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The Wire (2 Viewers)

mytagid = Math.floor( Math.random() * 100 );document.write("

Someone asked about why I was mad at episode #58. Naturally it was because I didn't want to see Omar go. I understand why it happened and the way it happened, "It's all in the game, Yo". But he was my favorite character and I hated to see him go.

Did anyone else have a vision of an Irish wake at the cop bar for McNulty? I swear, when his woman was giving him the business on the front porch of her house, all I could picture was McNulty laid out on the pool table, with the Hearst parked out front of the bar and all of the police gathered around singing. Usually this scene involves Bunk stumbling outside to puke, but I don't see him doing that this time.

I hope it doesn't happen that way, but McNulty is the most tragic of the heroes on this show, so his fall will most likely be a long one.*** SPOILER ALERT! Click this link to display the potential spoiler text in this box. ***");document.close();

mytagid = Math.floor( Math.random() * 100 );document.write("

Someone asked about why I was mad at episode #58. Naturally it was because I didn't want to see Omar go. I understand why it happened and the way it happened, "It's all in the game, Yo". But he was my favorite character and I hated to see him go.

Did anyone else have a vision of an Irish wake at the cop bar for McNulty? I swear, when his woman was giving him the business on the front porch of her house, all I could picture was McNulty laid out on the pool table, with the Hearst parked out front of the bar and all of the police gathered around singing. Usually this scene involves Bunk stumbling outside to puke, but I don't see him doing that this time.

I hope it doesn't happen that way, but McNulty is the most tragic of the heroes on this show, so his fall will most likely be a long one.*** SPOILER ALERT! Click this link to display the potential spoiler text in this box. ***");document.close();
mytagid = Math.floor( Math.random() * 100 );document.write("

Someone asked about why I was mad at episode #58. Naturally it was because I didn't want to see Omar go. I understand why it happened and the way it happened, "It's all in the game, Yo". But he was my favorite character and I hated to see him go.

Did anyone else have a vision of an Irish wake at the cop bar for McNulty? I swear, when his woman was giving him the business on the front porch of her house, all I could picture was McNulty laid out on the pool table, with the Hearst parked out front of the bar and all of the police gathered around singing. Usually this scene involves Bunk stumbling outside to puke, but I don't see him doing that this time.

I hope it doesn't happen that way, but McNulty is the most tragic of the heroes on this show, so his fall will most likely be a long one.*** SPOILER ALERT! Click this link to display the potential spoiler text in this box. ***");document.close();
Exactly! It fits perfectly and a scene like that would be quite poetic. I'm probably wrong about the scene, but I really do think what you mentioned will happen.
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Now that would be funny!! I agree, the shortened season has made them expedite story lines like McNutty's. It's sad that HBO doesn't have the vision to allow this thing to play out the way it was intended. I mean, it's not like everyone is beating down the door for more "In Treatment" or "John from Cincinnati" episodes.
Just read that HBO confirmed that the season/series finale is going to be 93 minutes long. :bag:
Yippee. :football: I want my five episodes! :rant:
im just happy we got season 4 and season 5that was very close to not happening
Yeah after the crap that got pulled on Deadwood I am happy to have it.
From what I read, both Deadwood and Rome got pulled because they just cost a TON to make.
Can't believe that little kid took Omar out yet I thought something was up with him when the camera sorta stayed on him a good couple seconds. Not long before when he was dumping the drugs down the sewer I was thinking Omar was frazzled and "losing it".

The shortenned season seemed to really kill the newspaper angle. That got to "almost done" real quick and I imagine that would have been played out more.

I don't understand the Clay Davis accepting a position thing and his "I can get you votes on your compaign"....that whole meeting. That's after he goes to "country club jail"? If so then that makes sense and follows up the deal that girl had propositioned him earlier.

Marlo talking about going to AC is something I was thinking about and was mentioned here too. Aside from the awesome fish tank setup and that guy's wife's home. D's wife's home. Some nice cars. Some real estate. Generally these dealers with tons of $ don't spend it on a good time. They all know "the game" and that they may not be living long, why not have some fun and spend some coin every now and then?

The convenience store where Omar got shot looks like where he got accused of shooting someone and went to jail briefly. (Still love that phone book defense BTW)

I'm guessing Kima is the one that spills the beans on McNulty's fictitious case.

