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Video games...what ya playing? And what are you looking forward to? (3 Viewers)

Chaka said:
Picked up South Park Stick of Truth on sale. While I am a fan of South Park I'm not a huge one. Still a couple of hours in this has been pretty good. It's like playing the show. The mechanics are a little clunky but its not a deal breaker level of it. If you like the show I think you'd enjoy the game.
Love Stick of Truth. The turn based combat is a little stale but I just don't care because they pack so much darn funny into the whole thing. I played through once then almost immediately started another go and I never do that.

I am mostly bummed out that, from what I read, it took so much time from Matt & Trey that they are very unlikely to do another one.
You mean The Fractured But Whole. Yeah, that's not likely.
Yeah I got that already but thanks.

Got Far Cry 4 for Xmas. Digging it so far. I'm not the best at shooters but this seems to be a good mix with lots of stealth missions.

What in the hell did they do to be able splitscreen 2 player on Star Wars Battlefront and Black Ops 3? Nothing is "being recognized" and I can't add a guest. Now you need an account???

Anyone? For one pissed off Dad.

ETA: Figured out Black Ops....Battlefront anyone?

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What in the hell did they do to be able splitscreen 2 player on Star Wars Battlefront and Black Ops 3? Nothing is "being recognized" and I can't add a guest. Now you need an account???

Anyone? For one pissed off Dad.

ETA: Figured out Black Ops....Battlefront anyone?
Battlefront does not offer split screen in online multiplayer. Their are some modes that are split screen but I am not sure what they are since I don't have it.
What in the hell did they do to be able splitscreen 2 player on Star Wars Battlefront and Black Ops 3? Nothing is "being recognized" and I can't add a guest. Now you need an account???

Anyone? For one pissed off Dad.

ETA: Figured out Black Ops....Battlefront anyone?
Never could figure it out. I legitimately don't think it is an option.Its a big reason I traded it in. It is moronic to think that you and a friend that lives in-town can't play together online.

Uncharted 2

Ok. This game is light years better than the first. The first wasn't bad, it just didn't capture me all that much and the zombie part scared the heck out of me but also really just ruined the story for me. Which to me is the best part of 2 - the story is great. I actually find myself enjoying watching the movie parts than playing it.

Drake is close the best video game character that I've dealt with. And the script with him and the friends and helpers is outstanding. Game play is cleaner on this one as well. The jump dive duck cover stuff is much better and fluid in this game. I'm not finding myself stuck in certain positions in the middle of a fire fight like I did with the first.

The climbing the most dangerous cliff edges by his fingertips is overdone, but I guess you have to go with it. The puzzle system that it represents is fun to deal with.

I just reached the final monestary where the old nazi guy was taken; dealt with the snipers and had the bridge blow up underneath me. So I'm getting close to the end game. Not looking forward at all to dealing with more THOSE GUYS but I know its coming. Those things are the suck, but they are more entertaining than the zombies in one. They feel like they fit better in the story - can't explain it. They feel more video game than the zombies did. Maybe it's just I hate almost everything zombies.

Granted I'm, what, 7 years behind the times on this game - but it's a solid A game. Will look forward to playing 3 when I'm done with this one.

I feel like I've played enough Just Cause 3 to give it a proper review.

If you haven't played the Just Cause series, it's basically a third person, open world shooter where the point is to cause as much destruction as possible, and you can do so in very creative ways. Just Cause 3 is a continuation on this. When I say open world I really mean it. The entire map is open from the get go. There are no lame towers that you have to climb in order to unlock ####, or gated off areas or anything. Oh, and the map is approximately 4 times as large as GTA V's map, so you've got a LOT of mayhem to cause. There are a number of vehicles to drive and fly around in like fancy sports cars, tanks, helicopters, and F-16s.

In addition to weapons, your dude has a grappling hook which he can use to pull himself up onto ledges or to cause destruction. For example, if you need to destroy a large water tower, and your AK47 isn't cutting it, you can put a C4 explosive onto a truck, grapple the truck to the tower, retract and watch it all blow up. Last night I grappled a bunch of people to the blades of a helicopter and watched the resulting merry-go-round as I took off in it. You also have a wingsuit to glide around in. So yeah, you're guy is basically Superman without the cape.

