Experienced commish with 10+ years experience of running leagues is looking to fill a few open spots for 12 team leagues. Leagues are on Yahoo and fees are held in Leaguesafe. If you're interested in any of the following leagues, reach out on here with your email and which league(s) you're interested in, and I can send you the link to review league settings and payout structure. The ones that are snake drafts are Kentucky Derby draft order selection with 3rd round reversal.
8/31, 7:30pm CST: $750 Superflex Snake Draft (1 opening)
8/31, 10pm CST: $1K Snake Draft (1 openings)
9/5, 5:30pm CST: $750 Superflex Auction (1 opening)
8/31, 7:30pm CST: $750 Superflex Snake Draft (1 opening)
8/31, 10pm CST: $1K Snake Draft (1 openings)
9/5, 5:30pm CST: $750 Superflex Auction (1 opening)