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Survivor Season 42: Starts Wednesday March 9, 2022 (1 Viewer)

As much as I hate the hourglass twist and hope we never see it again, the way it played out made for a more entertaining episode than it likely would have been otherwise.

If the hourglass isn’t broken, Chanelle is the obvious boot. If Tori doesn’t win individual immunity, she is the obvious boot. Instead, we got some insane scrambling, maneuvering and negotiating, which is my favorite part of the show. And some of the best vote-whipping I’ve ever seen, by Omar, who didn’t even have a vote to use. 

So now the question is, do Chanelle and/or Tori go next because no one likes them, or do they get used as numbers to take out bigger threats?

I'm a little surprised when Chanelle was getting undressed my Mike for writing his name down that she didn't throw out the excuse of "I had to do something in case Daniel played his shot in the dark, because then I would have been gone."...she could also add that he was the person to write down cause she knew he had an idol and that would be "smart Survivor play"....I think after a moment, Mike might have processed that understood and it would have maybe helped her save face a little bit...

will be interesting next week as it looks like Romeo is on a mission to get Jonathan out.....and has "bonded" with Hai....but Hai seems to like having Jonathan around and already kind of made a deal with him....may use him as a shield for a few more days...

Omar, Hai, and Drea, are playing at a pretty high level...Mike was able to survive without a vote....

Hulk needs to do something pretty big to shrink the target on his back....he needs to get to work socially....Omar would be a good balance for him and do some of the social work...his best bet may to try and take advantage of Rocksroy currently being on the outside looking in...he should try to reel him in with what he has with Mike.....maybe include Chanelle for that matter as she also knows she is in trouble...Lindsay could also be a wild card...but Jonathan has to do something or its just a matter of time...

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I'm a little surprised when Chanelle was getting undressed my Mike for writing his name down that she didn't throw out the excuse of "I had to do something in case Daniel played his shot in the dark, because then I would have been gone."...she could also add that he was the person to write down cause she knew he had an idol and that would be "smart Survivor play"....I think after a moment, Mike might have processed that understood and it would have maybe helped her save face a little bit...
Like many others cast recently, Chanelle thinks she’s an amazing player and she isn’t. I posted above that she said nothing to Omar about the lost vote even though she had to know he lost it because she already did. No way for her to lose a vote without them both risking and losing. She wasn’t smart enough to know he’d find out and be pissed. She was clearly the vote until Rocks came back so she should have tried more to get Omar on her side.

I mean even when she was risking her vote she couldn’t put 2 and 2 together that she basically told Omar that she couldn’t lose her vote as the swing vote. What else would Omar do except risk it since she told him she wouldn’t. If she wanted the extra vote you tell Omar, hey I’m definitely risking because I have to get an extra vote and he’s not in trouble so he doesn’t risk it because he knows he’ll lose a vote.

That makes me wonder why everyone doesn’t (in a 2 person risk for sure) try to be the first to just say, hey I’m risking it, so if you risk it you’ll lose your vote. Should be pretty effective so people don’t lose their vote. 

will be interesting next week as it looks like Romeo is on a mission to get Jonathan out.....and has "bonded" with Hai....but Hai seems to like having Jonathan around and already kind of made a deal with him....may use him as a shield for a few more days...

Omar, Hai, and Drea, are playing at a pretty high level...Mike was able to survive without a vote....

Hulk needs to do something pretty big to shrink the target on his back....he needs to get to work socially....Omar would be a good balance for him and do some of the social work...his best bet may to try and take advantage of Rocksroy currently being on the outside looking in...he should try to reel him in with what he has with Mike.....maybe include Chanelle for that matter as she also knows she is in trouble...Lindsay could also be a wild card...but Jonathan has to do something or its just a matter of time...
Hai does and so does Omar. It won’t happen but Mike, Jonathan and Rocks should get in a secret alliance. They are all disposable shields right now. Heck, Lindsay is team Johnathan 100% as well. It could be a sneaky alliance that the puppeteers don’t see.

