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Video games...what ya playing? And what are you looking forward to? (1 Viewer)

BTW I don't own a console but have been researching them for quite awhile.  I would be happy with either but the whole exclusive title thing is really a sticking point.
Meaning you haven't decided which to get yet because you don't know which exclusive titles you want? Or?

So from what I am getting so far is that the 'advantages' that I have read about that PS has over Xbox is really likely not to impact me much (which is what I thought) and that if I am use to the Xbox titles and controllers etc I likely will be happier with it. The only other thing would be playing in person or via online- which with games like Call of Duty I definitely play a lot of online. So.... you guys are pretty much confirming what I gathered myself.

Any help on which Xbox? Or maybe put a better way- someone explain this Elite "Hybrid drive" thing to me like I have no idea what the hell they are talking about... because I don't.

Yah. I'm now a casual gamer and stuck with just ps4 this round.  Only because of the show.

I don't play enough anymore to warrant 2 systems
20 years ago- I would likely be considering both. Hell, 20 years ago, I would have bought both by now. Fast forward as an old guy with three little kids.... who the heck has time or money for that?!

Aren't you being an XBox fanboy (without technical specs) by saying that the only reason to get a PS4 is by being a fanboy?  

There are other reasons to choose one or the other; like different exclusive titles, different controllers and different core competencies (PS4 for single players and XBox One for online gamers).  I guess I don't understand your rationale for saying that the XBox One is the obvious choice for casual gamers.
As cockroach surmised, I was trying to be as neutral as possible.  If a casual gamer is leaning one way or the other for reasons of familiarity, or title preference, there is little reason for someone to change their mind.  I wasn't trying to say that the X1 is the obvious choice for all casual gamers, only this particular one who was leaning towards the X1.  There didn't seem to be a compelling reason to change his mind.

I certainly am not an Xbox fanboy.  As I said, I own both, and play both.  If I could only have one, I would keep the Xbox because I have a larger network of friends who have the Xbox, but I do think the PS4 is the superior piece of hardware, both for reason of superior tech specs which I do not first hand understand, but also because of my personal experience with Sony products being of higher reliability.

As cockroach surmised, I was trying to be as neutral as possible.  If a casual gamer is leaning one way or the other for reasons of familiarity, or title preference, there is little reason for someone to change their mind.  I wasn't trying to say that the X1 is the obvious choice for all casual gamers, only this particular one who was leaning towards the X1.  There didn't seem to be a compelling reason to change his mind.

I certainly am not an Xbox fanboy.  As I said, I own both, and play both.  If I could only have one, I would keep the Xbox because I have a larger network of friends who have the Xbox, but I do think the PS4 is the superior piece of hardware, both for reason of superior tech specs which I do not first hand understand, but also because of my personal experience with Sony products being of higher reliability.
My advice to the casual gamer would be to go with whatever the friends you want to play with have.

In addition to your "don't just always chase the ball" advice... I'd remind people that you don't always have to be driving.   A lot of times I just post up around halfcourt and wait for them to inevitably knock it back to me out of the corner. 

And another "protip" is to learn to navigate via front/back flip.  3 flips in a row will get you to full speed without using boost... vital for defensive recoveries and covering large amounts of fields as fast as possible while still conserving boost (straight flying is the fastest way across the board). 

There was a series of vids I watched early on that got me familiar with all the possible moves... there's actually a lot there with the double jumps and rolls and stuff:

Also, the best player in the world is named Kronovi... if you want your mind blown on the type of aerial goals that are possible, check out his highlight reel.  It may actually deter you from playing though as you'll never be that good
Oman... the camera field of view thing is huge!

Cockroach carried me to Prostpect 3 in 2v2 rank.  I learned a lot from the video series he posted (watched the first 6 so far) and once I get it down, I think I'll be able to move up a rank or two.

Pulled the trigger on XB1. 

Got 1TB, Gears, Rare, Ori, Forza Horizon 2 & $50 gift card plus bought and extra controller. Total $422 after tax. Not bad.

Insein said:
I don't think they're legally allowed to do NCAA. And for Madden isn't the later versions on XB1 already?
What the BLEEP?! I didn't realize that they stopped making the NCAA. And without backwards compatibility, this makes me very sad.

I looked it up on Wiki and it says:

Due to recent legal disputes between the association, Electronic Arts, college athletes, and others regarding the usage of college athletes' likenesses in video games (which is currently barred by the NCAA because of the concept of sport amateurism), they would not renew their licensing deal with EA. However, the expiration of the license only affects the use of the NCAA's trademarks in the games; teams and other events are licensed from schools individually or through organizations such as the Collegiate Licensing Company—who announced on the same day that they would extend its own licensing deal with EA through 2017. As such, EA ensured that with these existing deals in place, it would still be able to produce future versions of the franchise without the NCAA license (as it did prior to 1997); EA Sports' executive vice president Andrew Wilson announced that the next edition of the franchise was already in development, and would "[still] feature the college teams, leagues, and all the innovation fans expect from EA Sports."[1][3][7]

However, after the SEC, Big Ten, and Pac-12 conferences announced that they would not license their trademarks to EA, the company announced on September 26, 2013 that it would not make a college football game for 2014

About to play The Division beta (5 hours to download. WTF?) anyone else planning or currently playing this?

Sorry if I'm late to the party and missed the discussion on previous pages. 