That guy working in a foot locker....lol

Along the "everyone makes a cameo in the final season" line, character I'm looking for:

Can't think of his name, cop that became a teacher, early on he clocked a kid with his gun and took out his eye. Has he shown up this year yet? Pretty big character to not have a cameo

Any that you guys can think of that might popup in the final episode?

Sounds like many of you who are posting the spoilers about episode #58, don’t really seem to grasp how/why the scene unfolded the way it did. Maybe we can revisit it once everyone is caught up. It runs back all the way to season 3, but you have to be a "true blue" (obsessed) Wire fan to piece it all together.
I'm feeling inferior in my Wireness now. The episode aired, so tell us what you are referring to please.
Can't believe that little kid took Omar out yet I thought something was up with him when the camera sorta stayed on him a good couple seconds. Not long before when he was dumping the drugs down the sewer I was thinking Omar was frazzled and "losing it".

The shortenned season seemed to really kill the newspaper angle. That got to "almost done" real quick and I imagine that would have been played out more.

I don't understand the Clay Davis accepting a position thing and his "I can get you votes on your compaign"....that whole meeting. That's after he goes to "country club jail"? If so then that makes sense and follows up the deal that girl had propositioned him earlier.

Marlo talking about going to AC is something I was thinking about and was mentioned here too. Aside from the awesome fish tank setup and that guy's wife's home. D's wife's home. Some nice cars. Some real estate. Generally these dealers with tons of $ don't spend it on a good time. They all know "the game" and that they may not be living long, why not have some fun and spend some coin every now and then?

The convenience store where Omar got shot looks like where he got accused of shooting someone and went to jail briefly. (Still love that phone book defense BTW)

I'm guessing Kima is the one that spills the beans on McNulty's fictitious case.

That guy working in a foot locker....lol

Along the "everyone makes a cameo in the final season" line, character I'm looking for:

Can't think of his name, cop that became a teacher, early on he clocked a kid with his gun and took out his eye. Has he shown up this year yet? Pretty big character to not have a cameo

Any that you guys can think of that might popup in the final episode?
Prez...mytagid = Math.floor( Math.random() * 100 );document.write("

We already got Poot last week, and Namond and Bunny this week.

*** SPOILER ALERT! Click this link to display the potential spoiler text in this box. ***");document.close();

I don't understand the Clay Davis accepting a position thing and his "I can get you votes on your compaign"....that whole meeting. That's after he goes to "country club jail"? If so then that makes sense and follows up the deal that girl had propositioned him earlier.
:devil: Clay was found not guilty. None of the politicos know about what Lester has on him. They think it's over and he's back as a player.
I don't understand the Clay Davis accepting a position thing and his "I can get you votes on your compaign"....that whole meeting. That's after he goes to "country club jail"? If so then that makes sense and follows up the deal that girl had propositioned him earlier.
:wall: Clay was found not guilty. None of the politicos know about what Lester has on him. They think it's over and he's back as a player.
He is, right? The feds turned down the case. Correct me if I am wrong, but Lester is making Clay worry that he may take it to the feds even though he already has and was rejected.
I don't understand the Clay Davis accepting a position thing and his "I can get you votes on your compaign"....that whole meeting. That's after he goes to "country club jail"? If so then that makes sense and follows up the deal that girl had propositioned him earlier.
:goodposting: Clay was found not guilty. None of the politicos know about what Lester has on him. They think it's over and he's back as a player.
Bri you should watch the episodes twice. You might have too much adrenaline going with your first viewing, causing you to miss some things.
I don't understand the Clay Davis accepting a position thing and his "I can get you votes on your compaign"....that whole meeting. That's after he goes to "country club jail"? If so then that makes sense and follows up the deal that girl had propositioned him earlier.
:confused: Clay was found not guilty. None of the politicos know about what Lester has on him. They think it's over and he's back as a player.
He is, right? The feds turned down the case. Correct me if I am wrong, but Lester is making Clay worry that he may take it to the feds even though he already has and was rejected.
Sure, Lester's doing what he can with it.
I don't understand the Clay Davis accepting a position thing and his "I can get you votes on your compaign"....that whole meeting. That's after he goes to "country club jail"? If so then that makes sense and follows up the deal that girl had propositioned him earlier.
:confused: Clay was found not guilty. None of the politicos know about what Lester has on him. They think it's over and he's back as a player.
He is, right? The feds turned down the case. Correct me if I am wrong, but Lester is making Clay worry that he may take it to the feds even though he already has and was rejected.
I'm pretty sure that's exactly what happened.
Sounds like many of you who are posting the spoilers about episode #58, don’t really seem to grasp how/why the scene unfolded the way it did. Maybe we can revisit it once everyone is caught up. It runs back all the way to season 3, but you have to be a "true blue" (obsessed) Wire fan to piece it all together.
I'm feeling inferior in my Wireness now. The episode aired, so tell us what you are referring to please.
I just read a suggestion on the TWOP boards that Kenard was originally introduced as one of the little kids "Playing Omar" in Season 3, as opposed to his introduction in Season 4.I'm not sure that really adds a whole lot of substance to Omar's death. In either case, the story is the same. Even long time masters of "the game" are helpless as the players get younger, and more sociopathic with each generation. This is another area where I feel the shorter season this year has somewhat hurt the show. I know they've tried a bit this year to distance Kenard from the somewhat likable car stealing scamp he was in Season 4, but it just felt rushed. To the point that I felt they had to go with a cliche (him abusing the cat in the alley) in order to establish his character to the extent that it made sense for him to cap Omar.