And about things blowing up, one of the best things about this game is the scale, feel and look of things exploding. Explosions are EPIC. The game really excels in this area. Your dude has unlimited C4 as well so you never have to worry about holding back because you're low on charges. If it looks like it can blow up, there is no reason not to do so!

A few areas where the game does not excel. The story is very akin to the story in a porno, it's just there in the background and you dont care at all about it. If you're looking for a deep story, stay away. The driving is not quite as good as in JC2, either. It might just be that I'm not used to it yet, but vehicles often feel like they're floating. I'm also not a fan of how they implemented the upgrade system. Upgrades are unlocked slowly by liberating (destroying) settlements and bases. This means by the time you unlock the last of the fun goodies your character can utilize, the game will be almost over.

Also, if you have a PC with an AMD video card, I'd wait until they release the first patch because there are loads of problems with those video cards.

Anyway, the game is a great, incredibly fun time waster. Just dont expect a deep narrative experience.
JC2 was probably my favorite game of all time. The map was not only huge, but you actually utilized it all. I felt like I knew that world so well. There was so much to do and you really felt like you were in another country. From military bases, to airports to large cities and small villages. It was amazing.

So I went in with high hopes for JC3. First off, the visuals are amazing. But they took out about 4/5ths of the settlements. And while the map is huge, most is unused or pointless to the game. And the story of JC2 was much better. JC3 seemed like they just threw it together with no thought. When the game ended, I was shocked because it was a dumb ending that had zero buildup.

I know this game has been getting amazing reviews, but I was very disappointed in it. JC2 I played over and over, spending weeks doing so many fun things. This game I bought a week ago, beat, and am turning it back in tonight. :thumbdown:

Got Battlefront for Xmas (PC).

My take is similar to what many reviewers have said.

Gorgeous game. The graphics and Star Wars ambiance are top notch.

It's a fun play.

BUT, I can see how it'll get old fast. And while multiplayer is fun, the mechanism for finding matches is horrible. There's no option to just create a room/server for people to join. You have to wait while it searches and searches for existing places, then it'll throw you in an empty game where.....you wait some more. You can't just launch with AI foes while players jump in.

Plus EA did their typical sleazy money-grab model and basically released half a game for $60, with planned expansions slated for staggered release for extra $$. It basically comes with 4 maps. There's other single player mission-type games, but if you want to play a battle, you get Endor, Hoth, Sallust, and Tantooine. That's IT.

In sum: the 2004 version of Battlefront (Battlefront II) was far better. This one is a gorgeous work of art, but it is so much less playable and EA's greed feels like a kick in the nuts on top of that.

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Uncharted 2

Ok. This game is light years better than the first. The first wasn't bad, it just didn't capture me all that much and the zombie part scared the heck out of me but also really just ruined the story for me. Which to me is the best part of 2 - the story is great. I actually find myself enjoying watching the movie parts than playing it.

Drake is close the best video game character that I've dealt with. And the script with him and the friends and helpers is outstanding. Game play is cleaner on this one as well. The jump dive duck cover stuff is much better and fluid in this game. I'm not finding myself stuck in certain positions in the middle of a fire fight like I did with the first.

The climbing the most dangerous cliff edges by his fingertips is overdone, but I guess you have to go with it. The puzzle system that it represents is fun to deal with.

I just reached the final monestary where the old nazi guy was taken; dealt with the snipers and had the bridge blow up underneath me. So I'm getting close to the end game. Not looking forward at all to dealing with more THOSE GUYS but I know its coming. Those things are the suck, but they are more entertaining than the zombies in one. They feel like they fit better in the story - can't explain it. They feel more video game than the zombies did. Maybe it's just I hate almost everything zombies.

Granted I'm, what, 7 years behind the times on this game - but it's a solid A game. Will look forward to playing 3 when I'm done with this one.
See, I thought the blue guys were far more annoying than the zombies from U1. You can deal with the zombies pretty easily by one-shotting them with a shotgun. The blue guys have seemingly five times as many hps as anything else in the game and hit really hard.

Uncharted 2

Ok. This game is light years better than the first. The first wasn't bad, it just didn't capture me all that much and the zombie part scared the heck out of me but also really just ruined the story for me. Which to me is the best part of 2 - the story is great. I actually find myself enjoying watching the movie parts than playing it.

Drake is close the best video game character that I've dealt with. And the script with him and the friends and helpers is outstanding. Game play is cleaner on this one as well. The jump dive duck cover stuff is much better and fluid in this game. I'm not finding myself stuck in certain positions in the middle of a fire fight like I did with the first.