KarmaPolice said:
Are there any other games for ps4 on the same lines as Until Dawn?
TellTale Games (Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, Wolf Among Us, etc...)- Quantic Dream games (Indigo Prophecy, Heavy Rain, Beyond Two Souls)

Also, Life is Strange

Cockroach carried me to Prostpect 3 in 2v2 rank.  I learned a lot from the video series he posted (watched the first 6 so far) and once I get it down, I think I'll be able to move up a rank or two.
I've started to get flying down now.  My only problem with it is that sometimes I'll fly right over the ball and look like an idiot on the replay of the goal that's sure to follow.

So Gauntlet on the PS4 is a ridiculously addictive multiplayer game. My son and I played for over two hours yesterday. That included a lot of "just one more".

So Gauntlet on the PS4 is a ridiculously addictive multiplayer game. My son and I played for over two hours yesterday. That included a lot of "just one more".
I played through the campaign and then it lost me.  I've got a few guys that I work with who always talk about getting together for a 4 player session but it never pans out.  I'd like to see it multiplayer.

If you like Gauntlet this months free game Helldivers is similar but set in a more sci-fi setting with some little extras that I think will end up being more fun to play long term than Gauntlet.

I've started to get flying down now.  My only problem with it is that sometimes I'll fly right over the ball and look like an idiot on the replay of the goal that's sure to follow.

Better over than under I guess!  The worst is when you go over it but tap it backwards, doh!

As far as me carrying you, from what I get of this new ladder system, wins don't mean nearly as much as before... which is easy as wins were everything before... but your rank tier is based on S1 stats.

Been playing A LOT of Ultima Online on a free shard called UORenaissance. 

Its phenominally well run/organized. I could (and have ) play(ed) this game forever. 

Anyone play Firewatch yet?  Looks interesting and I may pick it up to take a break from MGS:5 that I've been buried in lately.

Far Cry Primal will be in my PS4 Thursday.

I just finished Far Cry 4 recently (loved it big time) and Kyrat was flat out amazing. The story was kinda meh (but that is typical with FC games) but visually the game was stunning. Also the random encounters in FC4 were amazing. I completed 95% of that game (just left some fetch/race quests unfinished which I may just finish for the platinum trophy). 

Primal looks pretty amazing and if you can get into being a caveman and get your Beastmaster on, this is your game. Videos I have seen look amazing. It also uses native tongue with sub titles which to me is a very cool. I will report back with first impressions.

Far Cry Primal will be in my PS4 Thursday.

I just finished Far Cry 4 recently (loved it big time) and Kyrat was flat out amazing. The story was kinda meh (but that is typical with FC games) but visually the game was stunning. Also the random encounters in FC4 were amazing. I completed 95% of that game (just left some fetch/race quests unfinished which I may just finish for the platinum trophy).

Primal looks pretty amazing and if you can get into being a caveman and get your Beastmaster on, this is your game. Videos I have seen look amazing. It also uses native tongue with sub titles which to me is a very cool. I will report back with first impressions.
Read a few reviews today. Can't wait to read an honest FBG review. Tempted to pull the trigger but I am trying to rehabilitate a bit too.


Been playing A LOT of Ultima Online on a free shard called UORenaissance. 

Its phenominally well run/organized. I could (and have ) play(ed) this game forever. 
I tried this a while ago because my UO Nostalgia is off the charts.  The problem is the game hasnt aged well at all.  Too many quality of life things that I've gotten used to from modern games that arent here.  

I dont know why no one's succeeded in modernizing this type of sandbox MMO.  

I tried this a while ago because my UO Nostalgia is off the charts.  The problem is the game hasnt aged well at all.  Too many quality of life things that I've gotten used to from modern games that arent here.  

I dont know why no one's succeeded in modernizing this type of sandbox MMO.  
MMOs are all about the dollar dollar bill y'all.  Good luck finding a company these days that wants to make one with fun as the main goal. 

Far Cry Primal will be in my PS4 Thursday.

I just finished Far Cry 4 recently (loved it big time) and Kyrat was flat out amazing. The story was kinda meh (but that is typical with FC games) but visually the game was stunning. Also the random encounters in FC4 were amazing. I completed 95% of that game (just left some fetch/race quests unfinished which I may just finish for the platinum trophy). 

Primal looks pretty amazing and if you can get into being a caveman and get your Beastmaster on, this is your game. Videos I have seen look amazing. It also uses native tongue with sub titles which to me is a very cool. I will report back with first impressions.
The early user reviews I've seen of this have been very positive.  I'm not going to pick this up now, but I'll definitely look for it during my next dry spell when it's on sale.

MMOs are all about the dollar dollar bill y'all.  Good luck finding a company these days that wants to make one with fun as the main goal. 
I always felt that City of Heroes did that well.  Unfortunately, the Going Rogue expansion was a flop and it went F2P, and then eventually folding.  It's the only MMO that I've ever enjoyed, and I've even played WoW.  I doubt I'll pay monthly for another one.  

Looks funny and all but is there MP or something to it that's giving it the rave reviews?  Or just the humor?

There was another game that it was up against that actually looked fun (and did have MP) that I'm pretty disappointed got blown out by this crap. 
(warning: video NSFW for language - I'll remove if necessary)

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Just got MGS Phantom Pain for XB1--pretty good so far.  Not sure it's the second best game ever for the XB1 (as rated on Metacritic) but still pretty good.  Anyone else play it?


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