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Tim Tebow- The Baseball Version (2 Viewers)

In The Zone

Tim Tebow is getting ready to start his first full season of professional baseball and he's coming here to Columbia to play OF for the Fireflies. The Columbia Fireflies are a low Single A affiliate of the NY Mets.  What are everyone's thoughts on this? Me personally don't expect great things but we'll see. I will probably go see a game or 2, maybe. I expect there to be a lot of hoopla at first so I will probably wait until all that dies down some before I go. The season starts April 6. 

Tebow Time

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All indications are, he'll never be more than a middling minor league ball player. He probably simply isnt good enough and he's about a decade late to start developing. The Mets affiliates (and their opponents) will get a decent size bump in attendance and merchandise sales. I dont see anything negative about the Tebow experiment. 

do you normally go see a game or two or is Tim Tebow impacting how you spend your money on entertainment?
Actually the Fireflies inaugural season was last year. I wanted to go to a game but didn't make it and the same applies this year. They have a pretty nice brand new stadium in downtown Columbia and I would like to go visit regardless if Tebow is there or not. Him being there just adds a little bit to the experience IMO. 

Here's a fun read that gives you a picture of just how far Tim Tebow is from being a good baseball player, focusing on his hilarious "throwing" motion. At one point he compares Tebow's throwing motion unfavorably to Ronald McDonald throwing out a first pitch:

This is not completely fair, because this is not a throw from the outfield, but you will notice how the upper and lower halves of our model's body are not violently attempting to detach themselves from each other. The body is comparatively quiet and steady; nowhere in the thrower's body language is there the sense, as there is in Tebow's, that he has just been shoved by a powerful ghost.
Then he compares it to Josh Reddick, and writes:

It's not just that this looks different. It's how different it looks. These people just appear to be doing different things. Reddick appears to be trying to throw a baseball a long distance as fast as he can; Tim Tebow looks like he is trying to escape from wasps.

Here's a fun read that gives you a picture of just how far Tim Tebow is from being a good baseball player, focusing on his hilarious "throwing" motion. At one point he compares Tebow's throwing motion unfavorably to Ronald McDonald throwing out a first pitch:

Then he compares it to Josh Reddick, and writes:
Of course, these aren't still photos, but he looks fine from what I can see. Note that this isnt an endorsement of some talent or proclamation that he's a great player. Just sometimes, people like to overblow things. I doubt if this wasn't Tebow, most people wouldn't think twice about the guys throwing motion. It just simply isnt bad enough to stand out. 


FTR - I have no hate for Tebow at all. From all accounts of people I know that interacted with him, he is a very nice guy.

That being said he won't ever make it above single A.    He doesn't have enough experience.

But to go to the wrong on deck circle is hilarious

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Of course, these aren't still photos, but he looks fine from what I can see. Note that this isnt an endorsement of some talent or proclamation that he's a great player. Just sometimes, people like to overblow things. I doubt if this wasn't Tebow, most people wouldn't think twice about the guys throwing motion. It just simply isnt bad enough to stand out. 

The article was actually strangely pro-Tebow as a curiosity, it was just going for laughs on the throwing motion, which I do think is pretty bad.

I'll never understand this baseball angle when it seems like he could have switched to a different football position and been at least roster-able... like TE or FB or something.

And beyond that.. he's a good enough looking guy and well spoken enough that it feels like there would have been plenty of money for him to continue broadcasting and giving Jesus lectures at mega churches and stuff.

Why bother?  seems -EV for his time

FTR - I have no hate for Tebow and all. From all accounts of people I know that interacted with him, he is a very nice guy.

That being said he won't ever make it above single A.    He doesn't have enough experience.

But to go to the wrong batters box is hilarious
I heard it was the wrong on-deck circle.  His team was in the third-base dugout and he walked around to the on-deck circle on the first-base side so he could take practice swings from the lefty side of the plate.

Still pretty bad, but not as bad the wrong batter's box.  

I heard it was the wrong on-deck circle.  His team was in the third-base dugout and he walked around to the on-deck circle on the first-base side so he could take practice swings from the lefty side of the plate.

Still pretty bad, but not as bad the wrong batter's box.  
DOH - :bag:    Yes On Deck circle - sorry Tim  :lol:      

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Here's a fun read that gives you a picture of just how far Tim Tebow is from being a good baseball player, focusing on his hilarious "throwing" motion. At one point he compares Tebow's throwing motion unfavorably to Ronald McDonald throwing out a first pitch
The last time I attended a Jets game was the butt fumble game. It was Thanksgiving night, and I'm not sure if we left early because we were concerned about traffic, or because we thought our boys (then 13 and 11) would like to see warmups, but any rate we got there a good 75-90 minutes before kickoff.

Tebow did not run any plays with the offense. He was working one on one with one of the backup TEs. It looked like pretty simple 15 - 20 yard slants, hooks, curls, nothing too fancy. Every single throw was off target. Badly. High, behind, in the turf - you name it. I will say, though, dude is totally shredded. Tremendous upper body.