The climbing the most dangerous cliff edges by his fingertips is overdone, but I guess you have to go with it. The puzzle system that it represents is fun to deal with.

I just reached the final monestary where the old nazi guy was taken; dealt with the snipers and had the bridge blow up underneath me. So I'm getting close to the end game. Not looking forward at all to dealing with more THOSE GUYS but I know its coming. Those things are the suck, but they are more entertaining than the zombies in one. They feel like they fit better in the story - can't explain it. They feel more video game than the zombies did. Maybe it's just I hate almost everything zombies.

Granted I'm, what, 7 years behind the times on this game - but it's a solid A game. Will look forward to playing 3 when I'm done with this one.
See, I thought the blue guys were far more annoying than the zombies from U1. You can deal with the zombies pretty easily by one-shotting them with a shotgun. The blue guys have seemingly five times as many hps as anything else in the game and hit really hard.
Yup, that was my biggest problem with the game too. Upping the difficulty by simply making all the enemies into bullet-sponges felt lazy.

thecatch said:
IvanKaramazov said:
Yankee23Fan said:
Uncharted 2

Ok. This game is light years better than the first. The first wasn't bad, it just didn't capture me all that much and the zombie part scared the heck out of me but also really just ruined the story for me. Which to me is the best part of 2 - the story is great. I actually find myself enjoying watching the movie parts than playing it.

Drake is close the best video game character that I've dealt with. And the script with him and the friends and helpers is outstanding. Game play is cleaner on this one as well. The jump dive duck cover stuff is much better and fluid in this game. I'm not finding myself stuck in certain positions in the middle of a fire fight like I did with the first.

The climbing the most dangerous cliff edges by his fingertips is overdone, but I guess you have to go with it. The puzzle system that it represents is fun to deal with.

I just reached the final monestary where the old nazi guy was taken; dealt with the snipers and had the bridge blow up underneath me. So I'm getting close to the end game. Not looking forward at all to dealing with more THOSE GUYS but I know its coming. Those things are the suck, but they are more entertaining than the zombies in one. They feel like they fit better in the story - can't explain it. They feel more video game than the zombies did. Maybe it's just I hate almost everything zombies.

Granted I'm, what, 7 years behind the times on this game - but it's a solid A game. Will look forward to playing 3 when I'm done with this one.
See, I thought the blue guys were far more annoying than the zombies from U1. You can deal with the zombies pretty easily by one-shotting them with a shotgun. The blue guys have seemingly five times as many hps as anything else in the game and hit really hard.
Yup, that was my biggest problem with the game too. Upping the difficulty by simply making all the enemies into bullet-sponges felt lazy.
I can see that. I might be being nice here because I enjoy the game and its story so much more.

TheIronSheik said:
I feel like I've played enough Just Cause 3 to give it a proper review.

If you haven't played the Just Cause series, it's basically a third person, open world shooter where the point is to cause as much destruction as possible, and you can do so in very creative ways. Just Cause 3 is a continuation on this. When I say open world I really mean it. The entire map is open from the get go. There are no lame towers that you have to climb in order to unlock ####, or gated off areas or anything. Oh, and the map is approximately 4 times as large as GTA V's map, so you've got a LOT of mayhem to cause. There are a number of vehicles to drive and fly around in like fancy sports cars, tanks, helicopters, and F-16s.

In addition to weapons, your dude has a grappling hook which he can use to pull himself up onto ledges or to cause destruction. For example, if you need to destroy a large water tower, and your AK47 isn't cutting it, you can put a C4 explosive onto a truck, grapple the truck to the tower, retract and watch it all blow up. Last night I grappled a bunch of people to the blades of a helicopter and watched the resulting merry-go-round as I took off in it. You also have a wingsuit to glide around in. So yeah, you're guy is basically Superman without the cape.

And about things blowing up, one of the best things about this game is the scale, feel and look of things exploding. Explosions are EPIC. The game really excels in this area. Your dude has unlimited C4 as well so you never have to worry about holding back because you're low on charges. If it looks like it can blow up, there is no reason not to do so!

