12 team start up keeper league on sleeper...200 buy in...no divisons...no kickers...Qb Rb Rb Wr Wr Te Flex Flex...scoring and team defense will be voted on...2 keepers each team...each year keepers will cost the round they were drafted minus one...example if freeman is a second round this year, next year u can keep him for a first...we will vote on if there should be a bigger price for players drafted later or not...keepers can be kept for a total of 3 years (four years on ur roster)...we will vote on what to do with free agents...we will be doing head to head with a extra game each week against the league median to create league balance and make sure good teams get rewarded since this is a big money league. playoff format will be voted on. all money kept on league safe obviously. we will also vote on payouts...6 teams will make the playoffs...at least 3 places will get paid out. wont be drafting till august to avoid injuries...if u are interested and have questions leave it here with ur email and i will respond quickly...