I am entering a FantasyFeud.com salary cap contest for $11 this week, top prize
is $90 for most points just this week. 0.5 PPR and 4 pts per passing TD. 20
teams maximum will join the contest.
Here is information below, if interested, pay FantasyFeud.com directly and sign
up today!
I am inviting you to play in a private league on Fantasy Feud.
League Id# 414295 (NFL, Salary Cap, $11.00, Weekly)
To join, click the link below and enter the password when prompted.
To do so, click here: http://www.fantasyfeud.com/?applet=join.ashx&lid=414295
Password: sbffcshow
Best of Luck,
The Fantasy Feud Team
is $90 for most points just this week. 0.5 PPR and 4 pts per passing TD. 20
teams maximum will join the contest.
Here is information below, if interested, pay FantasyFeud.com directly and sign
up today!
I am inviting you to play in a private league on Fantasy Feud.
League Id# 414295 (NFL, Salary Cap, $11.00, Weekly)
To join, click the link below and enter the password when prompted.
To do so, click here: http://www.fantasyfeud.com/?applet=join.ashx&lid=414295
Password: sbffcshow
Best of Luck,
The Fantasy Feud Team