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The Shark Pool in Decline - What happened? (1 Viewer)

I thought the Shark Pool has actually been a lot better the last few months. Faust was working like crazy bringing a lot of stuff into the SP for players all off season. The off season is pretty good here, once the season starts you already have about 80-90% of the players you are gonna have on your team so folks tend to feel bitter about this and that and you get a lot of slanted view points.

The ignore feature works very well. I had a person I scrolled over and I noticed they were on ignore and I didn't even recognize the name so I read the ignored post anyways thinking I made a mistake but low and behold there was clearly a reason I had ignored this person, the post was nothing but an assault on the other poster. Obviously I knew what I was doing the first time around. Put the 10-12 posters you dislike on ignore and your SP experience will be a better one.

The only thing that has changed is your memory. Nothing has changed here at all. Take off your rose-colored nostalgia glasses and realize it has always been this way.
I just don't get why we need to ##### and moan that things aren't the same as they used to be every year. Nothing is the same as it used to be.

I think things were better a couple days ago before this thread got bumped

What in the hell happened to the Shark Pool? What was once probably the best single resource for fantasy football anywhere - and frankly the reason I pay for an annual subscription despite the fact that the forums are free - has now degraded into a forum full of bickering and sniping and an endless chain of associated replies. Between the bickering and sniping, we're inundated with people's team information (cool story bro), which is usually worthless (yes, trade information can be valuable, useful). Others attempt to disguise "who do I start/trade" better suited for the Assistant Coach forum. Why doesn't FBG moderate anymore? Cost? Interest? Too great a task to moderate properly? A degraded FBG forum is a degraded FBG. I presume FBG realizes that the forums are often a potential customer's first look at FBG as a fantasy service. There's still a great deal of valuable information in the Shark Pool but man it's just not worth wading through the garbage to get there. Maybe it's time for an FBG members Shark Pool but I'm not sure that's the answer.
Do we have to do this every ####### year? The only thing that has changed is your memory. Nothing has changed here at all. Take off your rose-colored nostalgia glasses and realize it has always been this way.
This is what is wrong with the Shark Pool. You get responses like this in almost every single thread. Just some real nasty, disrespectful people in here. And no, it hasn't always been like this. I've been in here since day 1 , even before you had to register. Back when Joe Bryant was making waves with his emphasis on "value based drafting". Those were some great days in this place. You didn't always agree with everyone, but the posters were by and large very respectful and at least brought something to the table in a debate. Not so much anymore. And the real problem is that some of the most active posters in here are some of the worst. They set the negative tone for the rest of the people coming in.Here's hoping that things change and the Forums are more actively moderated going forward.
This is what is wrong with the Shark Pool. People pretend to be above the fray but are actually like everyone else. No one is being fooled here.
I normally wouldn't respond to a personal post like this, but you are actually one of the posters in here that I like and respect. I often get fired up in here and probably should learn to use the ignore button a little more. I was raised in the type of neighborhood where you treat people with respect, but if someone hits you, you hit em right back. Thus probably doesn't work well in an Internet forum. Will try to temper things going forward.

What in the hell happened to the Shark Pool? What was once probably the best single resource for fantasy football anywhere - and frankly the reason I pay for an annual subscription despite the fact that the forums are free - has now degraded into a forum full of bickering and sniping and an endless chain of associated replies. Between the bickering and sniping, we're inundated with people's team information (cool story bro), which is usually worthless (yes, trade information can be valuable, useful). Others attempt to disguise "who do I start/trade" better suited for the Assistant Coach forum. Why doesn't FBG moderate anymore? Cost? Interest? Too great a task to moderate properly? A degraded FBG forum is a degraded FBG. I presume FBG realizes that the forums are often a potential customer's first look at FBG as a fantasy service. There's still a great deal of valuable information in the Shark Pool but man it's just not worth wading through the garbage to get there. Maybe it's time for an FBG members Shark Pool but I'm not sure that's the answer.
Do we have to do this every ####### year? The only thing that has changed is your memory. Nothing has changed here at all. Take off your rose-colored nostalgia glasses and realize it has always been this way.
This is what is wrong with the Shark Pool. You get responses like this in almost every single thread. Just some real nasty, disrespectful people in here. And no, it hasn't always been like this. I've been in here since day 1 , even before you had to register. Back when Joe Bryant was making waves with his emphasis on "value based drafting". Those were some great days in this place. You didn't always agree with everyone, but the posters were by and large very respectful and at least brought something to the table in a debate. Not so much anymore. And the real problem is that some of the most active posters in here are some of the worst. They set the negative tone for the rest of the people coming in.Here's hoping that things change and the Forums are more actively moderated going forward.
This is what is wrong with the Shark Pool. People pretend to be above the fray but are actually like everyone else. No one is being fooled here.
I normally wouldn't respond to a personal post like this, but you are actually one of the posters in here that I like and respect. I often get fired up in here and probably should learn to use the ignore button a little more. I was raised in the type of neighborhood where you treat people with respect, but if someone hits you, you hit em right back. Thus probably doesn't work well in an Internet forum. Will try to temper things going forward.
Don't feel bad about anything dude. Don't worry about making the Shark Pool better. Just enjoy it for what it is. Let the mods sort out the rest.

