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Addicts Orphaned Dynasty & Salary Cap Teams Available (1 Viewer)


Now that league dues are past, here are the teams that need new loving owners. Highlights of each team are below.

Dynasty 4 $50

Team 4A - Ben R, Sproles, Ingram, Mendenhall, Blackmon, Antonio Brown, James Jones, 1.01 rookie draft slot.

Salary Cap Dynasty 2 $100 - Note this league has only 1 mandatory RB and 2 flex positions

For these 3 teams, I am looking for 3 owners to do a dispersal draft on these 3 teams players and draft picks.

Team SC2A -Flacco, Gore, Fred Jackson, Sproles, Vincent Jackson, Tony Gonzalez, Brandon Myers

Team SC2B - Philip Rivers, Jamaal Charles, Ryan Williams, Randall Cobb, DeSean Jackson, Andre Johnson, James Jones, Fred Davis and 1.04 rookie draft slot

Team SC2C - Ben R, Russell Wilson, Arian Foster, Willis McGahee, Kenny Britt, Percy Harvin, Calvin Johnson, Aaron Hernandez, Dennis Pitta and 1.06 rookie draft slot

The price for each team will be the league dues PLUS the deposit($25 for $100 league and $20 for the $50 leageue) for the 2013 season.

Teams will be sold on a first come first serve so REPLY to this message board thread so I have a time stamp of your request. Or you can contact me at dluvlkn@yahoo.com or IM me here for additional information.

Price for each team "MAY" be negotiable.


The price for each team will be the league dues PLUS the deposit($25 for $100 league and $20 for the $50 leageue) for the 2013 season.
So what happened to the deposit from the last owners?

Correct, if the team is sold for full price, then the deposit is returned to the previous owner, otherwise, the deposit is used to help with recruiting a new owner.

Dropping the price on Team 4A to $50 flat...any one interested?

Dropping the price o teams SC2A, SC2B and SC2C to $100 flat. Anyone??? Will it help if you are able to take 1 of those teams instead of having a dispersal draft of those 3 teams?

Team 4A sold...

Need 1 more owner in the Salary cap league to do a dispersal draft of the 3 open teams...anyone? Price will be $100 flat ($25 will be used from the prior owner).



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