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Will you get a Covid vaccine when available? (1 Viewer)

Will you get a Covid vaccine when available?

  • Yes, as soon as it comes out

    Votes: 236 55.4%
  • Yes, but not for a while until some time passes

    Votes: 93 21.8%
  • No, I don't think it will be safe

    Votes: 19 4.5%
  • No, I don't think it will be effective

    Votes: 5 1.2%
  • No, I already had Covid

    Votes: 13 3.1%
  • Unsure, but leaning yes

    Votes: 32 7.5%
  • Unsure, but leaning no

    Votes: 28 6.6%

  • Total voters
A little over 19% of the country's adults refuse to get a COVID vaccination. 0.31 x 0.6s = 0.1922 x 100 = 19.22%.

That's enough people to let COVID survive and continue to mutate.
Oh get lost with this ridiculous nonsense. What percentage of that 19% have had covid and have natural immunity? What percentage of the new cases were vaccinated? Simply regurgitating information doesn't make it so. Now the 19% of the adult population, most of who have already had covid, are the ones keeping it alive? Just basis in reality of this. This is absolute madness. 

Oh get lost with this ridiculous nonsense. What percentage of that 19% have had covid and have natural immunity? What percentage of the new cases were vaccinated? Simply regurgitating information doesn't make it so. Now the 19% of the adult population, most of who have already had covid, are the ones keeping it alive? Just basis in reality of this. This is absolute madness. 

Friendly reminder: Those who had COVID in the past have effectively zero infection-acquired immunity vs Omicron. 

I posted the charts upthread once already in response to this, but you seem to have missed them, since you continue to spread this misinformation.

Here they are again:


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Oh get lost with this ridiculous nonsense. What percentage of that 19% have had covid and have natural immunity? What percentage of the new cases were vaccinated? Simply regurgitating information doesn't make it so. Now the 19% of the adult population, most of who have already had covid, are the ones keeping it alive? Just basis in reality of this. This is absolute madness. 
People that have had Covid literally are the only ones keeping it alive. 

Wish I could get some of you guys down here for your boosters. Still plenty of places to walk in and get a booster without an appointment.
Already got mine, my wife’s and my middle son. Pretty sure we were able to book for the next day to two days. My oldest was boosted at college since he works in their CV lab.

Oh get lost with this ridiculous nonsense. What percentage of that 19% have had covid and have natural immunity? What percentage of the new cases were vaccinated? Simply regurgitating information doesn't make it so. Now the 19% of the adult population, most of who have already had covid, are the ones keeping it alive? Just basis in reality of this. This is absolute madness. 
 about 4 out of 5 people disagree with you.  

People that have had Covid literally are the only ones keeping it alive. 
This is accurate, except viruses technically aren’t living.

But to be fair, the developing world has a much bigger collective unvaccinated population, and viral reservoir to mutate, than the US. Recall where delta and omicron originated.

I hate giving any support to those who reject vaccination and think natural immunity is the best answer out of this mess, but the rest of the world is more to blame for mutating virus.

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I found out on Christmas a relative wasn't vaccinated. Was shocked and upset to hear it considering she recently visited me, not to mention she's a RN, currently working at the VA hospital.  Also a 25 year army vet. Highly intelligent and obviously a background in medicne so it didn't even occur to me she wouldn't be vaccinated.  I asked why she wasn't and was told she has already had it TWICE and figured she had plenty of antibodies already.  I don't get it.  :(

I got boosted last week at the board of elections since they allowed walk-ins.. I walked in with my son and we got the booster in 10 minutes it was so easy. They even handed us some home tests for free. I'll probably just go there any time I need some home tests. I don't think it gets any easier if your in the Cincinnati area.

Oh my, they are going to get a cold. oh the horror. Get with the program and quit injection yourselves with that garbage. That garbage ain't gonna help ya either. You're gonna get it.

You quit taking the jab juice and omicron ends this. They are discussing it now on Fox. And quit watching crapola like CNN & listening to fraud fauci and the LOW IQ CDC.
Oh, the irony.     

Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine prevents most Omicron Covid-19 hospitalizations.

#TeamPfizer :gang1:

tl;dr nuggets:

Researchers in South Africa have published data in the New England Journal of Medicine (link to study) showing that the two-dose Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine remains 70% effective against Covid-19 hospitalization, even in the face of the Omicron Variant. While Omicron has been found in several other studies to cause many more infections among the vaccinated and boosted (let alone the unvaccinated), these new findings indicate that the implications of these infections remain far less dire than they were during the pre-vaccine era. In other words, the vaccines have held up to their greatest challenge yet. As expected, a majority of Omicron Covid-19 hospitalizations in South Africa occurred among the unvaccinated.


