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Tiger Woods (2 Viewers)

When Schaap says 'matters least' that's pure hyperbole. Schtick aside, WGC and Players are not 'least'. Yes, Tiger cares less about those than the majors. So does every single tour player. But it's not the John Deere or some other minor tourney that Tiger has been winning.
Schapp wasn't using shtick. He was doing a commentary on Tiger's five years of failures in the four tourney's a year that anyone actually gives a crap about. His closing line was dead on..Tiger is the best until he plays the biggest ones. That's Tony Romo territory. Not 'best ever' territory.
Tiger actually played golf professionally from 1996 to 2008 and amassed 14 major victories in that period. A lot of people aren't aware of that, but it's true, look it up.

Romo is a choke artist though, I agree with you there.
No kidding!?? Wow, he was really great. Someone should start a thread about how he's not that guy anymore.
You compared him to Romo. You're a ####### idiot. Go away.
Ouch. You called me a name. Do you even lift?

Big tournament, I had to pick one guy, it would be Michelson right now. Surely not Woods.

A fun match that means very little? Probably Tiger.

Big tournament, I had to pick one guy, it would be Michelson right now. Surely not Woods.

A fun match that means very little? Probably Tiger.
Pick one golfer to win the most tourneys over the next 2 years. And Phil was like 17 over at the PGA.
Phil also happened to win the major before that. You don't have to go back twenty of them like you do with Tiger.
So Phil is your pick for the most wins over the next 2 years?
Big tournament, I had to pick one guy, it would be Michelson right now. Surely not Woods.

A fun match that means very little? Probably Tiger.
Pick one golfer to win the most tourneys over the next 2 years. And Phil was like 17 over at the PGA.
If that's your criteria, I'd say Woods. Because your weighing all the tournaments the same and eliminating the importance of the majors. This, taking choking/pressure out of the equation. Should we eliminate the playoffs to determine the best football team too?

mr. roboto doing solid work making Junior use his brain other than thinking about mac n' cheese and a glass of milk.

mr. roboto doing solid work making Junior use his brain other than thinking about mac n' cheese and a glass of milk.
No, he's doing solid work desperately trying to ignore the fact that Tiger hasn't won any of golf's most important tournaments in over five years. I've owned three smart phones since then.
mr. roboto doing solid work making Junior use his brain other than thinking about mac n' cheese and a glass of milk.
No, he's doing solid work desperately trying to ignore the fact that Tiger hasn't won any of golf's most important tournaments in over five years. I've owned three smart phones since then.
It's Chef Boyardee night for you!
Good one. Way to avoid the point that you just can't get around. ;)
I agree. There's something wrong with him at the majors. It's disappointing.

How would you weight a major? Lets say a major is worth 2 wins, a PGA tour event with most of the top 50 is worth 1 win, Ham and Egger tourneys and Euro tour events .75 wins. Over the last 2 years, weighting the majors like that, who's the best golfer in the world?

mr. roboto doing solid work making Junior use his brain other than thinking about mac n' cheese and a glass of milk.
No, he's doing solid work desperately trying to ignore the fact that Tiger hasn't won any of golf's most important tournaments in over five years. I've owned three smart phones since then.
It's Chef Boyardee night for you!
Good one. Way to avoid the point that you just can't get around. ;)
Just how many years did Mark O'Meara have after turning pro to win his first major?

Yes, they do fit all that food into one can!

When did I ignore tiger sucking at the majors? I've admitted it in my last posts. There's something off about his game at the majors (with the possible exception of 2013 Masters).

Tiger is the second greatest major winner of all time, and the second greatest tournament winner of all time. He has a very good chance of being the winningest golfer ever, and a punchers chance of being the best major winner ever. His winning % is double that of any other golfer. Ever.

If majors are all that matter, Jack is the greatest. If wins are all that matter, Snead. But Tiger is #1 in win %, and #2 in majors and total victories. And he's not done, in fact he's currently the best golfer in the world by a large margin after dropping out of the top 50 a few years back. He's got the most worldwide wins this year, most money this year.

He's not done. He's more than competitive. Jack is probably out of the woods, but that's far from clear right now. These are facts. Not insults.

Tiger is the second greatest major winner of all time, and the second greatest tournament winner of all time. He has a very good chance of being the winningest golfer ever, and a punchers chance of being the best major winner ever. His winning % is double that of any other golfer. Ever.

If majors are all that matter, Jack is the greatest. If wins are all that matter, Snead. But Tiger is #1 in win %, and #2 in majors and total victories. And he's not done, in fact he's currently the best golfer in the world by a large margin after dropping out of the top 50 a few years back. He's got the most worldwide wins this year, most money this year.

He's not done. He's more than competitive. Jack is probably out of the woods, but that's far from clear right now. These are facts. Not insults.
Tiger was born and raised to be a golfing machine. Like the Williams sisters. And it worked. He became a golf machine. Mechanical. No personality. Surly and affected. Lately, he's been playing great golf. But I'm sorry,

You can't choke and fail to win your sport's biggest tournaments 20 straight times and be considered the undisputed best in the game. Before this thread was created, he was the undisputed best. He was winning majors at a record clip. He was unnerved and rose to the occasion on the biggest stages. So he's NOT the dominant golfer he once was. He no longer scares anyone on the course like he used to. Read the original post. That was the entire premise if this thread. If the thread was called 'Tiger will suck from now on', then I'd take the opposite stance. But that's not what it's about.

I said 2 weeks ago that Tiger blew his load and the WGC was his Super Bowl. Looks like once AGAIN I was 100% correct when it comes to Tiger. Pretty good for a guy that has been told by the Tiger groupies that I know nothing about golf. Actually, the Tiger realists were 100% correct all season.

