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10 Team League (1 Viewer)


Our league got reduced from 12 to 10 teams this year and I'm trying to figure out what to do with our starting roster. I'm thinking of suggesting:

2 QB

2 RB

3 WR

1 Flex (RB/WR)

1 TE

1 PK


Enough? Not enough?

What about roster sizes? 16 enough?

What do you guys think?

I think it all depends on how hard you want to make it. I could see a 2/3/4/2/2/2 starting each week. 30 RBs and 40 wrs is not that many, but the more starters helps the teams without the top RB.

We do 2/3/3/2/2/2. It's pretty fun but if you don't get 4 solid RBs you're really pressing your luck.

I think 2/3/5/2/2/2 would honestly be more reasonable. Nobody RBs were going before top 25 WRs.


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