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Dynasty IDP (1 Viewer)


Right now I play 2 LB and 2 DL in a Dynasty league where we keep 10 players plus kicker...I have:K. BullockB. UrlacherD. JohnsonC. GrantK. WilliamsT. SuggsJ. AbrahamI was thinking of keeping all 3 LB's...As for DL, it's hard to say...Williams had a bad year, but played well this past week and may bounce back next season. Same story with Grant although he has had a few decent games this year. Suggs is mr. potential and entering his 4th season and is becoming an animal. Abraham is always solid as well...Looking over stats avg for last 3 years, here's what it looks like:Williams is 2nd behind J. Taylor with 236 pts/seasonGrant is 4th with 220Suggs is 11 with 202 Abraham is lower with 189Here's my scoring:tackle 2pts +5 bonus for every 3 tkATK 1ptsack-4 pts plus bonus 10 for every 3 sacksFR and INT 5 ptsThanks for the help

How large are your rosters in this keeper league? I'm not calling it dynasty, because you've got some significant throwback - and when you say dynasty, I think "keep 'em all" or close to it.How may spots on offense, as well.

How large are your rosters in this keeper league? I'm not calling it dynasty, because you've got some significant throwback - and when you say dynasty, I think "keep 'em all" or close to it.

How may spots on offense, as well.
We get 10 roster spots total including offense plus 1 kicker. Right now here's who Im keeping on offense:C palmer

W. Dunn

R. Moss

W. Parker

TJ Housh

D. Driver (maybe)

rosters are 20 players total

thanks for replying

I'd lean towards keeping Kevin Williams (proven stud despite "off" year this year) and Terrell Suggs who should continue to improve.

I would keep KWilliams and your linebackers. I would also try to trade off Grant and Suggs for draft picks. Might as well try to get something for them.

I'd keep Grant and your LB's.Even though Grant is having a "down year" from a sack perspective, he is still averaging nearly 4 tackles/game. More importantly...with Darren Howard gone next year, Grant will no longer be in a rotation (with W Smith and Howard) and should see increased productivity.Your three LB's are monsters. They are "undroppable".

Ithink we've got consensus on the 3 LB's plus 5 offense guys. That leaves you with:DriverSuggsAbrahamWilliamsGrantfor 2 spots. 1 DL is alock, but do you want to keep a 2nd over Driver?I'd throw Abraham back in your scoring system for sure, and I lean towards Suggs as the best DL for you to keep.


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