose is draining somewhere you want it to drain.Wait until it stops flowing.Turn water on and let it fill up. Turn breaker back on.
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Empty out your water heater annually. Scale builds up over time and reduces the tank capacity resulting in less hot water available and corrodes the tank even more.
I probably need to do this. How do you do it?
Turn the breaker off. Turn water off.Attach hose to spigot at bottom of water heater. Turn the screw, valve, etc... On the spigot to get it flowing.Make sure the hose is draining somewhere you want it to drain.Wait until it stops flowing.Turn water on and let it fill up. Turn breaker back on.
What is the difference between this and just using up all the hot water? I'm shuked :P
If you need to clean the microwave of splatter, put in a bowl of water and run the microwave for a couple of minutes. The steam will make the food particles loosen and easier to clean.

Newspaper & water (or windex) leaves mirrors streak free.

Clean bathroom items (soap holder, toothbrush holder, kids bath toys, etc.) in the dishwasher once a week.

Empty out your water heater annually. Scale builds up over time and reduces the tank capacity resulting in less hot water available and corrodes the tank even more.
I probably need to do this. How do you do it?
Turn the breaker off. Turn water off.Attach hose to spigot at bottom of water heater. Turn the screw, valve, etc... On the spigot to get it flowing.Make sure the hose is draining somewhere you want it to drain.Wait until it stops flowing.Turn water on and let it fill up. Turn breaker back on.
What is the difference between this and just using up all the hot water? I'm shuked :blackdot:
When you "use up" all the hot water, the tank is not emptying. It is just filled with cold water. The water level never drops. It is filled and drawn from the top. The sediment settles to the bottom. The only way to remove the sediment is to drain it from the bottom.
I use Dawn dish washing detergent with cold water for all my sweaters, cashmere included. It works much better than Woolite and gets them much cleaner than dry cleaning with chemicals. Soak for 20 minutes, rinse, lay out on a big bath towel, roll it up and squeeze out the excess water then air dry. :shrug:

I like to walk around with a backpack/gym bag before I go to bed and pick up stuff that's just laying around. When I either have time or the bag gets full I put it all away. Makes a big difference for me. It keeps things from pilling up and reaching the point where cleaning feels overwhelming.
I use a big laundry basket; the plastic kind that you use to carry your clean clothes from the dryer. I bought like 4 of these. When one fills up, i just chuck it in the corner and start filling the next one. Eventually, I get the energy to put everything away.
What is piling up that you actually can fill big laundry baskets full of stuff?
I like to walk around with a backpack/gym bag before I go to bed and pick up stuff that's just laying around. When I either have time or the bag gets full I put it all away. Makes a big difference for me. It keeps things from pilling up and reaching the point where cleaning feels overwhelming.
I use a big laundry basket; the plastic kind that you use to carry your clean clothes from the dryer. I bought like 4 of these. When one fills up, i just chuck it in the corner and start filling the next one. Eventually, I get the energy to put everything away.
What is piling up that you actually can fill big laundry baskets full of stuff?
I just leave things lying on the floor, chairs and table tops stead of putting them back where they belong. When I have unannounced visitors, I get a big box, sweep everything off the tables and throw in stuff on the floor. Then I make my bed and Voilà! my place will look 80% cleaner.
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After cooking something in the oven, open the oven door to let the heat escape and help warm your house.
My mom used to do that all the time. Sometimes my dad would walk into the kitchen and trip over the open door, swearing "who left this ####### door open?!?!
I use Dawn dish washing detergent with cold water for all my sweaters, cashmere included. It works much better than Woolite and gets them much cleaner than dry cleaning with chemicals. Soak for 20 minutes, rinse, lay out on a big bath towel, roll it up and squeeze out the excess water then air dry. :thumbup:
Cracks me up that this is coming from Rambo.
I use Dawn dish washing detergent with cold water for all my sweaters, cashmere included. It works much better than Woolite and gets them much cleaner than dry cleaning with chemicals. Soak for 20 minutes, rinse, lay out on a big bath towel, roll it up and squeeze out the excess water then air dry. :whistle:
Cracks me up that this is coming from Rambo.
I got this tip from David Herbert Donald, who wrote a couple of decent books. He considered this one of his greatest discoveries. :lmao:
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I found Youtube videos from Eric Ripert's Avec Eric: Get Toasted series. All the recipes are simple, take very little preparation time yet delicious. I also like that they are informational in terms of cooking techniques and use ingredients that I buy all the time. :thumbup:

ETA: here's the link

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Joe Bryant said:
Put the garbage can bags in the bottom of the garbage can. When you empty the garbage, you have the box or rolls of bags right there. J
Joe, how do you keep your garbage can and lid from getting blown 3 blocks away on a windy day?
Should have been more clear - I do this with indoor garbage cans.J
Oh. I have my trash bags in a kitchen drawer not far away from my garbage can. Do you have a gigantic kitchen or something?
I have been getting calls from a debt collection agencies every 2-3 days for the last two months. They mentioned someone who has the same last name but different first name in all the voice messages. They finally left a phone number that I could call to let them know that they had the wrong number. Apparently, the person who owned a phone company $$$$ gave them my number when they opened the account :goodposting: The calls had since stopped but I thought I'd better check my credit score just in case. Someone told me I could do that for free as many times as I like using CreditKarma.com. It provides a credit score generated froml TransUnion and not a real FICO score, but seems good enough for periodic credit monitoring. I had to enter my SSN and verify my identity but it was pretty easy otherwise.

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Putting oil in the pot to prevent the spaghetti from sticking together is hogwashThe oil just sits on top
If the oil does mix with the pasta (which I am not convinced that it does for the reason wilked pointed out), that's not a good thing. That means your pasta will be oily and sauce will not adhere to it as well.
:goodposting: :unsure:
either way a little salt does this
See 4 of 6 somewhat similar here?


With many pets and two young kids, we have had carpet cleaners for years and that thing is supposed to be where it emits this little spray and then you go over upholstery with it. It's meh for that.

However it's the greatest cleaning tool ever...seriously ever!

I fill up the tank with whatever cleaner is in the cabinet.

(Cord and vac hose create a radius of how far I can go) Anything within my radius is cleaned. I mean anything. Ya know all the thoughts like Oh you can't use something with bleach on electronics. You gotta be careful what you use on wood. No you don't. Because it is on there for a split second and then suctioned right up.

I don't use rags or paper towels anymore or buy spray bottles. I get in every crack or crevice or edging on furniture or corner that was tough to get to. It's so simple.

My dad used to whine about pet hair and well the overall condition of my house without fail every single time he came over. He was telling me it's like a hospital now.

Life's good too because I don't care what the kids dirty up or spill on anymore. I'll get it with that thing so who cares.

All it is, is a little vacuum like attachment with a spray.

Run the hot water before starting your dishwasher. Also, use less detergent in your dishwasher. 1/3-1/2 is plenty.
Has everyone noticed the hard water spots on thier glasses and silverwear?The manufactures have removed phosphorus from the detergents.


Do yourself a favor and buy some lemi shine. http://www.viewpoints.com/Lemi-Shine-The-H...-Expert-reviews its cheap at walmart.

i was going to buy all new stuff until i found this.

Spray bleach cleaner in the shower, cover the walls completely, go to sleep, shower when you wake.

There were way too many roaches in Oklahoma for my liking and they were a nightmare. I tried a thousand things and nothing really truly worked. Us north easterners bought a couple chickens, let em outside and the cockroach population went wayyy down.

Guy at work said, keep everything in the fridge for a few weeks-nothing in the cabinets at all. No dishes in the sink, leave it bone dry every night. Seemed like they were gone then. Guess we took away their food-our food. This was easily the most effective and I spent hundreds on cleaners and traps and stuff. Living just out of the fridge wasn't as inconvenient as I thought it'd be either.

While I'm at it, 39oz coffee containers filled with grinds poured onto any fire ant hill will make them move away. It messes up their soil or clay that passes as soil. Fire ants are plain evil and I do love the lighter fluid bit but coffee grinds are way more effective.