Ouch...that is just killing a few groupies here. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: One laughing smiley for each major.

I said 2 weeks ago that Tiger blew his load and the WGC was his Super Bowl. Looks like once AGAIN I was 100% correct when it comes to Tiger. Pretty good for a guy that has been told by the Tiger groupies that I know nothing about golf. Actually, the Tiger realists were 100% correct all season.

Ouch...that is just killing a few groupies here. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: One laughing smiley for each major.
Exactly right. They've been saying he's the best in the world, and his #1 ranking continues to show it.

I said 2 weeks ago that Tiger blew his load and the WGC was his Super Bowl. Looks like once AGAIN I was 100% correct when it comes to Tiger. Pretty good for a guy that has been told by the Tiger groupies that I know nothing about golf. Actually, the Tiger realists were 100% correct all season.

Ouch...that is just killing a few groupies here. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: One laughing smiley for each major.
Piggybacking Junior's shtick is just hanging off his fruitbag. But with Smileys!

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It would be interesting to se a listing of all Woods' tourney wins by date.

Woods was a tidal wave who changed golf; but now there is a new generation and they are better than him across the board. He's selectively winning tourneys in circumstances where he excels, but if you don't win in the best tournaments you're not teh best.

Frankly when Woods is in 10th or worse place the broadcasters need to stop mentioning him. Wake us up when he shows up. The difference with him is that with all the greats there continued a loyalty of the game's players and non-players who wanted to see them win the big ones. Maybe Woods gets that somewhat still, but he has none of the goodwill of the other greats, Woods has a kernel of followers but not the love of the whole sport. He will not win another major.

He's won 10 events in the last 24 months (taking out one win at the Tavistock and one win at Notah Begays charity event). Any other golfer who has been that productive all the haters in here would say 'he's due for a major! He's great, he's hot right now!'

Dustin Johnson. Stricker. Perry. Sergio. Countless others had hot streaks and didn't win a major during those streaks. Shaun Micheel one a major. His only tour win.

Tebow won playoff games. I guess the haters here, to be consistent, have to agree Tebow is a better QB than Romo, Stafford, Palmer, over the last 3 years, right? I mean he won a 'big one'. Those other guys didn't.

Is Jason Duffner better than Tiger? Rose? Scott? Mickleson? No. They played great in a major. And they are all great golfers. If you asked any of them, I guarantee you they would agree Tiger is currently a better golfer than them.

Those of you who say he's not the best don't put any stock in the world golf rankings?
And those who insist he is as dominant as he once was obviously don't put stock in the majors.
He's not quite as dominant as he once was. Close. He's dominating the tour this year. I know it's hard to believe when you've grown up on nothing but First Take/Around The Horn debate shows, but there is usually a position or ten between the extremes. My position: he's the best golfer in the world right now. He's playing very well, not the best he's ever played. He underperformed in 2 majors, played well in one and played very well in one. He's not the Tiger of 2000, but his GAME is 'back'. I don't know why he shrinks on the weekend at majors. It's probably a bit of coincidence, and a bit of not knowing how to close now that his mystique is gone. But his game is major worthy.

Those of you who say he's not the best don't put any stock in the world golf rankings?
And those who insist he is as dominant as he once was obviously don't put stock in the majors.
If that's all you put your stock in you don't know anything about golf. But we know this, so thus your harping over a bowl of mac n' cheese.
First of all, it's "you're". That's fourth grade stuff, Einstein. Also, I I see you doing here for the last four years is whining like a school girl and suggesting that everyone who isn't a nuthugger is an alias of me or Finless. Your golf knowledge is zero. All you know about is riding Otis' jockstrap and whining. See you next spring. Tough year to be drummer.

Those of you who say he's not the best don't put any stock in the world golf rankings?
And those who insist he is as dominant as he once was obviously don't put stock in the majors.
If that's all you put your stock in you don't know anything about golf. But we know this, so thus your harping over a bowl of mac n' cheese.
First of all, it's "you're". That's fourth grade stuff, Einstein. Also, I I see you doing here for the last four years is whining like a school girl and suggesting that everyone who isn't a nuthugger is an alias of me or Finless. Your golf knowledge is zero. All you know about is riding Otis' jockstrap and whining. See you next spring. Tough year to be drummer.
"putting your stock"

"your harping"

Being stupid is no way to go through life Junior.

Serious question to those who are touting the World Golf Rankings: Did you ever consider Lee Westwood to be the best player in the world? How about Martin Kaymer? Luke Donald?

Eh. Sorry. I'll do better next time. Thought you were a youngn based in your posts. No biggie either way
Kinda read too much into this thread do ya? That will just make you grumpy. Take a few deep breaths, and drink more water. Worrying too much can give you heart trouble.

Drummer is no older than 17. Impossible. Forgive his punctuation.
Remember that post you made earlier? Good way to screw that all up now.
My bad. Didn't mean it offensively. I honestly thought you were college age tops. Am I wrong?
I'm just disappointed that you weren't excellent here like you asked others to be. I think I'll go have a smoke to get over it.
You shouldn't be smoking at your age, young'un.

Big tournament, I had to pick one guy, it would be Michelson right now. Surely not Woods.

A fun match that means very little? Probably Tiger.
Pick one golfer to win the most tourneys over the next 2 years.And Phil was like 17 over at the PGA.
If that's your criteria, I'd say Woods. Because your you're weighing all the tournaments the same and eliminating the importance of the majors. This, taking choking/pressure out of the equation.Should we eliminate the playoffs to determine the best football team too?

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