Wow, yeah. This season I am starting to realize this place is full of idiots. Probably going to begin to post here less often. It's become a little bit annoying to post here.

Needs to be for subs only.

Plus a few people leaving will be a nice touch.
You realize how slow this place would be with just subs? I would wager that a huge portion of subscribers are paying for a subscription specifically because they don't have the time at work or at home to be doing all the legwork themselves on message boards and such. They pay for the sub, use the tools provided, and read the important articles.

A poll here in the Shark Pool asking if you're a subscriber or not would actually be very interesting. Four options: 1. Not a subscriber, rarely post. 2. Not a subscriber, frequently post. 3. Subscriber, rarely post. 4. Subscriber, frequently post.

I have a feeling that the majority of people who post here frequently are not subscribers.

Needs to be for subs only.

Plus a few people leaving will be a nice touch.
You realize how slow this place would be with just subs? I would wager that a huge portion of subscribers are paying for a subscription specifically because they don't have the time at work or at home to be doing all the legwork themselves on message boards and such. They pay for the sub, use the tools provided, and read the important articles.

A poll here in the Shark Pool asking if you're a subscriber or not would actually be very interesting. Four options: 1. Not a subscriber, rarely post. 2. Not a subscriber, frequently post. 3. Subscriber, rarely post. 4. Subscriber, frequently post.

I have a feeling that the majority of people who post here frequently are not subscribers.
Would be interested to see that myself.

Needs to be for subs only.

Plus a few people leaving will be a nice touch.
You realize how slow this place would be with just subs? I would wager that a huge portion of subscribers are paying for a subscription specifically because they don't have the time at work or at home to be doing all the legwork themselves on message boards and such. They pay for the sub, use the tools provided, and read the important articles.

A poll here in the Shark Pool asking if you're a subscriber or not would actually be very interesting. Four options: 1. Not a subscriber, rarely post. 2. Not a subscriber, frequently post. 3. Subscriber, rarely post. 4. Subscriber, frequently post.

I have a feeling that the majority of people who post here frequently are not subscribers.
Would be interested to see that myself.
Thread created.

I don't understand why its such a giant hassle to weed through the junk. Block people you dont wanna hear. Its pretty obvious when you can stop reading a post, its usually less than 20 words in.

The irony is that the people pissing in the shark pool arent any different than the people bent out of shape about it and throwing fits. They want things their way and dont want anyone disagreeing with them. Just shrug and move on, dont mess with a good enough thing.

I'll say, the recent thread locks on obvious crap that should be in Asst Coach forums is nice to see. I come to Shark Pool for NFL talk, and it does grind my gears a bit to see the fantasy trade threads and WDIS stuff that should be in the forum created for it.

Good job mods.

This is a very busy time of year. People in general post things on the internet they wouldn't normaly say to people in person, it is not flattering as a society.

Honestly, it's about the same as past years. Try not to get baited into those ridiculous conversations where you know deep down you can't change someone's mind. Accept that people will disagree with you and move on. If you find you are quoting people time after time you are probably destroying a thread.

To me, I don't like entering a thread and it's quote after quote of something I have no idea about but yet the original topic was something I was interested in reading or discussing.

I also don't love the threads that have tons of posts for the entire season. I know we don't want 3 threads on page 1 on Trent Richardson but sometimes I like a fresh thread on a player if the topic is new. I am not going to go into a 400 post thread and read them all to see if I am being redundant or read through all of those huge quoted posts to try and understand where the thread is currently at, so sometimes I'm just like meh, forget it I'll keep it to myself.

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I thought the Shark Pool has actually been a lot better the last few months. Faust was working like crazy bringing a lot of stuff into the SP for players all off season. The off season is pretty good here, once the season starts you already have about 80-90% of the players you are gonna have on your team so folks tend to feel bitter about this and that and you get a lot of slanted view points.

The ignore feature works very well. I had a person I scrolled over and I noticed they were on ignore and I didn't even recognize the name so I read the ignored post anyways thinking I made a mistake but low and behold there was clearly a reason I had ignored this person, the post was nothing but an assault on the other poster. Obviously I knew what I was doing the first time around. Put the 10-12 posters you dislike on ignore and your SP experience will be a better one.
I wish that the ignore feature worked on threads started by the person you ignored. Would clean up my front page a bit

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