I don't mind Omar getting got. I don't mind that Kenard did it (when I saw the HBO episode description saying that Kenard would make "a big score", I had a feeling this would be it). And I think the last two episodes have been the best of the season. To that extent, The Wire is still The Wire. The show always builds over the course of the season. I still think certain storylines are having to be sketched in shorthand this season. If Lester's powerplay with Clay Davis leads him to the Greek, I'll feel a bit shortchanged.

Sounds like many of you who are posting the spoilers about episode #58, don’t really seem to grasp how/why the scene unfolded the way it did. Maybe we can revisit it once everyone is caught up. It runs back all the way to season 3, but you have to be a "true blue" (obsessed) Wire fan to piece it all together.
I'm feeling inferior in my Wireness now. The episode aired, so tell us what you are referring to please.
I just read a suggestion on the TWOP boards that Kenard was originally introduced as one of the little kids "Playing Omar" in Season 3, as opposed to his introduction in Season 4.I'm not sure that really adds a whole lot of substance to Omar's death. In either case, the story is the same. Even long time masters of "the game" are helpless as the players get younger, and more sociopathic with each generation. This is another area where I feel the shorter season this year has somewhat hurt the show. I know they've tried a bit this year to distance Kenard from the somewhat likable car stealing scamp he was in Season 4, but it just felt rushed. To the point that I felt they had to go with a cliche (him abusing the cat in the alley) in order to establish his character to the extent that it made sense for him to cap Omar.

I don't mind Omar getting got. I don't mind that Kenard did it (when I saw the HBO episode description saying that Kenard would make "a big score", I had a feeling this would be it). And I think the last two episodes have been the best of the season. To that extent, The Wire is still The Wire. The show always builds over the course of the season. I still think certain storylines are having to be sketched in shorthand this season. If Lester's powerplay with Clay Davis leads him to the Greek, I'll feel a bit shortchanged.
Yea, the two things I didnt realize were that Kenard was one of the boys from season 3 and that it was him about to burn the cat. Also, my post was in reference to the body being mis-tagged like there was more to it than just showing that nobody, other than the street, knew or cared about Omar.
Big fan of The Wire, and I have enjoyed this season. But, compared to seasons 1-4, this season just seems out of place. Maybe it is the fact they are trying to squeeze an entire season into 10 episodes. But, in the previous 4 seasons, the main story-line has always seemed believable. The whole McNulty-Serial killer story - which has been a driving force this season, just is not believable.

I can buy the reporter making up stories; I can buy the whole Omar revenge, and ultimate demise; I can buy Clay Davis being found not guilty (and internal politics getting in the way of good lawyering), I can buy Marlo making a move on the CO-op. But the serial killer story is just too contrived.

I know the McNulty story-line helps set up his eventual fall from grace - it just does not seem credible.