So far, I really don’t see Drea not making it to the end. She’s got so many advantages and gets the strategy. Unless Omar and Hai get a blindside going early, she’ll be hard to beat.

Omar pulling off swinging the vote in a completely different direction kind of at the last minute without having a vote himself was very impressive....and a testament to his current rank in the pecking order within this particular group.....feels like he has kind of found his way into a position of control without the other players really "feeling" like he is in control...he is not being a bully about it at the moment.....it may not last very long but that is a great spot to be in for as long as you can....eventually someone may figure it out and it may catch up with him, but he playing a solid game right now...

Drea dismissing Maryanne and putting her in her place was great TV....and Jeff showed some serious survivor skills himself by basically calling Maryanne a dramatic annoying loud moth that needs to shut the F up directly to her face ....without actually saying it...... was priceless... :lmao:

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Omar pulling off swinging the vote in a completely different direction kind of at the last minute without having a vote himself was very impressive....and a testament to his current rank in the pecking order within this particular group.....feels like he has kind of found his way into a position of control without the other players really "feeling" like he is in control...he is not being a bully about it at the moment.....it may not last very long but that is a great spot to be in for as long as you can....eventually someone may figure it out and it may catch up with him, but he playing a solid game right now...

Agreed. Confusing edit to move from "Not a chance... we're ride or die" sidebar with Hai to that vote.
Omar made a great move to Lydia and it might not last. I think it worked this time because a) the immunity switched due to Rocksroy, b) Tori won immunity and c) they had just put that 8 person alliance together so most people just wanted to get to the next day without ruffling feathers and Lydia absolutely committed the sin of targeting one of the 8 first. Hai had a chance to stand his ground but didn’t want to screw up being part of the 7 still and Hai doesn’t have enough advantages to stop that vote.

I think Mike likes Johnathan more than Hai and Chanelle is not going to stay loyal so Hai is not in the best place. I had a feeling getting rid of Daniel instead of Chanelle could be a bad move because I think he’s such a bonehead/piss offerer of other people that he would have stayed loyal to Hai.

It’s going to be interesting because there are absolutely some strong players who think they are running things and there are a bunch of shields and idols/advantages.

Yeah, hated the hourglass last time and still dislike it. Glad Johnathan didn't go home, he's just a likable guy and I enjoy watching him completely taking over a challenge.

Omar was very successful and I am shocked that Hai voted for Lydia as well. I guess he saw that being part of a 7 was still to his advantage.

Tori and Chanelle aren't going to last long. Chanelle got lucky that she had Daniel as a target but why would she lie to Omar? She lost her vote so she had to know that he wasn't going to have one but she doesn't mention it? She's an awful player but again Daniel was there as a shield. Tori is a moron. I don't know who she could possibly provide therapy too and do it successfully. Her attempt to say she was giving Rocks a gift by sending him to exile, was the worst attempts to save face.
Agreed especially since he used the power that she actually gave him.  

Agreed especially since he used the power that she actually gave him.  
No kidding. That was before her improbable win (man the others were so bad), because her gift was to basically put her head on the block. If she didn’t win immunity she would have been the easiest vote in history. No one would have blinked twice. 

No kidding. That was before her improbable win (man the others were so bad), because her gift was to basically put her head on the block. If she didn’t win immunity she would have been the easiest vote in history. No one would have blinked twice. 
Yep. In that case, the best-case scenario from an entertainment perspective would have been for someone to pull an Angelina (who let Elizabeth know she was going to be the unanimous merge boot in David vs. Goliath, and pissed everyone off by doing so) or for Tori to be even more extra than usual in trying to move the votes to someone else. Most likely it would have been worse TV than what we got.

