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"The Voice" , new singing talent search show (2 Viewers)

I don't remember exactly what she said after the performance, but are you sure she really took credit for it's originality?
I don't think she's taking credit for its originality. But she also didn't defer credit for the arrangement when the coaches praised her for it. I just wish she hadn't been silent/neutral on the subject.
This was how I felt. Loved the song, it just irked me a little she and Blake took the credit, but I understand. I'd also bet anything he played her The Frays version and told her to sing it like that.
I can't believe the love in this thread for either of the bald chicks. Can't wait for them to leave. Javier is by far the best. Xenia's my second-favorite, but damn she needs some confidence.

I just re-watched the after-song interview of Dia. The only thing other than "Thank you" that she said was, "Yea" to Adam's direct question, "I mean it was your idea to do it, right?"

She definitely didn't take credit for the originality of the cover and I agree with Andy, it really wasn't the time or place to correct the misconceptions that I think everyone watching the performance had.

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There's something about a show that's supposed to be about the voice breaking out the dancers and light shows for these rounds that doesn't sit well with me.

Yeah NBC was very open about this not being just for fresh faces like Idol.

They wanted some guys with a few failed record deals to get a real breakthrough chance and mix that with fresh faces.

Problem is i think most of the final group would be easy cuts during the Hollywood weeks of Idol.

But like someone else said, from the first 8 we saw last week, Dia the Lesbo and Frenchy are all awesome.

Dia is my pick to win it too though Javier is gonna be tough to beat. Spent a few hours on Youtube thumbing through "Meg and Dia" songs and have to say the girl can sing.
Javier wins this thing.
i think he has a great voice, but i'm not a fan of that oversinging that i think he does.
Hopefully he'll reign that in. I love Xenia's voice and I'm glad she's still around. Dia's good too. After that, everyone is either :meh: to me or worse. I really, really don't like either of the bald women. And it has nothing to do with them being bald women. I just don't enjoy their vocals.
Javier wins this thing.
i think he has a great voice, but i'm not a fan of that oversinging that i think he does.
Hopefully he'll reign that in. I love Xenia's voice and I'm glad she's still around. Dia's good too. After that, everyone is either :meh: to me or worse. I really, really don't like either of the bald women. And it has nothing to do with them being bald women. I just don't enjoy their vocals.
i like Vicci Martinez' vocals.
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Stop and Stare was way too big of a song for Devon.

Javier is the goods.

I liked Nakia's performance, although the prancing around was rather tacky.

The cowboy is pretty weak.

Anyone else surprised that Blake took Xenia over Patrick?She has a very interesting voice, but no presence or confidence. Every time they showed her "Everybody look to left" with the arm movements, I just winced.

Anyone else surprised that Blake took Xenia over Patrick?She has a very interesting voice, but no presence or confidence. Every time they showed her "Everybody look to left" with the arm movements, I just winced.
I was very surprised (even Carson Daily seemed surprised), but he apparently decided that she could make far better use of his tutelage. He probably realized that neither of the dudes could compete with Javier, so he needed an all or nothing pick. Xenia has the voice to win the whole thing, but he's got some major work getting her confidence up.
Anyone else surprised that Blake took Xenia over Patrick?She has a very interesting voice, but no presence or confidence. Every time they showed her "Everybody look to left" with the arm movements, I just winced.
I was very surprised (even Carson Daily seemed surprised), but he apparently decided that she could make far better use of his tutelage. He probably realized that neither of the dudes could compete with Javier, so he needed an all or nothing pick. Xenia has the voice to win the whole thing, but he's got some major work getting her confidence up.
And he didn't do anything to cover that up. He basically came out and said to Xenia "Holy crap! I can't believe you were chosen over the other two, can you?"
I thought the tutelage thing was an excuse. You could be right about the strategy. This is the first time I heard Javier and really liked him. Very striking contrast between the first two teams for the semifinals. And no guys yet.