A few areas where the game does not excel. The story is very akin to the story in a porno, it's just there in the background and you dont care at all about it. If you're looking for a deep story, stay away. The driving is not quite as good as in JC2, either. It might just be that I'm not used to it yet, but vehicles often feel like they're floating. I'm also not a fan of how they implemented the upgrade system. Upgrades are unlocked slowly by liberating (destroying) settlements and bases. This means by the time you unlock the last of the fun goodies your character can utilize, the game will be almost over.

Also, if you have a PC with an AMD video card, I'd wait until they release the first patch because there are loads of problems with those video cards.

Anyway, the game is a great, incredibly fun time waster. Just dont expect a deep narrative experience.
JC2 was probably my favorite game of all time. The map was not only huge, but you actually utilized it all. I felt like I knew that world so well. There was so much to do and you really felt like you were in another country. From military bases, to airports to large cities and small villages. It was amazing.So I went in with high hopes for JC3. First off, the visuals are amazing. But they took out about 4/5ths of the settlements. And while the map is huge, most is unused or pointless to the game. And the story of JC2 was much better. JC3 seemed like they just threw it together with no thought. When the game ended, I was shocked because it was a dumb ending that had zero buildup.

I know this game has been getting amazing reviews, but I was very disappointed in it. JC2 I played over and over, spending weeks doing so many fun things. This game I bought a week ago, beat, and am turning it back in tonight. :thumbdown:
Never playing any of them. I'm loving it

Well I'm late to it but just got my XBone today. 1 TB Holiday Edition with GoW Ultimate, RR and Ori. But of course I can't wait to get Witcher 3, Fallout 4 and surprisingly to me Rise of the Tomb Raider. I found the last one pretty good even though platformers aren't my thing normally and am really looking forward to this one.

Well if reports are accurate I got a lot of downloading to do.

Brady Marino said:
Tony Jabroni said:
What in the hell did they do to be able splitscreen 2 player on Star Wars Battlefront and Black Ops 3? Nothing is "being recognized" and I can't add a guest. Now you need an account???

Anyone? For one pissed off Dad.

ETA: Figured out Black Ops....Battlefront anyone?
Never could figure it out. I legitimately don't think it is an option.Its a big reason I traded it in. It is moronic to think that you and a friend that lives in-town can't play together online.
Pretty sure it's local only. My kids have done it multiple times.

Well I'm late to it but just got my XBone today. 1 TB Holiday Edition with GoW Ultimate, RR and Ori. But of course I can't wait to get Witcher 3, Fallout 4 and surprisingly to me Rise of the Tomb Raider. I found the last one pretty good even though platformers aren't my thing normally and am really looking forward to this one.

Well if reports are accurate I got a lot of downloading to do.
Witcher is on sale right now for $25 FYI.

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Well I'm late to it but just got my XBone today. 1 TB Holiday Edition with GoW Ultimate, RR and Ori. But of course I can't wait to get Witcher 3, Fallout 4 and surprisingly to me Rise of the Tomb Raider. I found the last one pretty good even though platformers aren't my thing normally and am really looking forward to this one.

Well if reports are accurate I got a lot of downloading to do.
Witcher is on sale right now for $25 FYI.
Cool thanks

Well I'm late to it but just got my XBone today. 1 TB Holiday Edition with GoW Ultimate, RR and Ori. But of course I can't wait to get Witcher 3, Fallout 4 and surprisingly to me Rise of the Tomb Raider. I found the last one pretty good even though platformers aren't my thing normally and am really looking forward to this one.

Well if reports are accurate I got a lot of downloading to do.
Ori and the Blind Forest is truly an excellent game (definitely frustrating at times) and tells an entertaining and very touching story. It's a platformer but a great one. Tomb Raider isn't a platformer.

I just scared myself a bit after doing some calculations

I have been playing Hearthstone since May of 2014.

I have played over 10,000 games.

Each game takes on average ~10 minutes.

That means I have put in ~1700 hours on this game.

Yikes, I might need an intervention. :)

I just scared myself a bit after doing some calculations

I have been playing Hearthstone since May of 2014.

I have played over 10,000 games.

Each game takes on average ~10 minutes.

That means I have put in ~1700 hours on this game.

Yikes, I might need an intervention. :)
How many hours are you playing games in a day? ive noticed you've played a lot of different titles, Dark Souls 1 & 2 have also been during that timeline above. Those games alone are time sinks and I know I've seen you post about a lot more games then that.

I'm not judging but I am starting to worry you might have a vitamin D deficiency due to a lack of sunlight.

