Original post mentioned two offers from this guyCaddy/DJ or LehmanJJArrington/2.04/2.06orCaddyJJArrington/2.04His 2.04 is up and it is likely to go LB/LB/LB for the next three picks because he needs help at LB and the guy at 2.05 does as well. I have 3.02 but I am not sure who will fall to me there.This is 12 team dynasty and LB really makes me nervous. Starting requirementsDLx2 LBx2 DBx2 and 2 Flex (most go with 4LB/2DB but sometimes 3/3)LBN.Barnett/V.Hobson/D.Thornton/C.June/D.Williams/T.Lehman/D.Pope/P.Tinoisamo//J.Foreman/N.DiggsRBT.Barber/C.Portis/D.Rhodes/J.Wells/J.Chatman/C.Cobbs/C.Buckhalter/M.MooreShould I cut bait with DJ since he is going to be a SSB and try to get both the 2.04 and 2.06 or do I just go with option b and get DJohnson or do I just hold tight with caddy and hope DJ pans out.Thanks again