Spray bleach cleaner in the shower, cover the walls completely, go to sleep, shower when you wake.

There were way too many roaches in Oklahoma for my liking and they were a nightmare. I tried a thousand things and nothing really truly worked. Us north easterners bought a couple chickens, let em outside and the cockroach population went wayyy down.

Guy at work said, keep everything in the fridge for a few weeks-nothing in the cabinets at all. No dishes in the sink, leave it bone dry every night. Seemed like they were gone then. Guess we took away their food-our food. This was easily the most effective and I spent hundreds on cleaners and traps and stuff. Living just out of the fridge wasn't as inconvenient as I thought it'd be either.

While I'm at it, 39oz coffee containers filled with grinds poured onto any fire ant hill will make them move away. It messes up their soil or clay that passes as soil. Fire ants are plain evil and I do love the lighter fluid bit but coffee grinds are way more effective.
I did this and it ruined my "chrome" or whatever drain plug
How To Clean Your Toilet1. Put both lids of the toilet up and add 1/8 cup of pet shampoo to the water in the bowl.2. Pick up the cat and soothe him while you carry him towards the bathroom.3. In one smooth movement, put the cat in the toilet and close both lids. You may need to stand on the lid.4. The cat will self agitate and make ample suds. Never mind the noises that come from the toilet, the cat is actually enjoying this.5. Flush the toilet three or four times. This provides a "power-wash" and rinse".6. Have someone open the front door of your home. Be sure that there are no people between the bathroom and the front door.7. Stand behind the toilet as far as you can, and quickly lift both lids.8. The cat will rocket out of the toilet, streak through the bathroom, and run outside where he will dry himself off.9. Both the toilet and the cat will be sparkling clean.
:lol: :lmao: :lmao:
Put the garbage can bags in the bottom of the garbage can. When you empty the garbage, you have the box or rolls of bags right there. J
Joe, how do you keep your garbage can and lid from getting blown 3 blocks away on a windy day?
Should have been more clear - I do this with indoor garbage cans.J
Oh. I have my trash bags in a kitchen drawer not far away from my garbage can. Do you have a gigantic kitchen or something?
Put the garbage can bags in the bottom of the garbage can. When you empty the garbage, you have the box or rolls of bags right there. J
Joe, how do you keep your garbage can and lid from getting blown 3 blocks away on a windy day?
Should have been more clear - I do this with indoor garbage cans.J
Oh. I have my trash bags in a kitchen drawer not far away from my garbage can. Do you have a gigantic kitchen or something?
:kicksrock: Of course, he is not just a footballguy, he is THE footballguy. Of course probably everything is pretty much in your reach in the trailer. :shrug:
Dishes/silverware is not "dirty" if you're re-using it to make or eat the same thing. For example, if you have a bread knife, and it's just used for cutting bread, you can use it without cleaning indefinitely. Same can be said for a spatula being used for eggs several times, or a glass being used for juice.

Don't try this with milk though - trust me.

I have been getting calls from a debt collection agencies every 2-3 days for the last two months. They mentioned someone who has the same last name but different first name in all the voice messages. They finally left a phone number that I could call to let them know that they had the wrong number. Apparently, the person who owned a phone company $$$$ gave them my number when they opened the account :unsure: The calls had since stopped but I thought I'd better check my credit score just in case. Someone told me I could do that for free as many times as I like using CreditKarma.com. It provides a credit score generated froml TransUnion and not a real FICO score, but seems good enough for periodic credit monitoring. I had to enter my SSN and verify my identity but it was pretty easy otherwise.
That might have been me. Whenever I'm asked for a phone number I always change the last number to a 9. That way I don't get telemarketers calling me and if I ever need to verify the number I always remember what the false number was.
Dishes/silverware is not "dirty" if you're re-using it to make or eat the same thing. For example, if you have a bread knife, and it's just used for cutting bread, you can use it without cleaning indefinitely. Same can be said for a spatula being used for eggs several times, or a glass being used for juice.
Yeah...uhm...I'm pretty sure this is bad advice on just about every level.

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