Picked up Mad Max in the Steam sale for $~20. Pretty typical of the Assasin's Creed/Far Cry style game set in the Mad Max world. Enjoying the game so far. I really would love it if someone did an updated take on the Interstate 77 games with some good car combat. This is close, but it's of course more Mad Max than Car Wars and I want Car Wars.

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The Long Dark is not bad, I just keep dying in the oddest ways. Once I was double attacked almost back to back by wolves, and another time I was fishing and had a fire lighted behind me and I somehow still died. I wish the game would give you the cause of death.

I just scared myself a bit after doing some calculations

I have been playing Hearthstone since May of 2014.

I have played over 10,000 games.

Each game takes on average ~10 minutes.

That means I have put in ~1700 hours on this game.

Yikes, I might need an intervention. :)
How many hours are you playing games in a day? ive noticed you've played a lot of different titles, Dark Souls 1 & 2 have also been during that timeline above. Those games alone are time sinks and I know I've seen you post about a lot more games then that.

I'm not judging but I am starting to worry you might have a vitamin D deficiency due to a lack of sunlight.
I play a lot I guess. I have a part time job at night where I do nothing so playing Hearthstone fills that time quickly on my laptop.

During the day I will play console games.

I might be overdoing the idea I had when I retired of having a second childhood :)

My son got an Xbox one for xmas.

I haven't played video games since Playstation.

I enjoyed the tomb raider and resident evil style.

Also, on PC I loved Caesar 3.

Any recommendations based on these 2 game types?

My son got an Xbox one for xmas.

I haven't played video games since Playstation.

I enjoyed the tomb raider and resident evil style.

Also, on PC I loved Caesar 3.

Any recommendations based on these 2 game types?
Tomb Raider
They're rebooting video games too?
That's pretty much the business model. But the new Tomb Raider is pretty good compared to the last versions.

I can give that a try...and Lara Croft's books should look amazing with these graphics

My son got an Xbox one for xmas.

I haven't played video games since Playstation.

I enjoyed the tomb raider and resident evil style.

Also, on PC I loved Caesar 3.

Any recommendations based on these 2 game types?
Tomb Raider
They're rebooting video games too?
That's pretty much the business model. But the new Tomb Raider is pretty good compared to the last versions.
Cool. I can give that a try...and Lara Croft's books should look amazing with these graphics
A much grittier version but she does look good.

My son got an Xbox one for xmas.

I haven't played video games since Playstation.

I enjoyed the tomb raider and resident evil style.

Also, on PC I loved Caesar 3.

Any recommendations based on these 2 game types?
Also they remade resident evil 1 & soon 0. Same game with upgraded graphics.
Playing Rainbow6 Siege.

Man it's a difficult game to start off with - I'm doing a little better every time, but I'm kinda getting demolished.

Finished my first playthrough of Until Dawn. This is a very good interactive-movie type of game, far better than any of the Telltale games or Heavy Rain. It is basically a slasher movie in which eight overly-hormoned teenagers need to survive the night. It borrows very heavily from Saw, Scream, My Bloody Valentine, Friday the 13th, and I Know What You Did Last Summer to varying degrees, and if you are the sort of person who refuses to suspend disbelief, you will find lots of nits to pick, but otherwise the story is pretty sound with plot twists about where one would expect them.

The choice system seems to work pretty well. Many of the decisions you make are red herrings that have no effect on the story, but some are very important in ways that you might not anticipate at first. On my first run, only three of the eight survived. One died due to a failed QTE sequence, one died cheaply to a sequence where I knew what I wanted to do and couldn't navigate the options presented to me in the right way, and one died due to an idiotic decision on my part. The other two died completely logically -- in satisfying fashion -- due in part to decisions that I had made much earlier. This game does "choice" pretty well.

I'm going to make another run to try to save everybody. For most folks, this is a top-notch rental because you're going to really enjoy your first run and have little interest in a second.

Also, the lighting and general art design are top-notch. The isometric gameplay reminds me a lot of the old Resident Evil games, only much prettier.
Having made another run through this, I'm going to upgrade my ranking of Until Dawn a little further and say that it's one of the better games I played this year. That's not to say that it's better than Bloodborne or Fallout of course because this is a radically different type of game, but it does what it's trying to do extremely well. The only real drawback, such that it is, is that you're going to play this once and have an absolute blast for about 8-10 hours, and then maybe run through it again out of curiosity to see how things might have gone differently and to flesh out the story a bit. Games like this are a really nice change of pace for open, sprawling games like Fallout.