Sinn Fein said:
Big fan of The Wire, and I have enjoyed this season. But, compared to seasons 1-4, this season just seems out of place. Maybe it is the fact they are trying to squeeze an entire season into 10 episodes. But, in the previous 4 seasons, the main story-line has always seemed believable. The whole McNulty-Serial killer story - which has been a driving force this season, just is not believable. I can buy the reporter making up stories; I can buy the whole Omar revenge, and ultimate demise; I can buy Clay Davis being found not guilty (and internal politics getting in the way of good lawyering), I can buy Marlo making a move on the CO-op. But the serial killer story is just too contrived.I know the McNulty story-line helps set up his eventual fall from grace - it just does not seem credible.
The first few episodes the storyline really bothered me. I am at ease with it now though, however, I agree it is a bit contrived and has taken away from the show. Season 4 was just so good and real, while this season really has been a let down overall.
Sinn Fein said:
Big fan of The Wire, and I have enjoyed this season. But, compared to seasons 1-4, this season just seems out of place. Maybe it is the fact they are trying to squeeze an entire season into 10 episodes. But, in the previous 4 seasons, the main story-line has always seemed believable. The whole McNulty-Serial killer story - which has been a driving force this season, just is not believable. I can buy the reporter making up stories; I can buy the whole Omar revenge, and ultimate demise; I can buy Clay Davis being found not guilty (and internal politics getting in the way of good lawyering), I can buy Marlo making a move on the CO-op. But the serial killer story is just too contrived.I know the McNulty story-line helps set up his eventual fall from grace - it just does not seem credible.
The first few episodes the storyline really bothered me. I am at ease with it now though, however, I agree it is a bit contrived and has taken away from the show. Season 4 was just so good and real, while this season really has been a let down overall.
1, 3, 4, 2, 5 so far for me. I'm not sure if the last two episodes can change that. Maybe because I know it is coming to an end my expectations are out of reach.
Barry said:
Christo said:
I don't understand the Clay Davis accepting a position thing and his "I can get you votes on your compaign"....that whole meeting. That's after he goes to "country club jail"? If so then that makes sense and follows up the deal that girl had propositioned him earlier.
:confused: Clay was found not guilty. None of the politicos know about what Lester has on him. They think it's over and he's back as a player.
Bri you should watch the episodes twice. You might have too much adrenaline going with your first viewing, causing you to miss some things.
9 week old puppy, 4 month old son, and 2 year old daughter....I miss things and get distracted. Yeah you're probably right I should watch em' twice. That's probably how they get the DVD sales out of me
Just watched Episode #59, and all I can say is WOW. Great, great episode. :goodposting:
mytagid = Math.floor( Math.random() * 100 );document.write("I'm glad I'm not the only one that caught that. Kinda thought I was just looking for stuff that wasn't there. We see the birth of a new Bubbles when Dukie leaves Michael. Amazing story telling.

The conversation between Michael and Snoop before he kills her was one of the best scenes I've seen. "How's my hair look, Michael". "You look good, girl". I'm really gonna miss this show.*** SPOILER ALERT! Click this link to display the potential spoiler text in this box. ***

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Just watched Season 1 Episode 1 for the first time. It was good enough to watch Episode 2.

I hope it is everything that a 16 page indicates it might be. I won't be coming back here for awhile though, lest I risk inadvertent spoilers.

Just watched Season 1 Episode 1 for the first time. It was good enough to watch Episode 2.I hope it is everything that a 16 page indicates it might be. I won't be coming back here for awhile though, lest I risk inadvertent spoilers.
Chaka, I don't think you'll be disappointed. I just re-watched the first three seasons this past month and I'm on episode 4 of season 4 now, great stuff.
Just watched Season 1 Episode 1 for the first time. It was good enough to watch Episode 2.I hope it is everything that a 16 page indicates it might be. I won't be coming back here for awhile though, lest I risk inadvertent spoilers.
If you thought episode 1 was good enough to watch episode 2, there is no way you will not watch the rest of them. I sort of struggled through the first 3 or 4 episodes. Took me about 1/2 way through season 1 to realize how good it was.They only get better from season1, episode 1.
Just watched Season 1 Episode 1 for the first time. It was good enough to watch Episode 2.I hope it is everything that a 16 page indicates it might be. I won't be coming back here for awhile though, lest I risk inadvertent spoilers.
If you thought episode 1 was good enough to watch episode 2, there is no way you will not watch the rest of them. I sort of struggled through the first 3 or 4 episodes. Took me about 1/2 way through season 1 to realize how good it was.They only get better from season1, episode 1.
The wire is like The Juggernaut. It builds up momentum with every episode. By the time the end of the season rolls around, it is an unstoppable force.
Just watched Episode #59, and all I can say is WOW. Great, great episode. :excited:
mytagid = Math.floor( Math.random() * 100 );document.write("I'm glad I'm not the only one that caught that. Kinda thought I was just looking for stuff that wasn't there. We see the birth of a new Bubbles when Dukie leaves Michael. Amazing story telling.