Anyone else surprised that Blake took Xenia over Patrick?She has a very interesting voice, but no presence or confidence. Every time they showed her "Everybody look to left" with the arm movements, I just winced.
I was very surprised (even Carson Daily seemed surprised), but he apparently decided that she could make far better use of his tutelage. He probably realized that neither of the dudes could compete with Javier, so he needed an all or nothing pick. Xenia has the voice to win the whole thing, but he's got some major work getting her confidence up.
And he didn't do anything to cover that up. He basically came out and said to Xenia "Holy crap! I can't believe you were chosen over the other two, can you?"
Yeah, I thought that was tacky.
xenia or whatever is gonna be first boot from the first 4 for sure. Dia, Javier are final 2 100%

That fat dude who thinks he is one of the members of Rascall Flatts sucks.

I like Vicci a lot as well

Whoever came up with the idea for those two girls to sing an Andrews Sisters song should be fired.

Really most of the artist choices for Ce Los team were horrible.

Andrew Sisters, Dolly Parton, Sly and the Family Stone, Robert Palmer. What year is this?

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Andrew Sisters, Dolly Parton, Sly and the Family Stone, Robert Palmer. What year is this?
You never really know, but he claimed it was Vicci who picked Jolene. That's been done a lot on Idol, too. Speaking of which, Kris Allen did a slowed down down version of Heartless two years ago, so I was also surprised at how innovative they all thought Dia was.
'Mystery Achiever said:
Anyone else surprised that Blake took Xenia over Patrick?She has a very interesting voice, but no presence or confidence. Every time they showed her "Everybody look to left" with the arm movements, I just winced.
I was but he made the right move. His team is weak compared to the others and she has a much higher ceiling than the two dudes.
This week's winners should be Nakia, Vicci, Javier, and either Jeff Jenkins or Casey Weston (can't decide which I like better).

Whoever came up with the idea for those two girls to sing an Andrews Sisters song should be fired.
:goodposting: But then they never should have beaten Kelsey Rey anyway. Cee Lo seems like a pretty cool guy but his choices in the battle rounds and the songs he chose for his artists were not good.
This week's winners should be Nakia, Vicci, Javier, and either Jeff Jenkins or Casey Weston (can't decide which I like better).
I agree with this. And I'm partial to Casey Weston because Adam forced her to do her song in a way that didn't showcase her talents as well as it could have.
This week's winners should be Nakia, Vicci, Javier, and either Jeff Jenkins or Casey Weston (can't decide which I like better).
I agree with this. And I'm partial to Casey Weston because Adam forced her to do her song in a way that didn't showcase her talents as well as it could have.
I thought this was a really bad move. I understand trying to showcase a wider range of talent but putting her in a position to do a performance in a way that doesn't bring out her strengths is just setting her up to fail. IMO Adam should be finding ways to best emphasis the strengths not suppress them.
This week's winners should be Nakia, Vicci, Javier, and either Jeff Jenkins or Casey Weston (can't decide which I like better).
I agree with this. And I'm partial to Casey Weston because Adam forced her to do her song in a way that didn't showcase her talents as well as it could have.
I thought this was a really bad move. I understand trying to showcase a wider range of talent but putting her in a position to do a performance in a way that doesn't bring out her strengths is just setting her up to fail. IMO Adam should be finding ways to best emphasis the strengths not suppress them.
I think Adam was right. She can't sing like Jewell on valium for the whole competition.And anyway, I thought she did great with it and I don't really like that song.
This week's winners should be Nakia, Vicci, Javier, and either Jeff Jenkins or Casey Weston (can't decide which I like better).
I agree with this. And I'm partial to Casey Weston because Adam forced her to do her song in a way that didn't showcase her talents as well as it could have.
I thought this was a really bad move. I understand trying to showcase a wider range of talent but putting her in a position to do a performance in a way that doesn't bring out her strengths is just setting her up to fail. IMO Adam should be finding ways to best emphasis the strengths not suppress them.
I think Adam was right. She can't sing like Jewell on valium for the whole competition.And anyway, I thought she did great with it and I don't really like that song.
Agreed that Nakia, Vicci and Javier should be slam dunks to advance. Going into this week, Jeff would have definitely been my next choice for Adam's team. However, he sang terribly on Jesus Take The Wheel. So much so, that Casey has now passed him in my eyes. I think Casey deserves to move on.
Agreed that Nakia, Vicci and Javier should be slam dunks to advance. Going into this week, Jeff would have definitely been my next choice for Adam's team. However, he sang terribly on Jesus Take The Wheel. So much so, that Casey has now passed him in my eyes. I think Casey deserves to move on.
I think Jeff's emotions got to him singing that song. He should have picked something else.
Something I wanted to throw out to you guys...it looks like all of the top 8 are going to sing next Tuesday, even though the last 4 have yet to be revealed. How big of a disadvantage is this to Adam and Cee Lo's team that they'll need to prepare 4 people/groups each to perform when only 2 will end up performing?