Played " The Long Dark" tonight. It's still in development but you can get a free hour trial and/or purchase the beta version.

Youve crashed in the mountains and you must see how long you can survive. I think everything other then the map spawns differently each game. The graphics have a beautiful art style and the game is pretty interesting. You fight freezing temps, hunger, dehydration, exhaustion, hypothermia and wolf attacks.

I managed to last almost 2 days before I was attacked by a wolf. I woke up and the wolf was gone but I lost a lot of blood and my boots and gloves were shredded in the attack. I managed to crawl another hundred feet or so before I bled out in the cold snow.

A few things need tweaking but I will absolutely purchase this if it ever goes on sale. (it's currently $20)

Played " The Long Dark" tonight. It's still in development but you can get a free hour trial and/or purchase the beta version.

Youve crashed in the mountains and you must see how long you can survive. I think everything other then the map spawns differently each game. The graphics have a beautiful art style and the game is pretty interesting. You fight freezing temps, hunger, dehydration, exhaustion, hypothermia and wolf attacks.

I managed to last almost 2 days before I was attacked by a wolf. I woke up and the wolf was gone but I lost a lot of blood and my boots and gloves were shredded in the attack. I managed to crawl another hundred feet or so before I bled out in the cold snow.

A few things need tweaking but I will absolutely purchase this if it ever goes on sale. (it's currently $20)
I have been playing this also, and am getting good at it. The Beta has three or four maps that are linked together. I am on a play through now in which I can not find a hatchet and have looked everywhere - except the safe which I can not seem to crack.

If you every make it to the dam there are a ton of supplies and there is a wolf inside and he will attack you. Also there is suppose to be a survivalists bunker that randomly spawns somewhere in the world.
Playing Rainbow6 Siege.

Man it's a difficult game to start off with - I'm doing a little better every time, but I'm kinda getting demolished.
I'm really enjoying it.
Any tips? On defense I throw barb wire down, bar windows, set up my shield and shoot anything that moves.

On offense I hang outside until I see a teammate successfully enter. I can't seem to really get kills though unless I catch them looking the wrong way.

So this rainbow 6 siege game.... have they returned to their roots and made a more strategic shooter the old rogue spear games and not the camp fest twitch shooters like CoD/Black Ops?

Is this true????

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Played " The Long Dark" tonight. It's still in development but you can get a free hour trial and/or purchase the beta version.

Youve crashed in the mountains and you must see how long you can survive. I think everything other then the map spawns differently each game. The graphics have a beautiful art style and the game is pretty interesting. You fight freezing temps, hunger, dehydration, exhaustion, hypothermia and wolf attacks.

I managed to last almost 2 days before I was attacked by a wolf. I woke up and the wolf was gone but I lost a lot of blood and my boots and gloves were shredded in the attack. I managed to crawl another hundred feet or so before I bled out in the cold snow.

A few things need tweaking but I will absolutely purchase this if it ever goes on sale. (it's currently $20)
I have been playing this also, and am getting good at it. The Beta has three or four maps that are linked together. I am on a play through now in which I can not find a hatchet and have looked everywhere - except the safe which I can not seem to crack.

Also, can you beat the game and make it to safety, or do you just die no matter how long you survive?

If you every make it to the dam there are a ton of supplies and there is a wolf inside and he will attack you. Also there is suppose to be a survivalists bunker that randomly spawns somewhere in the world.
I see that it's $10 on Steam but it's listed as Early Access. I get that it's in alpha or beta, so we're basically bug testers, but when/if it's officially released, will we have to buy the final product?

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So this rainbow 6 siege game.... have they returned to their roots and made a more strategic shooter the old rogue spear games and not the camp fest twitch shooters like CoD/Black Ops?

Is this true????
Watch it on twitch for a little bit. It's very old schoolish, in the people with ADHD hate it way. Strategy is key, shooting is important but craftiness trumps it. My friend who loves cod/bf/battlefront exclusively bought it and played for about a match and deemed it stupid and a waste of time. It instantly shot onto my radar and will most likely be bought with the deal going on now.
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So anyone playing siege have a recommendation for weapons and operators to start with? I'll try everything over time but I'm mainly looking for ease to play with some survivability for my girlfriend who has less patience in these games to learn.


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