Yep. In that case, the best-case scenario from an entertainment perspective would have been for someone to pull an Angelina (who let Elizabeth know she was going to be the unanimous merge boot in David vs. Goliath, and pissed everyone off by doing so) or for Tori to be even more extra than usual in trying to move the votes to someone else. Most likely it would have been worse TV than what we got.
Tori scrambling would have been a great show. She would have spilled the beans on everything. I should say it’s likely to happen in a future episode. All I know is it would take a huge mistake to get in front of the next two votes (barring IIs). Chanelle and Tori are easy choices so only a dumb move like you mentioned will get someone else gone. 

Tori scrambling would have been a great show. She would have spilled the beans on everything. I should say it’s likely to happen in a future episode. All I know is it would take a huge mistake to get in front of the next two votes (barring IIs). Chanelle and Tori are easy choices so only a dumb move like you mentioned will get someone else gone. 
Survivor tends to cast a lot of people with itchy trigger fingers. At some point Chanelle and/or Tori will stop being looked at as easy votes and start being looked at as goats to bring to the final 3. The question is when. 

Survivor tends to cast a lot of people with itchy trigger fingers. At some point Chanelle and/or Tori will stop being looked at as easy votes and start being looked at as goats to bring to the final 3. The question is when. 
True. Definitely too early though. At this point, as seen by Hai not wanting to ruffle feathers, still easy vote time. Lydia unfortunately got whacked when the two easy votes were safe.

We got caught up last night. Wife and I both feel bad knowing Jonathan’s days appear to be numbered. He knows it as well. We imagine he is such a fan favorite, will the survivor producers try to manipulate some things to help keep him around a while longer. He has been incredible with team challenges, will there be some individual challenges that cater to his strengths. There isn’t anyone that is close to the swimmer he is. 

If the challenges start to become more endurance based, like standing on one foot on a little piece of wood, he will not do as well. Jonathan has proved himself to be pretty intelligent and I think will do ok in mental games but would not be dominant like he is in physical challenges.

We are also interested to see if Maryann picked up on Jeff’s clue last night and tones down her talking. If she drives us nuts one hour a week, there has to multiple people about ready to go postal on the show (survivor staff included). Will not be sad to see her go! 

We are also interested to see if Maryann picked up on Jeff’s clue last night and tones down her talking. If she drives us nuts one hour a week, there has to multiple people about ready to go postal on the show (survivor staff included). Will not be sad to see her go! 
I don't think she's physically capable of controlling herself.  There was a moment that I thought maybe she was going to just relax a little and then quickly....nope!....when she went back and forth at tribal trying to ridiculously convince that girl they are thinking the same way.   She physically can't just allow someone to disagree with her and be OK with it.

Stinkin Ref said:
Omar pulling off swinging the vote in a completely different direction kind of at the last minute without having a vote himself was very impressive....and a testament to his current rank in the pecking order within this particular group.....feels like he has kind of found his way into a position of control without the other players really "feeling" like he is in control...he is not being a bully about it at the moment.....it may not last very long but that is a great spot to be in for as long as you can....eventually someone may figure it out and it may catch up with him, but he playing a solid game right now...
This actually bodes well for Jonathan getting a little further than just his muscle would get him 

I don't think she's physically capable of controlling herself.  There was a moment that I thought maybe she was going to just relax a little and then quickly....nope!....when she went back and forth at tribal trying to ridiculously convince that girl they are thinking the same way.   She physically can't just allow someone to disagree with her and be OK with it.
Maryanne:  "So you agree with me"

Drea: "Not at all"

M: "But I think we are on the same page, yeah?"

Drea: "No. But I respect that."

I was about to quit this season if z Jonathan was voted out because of that stupid hour glass thing.  Feel bad for Lydia such a crap way to go out
Why?  It's her own fault.  If she doesn't mention Jonathan as an option (you know, one of the 8 that they just formed an alliance with), then she likely stays.

Why?  It's her own fault.  If she doesn't mention Jonathan as an option (you know, one of the 8 that they just formed an alliance with), then she likely stays.
because of the stupid hourglass twist.  dude kills it, and then gets the boot due to some ridiculous twist in the game.  so lame.  