Agreed that Nakia, Vicci and Javier should be slam dunks to advance. Going into this week, Jeff would have definitely been my next choice for Adam's team. However, he sang terribly on Jesus Take The Wheel. So much so, that Casey has now passed him in my eyes. I think Casey deserves to move on.
I think Jeff's emotions got to him singing that song. He should have picked something else.
That's a fair point. Maybe I should cut him a little more slack.
Something I wanted to throw out to you guys...it looks like all of the top 8 are going to sing next Tuesday, even though the last 4 have yet to be revealed. How big of a disadvantage is this to Adam and Cee Lo's team that they'll need to prepare 4 people/groups each to perform when only 2 will end up performing?
I was wondering how they'll orchestrate this, but I doubt it will hurt those teams. They probably spend a lot of the time practicing on their own, vs. with coach.
Something I wanted to throw out to you guys...it looks like all of the top 8 are going to sing next Tuesday, even though the last 4 have yet to be revealed. How big of a disadvantage is this to Adam and Cee Lo's team that they'll need to prepare 4 people/groups each to perform when only 2 will end up performing?
I can all but guaranty that the "winner's reveal" has already been taped and will be thrown in at the top of the live show, with the explanation that this was done to give the singers all the same prep time.
Something I wanted to throw out to you guys...it looks like all of the top 8 are going to sing next Tuesday, even though the last 4 have yet to be revealed. How big of a disadvantage is this to Adam and Cee Lo's team that they'll need to prepare 4 people/groups each to perform when only 2 will end up performing?
I can all but guaranty that the "winner's reveal" has already been taped and will be thrown in at the top of the live show, with the explanation that this was done to give the singers all the same prep time.
Voting doesn't close until Monday. Are you claiming conspiracy?
Something I wanted to throw out to you guys...it looks like all of the top 8 are going to sing next Tuesday, even though the last 4 have yet to be revealed. How big of a disadvantage is this to Adam and Cee Lo's team that they'll need to prepare 4 people/groups each to perform when only 2 will end up performing?
I can all but guaranty that the "winner's reveal" has already been taped and will be thrown in at the top of the live show, with the explanation that this was done to give the singers all the same prep time.
Voting doesn't close until Monday. Are you claiming conspiracy?
It doesn't? That makes no sense then.
Something I wanted to throw out to you guys...it looks like all of the top 8 are going to sing next Tuesday, even though the last 4 have yet to be revealed. How big of a disadvantage is this to Adam and Cee Lo's team that they'll need to prepare 4 people/groups each to perform when only 2 will end up performing?
I can all but guaranty that the "winner's reveal" has already been taped and will be thrown in at the top of the live show, with the explanation that this was done to give the singers all the same prep time.
Voting doesn't close until Monday. Are you claiming conspiracy?
It doesn't? That makes no sense then.
Yeah, that's the rub. Voting is open until noon ET Monday.
Entertaining show tonight. Nakia and Beverly really impressed me. They both have some serious pipes, though Nakia's stage moves are pretty darn cheesy at times.

Javier's still got the best voice, but I don't like his timing on phrases. He likes to come in late and then rush it, and play around with the tempo. Same with Vicci though I'm not sure that was intentional. I usually like Vicci, but I thought her song was a little overdone. I thought Nakia outperformed her and I'm holding out hope that he'll beat her out for the finals.

Frenchie was forgettable. Casey's got a really unique voice, but that song choice was awful for her. She can't do long sustained notes, and that's all that song was. Her vibrato just gets out of control and she goes flat.

Dia's voice is haunting. I got goosebumps when she first started singing. But her voices lacks any dynamic range. Even when she's trying to push things, she just can't generate any volume. As a result I became a little bored with her performance. Xenia has no grace or stage presence. She just stands there awkwardly, and when she finally tried to move she shows a complete lack of coordination. And she's got no personality in her face. Her voice is really unique. But she's got a loooooong way to go to be a professional singer.

My choice for the finals:

Beverly, Nakia, Javier, and Dia.


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