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USA Shootings (2 Viewers)

I guess nuking the thread and not allowing another like it isn't banning it?

Interesting that you are still posting in a pointless thread too.  
Right, I said “if I was joe”. I’m not joe, this isn’t my board, I don’t have to deal with the reports that I’m sure are taking place as I type 

Stop quoting me, I’ll stop posting in it lol

All guns need to be banned for civilians. Only law enforcement and military should have guns and only while on duty.
Too many lowlifes love guns more than human life. 

People disagreeing with you doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to have an opinion. 
And people disagreeing doesn't mean it's not an honest conversation. When faced with this situation, some here claim I'm not and end the conversation. It's become the new "you're a troll" statement. 

Right, I said “if I was joe”. I’m not joe, this isn’t my board, I don’t have to deal with the reports that I’m sure are taking place as I type 

Stop quoting me, I’ll stop posting in it lol
Ok, stop asking me questions and I will stop quoting you.  

90% of the public supports universal background checks, and closing the gun show loophole, but it can’t get passed. But yeah, we’re talking past each other. good lord.
Guess what. I'm for universal background checks. I'm for closing the gun show loophole. 

But, I'm one of "those people".

Hate and extremism is a bipartisan issue. People on the right are committing a lot of these shootings now but would it surprise you at all if a Trump rally is targeted at some point?
They are so good at setting perimeters now. If they couldn’t get to O they’re not getting to any President 

Every single person still defending gun ownership is your link. Do you realize that any moron can post something to a website? Links are meaningless.
I read posts like yours and I know you'd rather keep your guns than save a life. True or false?

And people disagreeing doesn't mean it's not an honest conversation. When faced with this situation, some here claim I'm not and end the conversation. It's become the new "you're a troll" statement. 
Many people cannot honestly understand where you’re coming from. It’s easier to believe you’re making it up than to believe you think wildly differently than they do. Kind of a common human condition. 

We started this conversation last week. What is the definition of quickly?

It's already been discussed that all guns are designed to kill. Whether that's people, animals or targets. 
I’m not a gun guy. I own a couple that were handed down to me, haven’t fired anything but a .22 pistol in my whole life. So I’m just common sense guy, admitting I don’t know all the details about how these things work. But to me it would seem a combo of “can’t fire more than x shots in y time,” whatever those numbers are, but more importantly it can’t be reloaded with multiple bullets all at once. So no clips, basically. I don’t hunt but I’m all in support of it.  Do hunters really need to reload and fire off 10-15 more rounds right away?  

What would be your definition? Sounds like I missed some conversation on this in the couple of days between mass gun murders, so if you’ve already shared just a link would be cool. I’m pretty set in what I see as my common sense ways, but I am genuinely interested in what those with other viewpoints have to say. 

IF this turns out to be be targeted at illegals I have zero issue laying some of the blame at the POTUS's feet who CONSTANTLY demonizes these people and says how they're killers, rapist, and drug runners.

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I’m not a gun guy. I own a couple that were handed down to me, haven’t fired anything but a .22 pistol in my whole life. So I’m just common sense guy, admitting I don’t know all the details about how these things work. But to me it would seem a combo of “can’t fire more than x shots in y time,” whatever those numbers are, but more importantly it can’t be reloaded with multiple bullets all at once. So no clips, basically. I don’t hunt but I’m all in support of it.  Do hunters really need to reload and fire off 10-15 more rounds right away?  
Interesting concept. Haven't heard this one before (not that I'm researching).

There’s a twitter account with the killer’s name, it has no posts since 2017 but it’s pro-Trump.

- Just 6 or so posts, 3 concern Trump, one is Bill OReilly, and one is a YouTube posting that has been pulled down at some point for violating terms of service.

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Crazy. I think we've gotten lucky some of these previous shooting haven't had numbers approaching this. When you walk into a crowded shopping center and start unloading (no clue what type of gun was used and/or the other details on this yet) on a population not able to respond quick enough and/or defend themselves in the seconds they have, this was a matter of time. Very sad. 

IF this turns out to be be targeted at illegals I have zero issue laying some of the blame at the POTUS's feet who CONSTANTLY demonizes these people and says how they're killers, rapist, and drug runners.
There is a lot of over the top rhetoric out there. It does need to calm down.

Every single person still defending gun ownership is your link. Do you realize that any moron can post something to a website? Links are meaningless.
I read posts like yours and I know you'd rather keep your guns than save a life. True or false?
I could take the stance of others here and say that's a ridiculous statement and tell you good day. But, I won't. I don't shy away from conversations and answer every question asked of me. 

