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The Birther Conspiracy Thread (4 Viewers)

Why doesn't he just end all of the speculation and release his birth certificate?
Like he did three years ago?
Did he? Or was it a certificate of live birth?
Link"They're just words," said spokeswoman Janice Okubo. "That (what was posted on the Internet) is considered a birth certificate from the state of Hawaii."

"There's only one form of birth certificate," she said, and it's been the same since the 1980s. Birth certificates evolve over the decades, she said, and there are no doubt differences between the way birth certificates looked when Obama was born and now.

"When you request a birth certificate, the one you get looks exactly like the one posted on his site," she said. "That's the birth certificate."

As for the theory that Obama's original birth certificate might show he was foreign-born, Okubo said the "Certification of Live Birth" would say so. Obama's does not. Again, it says he was born in Honolulu.

I honestly don't know,
So when you are in doubt you just happen to chose to align yourself with the side that celebrates ignorance?
but I wouldn't think there would be any controversy if he had released his birth certificate.
We are talking about the same people that still argue "tax cuts pay for themselves", "global warming is a vast conspiracy", "evolution is another religion", "second hand smoke is safe", "Obama is a liberal", "believe the B Girl's story was credible", etc., etc. Facts are not really a consideration here with those that just make up their own facts as needed.
Why doesn't he just end all of the speculation and release his birth certificate?
Like he did three years ago?
Did he? Or was it a certification of live birth? I honestly don't know, but I wouldn't think there would be any controversy if he had released his birth certificate.
No matter what he released right wingers / birthers would just call it a forgery and proof of their conspiracy theories.
I don't care what the semantics are, I just want to see a copy of what was filed when Obama was born. I guarantee it was not signed by a doctor, nurse, or hospital. It was filed by a relative to establish his citizianship. Now it probably doesn't prove anything except that Obama is hiding something.

'Bottomfeeder Sports said:
So when you are in doubt you just happen to chose to align yourself with the side that celebrates ignorance?
I didn't realize by asking a question that I was aligning myself with a side. :shrug:
'Bottomfeeder Sports said:
So when you are in doubt you just happen to chose to align yourself with the side that celebrates ignorance?
I didn't realize by asking a question that I was aligning myself with a side. :shrug:
Is Jesus really the one and only son of God? :shrug:Guess which side I'm on.
I would never criticize someone for legitimately seeking an answer to that question. :shrug:
I don't care what the semantics are, I just want to see a copy of what was filed when Obama was born. I guarantee it was not signed by a doctor, nurse, or hospital. It was filed by a relative to establish his citizianship. Now it probably doesn't prove anything except that Obama is hiding something.
:lmao: :lmao:
'Bottomfeeder Sports said:
So when you are in doubt you just happen to chose to align yourself with the side that celebrates ignorance?
I didn't realize by asking a question that I was aligning myself with a side. :shrug:
Is Jesus really the one and only son of God? :shrug:Guess which side I'm on.
I would never criticize someone for legitimately seeking an answer to that question. :shrug:
I believe you, 100%. ... but you do recognize I've aligned myself with one side of the argument?
'Bottomfeeder Sports said:
So when you are in doubt you just happen to chose to align yourself with the side that celebrates ignorance?
I didn't realize by asking a question that I was aligning myself with a side. :shrug:
Is Jesus really the one and only son of God? :shrug:Guess which side I'm on.
I would never criticize someone for legitimately seeking an answer to that question. :shrug:
I believe you, 100%. ... but you do recognize I've aligned myself with one side of the argument?
Not really. Trying to find out the truth isn't aligning yourself with anyone. It's just wanting to know the truth.
'Insomniac said:
'CrossEyed said:
'Bottomfeeder Sports said:
'CrossEyed said:
Why doesn't he just end all of the speculation and release his birth certificate?
Like he did three years ago?
Did he? Or was it a certification of live birth? I honestly don't know, but I wouldn't think there would be any controversy if he had released his birth certificate.
No matter what he released right wingers / birthers would just call it a forgery and proof of their conspiracy theories.
Try it. Then you would actually have something to laugh at. As is, Obama is withholding information.
'Bamboo Bill said:
'CrossEyed said:
'Bottomfeeder Sports said:
'CrossEyed said:
Why doesn't he just end all of the speculation and release his birth certificate?
Like he did three years ago?
Did he? Or was it a certification of live birth? I honestly don't know, but I wouldn't think there would be any controversy if he had released his birth certificate.
Imagine that....you need to see proof.
'Insomniac said:
'CrossEyed said:
'Bottomfeeder Sports said:
'CrossEyed said:
Why doesn't he just end all of the speculation and release his birth certificate?
Like he did three years ago?
Did he? Or was it a certification of live birth? I honestly don't know, but I wouldn't think there would be any controversy if he had released his birth certificate.
No matter what he released right wingers / birthers would just call it a forgery and proof of their conspiracy theories.
Try it. Then you would actually have something to laugh at. As is, Obama is withholding information.
:lmao: We already do. :lmao:
'CrossEyed said:
'BigSteelThrill said:
'CrossEyed said:
Why doesn't he just end all of the speculation and release his birth certificate?
Simple: Because its better to have the Anti-Obama people wasting their time on this. :thumbup:
I'm sorry, I thought Obama was the guy that ran on the idea of transparency. Silly me.
This issue is not about transparency. You can dress it up however you like, but it wont change the Anti-Obama truth of it.
'CrossEyed said:
'BigSteelThrill said:
'CrossEyed said:
Why doesn't he just end all of the speculation and release his birth certificate?
Simple: Because its better to have the Anti-Obama people wasting their time on this. :thumbup:
I'm sorry, I thought Obama was the guy that ran on the idea of transparency. Silly me.
This issue is not about transparency. You can dress it up however you like, but it wont change the Anti-Obama truth of it.
That is true if by transparency you mean permitting the free passage of electromagnetic radiation. If by transparency you mean the state in which all relevant information is fully and freely available to the public, then this issue is most certainly about transparency.
Chris Matthews of MSNBC made an interesting point last night about this issue. What he basically said is this:

Is it or is it not true that Barack Obama's mother was an American citizen at the time of his birth? If the answer is yes, it is true, then what's the issue? Barack Obama could have been born on Mars, and he would still be an American citizen...just like John McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone to an American citizen.

So...even if Obama had been born outside of Hawai'i, which he was not, why would it matter? I suppose it would only matter if he were lying...and people felt as though he was not trustworthy, as a result. However, Obama's been guilty until proven innocent on this issue for years...even after producing said birth certificate (not the "right" certificate...or not "signed"...or "doctors and nurses at the hospital cannot remember his birth," like they would/should anyway...####ing racist morons. Oops, sorry...was that outloud?).

So...do Birthers debate whether or not Obama's mother was a US citizen? If not, I'd really like to hear why we're still talking about this after two years. TIA.

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Chris Matthews of MSNBC made an interesting point last night about this issue. What he basically said is this:

Is it or is it not true that Barack Obama's mother was an American citizen at the time of his birth? If the answer is yes, it is true, then what's the issue? Barack Obama could have been born on Mars, and he would still be an American citizen...just like John McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone to an American citizen.

So...even if Obama had been born outside of Hawai'i, which he was not, why would it matter?o hear why we're still talking about this after two years. TIA.
As mentioned earlier in this thread, the laws in 1961 required BOTH parents to be citizens if a child was born outside the U.S.A.Besides, at this point most birthers are way past "he was born in Kenya!" and have moved on to "he's hiding something on his birth certificate!!" (i.e., he's listed as a Muslim).

1) If he were born abroad, he wouldn't have been an American citizen by birth under the laws in effect at the time.

2) Basic citizenship aside, if he were born abroad, the question would remain as to whether that qualifies as a natural born citizen for purposes of presidential eligibility.

Chris Matthews of MSNBC made an interesting point last night about this issue. What he basically said is this:

Is it or is it not true that Barack Obama's mother was an American citizen at the time of his birth? If the answer is yes, it is true, then what's the issue? Barack Obama could have been born on Mars, and he would still be an American citizen...just like John McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone to an American citizen.