The conversation between Michael and Snoop before he kills her was one of the best scenes I've seen. "How's my hair look, Michael". "You look good, girl". I'm really gonna miss this show.*** SPOILER ALERT! Click this link to display the potential spoiler text in this box. ***

Just watched Episode #59, and all I can say is WOW. Great, great episode. :goodposting:
mytagid = Math.floor( Math.random() * 100 );document.write("I'm glad I'm not the only one that caught that. Kinda thought I was just looking for stuff that wasn't there. We see the birth of a new Bubbles when Dukie leaves Michael. Amazing story telling.

The conversation between Michael and Snoop before he kills her was one of the best scenes I've seen. "How's my hair look, Michael". "You look good, girl". I'm really gonna miss this show.*** SPOILER ALERT! Click this link to display the potential spoiler text in this box. ***

I just watched the next to last episode and it was by far the best of the season, if not the best ever. Amazing. You can catch it on www.surfthechannel.com

the kid who shot omar was NOT the kid who was stealing cars-

he was that little kid was calling that one kid a gump and who got the crap kicked out of him.

he was the kid who stole the stash in season 4 and blamed the cops and then michael came in and beat him.

omar dead-

Sounds like many of you who are posting the spoilers about episode #58, don’t really seem to grasp how/why the scene unfolded the way it did. Maybe we can revisit it once everyone is caught up. It runs back all the way to season 3, but you have to be a "true blue" (obsessed) Wire fan to piece it all together.
I'm feeling inferior in my Wireness now. The episode aired, so tell us what you are referring to please.
I just read a suggestion on the TWOP boards that Kenard was originally introduced as one of the little kids "Playing Omar" in Season 3, as opposed to his introduction in Season 4.I'm not sure that really adds a whole lot of substance to Omar's death. In either case, the story is the same. Even long time masters of "the game" are helpless as the players get younger, and more sociopathic with each generation. This is another area where I feel the shorter season this year has somewhat hurt the show. I know they've tried a bit this year to distance Kenard from the somewhat likable car stealing scamp he was in Season 4, but it just felt rushed. To the point that I felt they had to go with a cliche (him abusing the cat in the alley) in order to establish his character to the extent that it made sense for him to cap Omar.
I dont Kenard was the one stealing cards. That was Donut. Kenard was the one who ripped off Namond, IIRC.
Sounds like many of you who are posting the spoilers about episode #58, don’t really seem to grasp how/why the scene unfolded the way it did. Maybe we can revisit it once everyone is caught up. It runs back all the way to season 3, but you have to be a "true blue" (obsessed) Wire fan to piece it all together.
I'm feeling inferior in my Wireness now. The episode aired, so tell us what you are referring to please.
I just read a suggestion on the TWOP boards that Kenard was originally introduced as one of the little kids "Playing Omar" in Season 3, as opposed to his introduction in Season 4.I'm not sure that really adds a whole lot of substance to Omar's death. In either case, the story is the same. Even long time masters of "the game" are helpless as the players get younger, and more sociopathic with each generation. This is another area where I feel the shorter season this year has somewhat hurt the show. I know they've tried a bit this year to distance Kenard from the somewhat likable car stealing scamp he was in Season 4, but it just felt rushed. To the point that I felt they had to go with a cliche (him abusing the cat in the alley) in order to establish his character to the extent that it made sense for him to cap Omar.
I dont Kenard was the one stealing cards. That was Donut. Kenard was the one who ripped off Namond, IIRC.
That's correct. Kenard was the one who ripped off Namond, and got beaten up by Michael. The one stealing the cars was Randy Wagstaff, now living in a group home and not cooperating with Bunk because he's been screwed over by the cops so often.


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