False. I said years ago that I would be happy to give up all of my guns if it meant that these shootings would stop. I have also posted that I keep my guns in a safe. If one of them can be broke down (such as removing a bolt, on a bolt action rifle), I keep the bolt in a separate safe. The ammo is locked in a separate ammo locker.  My handgun is in a biometric safe anchored in a closet behind some boxes. I'm not worried about my guns being used by someone else. I take them out of the safe 3-4 times a year for hunting or to go to the range. I'd also like to point out that I don't own an AR15 or any other high powered assault rifles. A couple of my guns would fall under the semi automatic ban that people are proposing. 

Who's life is it going to save by me giving up my guns? 

I am on record a couple hundred times saying that I am all for universal background checks.

IF this turns out to be be targeted at illegals I have zero issue laying some of the blame at the POTUS's feet who CONSTANTLY demonizes these people and says how they're killers, rapist, and drug runners.
It was certainly targeting Hispanics.  There is no question about that.

I’m not a gun guy. I own a couple that were handed down to me, haven’t fired anything but a .22 pistol in my whole life. So I’m just common sense guy, admitting I don’t know all the details about how these things work. But to me it would seem a combo of “can’t fire more than x shots in y time,” whatever those numbers are, but more importantly it can’t be reloaded with multiple bullets all at once. So no clips, basically. I don’t hunt but I’m all in support of it.  Do hunters really need to reload and fire off 10-15 more rounds right away?  

What would be your definition? Sounds like I missed some conversation on this in the couple of days between mass gun murders, so if you’ve already shared just a link would be cool. I’m pretty set in what I see as my common sense ways, but I am genuinely interested in what those with other viewpoints have to say. 
I used to agree with most of what you posted. In addition to universal background checks, I was for limiting magazine capacity to 6 rounds. (that's much less than the 10 rounds most people are okay with). Six rounds makes a semi automatic firearm the same as a revolver. I was also for limiting the caliber of assault weapons to make them less deadly. I've changed my stance because I don't think it would make a significant difference in the outcomes of mass shootings. 

As you your question. No. Most hunters do not need to fire off more than 10-15 rounds. They also don't need to change magazines to get off an addition 10-15 rounds. I'm not necessarily against those regulations. But, there are many guns that have a magazine that hold 4-5 rounds. But, could have an aftermarket magazine that holds 15-30 rounds. This is where the wording becomes unclear. If a gun has the ability to accept a high capacity magazine, then they want to ban it. Removing all guns that accept magazines (clips), would eliminate a lot of guns that people use for legitimate hunting purposes. If you support hunting, then I think this needs to be taken into consideration.

I would also caution against regulating rifles vs handguns. (Fish will be along shortly to tell us why the SCOTUS has forced this). I can buy a 50 round drum magazine for my 9mm Glock handgun. In a target rich environment, that will kill a lot of people in a short amount of time. 

My definition doesn't matter. I've said I would be happy with 6 rounds. You won't be able to get away from "Y" amount of time. Every gun that is a repeating gun (lever, pump, bolt, semi auto) can be fired at a pretty rapid rate. I am currently watching CNN and they showed cell phone video of the shooting. There was a person under a food court table. You can hear the shots being fired. There are about 10-12 shots. The first 5-6 are very slow. With a second or two in between. Then a rapid fire. While many think that shooting a bunch of bullets very fast into a crowd will do a lot of damage, shooting a bunch of bullets into a crowd while aiming will be much worse. There may be a magic X, but not a magic Y.

I read the "manifesto" and to be honest he is saying what I hear everyday. 

Hispanics bad,  Flooding America, Actually the Hispanic community was not my target before I read The Great Replacement,  The heavy Hispanic population in Texas will make us a Democrat stronghold,  immigration can only be detrimental to the future of America, .Hispanics will take control of the local and state government of my beloved Texas, changing policy to better suit their needs. They will turn Texas into an instrument of a political coup which will hasten the destruction of our country.

sound familiar? 

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I read the "manifesto" and to be honest he is saying what I hear everyday. 

Hispanics bad,  Flooding America, Actually the Hispanic community was not my target before I read The Great Replacement,  The heavy Hispanic population in Texas will make us a
Democrat stronghold,  immigration can only be detrimental to the future of America, .Hispanics will take control of the local and state government of my beloved Texas, changing policy to better suit their needs. They will turn Texas into an instrument of a political coup which will hasten the destruction of our country.

sound familiar? 

And yet you just got done scolding people for saying “Thanks Trump”, doing your “full stop”, “period”, middle of the road, take no stance, sit the fence stuff.

Which is it? Or we just talking a new world record for changing your mind after speaking authoritatively about something?

Dang, perhaps you could qualify this a little bit more.
I don’t know how to respond to this. I do think it’s fair to criticize Trump for his rhetoric. I don’t think it’s fair to blame him or anyone else but the shooter. I think posting stuff like “thanks Donald” is beyond the pale and taking things too far. Yet criticism is justified- he has dehumanized these people in his rhetoric. And I believe he’s been racist. 

Maybe these distinctions are meaningless now, I don’t know.  


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