So...even if Obama had been born outside of Hawai'i, which he was not, why would it matter?o hear why we're still talking about this after two years. TIA.
As mentioned earlier in this thread, the laws in 1961 required BOTH parents to be citizens if a child was born outside the U.S.A.Besides, at this point most birthers are way past "he was born in Kenya!" and have moved on to "he's hiding something on his birth certificate!!" (i.e., he's listed as a Muslim).
I love the side-step/backpedal. A sudden attempt to switch focus to a slightly less crazy position.
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Chris Matthews of MSNBC made an interesting point last night about this issue. What he basically said is this:

Is it or is it not true that Barack Obama's mother was an American citizen at the time of his birth? If the answer is yes, it is true, then what's the issue? Barack Obama could have been born on Mars, and he would still be an American citizen...just like John McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone to an American citizen.

So...even if Obama had been born outside of Hawai'i, which he was not, why would it matter? I suppose it would only matter if he were lying...and people felt as though he was not trustworthy, as a result. However, Obama's been guilty until proven innocent on this issue for years...even after producing said birth certificate (not the "right" certificate...or not "signed"...or "doctors and nurses at the hospital cannot remember his birth," like they would/should anyway...####ing racist morons. Oops, sorry...was that outloud?).

So...do Birthers debate whether or not Obama's mother was a US citizen? If not, I'd really like to hear why we're still talking about this after two years. TIA.
As usual, Chris Matthews is wrong.

As mentioned earlier in this thread, the laws in 1961 required BOTH parents to be citizens if a child was born outside the U.S.A.
I don't think that's precisely correct. I believe the issue is that Obama's mom wasn't old enough. If she were a couple years older, Obama would have been a U.S. citizen even if born abroad to a non-U.S. citizen father. It's been a while since I looked at the law in place at the time, but that's what I recall.
As mentioned earlier in this thread, the laws in 1961 required BOTH parents to be citizens if a child was born outside the U.S.A.

Besides, at this point most birthers are way past "he was born in Kenya!" and have moved on to "he's hiding something on his birth certificate!!" (i.e., he's listed as a Muslim).
What's he hiding? No, I mean that sincerely. What...is...he...hiding?! The fact that he is a "secret Muslim?!" So what if he was? He's not, but so what if he was? :shrug: Ever heard of freedom of religion? Or, what I also believe was equally important to the Founding Fathers: Freedom FROM religion? I'm a Christian. I believe in God...believe that Jesus came to Earth to die for our sins and give us the opportunity at eternal life if we accept him/God as our Lord and Savior. That said, I also believe that people have the right NOT to be Christian, not to believe in any form of deity. I'd prefer that they would...and that they would come to learn/see over time that there is eternal life and a loving God who is waiting for us to accept his gift/grace! However, the racism, elitism, and the complete opposite of "judge not, lest ye be judged" is absolutely abhorrent in modern society! Seriously, I'm not sure how most so-called Christians can stand to look themselves in the mirror most days. Yet they're out there...beating, shaming, defaming and __________ anyone and everyone who doesn't subscribe to their world view. I'm so tired of it...and it has driven me away from the Church as a result. Not from my faith and not from God, but from all the small-minded idiots who are WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too "Old Testament" in their words/deeds, and not enough "New Testament."

The Republican Party no longer exists. It's the Theocratic Party...trying to foist its world-view and religion upon the rest of society and the world...much like all those "radical Muslims" in other nations that they rail against...all the while radicalizing more and more Moderates/Agnostics/Atheists with their polarizing and offensive words/deeds. Shame on Christianity. God has to be embarrassed at what his Church has become.