Why?  It's her own fault.  If she doesn't mention Jonathan as an option (you know, one of the 8 that they just formed an alliance with), then she likely stays.
Because of the whole smash the hourglass thing.  Was dumb last season and its still dumb.  Whoever it was sent home from the winning tribe would've gotten screwed it just happened to be Lydia.  I just hate that aspect of the game.  I know they needed to add some things to spice up the game a bit but will always think that twist is bad.

I would've felt bad for anyone on that winning team since they won the challenge and shouldn't have even been on the chopping block.
Agreed. I agree with @bryhamm that she made a mistake once the hourglass was used and agree also with you guys that I disliked the hourglass, yet again.

Because of the whole smash the hourglass thing.  Was dumb last season and its still dumb.  Whoever it was sent home from the winning tribe would've gotten screwed it just happened to be Lydia.  I just hate that aspect of the game.  I know they needed to add some things to spice up the game a bit but will always think that twist is bad.
I read a lot of discussion about Survivor online, from people who like very different aspects of the show and view the game in different ways. I don’t think I’ve seen ANYONE who likes the hourglass twist.

I read a lot of discussion about Survivor online, from people who like very different aspects of the show and view the game in different ways. I don’t think I’ve seen ANYONE who likes the hourglass twist.
i don’t hate the hourglass.  I’m mostly indifferent to it.  It’s a twist.  I could do without it but I’m not really bothered by it.  Twists are part of the game.  

Because of the whole smash the hourglass thing.  Was dumb last season and its still dumb.  Whoever it was sent home from the winning tribe would've gotten screwed it just happened to be Lydia.
I agree, but I think it was marginally more fair with this cast. Jeff emphasized the stakes of sending Rocks and “game changing” power, and offered for any ONE of the victors to go in his place. I was shocked, given all of that warning and a minimal downside of missing an Applebees meal, how quickly they all risked the unknown. Unlike the prior cast, they had warning and ability to keep that power.

I agree, but I think it was marginally more fair with this cast. Jeff emphasized the stakes of sending Rocks and “game changing” power, and offered for any ONE of the victors to go in his place. I was shocked, given all of that warning and a minimal downside of missing an Applebees meal, how quickly they all risked the unknown. Unlike the prior cast, they had warning and ability to keep that power.
It was less ridiculous, but still ridiculous.

In one of her exit interviews, Lydia said Tori was adamant that Rocksroy be the one to go to exile. 

It was less ridiculous, but still ridiculous.

In one of her exit interviews, Lydia said Tori was adamant that Rocksroy be the one to go to exile. 
Just to be clear, I think it (along with many other gimmicks these seasons) was/were/are stupid.

Still, if what you say is accurate, Tori was too busy trying to keep Rocks out of the victor tribe to worry about the power he was getting. It was a surprisingly fast dismissal of an offer made by Jeff. As a general rule, hasty dismissal of an offer from Jeff is probably unwise.

I would have asked questions. For example, I was unclear whether going instead of Rocks meant losing safety in addition to the meal.

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I agree, but I think it was marginally more fair with this cast. Jeff emphasized the stakes of sending Rocks and “game changing” power, and offered for any ONE of the victors to go in his place. I was shocked, given all of that warning and a minimal downside of missing an Applebees meal, how quickly they all risked the unknown. Unlike the prior cast, they had warning and ability to keep that power.
I'm not clear on what would have happened if one of the "winners" opted to switch with Rocksroy... would they then have lost the buff and been in the same decision-making situation of protecting themselves by reversing time or letting things stand? Or, do they keep their immunity while on the 2-day excursion? 

I'm not clear on what would have happened if one of the "winners" opted to switch with Rocksroy... would they then have lost the buff and been in the same decision-making situation of protecting themselves by reversing time or letting things stand? Or, do they keep their immunity while on the 2-day excursion? 
Yeah, like I said in my other post I share that confusion, but not a single question asked. He teed it up like it was missing Applebees only. Still, "anyone want to go get a game changing power?" Immediate chorus of "no."