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"Is that a fastball coming towards me? I can't really tell. Maybe when it gets closer. I still can't really - is that spinning? Maybe it's spinning. Probably a curve ball then. You know what? I'm just going to drop my bat and run to first and see what happens."

I'll never understand this baseball angle when it seems like he could have switched to a different football position and been at least roster-able... like TE or FB or something.

And beyond that.. he's a good enough looking guy and well spoken enough that it feels like there would have been plenty of money for him to continue broadcasting and giving Jesus lectures at mega churches and stuff.

Why bother?  seems -EV for his time
I think its quite easy to understand. He didnt want to play another position....and its highly likely he doesnt care as much about money as the average Joe. 

I'll never understand this baseball angle when it seems like he could have switched to a different football position and been at least roster-able... like TE or FB or something.

And beyond that.. he's a good enough looking guy and well spoken enough that it feels like there would have been plenty of money for him to continue broadcasting and giving Jesus lectures at mega churches and stuff.

Why bother?  seems -EV for his time
He's motivated by the challenge.  He wants to see how good a baseball player he is.  If that means he's A-level, so be it.  His regret would have been not trying when he had the opportunity.  

Tebow is a bit of an odd duck in that he's motivated by taking chances and trying his hardest... and that's it.  Telling him he never won a Super Bowl doesn't rattle him - he tried his hardest and did what he did.

FTR - I have no hate for Tebow at all. From all accounts of people I know that interacted with him, he is a very nice guy.
My sister cuts his hair on a semi-regular basis.   My sister is the least sports-knowledgeable person on the planet so of course she has nothing to talk to him about and as such says he's kind of a dork, but a nice dork.  It took one text to him for him to send me a signed UFlorida jersey for my kid's school's charity auction.

I'll never understand this baseball angle when it seems like he could have switched to a different football position and been at least roster-able... like TE or FB or something.

And beyond that.. he's a good enough looking guy and well spoken enough that it feels like there would have been plenty of money for him to continue broadcasting and giving Jesus lectures at mega churches and stuff.

Why bother?  seems -EV for his time
The lord made him a finely tuned athletic machine

you want him to spit in the face of god and go in to broadcasting?

My sister cuts his hair on a semi-regular basis.   My sister is the least sports-knowledgeable person on the planet so of course she has nothing to talk to him about and as such says he's kind of a dork, but a nice dork.  It took one text to him for him to send me a signed UFlorida jersey for my kid's school's charity auction.
A friend of mine works security for ESPN.  Similar story.  Says is the nicest guy to everyone.  

Here's a fun read that gives you a picture of just how far Tim Tebow is from being a good baseball player, focusing on his hilarious "throwing" motion. At one point he compares Tebow's throwing motion unfavorably to Ronald McDonald throwing out a first pitch:

Then he compares it to Josh Reddick, and writes:
I wish they could have used pictures of other left-handers throwing so you could really see the difference.

I think its quite easy to understand. He didnt want to play another position....and its highly likely he doesnt care as much about money as the average Joe. 
Well that's dumb, and he should be.

Oh well.

I guess I applaud him for taking the high road.   

If I was freakishly talented and a college legend who was going to burn out in the NFL, I would have at least slayed a ton of chicks Matt Leinart style.

I'll never understand this baseball angle when it seems like he could have switched to a different football position and been at least roster-able... like TE or FB or something.

And beyond that.. he's a good enough looking guy and well spoken enough that it feels like there would have been plenty of money for him to continue broadcasting and giving Jesus lectures at mega churches and stuff.

Why bother?  seems -EV for his time
I guess his ego could not handle the fact he was a QB. But other players have made that transition. I was also surprised he did not want to at least try a position change to TE or an H back. 

Look this guy is obviously a tremendous athlete and has a ton of class. He handles himself like a pro on and off the field. I was never a fan of his in the Pros. He was terrible.

As far as baseball? He will never get out of low level A ball. But if he is having fun playing ball....all the power to him. He does not need the money....and god bless him if he has some level of success and enjoys himself.

Good for him for giving it a go.

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Probably the easiest guy to root for in all of sports. 

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Did not see or hear of him going to the wrong on deck circle and I am no Tebow apologist. However, I have heard that in the minor leagues if the person currently at bat is a lefty then the on deck batter goes to the first base circle and the opposite is true for a righty batter. This has to do with safety and foul balls being more likely to go the opposite way.

Again, I didn't see him do it so I don't know if he did it because of this or he was just being a dolt. 
:lmao: does the entire dugout and fans move also?

One of the Mets execs said he got promoted because of his impressive exit velocity of the ball off the bat. :lmao:  

I'll never understand why this guy just didn't try to convert to another position in football. The athleticism is there just don't let him throw the ball.

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