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The Russia Investigation: Trump Pardons Flynn (3 Viewers)

I don't recall reading the story in question here.  Care to find it?  Or are you just muddying the waters in attempt to not address the real news posted?

From the link:

Critics will long cite this episode as evidence that CNN is precisely what Trump has called it — “fake news.” Yet the departure of three journalists immediately following a mangled story provides a counterpoint to this particular slander. Purveyors of fake news, after all, don’t take drastic personnel moves following a bogus story. They rejoice in it.

I don't recall reading the story in question here.  Care to find it?  Or are you just muddying the waters in attempt to not address the real news posted?

From the link:

Critics will long cite this episode as evidence that CNN is precisely what Trump has called it — “fake news.” Yet the departure of three journalists immediately following a mangled story provides a counterpoint to this particular slander. Purveyors of fake news, after all, don’t take drastic personnel moves following a bogus story. They rejoice in it


I don't recall reading the story in question here.  Care to find it?  Or are you just muddying the waters in attempt to not address the real news posted?

From the link:
The real news is that cnn got rid of 3 employees.  The junk you posted is just an interpretation of those actions.

I won't re-engage in this cluster of a thread.  It's just funny to pop in after a month away and see that the conspiracy is alive and well.  Research away!

The real news is that cnn got rid of 3 employees.  The junk you posted is just an interpretation of those actions.

I won't re-engage in this cluster of a thread.  It's just funny to pop in after a month away and see that the conspiracy is alive and well.   Research away! 
Don't worry, the special prosecutor is doing exactly that. And his findings hold a little more weight than random guys on an Internet board. 

The real news is that cnn got rid of 3 employees.  The junk you posted is just an interpretation of those actions.

I won't re-engage in this cluster of a thread.  It's just funny to pop in after a month away and see that the conspiracy is alive and well.  Research away!
So the real news here is about a cable news channel having 3 folks resign for not following (apparently) proper protocol or something similar, within their cable news outlet, and either were asked to resign or resigned...

While the ####### president of the united states is under investigation for ties to Russia and for possible collusion with them and for possible obstruction of justice and for possible money laundering?  And these piddling reporters are the news?  Are you out of your mind? :)

The real news is that cnn got rid of 3 employees.  The junk you posted is just an interpretation of those actions.

I won't re-engage in this cluster of a thread.  It's just funny to pop in after a month away and see that the conspiracy is alive and well.  Research away!
You ignored several real articles to post a useful idiot deflection of real reporting.  If that is what you think engagement is, everyone is better off if you do less of it. 

Nobody is losing sleep when a guy who thinks tabloid transfer rumors are real is claiming that the Special Prosecutor appointed by Rosenstein is investigating a conspiracy theory.

The real news is that cnn got rid of 3 employees.  The junk you posted is just an interpretation of those actions.

I won't re-engage in this cluster of a thread.  It's just funny to pop in after a month away and see that the conspiracy is alive and well.  Research away!
Ok. See you tomorrow.

When Trump goes to jail  @shader

will be back with the "I told you so's" OR if nothing happens in a month, "see, I told you you guys are hysterical".... it is entertaining.
It isn't entertaining.  Anyone who thinks the Russian interference in the election is a "conspiracy" is a useful idiot, at best.

Right.  It is apparently the Senate investigation that is unconfirmed.
Wait, so the meeting actually took place and Scaramucci himself gave public interviews regarding the meeting, but CNN posted that this was an aspect of the Senate investigation, which is unconfirmed? 

And that is the big news of the day? 

Admittedly, I assumed that CNN completely flubbed the story. 

Wait, so the meeting actually took place and Scaramucci himself gave public interviews regarding the meeting, but CNN posted that this was an aspect of the Senate investigation, which is unconfirmed? 

And that is the big news of the day? 

Admittedly, I assumed that CNN completely flubbed the story. 
There is always danger is reporting a single sourced story though.  It being denied and used as gaslighting by the useful idiots supporting Trump is certainly one of them.

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Agreed. I hate it when they give the lunatics any fodder at all. I was just surprised to see that the meeting actually did take place, but I shouldn't be. I should trust my gut that major news outlets (with one notable exception) just aren't going to outright make #### up. It's just such a strange time we are living in right now. 

That's actually a really good article and completely fked story.  

“Flynn was the first leader to defend me,” said Gritz. “He forwarded a letter to the FBI and I personally think that Comey did not receive it. McCabe knew Flynn and I were friends. I felt that from the beginning it was an issue.”

Were we not so desensitized to scandal this would probably be a huge deal.  No matter how you feel about Flynn/Russia the FBI retaliating against an employee and her witness over (what appears to be a legit) EEOC case seems like a huge conflict of interest.  

That's actually a really good article and completely fked story.  

Were we not so desensitized to scandal this would probably be a huge deal.  No matter how you feel about Flynn/Russia the FBI retaliating against an employee and her witness over (what appears to be a legit) EEOC case seems like a huge conflict of interest.  
Gritz's claims are interesting and I'd like to see how they turned out.  I know she was accused of fraud and unprofessionalism, but I also represent people in discrimination suits - those things are true maybe 50% of the time and relevant enough to cause termination maybe 50% of those times. 

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Gritz's claims are interesting and I'd like to see how they turned out.  I know she was accused of fraud and unprofessionalism, but I also represent people in discrimination suits - those things are true maybe 50% of the time and relevant enough to cause termination maybe 50% of those times. 
On a side note, I've always detested cases that settle out of court with confidentiality clauses.


Claire McCaskill @clairecmc

I've been on the Armed Services Com for 10 years.No call or meeting w/Russian ambassador. Ever. Ambassadors call members of Foreign Rel Com.