Seriously? Seriously???? Wow. Trump. Wow. Where is he getting his information, just on-line?
Charlie Sheen really raised the standard for everyone.
The Charlie Sheen thread was locked, so I'll stick this here.Letter from Warner Brothers's lawyer to Charlie Sheen's lawyer. It's fairly entertaining, as these things go.
Why was that thread locked??
I don't know. Somebody probably said something stupid.
1) If he were born abroad, he wouldn't have been an American citizen by birth under the laws in effect at the time. 2) Basic citizenship aside, if he were born abroad, the question would remain as to whether that qualifies as a natural born citizen for purposes of presidential eligibility.
#2 is the real issue though it shouldn't be as we've already had a President who wasn't born in the US.
1) If he were born abroad, he wouldn't have been an American citizen by birth under the laws in effect at the time. 2) Basic citizenship aside, if he were born abroad, the question would remain as to whether that qualifies as a natural born citizen for purposes of presidential eligibility.
#2 is the real issue though it shouldn't be as we've already had a President who wasn't born in the US.
Yeah, but #1 is important for making the conspiracy plausible. It makes sense for a bunch of people to lie so that baby Obama could be a US citizen. It's ridiculous for a bunch of people to lie so that baby Obama could be eligible to become President.
1) If he were born abroad, he wouldn't have been an American citizen by birth under the laws in effect at the time. 2) Basic citizenship aside, if he were born abroad, the question would remain as to whether that qualifies as a natural born citizen for purposes of presidential eligibility.
#2 is the real issue though it shouldn't be as we've already had a President who wasn't born in the US.
Yeah, but #1 is important for making the conspiracy plausible. It makes sense for a bunch of people to lie so that baby Obama could be a US citizen. It's ridiculous for a bunch of people to lie so that baby Obama could be eligible to become President.
Who are these bunch of people lying? It only takes one or at most two people to have made this happen. The state of Hawaii is simply answering the questions honestly in accordance with their laws. This conspiracy isn't some grand conspiracy, it is the submittal of one potentially false document.
Who are these bunch of people lying? It only takes one or at most two people to have made this happen. The state of Hawaii is simply answering the questions honestly in accordance with their laws. This conspiracy isn't some grand conspiracy, it is the submittal of one potentially false document.
I'd imagine there were numerous people aware of where Obama's mom was when she gave birth.
Bottom line with this issue...

1. It plays well to the core GOP. It might make some roll their eyes on the left but it's a quick way to get 20% of the country to look no further than this one issue as all they need to vote against Obama...in fact I said 20% but in the MidWest it probably is something closer to 30-35% of those people. There are a certain number of folks in this country that simply won't get beyond this issue and you have folks like Trump who are credible and actually picking up this story. Doesn't matter how illogical it is, enough people have said it so now it has a life of its own.

2. It gets the Left very defensive. It's an easy pokre and pro. This thread is now 34 pages long? Incredible.

'Insomniac said:
No matter what he released right wingers / birthers would just call it a forgery and proof of their conspiracy theories.
Race: African:lol:
Wierd no, with most black folks then being referred to as colored or negroid. Strange how Hawaii in 1961 or so would have the politically correct sensibilities of our time and have listed not his father's race, but rather his continent of origin.Me, I believe Obama to have been born in Hawaii. I also believe that when there are short form COLB and long form birth Certificates that there may be more info on the long form than that on the short. I believe that there may be something embarassing, though not disqualifying, on the long form, but I have made no effort to study the subject, it just does not interest me.I also note that we have a dirth of documentary information on his life. He is in many ways an unknown, which is not to say that we have no information on him, just not as much as we have had on contemporary candidates to the office. He lacks transparency. It is not unreasonable to ask why he will not be examined as closely as were Bush, Gore, Clinton or Kerry.
Who are these bunch of people lying? It only takes one or at most two people to have made this happen. The state of Hawaii is simply answering the questions honestly in accordance with their laws. This conspiracy isn't some grand conspiracy, it is the submittal of one potentially false document.
I'd imagine there were numerous people aware of where Obama's mom was when she gave birth.
You would imagine that, but I have yet to hear one. There is one lady who mentioned she recalls overhearing the name in a restaurant at the time of birth and thought it was noteworthy. But no acquaintances have stepped forward recounting the time. Maybe a baby picture of Obama somewhere in Hawaii? There ought to be some evidence in these modern times.
Besides, at this point most birthers are way past "he was born in Kenya!" and have moved on to "he's hiding something on his birth certificate!!" (i.e., he's listed as a Muslim).
You've got to keep up. "He's hiding something on his birth certificate!" was last week's allegation. This week's accusation is "He's had clandestine brain surgery!"
Mystery scars on Obama's head prompt another question from conspiracy theorists - has the President had brain surgery?

He has been plagued with questions and doubts concerning his background throughout his first term as President.

Questions like - is Barack Obama actually American? Is he a Muslim? Is he actually an alien from another planet? - have frequently been asked.

The next question circulating on the internet - has President Obama had brain surgery?

Internet blog sites, conspiracy theorists and forums are awash with rumours as to what those mystery scars on the president's head are from.

In pictures, Obama appears to have a long scar which goes up the side of his head and over his crown.

Some conspiracy theorists claim they are scars that you would see on someone who has had brain surgery.

