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2020 Democratic Presidential Straw Poll April 2019 (1 Viewer)


  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


We've done a few of these already, including one last month.  I think there has been considerable change since then so it might be fun to get another snapshot.  

I left some people out so I could fit everyone within one question.  Those candidates don't seem to popular here so I don't think it will harm things if they fall under "other".

So this pole has been up for about 3 hours and so far I'm the only voter not backing Buttigieg.

I've been telling myself for a while now that I need to learn more about him so I just now went to his campaign website and I can't find anything about where he stands on the issues.

So please, Buttigieg fans, enlighten me.

What do you like about Mayor Pete?

What will his priorities be if elected?

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So this pole has been up for about 3 hours and so far I'm the only voter not backing Buttigieg.

I've been telling myself for a while now that I need to learn more about him so I just now went to his campaign website and I can't find anything about where he stands on the issues.

So please, Buttigieg fans, enlighten me.

What do you like about Mayor Pete?

What will his priorities be if elected?
I'd suggest reading his thread - for more complex reasons.

As for me personally - this is what I wrote in the Race for the White House thread

Keep in mind - this is a poll about who you are voting for today.  I suspect that many people will come to different conclusions over the course of the next 12 months or so.

Wow, quite the jump for Buttigieg in just the past three weeks or so.
I'm on the Mayor Pete bandwagon now after being all-in on Klobuchar early.  My #2 right now is Warren.  She should probably be my #1 based on policy; I've been impressed with what she's doing.  But I can't get over this nagging feeling that she is seen as unlikable in the Hillary vein, and it worries me.  

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Other than being maybe a decade too young, Mayor Pete is basically a dream candidate to face Trump.  Military experience, very smart, genuine Midwestern appeal rather than pandering to xenophobes, has government and executive experience but can still be considered a political outsider ... there's a lot to like there.  He also is articulating the inherent problems with our current structure that conspire to keep Dems out of power even when they have the majority, which is very nice to hear and could rally angry Dems like me who think this is an under-reported story.

And it comes with the added bonus of reminding people that Mike Pence has been a horrifying old school bigot for decades, as has most of the Republican party. His bigoted past isn't like Trump's, where there's just enough cover that someone can remain in denial about it if they really really want.  His bigotry is open and well-documented to the point that he used to campaign on it.  And Trump endorsed that bigotry by making Pence his VP. His presence in the race would put the GOP on the defensive on bigotry (both homophobia and more broadly), which you know would absolutely infuriate them, while allowing him and other Dems to focus on the issues that actually matter to the voters.

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I'm on the Mayor Pete bandwagon now after being all-in on Klobuchar early.  My #2 right now is Warren.  She should probably be my #1 based on policy; I've been impressed with what she's doing.  But I can't get over this nagging feeling that she is seen as unlikable in the Hillary vein, and it worries me.  
This is pretty much identical to where I was/am. I wanted to vote Warren but same worry. I was really impressed with Klobuchar during the Kavanaugh hearings so was a bit smitten initially. I honestly don’t know enough yet about anyone to feel confident. I’m paying attention to Mayor Pete now and he was my #1 match on some political test!

And it comes with the added bonus of reminding people that Mike Pence has been a horrifying old school bigot for decades, as has most of the Republican party. His bigoted past isn't like Trump's, where there's just enough cover that someone can remain in denial about it if they really really want.  His bigotry is open and well-documented to the point that he used to campaign on it.  And Trump endorsed that bigotry by making Pence his VP. His presence in the race would put the GOP on the defensive on bigotry (both homophobia and more broadly), which you know would absolutely infuriate them, while allowing him and other Dems to focus on the issues that actually matter to the voters.
I'd like Pete to win but if he ended up as the VP candidate, that VP debate would sure be interesting.

I'm on the Mayor Pete bandwagon now after being all-in on Klobuchar early.  My #2 right now is Warren.  She should probably be my #1 based on policy; I've been impressed with what she's doing.  But I can't get over this nagging feeling that she is seen as unlikable in the Hillary vein, and it worries me.  
I think Warren would be the easiest to beat for Trump. Northeastern liberal which riles up conservatives for whatever reason, he's got his catchphrase for her that his fans love, she has been running forever it seems. Not sure what it is but likability is a real issue she has. Have heard this mentioned way too much for it not to be a thing.

She is good on so many issues though so perhaps she can catch fire after some debates or some issue could resonate.

I don't really get the backlash against Beto.
What do you see as the "backlash"?

I think its still early days - and people have different favorites right now.  I don't think anyone is really settled on their candidate - its just who made a good first impression really.

What do you see as the "backlash"?

I think its still early days - and people have different favorites right now.  I don't think anyone is really settled on their candidate - its just who made a good first impression really.

I admit I may be over stating it. It just seems like there is a lot of negative talk thrown around on this board about him. 

But I don't want to go all jonmx.  I'm probably being overly sensitive. I'm a fan who donated/volunteered for his Senate campaign here. So I'm already in.

I like Mayor Pete too. And Booker.

Voted Yang because you don't have the best candidate listed (Tim Ryan). Yang wants to give  me the same amount of $ as the deadbeats so that's getting my vote. Since you guys will end up nominating a loser, I'll actually vote for Trump. It's hilarious that the worst candidates are getting the most votes.

Still like Klobuchar

Some of you have really short attention spans.

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I like what I have heard from mayor Pete. However, I don't think this country is ready to elect a gay man President 

So this pole has been up for about 3 hours and so far I'm the only voter not backing Buttigieg.

I've been telling myself for a while now that I need to learn more about him so I just now went to his campaign website and I can't find anything about where he stands on the issues.

So please, Buttigieg fans, enlighten me.

What do you like about Mayor Pete?

What will his priorities be if elected?
I need to research him more but his mopping the floor with Pence schtick is pretty awesome.

Fortunately that is not true.

Several of the Dem candidates would beat Trump.  And, more importantly, Trump will beat Trump.
We agree to disagree on this one I hear everyday from older traditional dem’s that the will stay home if the Dems nominate a socialist or other candidate that doesn’t represent their values.  Trumps base is a solid 40 to 42 percent base, doesn’t need a lot of help to win.  Biden is the safest bet the Dems have.

We agree to disagree on this one I hear everyday from older traditional dem’s that the will stay home if the Dems nominate a socialist or other candidate that doesn’t represent their values.  Trumps base is a solid 40 to 42 percent base, doesn’t need a lot of help to win.  Biden is the safest bet the Dems have.
These people have already decided that only Biden represents their values?

We agree to disagree on this one I hear everyday from older traditional dem’s that the will stay home if the Dems nominate a socialist or other candidate that doesn’t represent their values.  Trumps base is a solid 40 to 42 percent base, doesn’t need a lot of help to win.  Biden is the safest bet the Dems have.
It’s an interesting choice.  I think you’re right that some older, more conservative Democrats and some independents will be turned off by a candidate preaching to the more liberal side of the party.  On the flip side, someone like Biden may not motivate the urban youth and other liberals to come out and vote.  There are pitfalls either way.

I think a candidate who could appeal to both sides reasonably well is best for their chances. Obama was good at this. People came out to vote for him.

It’s so early in the process it’s hard to know how this might play out and how some of these candidates will be viewed in time.

I also think Trump is more vulnerable than many of his supporters think.  He barely beat an incredibly weak candidate in Hillary and there are a lot of liberals who will be more motivated to vote against Trump than for the Democratic candidate.


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