Some data that were not published—but which were shared with Inside Medicine by the research team that published this latest study from South Africa—show an important age-specific pattern: among individuals ages 18-29, vaccine effectiveness against Omicron hospitalization was found to be 92%. Among individuals ages 30-39, 40-49, 50-59 vaccine effectiveness was somewhat lower but still highly impressive, at 75%, 82%, and 74% respectively. However, vaccine effectiveness against Omicron-related hospitalization was another notch lower in older groups, with vaccine effectiveness pegged at 67% among individuals ages 60-69 and 59% among those ages 70-79 (Data for 80+ were not specified).


Lower vaccine effectiveness against Omicron in older populations is cause for concern. These findings clearly suggest, yet again, that booster doses for people in older age groups (and other high-risk groups such as those with immune compromise) stand to improve outcomes meaningfully. That also means that outcomes in the United States may be better than elsewhere, since around 57% of the fully vaccinated US population ages 65 and older have already been boosted. Just how much added protection against severe disease and hospitalization those booster doses provide on top of these new figures from South Africa remains undetermined. But again, the effects will likely be age-dependent, with the most benefit coming to those who are the most vulnerable.

My Thesis:  Quit trying to pretend or imply vaccination is going to stop mutation or future spread.  

It's not.  Deal with it.
I understand your point, but it's mostly inaccurate. Unvaccinated are a large (I don't know the number so I won't quote a percentage) of the cases, hospitalizations, etc.  Not ALL, of course, and I know that's an anti-vax talking point. (and as I recall you are vaxxed) BUT Vaccination, when applied to ENOUGH OF THE POPULATION is EXACTLY how we stop mutation and future spread. Not just here, in our county, or state, or country, but worldwide. This is the way.  See also: history :shrug:  

 BUT Vaccination, when applied to ENOUGH OF THE POPULATION is EXACTLY how we stop mutation and future spread. Not just here, in our county, or state, or country, but worldwide. 

But it's not going to happen, so let's quit pretending it is going to.  Time to move on.

ETA:  Yes I'm vaxxed, even though I don't need it.

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But it's not going to happen, so let's quit pretending it is going to.  Time to move on.
We cannot and will not move on when there is uncontrolled exponential community spread virtually everywhere. I know, I get it. Everyone is tired. I am too. But that's unrealistic to expect, unless you want this to continue, just like this, in perpetuity. WE have the responsibility to adjust our attitudes and our behaviors to correct the trends. That's the bottom line. And we, the people, are failing. Continuously. 

We cannot and will not move on when there is uncontrolled exponential community spread virtually everywhere. I know, I get it. Everyone is tired. I am too. But that's unrealistic to expect, unless you want this to continue, just like this, in perpetuity. WE have the responsibility to adjust our attitudes and our behaviors to correct the trends. That's the bottom line. And we, the people, are failing. Continuously. 

It's not going to happen brother.  But I like your conviction.  

We cannot and will not move on when there is uncontrolled exponential community spread virtually everywhere. I know, I get it. Everyone is tired. I am too. But that's unrealistic to expect, unless you want this to continue, just like this, in perpetuity. WE have the responsibility to adjust our attitudes and our behaviors to correct the trends. That's the bottom line. And we, the people, are failing. Continuously. 
It's a lot less stressful to just accept our reality. It's each individual's responsibility to decision make to best protect themselves against other people's bad, uninformed decisions. Isn't healthy fighting them; it's just a waste of time and energy. Gotta accept living amidst them...or be a shut-in.

It's a lot less stressful to just accept our reality. It's each individual's responsibility to decision make to best protect themselves against other people's bad, uninformed decisions. Isn't healthy fighting them; it's just a waste of time and energy. Gotta accept living amidst them...or be a shut-in.

A lot of wasted emotion.  

It's a lot less stressful to just accept our reality. It's each individual's responsibility to decision make to best protect themselves against other people's bad, uninformed decisions. Isn't healthy fighting them; it's just a waste of time and energy. Gotta accept living amidst them...or be a shut-in.
I'm neither stressing nor emotional about it, but it is what it is and facts are facts. I gave up "fighting" about it about late spring of last year 

Why? Other western countries have significantly fewer unvaccinated people.  Canada and all of the EU are doing way better.  Why is the USA different?
Mainly because foreign actors have done an excellent job creating divide and misinformation in social media. Their goal is to divide and disrupt this country. And it is working well. 

Mainly because foreign actors have done an excellent job creating divide and misinformation in social media. Their goal is to divide and disrupt this country. And it is working well. 
But social media isn't restricted to borders.  I'm sure this same techniques could be used in Canada or the UK.

