Geez, how many LBs are drafted in your league? I can't believe that all of them don't have a home and not starting. Pierce is good, periodN Barnett is good, periodFletcher's value has increased due to Spikes being out for the yearBrooking's value has increased due to Hartwell being out for the year and possible move from WLB to MLB. O Thurman would make my list if dynasty, but if he's available, I am assuming it's redraft.I am not sure in which order I would value Pierce Barnett Fletch Brooking, but all 4 will be very valuable. I probably would have a small preference for Barnett, mostly because he was the highest of the 4 in my preseason list and Fletch/Brooking's increase in value is probably not enough to pass him. Pierce has played above expectations so far, but probably not enough to pass Barnett in my book. It's very close however, and both helix and pretender have Pierce in front of Barnett and I don't think that's crazy.