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Derrick Mason - Questionable - Late Game (1 Viewer)

Andy Hicks

If you're playing for something today and don't see a player listed, start a thread and I'll pin if appropriate

Speculation in today's Baltimore Sun is that, if Buffalo beats NE, Mason may not play. Don't expect a ton of news on this leading up to game time, as Harbaugh typically plays this kind of stuff close to the vest. But I can't imagine Mason playing if the Ravens have clinched by 4:15.

Speculation in today's Baltimore Sun is that, if Buffalo beats NE, Mason may not play. Don't expect a ton of news on this leading up to game time, as Harbaugh typically plays this kind of stuff close to the vest. But I can't imagine Mason playing if the Ravens have clinched by 4:15.
:football: Plus it is very windy (but not Buffalo-like) in Maryland today.

Mason is a very risky start.


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