Mainly because foreign actors have done an excellent job creating divide and misinformation in social media. Their goal is to divide and disrupt this country. And it is working well. 
It’s not only foreign actors that create divide and misinformation via social media in this country. Don’t kid yourself.  There is enough misinformation coming from within our country to create divide.  

Fully vaccinated and received my second shot 9 months ago.

Not getting a booster.


I'm a Federal contractor. Why rush out and get this booster when Omicron appears to be mild? I figure if the next variant  is more serious,  the Feds will mandate that I get that booster (which I will). Plus the Covid numbers are way down here in Florida.

Once the holidays are over, I'll go get my shingles vaccine.

Welp, New Year and a change of heart. I have my booster shot scheduled for Wednesday afternoon. 

Why the switch?

- numbers are back up

- wife goes back to teaching tomorrow (in person) and she'll be exposed to parents/teachers/staff.

- in the preCovid days, she would always have a better immunity being around snot nosed 4th/5th graders.  She'd get hit with a mild 24 hour virus and I'd be flattened for 3 days.

- basically I'm getting the booster so my overweight 56 yo body can handle it when I test positive.  I'm under no expectations that this will make me immune,  just trying to avoid worst case scenarios  I fully expect the vast majority of American to catch this virus and I'm trying to lessen the potential outcomes personally. 

I'm boosted and still worried for my parents. This whole unvaccinated thing needs obsolescence. It's hogwash. Vaccinations are cutting the severity of infection, and the spread. 

If COVID is going to continue to be around the next few years, I'll consider moving to states with stringent vaccination requirements and, proportionally, none of the loons that come with that decision. 

I can't believe people are this obtuse about basic science. It befuddles me. 

I'm boosted and still worried for my parents. This whole unvaccinated thing needs obsolescence. It's hogwash. Vaccinations are cutting the severity of infection, and the spread. 

If COVID is going to continue to be around the next few years, I'll consider moving to states with stringent vaccination requirements and, proportionally, none of the loons that come with that decision. 

I can't believe people are this obtuse about basic science. It befuddles me. 
a friend had three people she knows die in the last couple weeks.  one was 39.  all were unvaxxed.  when we were talking about this the other day, an unvaccinated acquaintance said that they died because hospitals provide lesser care and withhold certain treatments to unvaccinated patients.   There is no way to dissuade such people of their foolishness.

a friend had three people she knows die in the last couple weeks.  one was 39.  all were unvaxxed.  when we were talking about this the other day, an unvaccinated acquaintance said that they died because hospitals provide lesser care and withhold certain treatments to unvaccinated patients.   There is no way to dissuade such people of their foolishness.
I'm sorry to hear that. That's awful. 

This has been stunning and eye-opening, this virus. This might cost me loved ones, and there's so much blame to go around with so little accountability, from its likely (likely, I stress) start as a gain-of-function research virus in a lab that the United States (through the NIH) funded with low security protocols in China, to the populace and its staggeringly low vaccination rates after the fact. 

Just...mind-boggling how this happened. 

We funded our archenemy performing biological weapon research. Then we dragged our feet on a response. Two things for which we should hold people in government accountable. But then, a miracle vaccine that was actually something government should take credit for! A second chance! That we then didn't promote and use enough and whose blame now falls squarely on the people and/or the outreach required to get it herd immunity. 


Anyway, I digress. I've had the vaccine. Promote it. Taken out threads about it. I've gotten a booster and was furious when the CDC was using "vaccine equity" as a reason to send vaccines abroad instead of using them here at home because I had a sneaking suspicion we'd need them for a variant of some sort. I'm a vaccine backer and booster. They work. I hope they work for me and my family. That's what I'm holding out hope for, because it seems like we'll get COVID for sure. 

Enough said. 

Is there a medical drawback to being vaccinated "too many times?"  I don't mean something stupid like getting a full-on Moderna shot every day for a year.  I mean, what are the potential disadvantages to taking a hypothetically superfluous fourth shot?  
No....look up "complement process" (yes, with an E).  The more you are exposed to an antigen the more proficient your body becomes at fighting it.

So do you people keep taking the juice even after you have had covid and it did little to nothing to you? I mean unless you are all the most unhealthy 5% of people in the country, this is nothing more than a bad flu and Omicron is nothing more than a cold. Still zero omicron deaths. One fake lie from Texas, proven to have died WITH covid. 333 MILLION people have survived this. At least 1/2 without any juice, probably more since the juice wears off inside a few months and the booster juice only lasts 2.5 months.

Fact. You will get a variant eventually. Doesn't matter how much juice you take so quit prolonging this. If omicron can sweep across the country, it's over.



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