As first reported by CNN, I guess they're back in your good graces as a reliable source then?

- We've already established that McCaskill forgot at least one meeting, we know she and other Senators have met Kislyak, and we know Sessions is not in trouble for just meeting Kislyak. Does this help Sessions in some new way?

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I am a big Obama fan as a person and think he was a pretty good president-- not great. But he was always thoughtful and did what he felt best for the country and people in general. He is a good person. 

Having said that, he was wrong on Russia more often than not (starting with the debate with Romney) and he often seemed to overthink his dealings with them. There was a good article about Obama and Russia in this or another thread earlier and his paralysis by analysis. 

In the instance regarding the hacking and influence, I think it was a tough spot -- similar to Comey. He didnt want to appear to be influencing the election through his powers in the office. Had he done so and Hillary won, we would never hear the end of it. He needed to do more than say "cut it out" though. Maybe initiate sanctions under a different pre-text or something.

This whole thing is nuts really. And we should be bi-partisan in this response to Russia, but we have a president who wont talk in public or to his security teams about any ramifications other than maybe giving their compounds back and meeting privately with russians behind closed doors.

Trump is dirty. 

I am a big Obama fan as a person and think he was a pretty good president-- not great. But he was always thoughtful and did what he felt best for the country and people in general. He is a good person. 

Having said that, he was wrong on Russia more often than not (starting with the debate with Romney) and he often seemed to overthink his dealings with them. There was a good article about Obama and Russia in this or another thread earlier and his paralysis by analysis. 

In the instance regarding the hacking and influence, I think it was a tough spot -- similar to Comey. He didnt want to appear to be influencing the election through his powers in the office. Had he done so and Hillary won, we would never hear the end of it. He needed to do more than say "cut it out" though. Maybe initiate sanctions under a different pre-text or something.

This whole thing is nuts really. And we should be bi-partisan in this response to Russia, but we have a president who wont talk in public or to his security teams about any ramifications other than maybe giving their compounds back and meeting privately with russians behind closed doors.

Trump is dirty. 
I agree with this -- But the big difference  to me is Obama (albeit to a fault) was trying to protect the system and not create discord/distrust while Trump is at least a) outright denying Russia intervention and worse b) colluded with them -- those are not in the same universe

In the circa article they mention that the day after he learned that Gritz was filing an EEO compliant, he opened an OPR investigtaion....pure retaliation....
McCabe testified to that. Wouldn't claims by Gritz need to be brought to the OPR in order to have the claims against other agents or officials examined?

An inspector general is looking at Gritz's allegations and her case is slowly moving through a backlog in the equal opportunity system.
- 4/15/15, NPR. So what happened?

Can we apply this to Pres. Trump who fired Yates on the day she was to present evidence to McGahn of Flynn's duplicity about communicating with the Russians?

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I agree with this -- But the big difference  to me is Obama (albeit to a fault) was trying to protect the system and not create discord/distrust while Trump is at least a) outright denying Russia intervention and worse b) colluded with them -- those are not in the same universe
Huh?,?,!  You guys live in some strange world not our own.  Leeroy types out that long post and actually makes some sense, but then turns it back on Trump?  Wow. Delusional 

Don't worry, the special prosecutor is doing exactly that. And his findings hold a little more weight than random guys on an Internet board. 
The best part will be watching the reactions either way.

Watching the nuts on either side go scorched earth will be epic.

Ok, I haven't been glued to this the last 36hrs. I thought Hannity was bringing Russia into the forefront, alluding that...so what if they interfered or colluded ? The "it happens everywhere" excuse.  And if Trump colluded, it's not a crime.  Do I have that wrong?

That man, Dmitri “David” Zaikin, is not registered as a foreign lobbyist and has no apparent connection to Turkey.

What he does have, a ProPublica-Politico examination found, is a long track record of partnering with powerful Russian businesspeople and government officials, mostly involving energy and mining deals. More recently, Zaikin has done political work in Eastern Europe, advising parties in Albania and Macedonia that have drifted toward the Kremlin.

Zaikin also has business connections to Trump. Working at a real estate agency in Toronto in the 2000s, Zaikin brokered sales in one of the city’s new high-rises: the Trump International Hotel & Tower. Perhaps coincidentally, Zaikin was also close with a Russian woman who was the exclusive agent for one of Trump’s Florida developments and who was branded “Trump’s Russian hand” by a glossy Russian magazine.

Ok, I haven't been glued to this the last 36hrs. I thought Hannity was bringing Russia into the forefront, alluding that...so what if they interfered or colluded ? The "it happens everywhere" excuse.  And if Trump colluded, it's not a crime.  Do I have that wrong?
Nope, you are on target.

Cowardly Traitors be cowardly traitoring.

There is always danger is reporting a single sourced story though.  It being denied and used as gaslighting by the useful idiots supporting Trump is certainly one of them.
Right on target:

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 43m43 minutes ago

Fake News CNN is looking at big management changes now that they got caught falsely pushing their phony Russian stories. Ratings way down!

So they caught Fake News CNN cold, but what about NBC, CBS & ABC? What about the failing @nytimes & @washingtonpost? They are all Fake News!

So in line with this narrative or maybe driving it... President Bigboy went on another tweeter tear this am - 8 count'em 8 tweets attacking CNN or attempting collusion/obstruction comps.

Also included: 'Mark Levin: The collusion is among the Democrats'. Because colluding in weaponizing hot data with a foreign foe is exactly the same as an American political party.

Hey y'all, spies aren't bad guys, they're just unregistered outside political consultants yaknow.

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