But without medical records (along with his school records and birth certificate) no one seems to be able to provide an answer as to the cause of the mystery scars... [snip]

Countless neurosurgeons said it is 'not their place' to comment on whether or not distinctive scars on the President's head are as a result of brain surgery. Others offered explanations such as a bad haircut.

(Link to full article with pictures of the bad haircut)
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Besides, at this point most birthers are way past "he was born in Kenya!" and have moved on to "he's hiding something on his birth certificate!!" (i.e., he's listed as a Muslim).
You've got to keep up. "He's hiding something on his birth certificate!" was last week's allegation. This week's accusation is "He's had clandestine brain surgery!"
Mystery scars on Obama's head prompt another question from conspiracy theorists - has the President had brain surgery?

He has been plagued with questions and doubts concerning his background throughout his first term as President.

Questions like - is Barack Obama actually American? Is he a Muslim? Is he actually an alien from another planet? - have frequently been asked.

The next question circulating on the internet - has President Obama had brain surgery?

Internet blog sites, conspiracy theorists and forums are awash with rumours as to what those mystery scars on the president's head are from.

In pictures, Obama appears to have a long scar which goes up the side of his head and over his crown.

Some conspiracy theorists claim they are scars that you would see on someone who has had brain surgery.

But without medical records (along with his school records and birth certificate) no one seems to be able to provide an answer as to the cause of the mystery scars... [snip]

Countless neurosurgeons said it is 'not their place' to comment on whether or not distinctive scars on the President's head are as a result of brain surgery. Others offered explanations such as a bad haircut.

(Link to full article with pictures of the bad haircut)
I assume that with his hops he has repeatedly struck his head on the rim or the backboard causing that scar.

I too have my scars, but not from rims or backboards.

As mentioned earlier in this thread, the laws in 1961 required BOTH parents to be citizens if a child was born outside the U.S.A.

Besides, at this point most birthers are way past "he was born in Kenya!" and have moved on to "he's hiding something on his birth certificate!!" (i.e., he's listed as a Muslim).
What's he hiding? No, I mean that sincerely. What...is...he...hiding?! The fact that he is a "secret Muslim?!" So what if he was? He's not, but so what if he was? :shrug: Ever heard of freedom of religion? Or, what I also believe was equally important to the Founding Fathers: Freedom FROM religion? I'm a Christian. I believe in God...believe that Jesus came to Earth to die for our sins and give us the opportunity at eternal life if we accept him/God as our Lord and Savior. That said, I also believe that people have the right NOT to be Christian, not to believe in any form of deity. I'd prefer that they would...and that they would come to learn/see over time that there is eternal life and a loving God who is waiting for us to accept his gift/grace! However, the racism, elitism, and the complete opposite of "judge not, lest ye be judged" is absolutely abhorrent in modern society! Seriously, I'm not sure how most so-called Christians can stand to look themselves in the mirror most days. Yet they're out there...beating, shaming, defaming and __________ anyone and everyone who doesn't subscribe to their world view. I'm so tired of it...and it has driven me away from the Church as a result. Not from my faith and not from God, but from all the small-minded idiots who are WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too "Old Testament" in their words/deeds, and not enough "New Testament."

The Republican Party no longer exists. It's the Theocratic Party...trying to foist its world-view and religion upon the rest of society and the world...much like all those "radical Muslims" in other nations that they rail against...all the while radicalizing more and more Moderates/Agnostics/Atheists with their polarizing and offensive words/deeds. Shame on Christianity. God has to be embarrassed at what his Church has become.
I was going to come up with a long response for this, but I'm behind schedule. I have to go beat someone who doesn't subscribe to my world view. After I'm done beating him I'm going to think real hard about what else I could do to him to come up with the funniest mad-lib possible for that blank.
As mentioned earlier in this thread, the laws in 1961 required BOTH parents to be citizens if a child was born outside the U.S.A.

