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Building the Perfect Fantasy Football League - Part 4 (1 Viewer)

How should field goals be scored?

  • All field goals = 3 points

    Votes: 13 21.0%
  • Decimaled scoring for FG distance. Every .1 point for each yard, no minimum

    Votes: 9 14.5%
  • Decimaled scoring for FG distance. Every .1 point for each yard, with a minimum of 3 points

    Votes: 40 64.5%

  • Total voters

Keith R

The Don
This is the latest in a series I will conduct in order to determine the "perfect" FFL experience. The results early polls will help guide future polls. Please vote as to how your perfect league would look.

Also feel free to post suggestions for future poll questions. (It is obvious what some of the future questions will be but there may be other issues that should be noted).

Based on the results of the Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 threads, (which can be found at http://forums.footba...1#entry15559548 , http://forums.footba...1632&p=15579582 and http://forums.footballguys.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=681769 ), our perfect fantasy football league boasts the following;

12 FFL teams

PPR Scoring

Team Defenses / Special Teams


Head-to-head format

Decimal scoring

Multiple flex positions

1 starting QB

Required Starters - 2 RBs, 2 WRs, 1 TE

6 teams make the playoffs

You may wish to keep those parameters in mind when voting.

Please note the FG option has been edited.

ETA - Now that voting has ended, you can find the new poll at http://forums.footballguys.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=682025&st=

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I don't understand the kicking option. We chose decimal scoring, so why is it not one of your kicking scoring options?

The best method IMO is 1-30 yards = 3 points, then use decimal scoring after that. So a 44 yarder is 4.4 points, 52 is 5.2 points, etc.

I think i understand why you're doing it this way but so many things are dependent on others. For example I would take 4 divisions in larger leagues but no more than 3 in 12 team leagues.

I don't understand the kicking option. We chose decimal scoring, so why is it not one of your kicking scoring options?

The best method IMO is 1-30 yards = 3 points, then use decimal scoring after that. So a 44 yarder is 4.4 points, 52 is 5.2 points, etc.
Keith? No answer to this??

Agree on the kicker comments. If you're going decimal scoring, just score every made FG to be worth 0.1 points per yard, even on short kicks. A 22-yard FG is only worth 2.2 points. If a guy kicks a 59-yarder, he gets 5.9 points.

We also penalize for missed kicks, going backward from 50 yards. FG misses from 50+ are not penalized, but you lose 0.1 points per yard going backward from 50. If a kicker misses a 35-yarder, he loses 1.5 points.

A great game by a kicker should be recognized as such. If you just score every FG as 3 points, you won't get the distinction between a kicker that made a couple of chip shots and a kicker who made a few long bombs.

We also use three divisions, which works really well for scheduling (play divisional opponents twice, and every other team once).

I don't understand the kicking option. We chose decimal scoring, so why is it not one of your kicking scoring options?

The best method IMO is 1-30 yards = 3 points, then use decimal scoring after that. So a 44 yarder is 4.4 points, 52 is 5.2 points, etc.
Great point. Will edit.

The 2nd question is dependent on the the 1st question

Should all flex positions be able to be filled by any combination of RBs, WRs, and TEs?- I like 3-4 flex options but no more than 3 TEs or RB as starters but as many as 5 WRs

IMO the FFPC addresses this well.

RB 2. WR 2. TE 1 + 2 flex gives starting lineup options


2. 2. 3

3. 3. 1

4. 2. 1

3. 2. 2

2. 4. 1

2. 3. 2

Lots of variety.....

Voting on these issues is complete. Unfortunately, due to me not timely catching the FG issue timely, I will have to have a revote on it.

Thanks for voting and discussion.


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