Yeah, like I said in my other post I share that confusion, but not a single question asked. He teed it up like it was missing Applebees only. Still, "anyone want to go get a game changing power?" Immediate chorus of "no."
Also interesting was that they showed the losing tribe discussing that Jeff seemed emphatic about this power and speculating as to what it was, with Drea guessing it correctly, whereas the winning tribe wasn’t shown to be curious about it at all, and only focused on the reward.

Also interesting was that they showed the losing tribe discussing that Jeff seemed emphatic about this power and speculating as to what it was, with Drea guessing it correctly, whereas the winning tribe wasn’t shown to be curious about it at all, and only focused on the reward.
That was after the decision had been made and they were in camp. 

and as far I can parse it out, if a winner had chosen to go, they would have lost immunity and been faced with the easiest, most obvious choice ever. No clue what would have happened to rocksroy. 

i don’t hate the hourglass.  I’m mostly indifferent to it.  It’s a twist.  I could do without it but I’m not really bothered by it.  Twists are part of the game.  
Twists... within some level of reason.  Now you're talking about a twist that changes immunity after its been "earned".  Not sure how that warrants "indifference".

Twists... within some level of reason.  Now you're talking about a twist that changes immunity after its been "earned".  Not sure how that warrants "indifference".
I mean who is to say the twists have to be "within some level of reason"?  I get why folks dont like it.  But it really doesnt bother me.  But i suppose if enough people are bothered by it they will do away with it.  Or not.  :shrug:  

I mean who is to say the twists have to be "within some level of reason"?  I get why folks dont like it.  But it really doesnt bother me.  But i suppose if enough people are bothered by it they will do away with it.  Or not.  :shrug:  
Rationale people?  Lest we completely jump the shark.

Because of the whole smash the hourglass thing.  Was dumb last season and its still dumb.  Whoever it was sent home from the winning tribe would've gotten screwed it just happened to be Lydia.  I just hate that aspect of the game.  I know they needed to add some things to spice up the game a bit but will always think that twist is bad.
Imo....at this point...to me...spicing the game up would be heading back to the core of the game and more like when it started....I am craving less twists and all this funky ####....

and I have a feeling I may not be the only person after these last two seasons and I wouldn’t be surprised if they decide to come out and say we are going back to “old school survivor” and actually do a season that just goes back to to the way it was....I know I would be all in to watch...cause at this point it just isn’t the same show at its core and I am about ready to tap out and not feel like I would be missing out on much...

I mean who is to say the twists have to be "within some level of reason"?  I get why folks dont like it.  But it really doesnt bother me.  But i suppose if enough people are bothered by it they will do away with it.  Or not.  :shrug:  
They will be forced to do away with it on future seasons because any new cast will have seen how it works now and play accordingly. It won’t be a surprise anymore which is the whole idea behind it. 

They will be forced to do away with it on future seasons because any new cast will have seen how it works now and play accordingly. It won’t be a surprise anymore which is the whole idea behind it. 
of course.  I guess i just dont mind the experimentation.  Of course i also wouldnt mind a throw back to a simplified season as well.  Keep the players looking/waiting for twists and then nothing comes.  I feel like Australian survivor has spoiled me tbh. 

They will be forced to do away with it on future seasons because any new cast will have seen how it works now and play accordingly. It won’t be a surprise anymore which is the whole idea behind it. 
Yep. For the same reason, they won’t do the silly idol phrases because future casts will know what they mean.

Pleasantly surprised!  Omar really orchestrated that I think.  Drea also impressed me this episode as a strategic player.

LOL on Rox being so out of it no one told him who to vote for so he threw one on Lindsey.
I assumed (I don't stay through previews) that he meant Lydia but doesn't know the names right. LOL.

The hourglass power would be better if it didn't affect the person using it at all. You can flip the immunity, but either way, you're still vulnerable and have to deal with the fallout of your decision.

Way too easy for the person to just say 'yeah I used it - it got me immunity. Anyone would do the same'.


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