Besides, at this point most birthers are way past "he was born in Kenya!" and have moved on to "he's hiding something on his birth certificate!!" (i.e., he's listed as a Muslim).
What's he hiding? No, I mean that sincerely. What...is...he...hiding?! The fact that he is a "secret Muslim?!" So what if he was? He's not, but so what if he was? :shrug: Ever heard of freedom of religion? Or, what I also believe was equally important to the Founding Fathers: Freedom FROM religion? I'm a Christian. I believe in God...believe that Jesus came to Earth to die for our sins and give us the opportunity at eternal life if we accept him/God as our Lord and Savior. That said, I also believe that people have the right NOT to be Christian, not to believe in any form of deity. I'd prefer that they would...and that they would come to learn/see over time that there is eternal life and a loving God who is waiting for us to accept his gift/grace! However, the racism, elitism, and the complete opposite of "judge not, lest ye be judged" is absolutely abhorrent in modern society! Seriously, I'm not sure how most so-called Christians can stand to look themselves in the mirror most days. Yet they're out there...beating, shaming, defaming and __________ anyone and everyone who doesn't subscribe to their world view. I'm so tired of it...and it has driven me away from the Church as a result. Not from my faith and not from God, but from all the small-minded idiots who are WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too "Old Testament" in their words/deeds, and not enough "New Testament."

The Republican Party no longer exists. It's the Theocratic Party...trying to foist its world-view and religion upon the rest of society and the world...much like all those "radical Muslims" in other nations that they rail against...all the while radicalizing more and more Moderates/Agnostics/Atheists with their polarizing and offensive words/deeds. Shame on Christianity. God has to be embarrassed at what his Church has become.
:lmao: :cry: :lmao:

'Insomniac said:
No matter what he released right wingers / birthers would just call it a forgery and proof of their conspiracy theories.
Race: African:lol:
Wierd no, with most black folks then being referred to as colored or negroid. Strange how Hawaii in 1961 or so would have the politically correct sensibilities of our time and have listed not his father's race, but rather his continent of origin.Me, I believe Obama to have been born in Hawaii. I also believe that when there are short form COLB and long form birth Certificates that there may be more info on the long form than that on the short. I believe that there may be something embarassing, though not disqualifying, on the long form, but I have made no effort to study the subject, it just does not interest me.I also note that we have a dirth of documentary information on his life. He is in many ways an unknown, which is not to say that we have no information on him, just not as much as we have had on contemporary candidates to the office. He lacks transparency. It is not unreasonable to ask why he will not be examined as closely as were Bush, Gore, Clinton or Kerry.
The application forms back then have been shown to have "colored" as the choice of race for blacks, with a switch to "negro" around 1960/1961.This document was pretty obviously created by some PC toadie who simply could not bring themselves to using that vernacular when they created it. It's supremely hilarious that this document is relied upon by the Obots as "proof".As I 've stated a few times, I do believe he was born in Hawaii, but given socety's posture toward both interracial children and unwed mothers in those days, it seems highly likely that Obama was born at home rather than a hospital and simply did not have the documentation that he would have gotten under different circumstances with a hospital birth. It's probably why he had to create an alternatate identity utilizing a SS number that he couldn't have acquired through normal channels and why he keeps so many documents from his past hidden through every legal means in the book.It's not that he's not a naturally born citizen, it's that so much of his life is a con and thus why he has to protect his past so vigorously.
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The application forms back then have been shown to have "colored" as the choice of race for blacks, with a switch to "negro" around 1960/1961.
Update, August 26: We received responses to some of our questions from the Hawaii Department of Health. They couldn't tell us anything about their security paper, but they did answer another frequently-raised question: why is Obama's father's race listed as "African"? Kurt Tsue at the DOH told us that father's race and mother's race are supplied by the parents, and that "we accept what the parents self identify themselves to be." We consider it reasonable to believe that Barack Obama, Sr., would have thought of and reported himself as "African." It's certainly not the slam dunk some readers have made it out to be.

The application forms back then have been shown to have "colored" as the choice of race for blacks, with a switch to "negro" around 1960/1961.
Update, August 26: We received responses to some of our questions from the Hawaii Department of Health. They couldn't tell us anything about their security paper, but they did answer another frequently-raised question: why is Obama's father's race listed as "African"? Kurt Tsue at the DOH told us that father's race and mother's race are supplied by the parents, and that "we accept what the parents self identify themselves to be." We consider it reasonable to believe that Barack Obama, Sr., would have thought of and reported himself as "African." It's certainly not the slam dunk some readers have made it out to be.
:lol: You just keep on believing that will all your little heart. Race was not a "fill-in-the-blank", it was a check box selection, just as it is on government forms today.

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