It has reached a threshold now where the Democrats will be punished at the mid-terms in allowing the price of Gasoline to reach over 4 dollars a gallon nationally. We have the ability to put a dent in the price of gasoline by increasing production domestically. Instead Congress and the POTUS would rather do busines with Saudi Arabia, Iran or Venenzuela to make up for the lost crude Russia supplies us. All 3 are a non-starter for me. Secondly every barrel of crude we extract domesitcally has less of an environmental impact than any of the other producers I mentioned above. We need to put the environmental impact aside for good. Think of the world as a swimming pool and we are all consuming the same water now I cut my pollutants by 40% but India, China and Russia are still polluting at same or higher levels. Heck what impact has the US really made. We need to pump oil out of our ground wherever it is possible with the same regard to the environment as China India, and Russia. In the end we will still do a more environmentally better job because we are better than those nations.